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Bangkok bomb: The different theories considered, and why they are met with skepticism


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What does the statement that Uighur don't have the ability to carry this out. Didn't anyone notice that the south is a Muslim problem? And that isil doesn't care other than to support Muslim insurgency worldwide. My god, what a truly dumb editorial

It would seem that yours is even dumber though.....just who are ISIL fighting in Syria and Iraq? Muslims.....the south isn't a Muslim problem, it's a separatist movement....the only problem with "muslims" is your own blinkered perception

Right ho. It's not an insurgency it's a separatist movement. Is there a particular difference when people are blowing people up?

Discounting the possibility that an international Muslim arm has either assisted or participated in escalating the south's problems to Bangkok is, well, rather dumb. For years they have been worried that it could happen, but now it has, one must pretend the problem doesn't exist?

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Seems to me that as most of us can't even figure out what our own countries are really up to and why they do what they do, that the chances of readers here solving this current atrocity in Thailand would be zero. We all tend to see there world in our pretermined and faulty paradigm of black and white.

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So many different topics, but thought I'd post again as maybe of interest to TV detectives.

As soon as the image of the alleged bomber was posted online, Internet users didn't take long to zero in on where one could find the shirt the suspect is wearing: an Indonesian clothing shop and corresponding website called Amaranthine Fashion.


This is old news really , it doesnt matter if the shirt is produced in Indonesia , someone on CSI LA already found out you can buy them in Thailand. Or you can buy them online. It doesnt tell us much about the nationality of the suspect.

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BBC team finds shrapnel at Thai shrine blast site

Police are continuing to hunt for those responsible for Monday's deadly bomb blast at a shrine in Bangkok, but it has emerged that in the rush to clean up some evidence has been missed.

The BBC's Jonathan Head was handed ball bearings and shrapnel at the site of the blast that had not been collected by forensic teams.

After this footage was shot the BBC team managed to hand the shrapnel over to the police.


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As I said - none of the 6 theories feels right. Perhaps that weakling just wanted to make headlines and have his face printed on a glossy magazine, being idolized. Have a look at this - it's shocking:

I have to agree to a degree... the looks of the guy on moving video - not the stills taken from it, make him look geeky, gawky, pencil necked. The composite art depicting the Perp's face just does not seem to take this into consideration - what the moving video made him look like. I would hope the artist who drew the composite had benefit of some still photos taken by some tourists' cameras with a greater resolution than the stills taken from the video. If this is not the case -- I just do not agree with the artist's composite drawing as being reflective of what the perp actually looks like.

But from looking at the video, it strikes me that this fellow is not a hard core killer recruited to do the job. But rather he struck me as a disturbed young guy taking revenge for some wrong he thinks was done to him personally. His video image struck me as being a kissing cousin of several of the malcontent mass shooters of late in America. This is geeky, gawky, pencil necked weaklings, lashing out at the innocent to get back at 'the system' for slighting him and causing him some great imagined offense.

Delusional minds do strange things. They can even fantasize about being aligned with one or the other side in the years long internal Thailand political disputes.., thus striking a blow for his side. The 'perp' did not strike me as an Asian of any kind,,, His walking gate - his body language - struck me as a Caucasian and not the face depicted in the composite drawing.

Delusional minds can even make pending expulsion from Thailand for creating problems here as being good reason for striking out as pay backs against what he sees as an unjust system.

Personally (and I will be happy to stand corrected when strong evidence comes to light), I just do not believe a conspiracy will be found. I believe this guy is a loner who has enough talent to create access to bomb materials - assemble a bomb and take his revenge (for whatever insult - affront done to him whether real or imagined) by making it seem it was just another awful event of the national political problems ...

A caucasian i.e. western bomber in Bangkok? That would be unprecedented, in the history of both Thailand and the world at large (excluding lone wolf white bombers in the USA of course, but that's different, we're talking about Thailand here).

I still think it was an Arab, possibly Turkish guy, or someone from the Caucasus (yes, technically all of these are mostly white, but still distinct from most westerners that originate in Europe). But in the end he will be linked to some kind of extremist group (perhaps a new one) or a group with a political agenda of some sort. I just don't see some random "white guy" as being capable of assembling a bomb and killing dozens of people while injuring hundreds in Thailand. In the USA there is precedent (think Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma city FBI building bomber in 1995) but Thailand, a country with only a very tiny number of white people, thousands of km/miles away from where any large numbers of white people reside? Sounds a bit far fetched if you ask me.

If you're thinking he was "getting back at Thailand" for dual pricing, lack of land ownership rights or some other restriction or form of discrimination foreigners are subjected to in Thailand, I would think that this action is WAY out of proportion with that. But speculation is speculation. You have the right to speculate and form your own theories, I just hope you aren't right about this one.

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I just posted this in another thread but The Guardian says that China thinks it was aimed at Chinese tourists. LINK

The CCP is looking for international support in their oppression of the non- Han minorities in their west. No better way to gain that support than to convince the world they're blood thirsty terrorists.

I wouldn't trust a word they publish on the topic.

This requires a correction: I don't trust a word they publish on ANY topic.

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What does the statement that Uighur don't have the ability to carry this out. Didn't anyone notice that the south is a Muslim problem? And that isil doesn't care other than to support Muslim insurgency worldwide. My god, what a truly dumb editorial

Perhaps. But at least Pravit wrote in full sentences and it was possible to understand what he was saying... unlike your post.

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'Many social-media users have cast doubt on this theory, saying this attack is far too cruel and indiscriminate to be carried out by Thais.' Well, some group were responsible, and there is no more reason to dismiss their being Thai than any other nationality.

Although if tens of thousands of your countrymen have been killed and are living in poverty this would provoke extreme fury in some. I e Palestine Afghanistan etc.

Just being frustrated at your nations election process and coups should not provoke the same anger

Too cruel and indiscriminate to be carried out by Thais.....What?

Thai's everyday turn a blind eye to Cruelty. Just look at what the United Nations Human Rights Watch

has been stating lately. How about a 7th Theory?

A Person who's Family or Friend are rotting away in leg irons for a few Facebook or You tube videos.

Maybe it's a person or person's wanting to see change here and perhaps the "Ailing Kingdoms" time has come as it's lost all Honor!

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The clip from the BBC was quite damning about the way the investigation is being handled although Richard Head (as he has been known in the past) has produced many one sided reports previously.

Edited by Valentine
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One should also be concerned about moves to use this as an excuse for further curtailing civil liberties within the country with a political agenda.

See Barack, we are going to have to forget about human rights for awhile since it looks like those fishing crews put out of work by your standards want their jobs back or there will be further bombs.

Don't follow your logic there...

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Was rather shocked to hear the BBC refer to the Thai PM as a "dictator" and infer that the rapid clean up of the site was on his instructions. Maybe should not have been shocked considering Jonathan Heads biased reporting of past events here.

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One theory is missing.......

What theory is that? Really I want to hear it.

Impossible to speak about it on this forum ;

You have a brain ? so think about what you don't want to think about .

Whats my overdue tax bill have to do with this?

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The clip from the BBC was quite damning about the way the investigation is being handled although Richard Head (as he has been known in the past) has produced many one sided reports previously.

Yes indeed.

In his latest report he states that it may be one of two groups : Muslim's from the South or "the work of a Thai group". Ho goes on to describe the Muslims in more detail but never mentions the Thai group or who they might be again. And considering this is the most likely possibility, the omission is astonishing.

Lies by omission are lies just the same. He did exactly the same during the protests. I wish the BBC would replace him with someone who has journalistic ethics and no big chip on his shoulder - although I suspect Asia is a dumping ground for staff they don't want somewhere important.

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Was rather shocked to hear the BBC refer to the Thai PM as a "dictator" and infer that the rapid clean up of the site was on his instructions. Maybe should not have been shocked considering Jonathan Heads biased reporting of past events here.

So, the fact the BBC were able to find evidence a couple of days after the incident tells you that the "Investigation" by the EOD/CS/Forensics teams was thorough ?

Damn right the clean up was ordered urgently, heaven forbid the evidence, tourist numbers are what's keeping the Thai economy afloat if what we're being spoon fed by TAT and the Junta.

Bias he sure is, a knob, he sure is, correct in his observations... yeah you guessed it, sure is.

Why else was the bomb site cleaned up within 12 hours, and the shrine reopened, and the announcements about "domestic terrorists" and tourism all released within 24 hours?

You honestly think the Thai authorities care about the dead? They care more about their beloved tourist numbers and revenue a whole lot more, and that's the saddest part.

How many senior Junta figures have released statements condemning the attacks, and offering their deepest condolences to the victims, and support and medical care for the survivors, and the whole statement was about the victims, instead of going off on half arsed theories and speculations ?

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The clip from the BBC was quite damning about the way the investigation is being handled although Richard Head (as he has been known in the past) has produced many one sided reports previously.

Yes indeed.

In his latest report he states that it may be one of two groups : Muslim's from the South or "the work of a Thai group". Ho goes on to describe the Muslims in more detail but never mentions the Thai group or who they might be again. And considering this is the most likely possibility, the omission is astonishing.

Lies by omission are lies just the same. He did exactly the same during the protests. I wish the BBC would replace him with someone who has journalistic ethics and no big chip on his shoulder - although I suspect Asia is a dumping ground for staff they don't want somewhere important.

Yeah it also seems a dumping ground for many different types from society whistling.gif

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Whoever was responsible for this attack has managed to undermine the authority of the current junta. The junta couldn't prevent this attack, they can't catch the culprits and they don't even know where to start looking.

Holy Crapoly!

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What does the statement that Uighur don't have the ability to carry this out. Didn't anyone notice that the south is a Muslim problem? And that isil doesn't care other than to support Muslim insurgency worldwide. My god, what a truly dumb editorial

Perhaps. But at least Pravit wrote in full sentences and it was possible to understand what he was saying... unlike your post.


I beleive the true issue is that if you were the one selling arms within the country you would know who your customers were I guess.

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The clip from the BBC was quite damning about the way the investigation is being handled although Richard Head (as he has been known in the past) has produced many one sided reports previously.

Yes indeed.

In his latest report he states that it may be one of two groups : Muslim's from the South or "the work of a Thai group". Ho goes on to describe the Muslims in more detail but never mentions the Thai group or who they might be again. And considering this is the most likely possibility, the omission is astonishing.

Lies by omission are lies just the same. He did exactly the same during the protests. I wish the BBC would replace him with someone who has journalistic ethics and no big chip on his shoulder - although I suspect Asia is a dumping ground for staff they don't want somewhere important.

Yeah it also seems a dumping ground for many different types from society whistling.gif


Has anyone questioned the Buddhist Milita movement on this? surely all religeons should be questioned, I would like to see the knights of malta, the christian milita for spreading the truth about where christ did or did not die questioned, the holy order of Jewish people that like the bible but think the not kill bit only refers to unelss ou feel you have a good reason devleoped by catechism, I mean there could be all sorts.

Perhaps aiming at Muslims is the other head of the two faced monster, hand Uighur to China, keep US happy by blaming Muslims, keep Muslims happy by blaming it all on Israelis, Keep the Russians happy by selling AK to military groups living on borders

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Whoever was responsible for this attack has managed to undermine the authority of the current junta. The junta couldn't prevent this attack, they can't catch the culprits and they don't even know where to start looking.

So far I'd say this post is ahead of the rest by a length - for the lamest and most myopic comment of the thread. Terrorism is now, sadly, a fact of life the world over. What country and what government in the whole wide world has the recipe for preventing a public bombing like this? And you allow, what, 72hrs for catching the culprits do you? How long and what did it take to get Bin Laden FPS? And what the heck do YOU know about where they're looking.

You hate the junta. No matter who or what, you're going to twist this atrocity into a condemnation of the junta. Got it.

Posts like that really say absolutely nothing except to billboard the prejudices and bias of the person writing them. 'Almost nothing even to do with the actual topic.

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A caucasian i.e. western bomber in Bangkok? That would be unprecedented, in the history of both Thailand and the world at large (excluding lone wolf white bombers in the USA of course, but that's different, we're talking about Thailand here).

Google IRA. You can ignore all the articles about retirement accounts. Then come back and claim that Caucasian bombers are unprecedented in the world...

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OK, obviously we still don't know what force is behind this but I just read an analysis that mentioned both Southern Thai Muslim separatists and also ISIS as being on the higher end of probability.

It was mentioned that the junta would not prefer it to be from Southern Thailand because then it would be very disruptive and they would have to act on that. It's one thing having a decades longs regional conflict in the south, but it's quite another thing if that became national. It would be a first, if true, that they bombed in Bangkok but it is possible.

It was also mentioned that it is known that ISIS cells exist in Thailand. That one I don't really get. I understand the interest of ISIS in South Thailand ... but given other international priorities of ISIS back in the middle east and also western targets ... why would they bother with Thailand now?

Edited by Jingthing
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I hope am wrong but it is not inconceivable that this was just a trial run for future 'projects'. Thats whats really worrying.

Given the sheer density of Bangkok crowds it seems almost a miracle that the death toll came in at below 30. They could have picked a much more crowded and equally famous place.

Let's not look at nana, soi cowboy etc….I reckon one of these devices smuggled into a club like Shock at Petchburi or a BTS train compartment could take out hundreds.

I think it would be prudent for anyone to avoid super crowded places that hold potential for this kind of stuff.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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As I said - none of the 6 theories feels right. Perhaps that weakling just wanted to make headlines and have his face printed on a glossy magazine, being idolized. Have a look at this - it's shocking:

I have to agree to a degree... the looks of the guy on moving video - not the stills taken from it, make him look geeky, gawky, pencil necked. The composite art depicting the Perp's face just does not seem to take this into consideration - what the moving video made him look like. I would hope the artist who drew the composite had benefit of some still photos taken by some tourists' cameras with a greater resolution than the stills taken from the video. If this is not the case -- I just do not agree with the artist's composite drawing as being reflective of what the perp actually looks like.

But from looking at the video, it strikes me that this fellow is not a hard core killer recruited to do the job. But rather he struck me as a disturbed young guy taking revenge for some wrong he thinks was done to him personally. His video image struck me as being a kissing cousin of several of the malcontent mass shooters of late in America. This is geeky, gawky, pencil necked weaklings, lashing out at the innocent to get back at 'the system' for slighting him and causing him some great imagined offense.

Delusional minds do strange things. They can even fantasize about being aligned with one or the other side in the years long internal Thailand political disputes.., thus striking a blow for his side. The 'perp' did not strike me as an Asian of any kind,,, His walking gate - his body language - struck me as a Caucasian and not the face depicted in the composite drawing.

Delusional minds can even make pending expulsion from Thailand for creating problems here as being good reason for striking out as pay backs against what he sees as an unjust system.

Personally (and I will be happy to stand corrected when strong evidence comes to light), I just do not believe a conspiracy will be found. I believe this guy is a loner who has enough talent to create access to bomb materials - assemble a bomb and take his revenge (for whatever insult - affront done to him whether real or imagined) by making it seem it was just another awful event of the national political problems ...

A caucasian i.e. western bomber in Bangkok? That would be unprecedented, in the history of both Thailand and the world at large (excluding lone wolf white bombers in the USA of course, but that's different, we're talking about Thailand here).

I still think it was an Arab, possibly Turkish guy, or someone from the Caucasus (yes, technically all of these are mostly white, but still distinct from most westerners that originate in Europe). But in the end he will be linked to some kind of extremist group (perhaps a new one) or a group with a political agenda of some sort. I just don't see some random "white guy" as being capable of assembling a bomb and killing dozens of people while injuring hundreds in Thailand. In the USA there is precedent (think Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma city FBI building bomber in 1995) but Thailand, a country with only a very tiny number of white people, thousands of km/miles away from where any large numbers of white people reside? Sounds a bit far fetched if you ask me.

If you're thinking he was "getting back at Thailand" for dual pricing, lack of land ownership rights or some other restriction or form of discrimination foreigners are subjected to in Thailand, I would think that this action is WAY out of proportion with that. But speculation is speculation. You have the right to speculate and form your own theories, I just hope you aren't right about this one.

"A caucasian i.e. western bomber in Bangkok? That would be unprecedented, in the history of both Thailand and the world at large (excluding lone wolf white bombers in the USA of course, but that's different, we're talking about Thailand here)."

- have you lost your mind?????? - IRA, UDA/F,Bader Meinhof, Brigata Rossa, ETA.......and that is just off the cuff....

Edited by cumgranosalum
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