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Who would want to attack a shrine in Bangkok?


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Now wholly in belief of what the red shirt activists were all about, there is no doubt in my mind that they are not responsible for such attacks c'mon it's about religion not politics.

Get a grip of yourself.... Where did the explosion occur ? Right where the Red Shirts had their stage during the protests of 2010. And the day after "cycle for Mom" . Opposite the Wat where Red Shirt protesters were shot and killed... Red Shirts are still in prison, forgotten by Mr Thaksin, forgotten by PTP, forgotten by all..... NOT Forgotten now....

It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out.. wai2.gif Oh, I do not believe in coincidences.. they are for story books...


so now I know to automatically discount any further "analysis" from Bakseeda....

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Anyone blaming the reds for this should resign from this forum in disgrace once proved wrong.

I was speculating that it is the Turks. If proved wrong, I promise to resign from TurkVisa forum.

Actually I am revising my opinion. Seems most likely that it is some Islam-affiliated cell who are spreading international jihad and Thailand has become a target because, due to the treatment of the Uigurs and the repression of the Muslims in the south, it is Thailand's turn. Just a dismal extension of what has happened recently in Boston, Paris and elsewhere.

And if it turns out not to be Islam / Uigers related do you promise to leave TV in disgrace never to return ?

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Anyone blaming the reds for this should resign from this forum in disgrace once proved wrong.

I was speculating that it is the Turks. If proved wrong, I promise to resign from TurkVisa forum.

Actually I am revising my opinion. Seems most likely that it is some Islam-affiliated cell who are spreading international jihad and Thailand has become a target because, due to the treatment of the Uigurs and the repression of the Muslims in the south, it is Thailand's turn. Just a dismal extension of what has happened recently in Boston, Paris and elsewhere.

More wild assumptions.

Just get him to promise he will leave TV forever in disgrace if he is wrong

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A lot of arguments for several different groups, but I am leaning towards a self radicalized person, just like in Boston, Oklahoma, etc., rather than an actual group.
He (or she) might be influenced from recent years' events, and it could even be a mix of several things, but likely the person has been isolating himself more and more from society only to fuel the radicalization and belief in own ideas - a sociopath in the making. It is not necessarily religious ideas, but could easily also be anarchist ideas.

This isolation slowly turns into hatred towards Thailand and Thais and the happy event on Sunday might have triggered the "revenge" - he wanted to teach them a lesson and change society. The shrine might not have been the first target but perhaps easier than the malls nearby.

If the theory is correct he might be able to just disappear without leaving much clues (unless someone is able to name him from the photos circulating) - Ted Kaczynski could perhaps be an example of a self radicalizing profile and how long time this investigation could take.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Yes, it takes such intricate knowledge of BKK to know the Erawan plaza and the shrine.........

He could of come to Thailand countless times before.......

The other device was a pipe bomb allegedly, i find it difficult to believe it was the same person but possible.

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Well we know that he spoke English to the taxi driver and that he had a shirt that came from Indonesia and that he looks Arab.

We also know that the Thai embassy was attacked in Turkey after Thailand sent a large number of refugees back to China to be tortured and executed despite worldwide condemnation. This led to the Thai Embassy in Turkey being attacked.

So let's see if we can put this together.

Conclusion: All evidence points to Thaksin.


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A lot of arguments for several different groups, but I am leaning towards a self radicalized person, just like in Boston, Oklahoma, etc., rather than an actual group.

He (or she) might be influenced from recent years' events, and it could even be a mix of several things, but likely the person has been isolating himself more and more from society only to fuel the radicalization and belief in own ideas - a sociopath in the making. It is not necessarily religious ideas, but could easily also be anarchist ideas.

This isolation slowly turns into hatred towards Thailand and Thais and the happy event on Sunday might have triggered the "revenge" - he wanted to teach them a lesson and change society. The shrine might not have been the first target but perhaps easier than the malls nearby.

If the theory is correct he might be able to just disappear without leaving much clues (unless someone is able to name him from the photos circulating) - Ted Kaczynski could perhaps be an example of a self radicalizing profile and how long time this investigation could take.

This a very likely scenario, an individual or small group. It doesn't have to be directly connected to any known figures or past agitators, but the environment created in the past years is a breeding ground for this sort of actions.

When society becomes accustomed to deviant beheaviour like the dozens of bomb attacks throughout Bangkok (to say nothing of the South) then it becomes easier for people to become radicalized, specially when more often than not those responsible get away with it.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If you're applying Occam's razor, you need to apply all the obvious facts, one of which is that there's no precedent for Thais to do this kind of thing to each other, and another is that Thais are highly spiritual and would never in any case target a shrine.

Apply some sociology. Internal political bickering hardly accounts for this kind of extreme barbarity. This is an act of an enemy of Thailand.

Uigurs certainly have a grievance, and also the Turks, who have been standing up for the Uigurs and who showed aggression towards Thailand a few months ago. The Turks also suffered a terrible bombing in their own country, which could desensitize them to committing a similar atrocity, and which atrocity they may be likely to emulate in order to assert themselves.

Of course, it may simply be a lone wolf sociopath (cf Columbine shooting). In which case all theories fly out the window.

Chambers is way off base. He completely ignores that we have two bombings, and both targeted ethnic-Chinese tourists. Look at the injury list from the Erawan bombing for the proof. Only a Uighur terrorist would have targeted Chinese tourists. Also, the backpack man is probably not a Thai, and does appear to be southern or western Asian. But, why would you expect proper analysis from a falang from Oklahoma playing professor in Chiang Mai? Please "Ajarn Paul", give me a break.

No they haven't targeted ethnic Chinese, they have targeted predominantly tourist areas which just happens to have had numbers of Chinese tourists - all the bombs targeted were human beings

The injury list proves nothing given 1 Chinese tourists typically travel in large groups where other foreigners don't therefore in a tourist area where there are Chinese about one would expect there to be more of them per nationality

Where is the proof backpack man is not Thai, never mind he is a Uiger ?

Your logic is flawed and grabbing at straws

your " facts " prove nothing

Where is your proof it's the red shirts under Thaksins orders?


Where is your proof he didn't ? And I have made no reference to Thaksin in this response so your off topic anyway so please stop with your red apologist propaganda

What a load of cobblers ever since yesterday you've been intimating this is a red shirt attack, as for being a red shirt apologist wrong again, I have zero tolerance for red shirt policies or wannabe Thais like yourself with yellow tinted glasses.

You need to go back and troll through the majority of your posts today and yesterday with regards to this horrendous incident and your finger pointing is there for all to see.

As for the Arab connection, that came from the Junta and witnesses themselves but you are eh ultimate Sherlock Holmes, and have it all figured out though, maybe you need to go to the main police HQ in Bangkok and submit your evidence that it was the red shirts and proof it was done at Thaksins request!!!

But you won't as your baiting and trolling big time and you seem to be getting away with it too!! .

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

You have a very good point, specially both the military and police have access to TNT.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

You have a very good point, specially both the military and police have access to TNT.

Its possible, but i would like to think that an act this barbaric on innocents would be way beyond the pale of what the powers that be would go to in some kind of internal dispute. Maybe i am being naive, but i would of thought their are easier ways of damaging reputations within the military or police.

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These attacks have "reds" written all over them

interesting theory. i never even contemplated that Man United was involved.

then again, they are more likely to be involved than Issan Thais would be in desecrating a religious site (yes, i know it's Hindu, but Thais don't disrespect like this). i've known a few bad Thais who have very few limits as to what they would do. NONE of them, however, would dare do something like this. murder- maybe. desecrate a religious site, much less one known for 'good luck'- no way. how many 'next lives' would they suffer for that....

Edited by idiot farang
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If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, it's most likely he speaks Thai.

I'm leaning towards the Uighur-deportation motive, myself, irrespective of the nationality of the bomber(s).

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Looks like everyone wants to be proved right so we can say Yay! See that's what I said, remember?

So I might as well join in too since the subject is fitting...

You can all pounce on me fine, but I normally defend private living good law abiding moderate Muslims and hate the extremists like everyone should. But why this shrine site was chosen?

Sure the idea is to obviously maim and kill tourists of any religion, but that also fits with most Muslim beliefs in the despising of worship of (to them) false gods and golden graven images by adherents of any flavor. That of course is derivative of Judaic Christian origins as well and with Jews one cannot even say God's name let alone worship an image. I don't see any reason for Jews to be involved nor Christians who have their own religious imagery.To Muslims however idol worship is very offensive and for instance an artist in Iran is prevented in depicting any living thing only decoration, though someone may correct me on this regarding other more moderate Muslim countries.He might want to impose his hatred on idol worshipers and think he's doing God a favor, cleaning up making his own kind of perverse merit as it were.

Far be it from me to point the finger in ignorance at anyone before any proof and perhaps I shouldn't join in the speculation, but nothing else makes any sense. Even if it is Thai sectarianism I don't think it would be likely for them to profane their own shrine as already posted..I hope I am proved wrong and it's just some independent psychopathic nutjob (other than political or religious in motivation) not that that will fix anything now.

Just saying

Edited by Linzz
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How about this: A psychopath with no concern for the pain of others, no empathy for anyone did this.

Do you mean the same mentality as the Islamic ISIL actions /killings ??

who target anyone who will not conform to their own kind---no matter what religion ??

Has it spread to Thailand ?? to target INFIDELS ?? would not surprise me. extremists from the Muslim south joining the same school.

I wouldnt go as far as comparing our man in Dubai and the red faithful to ISIL, but he is a psychopath and lacking empathy unless it's fake empathy to forward his own agenda

These attacks have "reds" written all over them

That's based on your personal opinion. Grievances are grievances, but pushing someone or a group to blow this up?

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

I wouldn't worry about them finding the bomber and closing the case. That's a must due to its international implications. The problem is will they catch and make a big show of it with the real bomber, or a patsy?
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My first inclination was that the bombing was planned and orchestrated by Thailand's military junta in order to stay in power...forever. Burmese history bears out such a strategy.

The fact that we have mostly Chinese tourists now rather than Westerners, makes it possible the bombing was a responce to the Uighur deportations. Nothing I have seen so far 'disproves' such a connection.

Thailand's human rights record regarding migrants such as Rohingya, Uighurs, and even North Koreans makes us a target.

We need to offer sanctuary to the dispossessed. Are we metta-Buddhists or not? Far better than spending tax baht on submarines.

Edited by facthailand
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Don't know why but..I am inclined to think it's a business dispute.. That's what most ( if not all ) wars are about, IMHO.

People who worship money can do anything, they can be fanatics, exactly like any religious fanatic.

Unfortunately, it seems easy these days to hire nutters to do the dirty job.

I wish the RTP good luck to catch the perps.

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The overwhelmingly likely scenario is that a terrorist network upset with the comments made about muslims and the deportation of muslims to China is behind the attacks. This really isn't that complicated.

No the most likely scenario is the reds kicking off again at the behest of a certain gentlemen who is paying them


It is nice that we got to see who all the logically thinking people on Thai Visa are versus the conspiracy clowns.

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