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Powerful bomb thrown into Chao Phraya river beneath Taksin bridge


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As I mentioned in another forum a few days ago ....Short the Yuan and the Thai Baht currency wars have started and by war I mean anything goes as these greedy player will resort to anything they can to destabilize the Thai Baht and make a killing.

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

Wow! I now feel so much safer knowing that the bombs are not connected and just coincidence that a number of nut jobs who don't know each other are all having a bad couple of days.

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I made a lot of waterbombs when i was young (Not in Thailand)

Am i the only one who think the Taksin bridge waterbooms was just teenagers having fun on the wrong day ?

But did your "water bombs" shoot water 30 feet into the air and contain pellets designed to injure or kill people?

So, in answer to your question, yes, you are the only one who thinks that.

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This post is directed to TAT.

I arrived in Wuhan yesterday for this weeks work and we had the event at the Shrine. Everyone here in China hopes he gets want is coming to him, or preferably worse. This "bombing" we hope is disposal of unused ordinance because he thankfully could not place it elsewhere. May he rot in hell.

The worrying thing is that the Chinese here are now planning to go elsewhere for their holidays Many in my factory said for the first time yesterday that they know we ( the Thais, I am farang !! ) hate them coming and this is our way of telling them to get lost.

Now I know this will bring a big cheer from most at home, but there are serious numbers planning to go to Lao, Cambodia and even Vietnam and Philippines instead of here. Yes the old ghost of tourist numbers is rattling its chains.

Tourism is 10% of GDP. It is the one thing we love to shout about more than others. Put some serious thought into the response. Not just we talked to 3 people on Sikhumvit and they won't t change their holiday plans.

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As I mentioned in another forum a few days ago ....Short the Yuan and the Thai Baht currency wars have started and by war I mean anything goes as these greedy player will resort to anything they can to destabilize the Thai Baht and make a killing.

Speculation (not based on facts) about currency speculation?

It's turtles all the way down...

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Once again it's the time of year when shit happens in Thailand which will ultimately effect tourism for the coming high season…. AGAIN. Why is it always this time of year when the <deleted> idiots come out of their caves?

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When you don't allow people a valid space to "voice" discontents and grievances, they do so anyway but in a manner that is unacceptable!

Nice one so true but who's quote was it?

Other than the fact that to a large extent we are somewhat all the sum of "conditioning" and other's quotes.... I am unaware of anyone that originated the quote before me.... although I doubt there were not many! Cheers!

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I see the army is now doing massive checks on all vehicles in Kut Chap, Udon Thani, fully armed and equipped with mirrors to check under cars for bombs. Are they doing this nationwide now? (I just came back)

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after the 2nd world wars.... some intelectuel people, predict, said that the next wars in the future will be religion wars...and it unfortunetly today looks like it, all over the planet.

the integrisme, the jihadism principally with all those fanatics are going to make us mad.

like carl marx said: religion is the opium of the people.

to stop this we have to scheck what all these human crasy preachers, in their privat "sacred" temple says to the mass and we will have to make responsible all government or privat people who permit that kind of death propaganda.

we also have to educate our children at school and to explain the religions in general to make them understand them to avoid some stupid use that for their criminal ideas.


Bit late me thinks!!

nothing is too late ...many governments allready knows that they have to put the tools to make it possible....against terrorism who is a very special thing, you rarely see the oponent so the tactic has to be diferent, and education will surely help the society

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This is so sad for Thailand and the PM must be furious. There has to be a huge Army presence in Babgkok and fully armed to give assurances to the people and tourists. Not the police because if you fully arm them they are not trained like the army there will be fear that they will just fire and ask questions later like the USA Police. But I am sure our PM knows this.

Thailand has to start looking at Muslim COUNTRYS like Pakistan and the IS. I am sure the South Thailand Muslims are not involved. It is hard to imagine it is political as there would be no gain to this. The PM will have full backing from the military as he is greatly respected by most THAIS and Falangs living here.

Go for it Mr Prime Minister you can do it and do not turn your nose up to international help. It cannot do harm except for the typical Thai loosing face attitude.


Or just your uninformed/ill informed/not informed at all [my vote goes to number 3] opinion.

There is enough pain and misery surrounding these appalling attacks without wild speculation based on nothing.

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Anybody hear about the bomb at the ferry terminal in Nathon, Koh Samui??coffee1.gif

What bomb?

I understand this is off topic, but it might be related. My GF, who is currently in Thung Song, Nakhon si Thammarat, just called me and told me to stay away from crowds on Koh Samui, where I live, because she just saw on the Thai news that a bomb went off this afternoon or evening at the Nathon ferry pier. She didn't say whether it was Seatran or the high speed ferry. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard anything. The GF is not always a clear communicator. coffee1.gif

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after the 2nd world wars.... some intelectuel people, predict, said that the next wars in the future will be religion wars...and it unfortunetly today looks like it, all over the planet.

the integrisme, the jihadism principally with all those fanatics are going to make us mad.

like carl marx said: religion is the opium of the people.

to stop this we have to scheck what all these human crasy preachers, in their privat "sacred" temple says to the mass and we will have to make responsible all government or privat people who permit that kind of death propaganda.

we also have to educate our children at school and to explain the religions in general to make them understand them to avoid some stupid use that for their criminal ideas.


Bit late me thinks!!

nothing is too late ...many governments allready knows that they have to put the tools to make it possible....against terrorism who is a very special thing, you rarely see the oponent so the tactic has to be diferent, and education will surely help the society

Some intellectual people?

Were they by any chance referring to WARS of the past also?

How about, the simple fact that war is inevitable due to the participants and those who would influence them, by any means possible.

Like your theory, for example, of going to war against a Religion, to prevent a war.......???!!!!

There is still no firm evidence to associate this incident with any Religious group but yet we should go to war with those who do not believe 'your' line of thought.

You sound a little like those priests in their small temples, just preaching the end of the world!

Edited by coulson
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What the heck is going on? This cannot be a Thai person or group doing this! I say extremist Muslims. They love killing innocents and installing fear. I suspect the civil war in the south has caught the eye of an ISIS inspired group or lone wolf.

Edited by AZBill
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Man alive, between them dancing soldiers and bike rides and stuff, one would've thought happiness had been brought back to all concerned. But clearly some jokers never got the memo. Junta needs to do more. First up General PC needs to lighten up a bit on TV. He always looks like he just ate some bad prawn curry. Lighten up man. Tell a few jokes. Like this. "Hey, Thai people, heard this one? A junta, a purty politician, and a tycoon walk into a bar ..."

There you go. Keep the folks in stitches. Ain't nobody going to be throwing no more bombs in that case. They'll be laughing their head off instead of blowing them off other folks. Give it a shot.

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

For the love of God, I have tried hard to not respond to the two days of the Thai Visa Psychic Forensic unit GUESSING out their butt hole what is going on , but in this case, I have reached the end of my tether.

How could you possibly write something so profoundly stupid at a time like this when we come here to get NEWS that MATTERS?

how could you possibly reach this conclusion.

Tell me where you are, i will buy you a bottle of whatever you are drinking, if it will shut your pie hole for the afternoon.

My wife drives across that bridge every evening on the way home .. now could you kindly clear the way so the adults can share information and get on with the serious business of protecting our families?

I need to determine if she needs to use the other bridges.

Thank you in advance... for shutting up for a moment while others look for VALUABLE INFORMATION from our Expat peers.

I agree with you in that the butt holes who spend endless hours writing up their fantasies of conjecture add nothing to the discussion but their own warped views of who is behind these explosions without any knowledge whatsoever of the facts. However, if you have come to the TV forum for facts, it is probably the wrong place. Whatever facts you might find here are in the OP's based on newspaper articles not from the posters. The posts really are for entertainment value and that only goes to show how screwed up people really are, myself included for wasting time reading such nonsense. Eight pages of posts and learned nothing.

Edited by Trouble
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Anybody hear about the bomb at the ferry terminal in Nathon, Koh Samui??coffee1.gif

What bomb?

I understand this is off topic, but it might be related. My GF, who is currently in Thung Song, Nakhon si Thammarat, just called me and told me to stay away from crowds on Koh Samui, where I live, because she just saw on the Thai news that a bomb went off this afternoon or evening at the Nathon ferry pier. She didn't say whether it was Seatran or the high speed ferry. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard anything. The GF is not always a clear communicator. coffee1.gif

Don't get me wrong, but maybe you should suggest her to visit specsavers or whatever is the Thai equivalent. People are seeing things these days. Hence the Sathorn Pier transforms into the Nathon ferry pier.

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What the heck is going on? This cannot be a Thai person or group doing this! I say extremist Muslims. They love killing innocents and installing fear. I suspect the civil war in the south has caught the eye of an ISIS inspired group or lone wolf.

Bill, it wouldn't be the first time you got on the 'Muslims - hang em high brigade' as soon as there is a sniff of the word 'terror'.

Then again, I wouldn't blame you if you were getting your news from FOX.

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Posts making blanket slurs against whole religions/nationalities have been removed.

It is not yet known who did this (the certainties voiced by some posters notwithstanding).

However, even once it is known, it will have been a specific person/persons who did this and not all members of whatever racial/national;/religious group the perpetrator(s) turns out to be from.

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Man alive, between them dancing soldiers and bike rides and stuff, one would've thought happiness had been brought back to all concerned. But clearly some jokers never got the memo. Junta needs to do more. First up General PC needs to lighten up a bit on TV. He always looks like he just ate some bad prawn curry. Lighten up man. Tell a few jokes. Like this. "Hey, Thai people, heard this one? A junta, a purty politician, and a tycoon walk into a bar ..."

There you go. Keep the folks in stitches. Ain't nobody going to be throwing no more bombs in that case. They'll be laughing their head off instead of blowing them off other folks. Give it a shot.

Yes yes!!

I was just thinking about how good it was to see so many people wearing the blue t-shirts on bike for mum day.. No divisions of red and yellow all joined together wearing blue. This was a well timed and well planned explosion aimed at injecting a big dose of reality into anyone who might have forgotten what side they were on and why the military is still needed to run the country. I think many will agree with this as I think it is an obvious conclusion. thumbsup.gif

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What the heck is going on? This cannot be a Thai person or group doing this! I say extremist Muslims. They love killing innocents and installing fear. I suspect the civil war in the south has caught the eye of an ISIS inspired group or lone wolf.

Bill, it wouldn't be the first time you got on the 'Muslims - hang em high brigade' as soon as there is a sniff of the word 'terror'.

Then again, I wouldn't blame you if you were getting your news from FOX.

In another era the likes Bill would be seeing pinko commies behind every plant pot as well,

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Is it a new way of fishing? Many large catsfish down there.

Rather an old way Fred. Drop a quarter or half stick of "powder" in the water and "whump", wait a half minute and stunned and dead fish float up to the surface.

A couple of observation/opinions .... claims of a firework producing similar results are, IMO, extremely unlikely. The description of the "pellets" ejected are consistent with either a fragmentation grenade or a pipe bomb. Either case, the device would have sunk rapidly on striking the water. An M80, cherry bomb. what have you are relatively light, and would have detonated very near the surface, throwing a small volume of water skywards, perhaps ten or fifteen feet. Enough to delight a small boy, but nothing like the display in this instance. A bomb detonating at depth to throw water to that height would have been fairly powerful because water is heavy, and it would have to move a considerable mass of it.

This is based on experience as a kid, when it was still possible to buy a case of dynamite. My dad had been a hard rock miner in Bisbee, AZ, before joining the Marines in WWII, and knew what to do with it.... including using it to clear the weeds from a eutrophagous pond at our farm, My demolitions trrainig, albeit brief, in the Army OCS also informs my opinion. I am no expert to be sure, but I would say a knowledgeable amateur... who does not enjoy messing about once in awhile with det cord and C4? tongue.png

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What the heck is going on? This cannot be a Thai person or group doing this! I say extremist Muslims. They love killing innocents and installing fear. I suspect the civil war in the south has caught the eye of an ISIS inspired group or lone wolf.

Bill, it wouldn't be the first time you got on the 'Muslims - hang em high brigade' as soon as there is a sniff of the word 'terror'.

Then again, I wouldn't blame you if you were getting your news from FOX.

In another era the likes Bill would be seeing pinko commies behind every plant pot as well,

...or pot plant.

Yes, it sounds like a typical AZ anti Muslim position, and I say that as a Bill in AZ. blink.png

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Well the red shirts did say they would plant 100 bombs in Bangkok.

98 to go.

Lets hope peace and stability is restored again and swift arrests are made of those that want to see this govt fail before more innocent life's are lost.

It was only a matter of time before the fanatics came back out.

You are a fanatic in 99% of your posts, is it that you wanted to point out.....?

So he points out a report from a few months ago about a group planning to let off 100 bombs at various targets in Bangkok and that there might be a connection with the Erawan bombing and the Saphan Taksin bombing.

In your mind that makes him a fanatic?

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