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Clinton lawyer says her email server was wiped clean


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Most public servants are not investigated by the FBI. Since the government is now controlled by a Demmocrat I would consider an active FBI investigation significant.

With the FBI Investigating Clinton's Emails, Bernie Sanders Should Be Considered the Democratic Frontrunner.


There is no "target" of the FBI activity. That means no person is being reviewed by the FBI, no person is being investigated by the FBI, no person is suspected by the FBI of violating law, rules, regulations; no person is involved in the FBI participation in this. There are no charges, no violations of law identified or being pursued, no prosecutor or special prosecutor, no jury either grand or petite. There are a couple of judges that the right identified to file their motions with, FOIA primarily and that is all.

The Attorney General is not involved. The State Department is the government entity dealing with the public and the judges because HRC had of course been SecState.

Despite the reference to a jury by a lawyer in a post to the thread, there is no jury involved, neither grand or petite.

Today, same as yesterday, the same as every day the past three months, the money and the odds are on Hillary Clinton to be elected the next president of the United States on November 8th 2016.

I keep asking but I get no reply...The Right and the Republican party that the Right controls have been going all out to do everything they possibly can to try to prevent HRC being elected POTUS. Yet, so far the Right and the Republican party it controls have got nowhere. Given these forces while going full tilt have been unable to accomplish their partisan political purposes, when and how can youse guyz get your way as you've been trying to do it, i.e., by hook or by crook.

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Of course Obama's AG would not pursue Hillary. Does this one really need to be explained?

RE: Jury

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest. I never said a jury was involved. I simply indicated how the law regarding the destruction of evidence and how a jury would be instructed when you said there was no evidence. An Adverse inference instruction means there is strong evidence to support a conviction. I also said this would never get to a jury because matters of a political nature like this never do regardless as to whether laws have been violated. I explained why.

The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

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In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

You label others fanatics. You do realize what you write and how you write it makes you seem more a fanatic than anyone else I have ever run across regardless as to what side of the aisle they are on.

RE: "legal advise"

Your comment about "legal advise" is as poignant as the rest of what you typically write. Legal advise denotes that I have advised someone as to their rights or a recommended course of action. I did neither in my post. I simply stated a law which I have actually briefed on about 4 or 5 occasions in the last couple of years in cases where evidence has been lost, destroyed or withheld by my opposition.

What good knowledge of the law or legal advice would a good lawyer provide to a client the lawyer agreed to represent when the client successfully insisted 100% that the email server be wiped clean before being reviewed by an adversary or by otherwise legit legal examiners/investigators. What defense would you recommend to the client.

Or, conversely, if you were the lawyer advising investigators (private or public), what legal defense would you expect from lawyers for Mrs Clinton and how would you advise prosecuting the case based on an anticipated defense by Mrs. Clinton's lawyers.

Choose one or the other inquiry or both, it would be up to you what or how you would want to post as a response.

If the TVF House Lawyer wants to present his stellar knowledge of law or legal advice to the body, this could be his opportunity to shine...so counselor you just got handed the ball to run with. You gonna go up the middle or make an end run after a few dekes of the line.... wink.png

Keeping in mind of course the fact there are no charges in this brouhaha nor is there a criminal or a civil investigation, and that no person is being investigated what so ever.

The post is reposted as a reminder of the invitation counselor...

If for any reason the invitation is unwelcome it would be understandable all the way around counselor...

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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is investigating the security of Clinton’s email setup, including if classified information was mishandled. The probe is putting the nation’s top law enforcement agency at the center of a political battle leading into the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton should stop slandering the FBI


Edited by lostoday
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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

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you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

You label others fanatics. You do realize what you write and how you write it makes you seem more a fanatic than anyone else I have ever run across regardless as to what side of the aisle they are on.

RE: "legal advise"

Your comment about "legal advise" is as poignant as the rest of what you typically write. Legal advise denotes that I have advised someone as to their rights or a recommended course of action. I did neither in my post. I simply stated a law which I have actually briefed on about 4 or 5 occasions in the last couple of years in cases where evidence has been lost, destroyed or withheld by my opposition.

What good knowledge of the law or legal advice would a good lawyer provide to a client the lawyer agreed to represent when the client successfully insisted 100% that the email server be wiped clean before being reviewed by an adversary or by otherwise legit legal examiners/investigators. What defense would you recommend to the client.

Or, conversely, if you were the lawyer advising investigators (private or public), what legal defense would you expect from lawyers for Mrs Clinton and how would you advise prosecuting the case based on an anticipated defense by Mrs. Clinton's lawyers.

Choose one or the other inquiry or both, it would be up to you what or how you would want to post as a response.

If the TVF House Lawyer wants to present his stellar knowledge of law or legal advice to the body, this could be his opportunity to shine...so counselor you just got handed the ball to run with. You gonna go up the middle or make an end run after a few dekes of the line.... wink.png

Keeping in mind of course the fact there are no charges in this brouhaha nor is there a criminal or a civil investigation, and that no person is being investigated what so ever.

The post is reposted as a reminder of the invitation counselor...

If for any reason the invitation is unwelcome it would be understandable all the way around counselor...

Your questions are silly. I would have to withdraw from representation if I kew my client intentionally destroyed, with my knowledge, evidence to avoid evidence being reviewed "by an adversary or by otherwise legit legal examination/investigation." I would "recommend" that they get a new lawyer. As is the usual case, however, you are posing hypotheticals based on your assumptions that may have little or nothing to do with reality or actual facts.

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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.


Aug 14, 2015 - WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server are seeking to determine who at the State

NYT www.nytimes.com/.../fbi-tracking-path-of-email-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’


Want some more?

FBI said to be running criminal probe into classified material on Hillary Clinton's secret email server


New details reveal what may have led to FBI probe into Clinton’s emails


Edited by lostoday
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The FBI usually opens investigations to determine if a crime has been committed. Once it has been determined that a possible crime has been committed they, then, search for the culprit ...

Don't have to be a liberal, back slapping forum embellisher to understand the logic.

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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Again, you do not have a clue as to what the FBI is doing or not doing. My brother works with the bureau and an is Air Marshall (but he only flies with people like Fred Smith on private jets) and I don't have clue what he is doing or not doing. I sometimes ask about interesting stuff even relating to very benign air marshall stuff and he has an incredible way of answering without answering.

I have sat through FBI interviews with clients who are the victims and we cannot even get any information from the FBI about whether they are doing anything. We continue to send them evidence, but we still get no responses if they want or if they are deep sixing it. It is amazing to me how you think you have a clue about what they are or not doing.

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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.


Aug 14, 2015 - WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server are seeking to determine who at the State

NYT www.nytimes.com/.../fbi-tracking-path-of-email-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’


Want some more?

FBI said to be running criminal probe into classified material on Hillary Clinton's secret email server


New details reveal what may have led to FBI probe into Clinton’s emails


Old article, and nowhere in the story is the header confirmed. Nowhere does it say she I'd personally under investigation.
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The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.


Aug 14, 2015 - WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server are seeking to determine who at the State

NYT www.nytimes.com/.../fbi-tracking-path-of-email-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’


Want some more?

FBI said to be running criminal probe into classified material on Hillary Clinton's secret email server


New details reveal what may have led to FBI probe into Clinton’s emails


Old article, and nowhere in the story is the header confirmed. Nowhere does it say she I'd personally under investigation.
FBI Said to Examine Whether Hillary Clinton E-Mail Was Backed Up
The FBI took control of Clinton's email server last week and its agents are now combing through it, even though the device was wiped clean of all data. A report this week said the FBI may be able to recover some of the erased data from the server.


If there was one bright spot for Clinton’s team at the court session, it was that Sullivan seemed eager to resolve the issue quickly. At one point, he asked state to find out from the FBI how long its investigation would take.


Edited by lostoday
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The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.
Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.


Aug 14, 2015 - WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server are seeking to determine who at the State

NYT www.nytimes.com/.../fbi-tracking-path-of-email-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

Want some more?

FBI said to be running criminal probe into classified material on Hillary Clinton's secret email server


New details reveal what may have led to FBI probe into Clinton’s emails


Old article, and nowhere in the story is the header confirmed. Nowhere does it say she I'd personally under investigation.

FBI Said to Examine Whether Hillary Clinton E-Mail Was Backed Up


The FBI took control of Clinton's email server last week and its agents are now combing through it, even though the device was wiped clean of all data. A report this week said the FBI may be able to recover some of the erased data from the server.


If there was one bright spot for Clinton’s team at the court session, it was that Sullivan seemed eager to resolve the issue quickly. At one point, he asked state to find out from the FBI how long its investigation would take.

Judge Pushes FBI to Look for Any Deleted Clinton Emails

Thanks, you've confirmed the header was incorrect.
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Thanks, you've confirmed the header was incorrect.

Which one? There are 10 headlines above (all from reputable news sources) that stated that Hillary was being investigated by the FBI.

Edited by lostoday
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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

What is it with you and the boogey man on "the right"? Often enjoyed reading and identifying with your posts and the motto of defending us from the far right, but man, I gotta tell you that you're starting to sound a bit like Dustin Hoffman's Rainman. Please take this as friendly, constructive criticism if you can. If you can't, I'll understand.

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Wow, if you were to believe our in-house liberals even Aljazeera has it wrong.....

Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton case as a potential criminal investigation. Our sources add that dozens of federal investigators have now been assigned to this investigation.

FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation ...

So if the FBI is not doing a criminal investigation in regard to an e-mail server which contained Hillary Clintons missing/deleted/classified emails, just what the heck are they investigating?

BTW, it's a rhetorical question.... Some of us, even without a Harvard Law Degree understand the liberal innuendo.biggrin.png

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Wow, if you were to believe our in-house liberals even Aljazeera has it wrong.....

Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton case as a potential criminal investigation. Our sources add that dozens of federal investigators have now been assigned to this investigation.

FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation ...

So if the FBI is not doing a criminal investigation in regard to an e-mail server which contained Hillary Clintons missing/deleted/classified emails, just what the heck are they investigating?

BTW, it's a rhetorical question.... Some of us, even without a Harvard Law Degree understand the liberal innuendo.biggrin.png

Clinton case investigation is not the same as Clinton investigation. It may go that way, but at the moment it is not.

I do hope though they go to the bottom of it.

Edited by stevenl
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Wow, if you were to believe our in-house liberals even Aljazeera has it wrong.....

Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton case as a potential criminal investigation. Our sources add that dozens of federal investigators have now been assigned to this investigation.

FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation ...

So if the FBI is not doing a criminal investigation in regard to an e-mail server which contained Hillary Clintons missing/deleted/classified emails, just what the heck are they investigating?

BTW, it's a rhetorical question.... Some of us, even without a Harvard Law Degree understand the liberal innuendo.biggrin.png

Clinton case investigation is not the same as Clinton investigation. It may go that way, but at the moment it is not.

I do hope though they go to the bottom of it.

Your use of semantics is amazing... Obviously they must determine if there is a crime before they will attempt to establish who might be the criminals.... If I were to have a stolen car parked in my garage, the car keys in my pocket..... etc, etc. Hope that helps.

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Wow, if you were to believe our in-house liberals even Aljazeera has it wrong.....

Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton case as a potential criminal investigation. Our sources add that dozens of federal investigators have now been assigned to this investigation.

FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation ...

So if the FBI is not doing a criminal investigation in regard to an e-mail server which contained Hillary Clintons missing/deleted/classified emails, just what the heck are they investigating?

BTW, it's a rhetorical question.... Some of us, even without a Harvard Law Degree understand the liberal innuendo.biggrin.png

Clinton case investigation is not the same as Clinton investigation. It may go that way, but at the moment it is not.

I do hope though they go to the bottom of it.

Your use of semantics is amazing... Obviously they must determine if there is a crime before they will attempt to establish who might be the criminals.... If I were to have a stolen car parked in my garage, the car keys in my pocket..... etc, etc. Hope that helps.
Your stolen car investigation is not the same as investigating you for stealing a car.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, you've confirmed the header was incorrect.

Which one? There are 10 headlines above (all from reputable news sources) that stated that Hillary was being investigated by the FBI.

She is not being investigated by the FBI or by anyone. It is the job of the Right and the rightwing media and the Republican party to consciously, falsely, willfully and fraudulently convince as many people as they can that HRC is under investigation, and that it is a criminal investigation; that HRC is going to jail or should go to jail. She is not, it is not, she should not, she will not.

The dates of the media reports presented in the rightwinger's post are mostly August 13 or closely either side of August 13th, which makes them outdated and inaccurate due to more recent statements by the FBI, DoJ, DepState, the MSM, the Clinton offices and campaign, that HRC is not being investigated and that the FBI is not conducting an investigation of any single person or persons.

The poster should be able to identify the dates of his links and the fact the reports are outdated, not accurate to begin with; certainly not accurate now with the email server in the hands of the FBI which is not investigating any one person or persons, and is not pursuing anything criminal in nature of character against anyone.

As stated by Marcy Wheeler, expert on legal documents, national security and civil liberties...

The political press is abuzz with news that the State Department (State IG) and Intelligence Community Inspectors General (ICIG) have asked the Department of Justice to review whether the Department’s handling of the personal email from Hillary Clinton was proper. The story was first reported in sensational fashion by the New York Times, revised somewhat overnight, and then reported in more measured form — making it clear that Clinton herself is not being investigated — by the Associated Press.

“[T]he referral doesn’t suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself,” AP noted. None of the emails in question were marked as classified when she sent them and one of them — pertaining to the FBI’s investigation of the Benghazi attack — was not classified at time she received it. Nevertheless, this news has led to a flurry of stories implicating Clinton in a potential DOJ investigation.

Secretary Clinton surely should have made her emails more secure and accessible, via the formal FOIA process, by using official email. But that doesn’t mean retroactively classified information should be used against her.


The email server in Colorado going to the FBI changed nothing. Nor does it matter the FBI went to New Jersey in connection with the server or to the moon for that matter. HRC is not under investigation and nothing criminal in involved. The commotion is being raised by the Right that controls the Republican party and by the hugely funded rightwing mass of rightwing media, not by the FBI, not by the IG, not by the DepState.

The FBI is looking into the processes at DepState that classify material. Which is why DepState is all the time and in fact in the federal court and in the press reports. Hillary Clinton is on the other hand prominently placed daily in the highly super funded rightwing media which is entirely a political media with a clear and specific rightwing agenda, which is to prevail in the election by hook or by crook.

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The FBI Clinton investigation is being conducted by agents under FBI Director James Comey, appointed by Barack whose boss is Attorney General Loretta Lynch, also appointed by Barack, and someone wants us to believe it’s nothing but a hook or by crook conspiracy by Right Wing Conservatives who hold the GOP hostage with John Boehner is twisting James Comey’s arm…

Just astounding.

Even Jeffrey Dahmer’a mother held out hope…..

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Marcy Wheeler, LMMFAO!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She makes occasional contributions to the commentary and analysis section of The Guardian,[3] progressive news site Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and Michigan Liberal. Between early December 2007 and July 2011 Wheeler published primarily on Jane Hamsher's FireDogLake (FDL) and prior to that on The Next Hurrah.[4]"

She writes for the Daily Kos, lol. Bye, bye credibility. clap2.gif

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Marcy Wheeler, LMMFAO!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She makes occasional contributions to the commentary and analysis section of The Guardian,[3] progressive news site Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and Michigan Liberal. Between early December 2007 and July 2011 Wheeler published primarily on Jane Hamsher's FireDogLake (FDL) and prior to that on The Next Hurrah.[4]"

She writes for the Daily Kos, lol. Bye, bye credibility. clap2.gif

The Right and the super high funded righwing mass of media and the Republicans just keep at it, because as we see in thread after thread it is their fierce and determined purpose.

Here is what they do not take note of....

Wheeler blogs at emptywheel.net and publishes at outlets including the Guardian, Salon and the Progressive. She is the author of Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War, and, Out a Spy. Wheeler won the 2009 Hillman Award for blog journalism.


The extreme right will say anything and proceed almost every time by hook or by crook. Almost all of their stuff comes from the super funded mass of rightwing media. It is tiresome, yes, for sure, but the right really just never tires in their extremism. They are strident, bold, and they are actually gleeful in their marginal beliefs and behaviors. They thrive on living at the edge.

Its tiring too to write "rightwing" regularly or even frequently but that is who and what they are, and the threat to the Constitution has always come from the right, not from the US left, due in large part to the fact the US left is insignificant and is itself marginal in its own quiet ways. Not so the huge rightwing which is endemic to US society and culture, is loud and strident, and which more recently has established a huge and highly funded hyperactive mass of media.

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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.


Aug 14, 2015 - WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server are seeking to determine who at the State

NYT www.nytimes.com/.../fbi-tracking-path-of-email-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’


Want some more?

FBI said to be running criminal probe into classified material on Hillary Clinton's secret email server


New details reveal what may have led to FBI probe into Clinton’s emails


Here is page one of Google under your headline: FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation.

Note the organizations reporting the story which is indeed another story......

  1. FBI treats Clinton case as potential criminal investigation ... http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/8/19/fbi-treating-clinton-emails-as-a-potential-criminal-investigation.html
    Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal emailserver, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating ...
  2. FBI treating Clinton emails as a potential criminal investigation http://news.yahoo.com/video/fbi-treating-clinton-emails-potential-033800902.html
    Watch the video FBI treating Clinton emails as a potential criminal investigation on Yahoo News . Al Jazeera has been told that dozens of federal investigators have ...
  3. Clinton Email Case Treated As 'Potential Criminal Investigation' https://www.opposingviews.com/i/politics/clinton-email-case-treated-potential-criminal-investigation
    Clinton Email Case Treated As 'Potential Criminal Investigation' 0 . ... the FBI is nowtreating Clinton’s case as a “potential criminal investigation. ...
  4. FBI Treats Clinton Case as Potential Criminal Investigation ... http://www.infowars.com/fbi-treats-clinton-case-as-potential-criminal-investigation-sources-say/
    ... Potential Criminal Investigation, ... Clinton’s personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton ...
  5. FBI treating Clinton emails as a potential criminal investigation
    Al Jazeera has been told that dozens of federal investigators have been assigned to the probe. David Shuster reports.
  6. Judge Napolitano, Trey Gowdy: Hillary Could Face Email ... http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/hillary-clinton-email-trey-gowdy-fbi/2015/08/12/id/669749/
    Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and the FBI's ... Clinton probe as a "criminal investigation ... potential violations of criminal ...
  7. Clinton Case is Potential Criminal Investigation | Al Jazeera ... http://grabpage.info/t/america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/8/19/fbi-treating-clinton-emails-as-a-potential-criminal-investigation.html
    ... clinton-emails-as-a-potential-criminal ... 8/19/fbi-treating-clinton-emails-as-a-potential ... Clinton, Criminal, Dismiss, Investigation, ...
  8. FBI Treats Clinton Case as Potential Criminal Investigation ... https://genesiscnc.com/fbi-treats-clinton-case-as-potential-criminal-investigation-sources-say/
    Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton’s personal emailserver, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton ...
Let's look for the headlines in tomorrow's news to find out what we find...or do not find.
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The FBI has stated there is no target of its activity, which means no person is being examined.


The following are more yet of ad hominem pronouncements and OTT attacks, counselor, which are at the core of your posts directed to me.....

Holy cow. Very difficult to figure out if your a really dumb or just really blinded by your passion.

One would never know if the FBI is investigating, but some how you do without any equivocation . . . and all the way from Thailand at that.

Here you are either really dense, obstinate or just dishonest.

It is apparent counselor some Ozark law schools do not teach their charges how to make an argument.

A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clinton’s email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBI’s request.


The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Again, you do not have a clue as to what the FBI is doing or not doing. My brother works with the bureau and an is Air Marshall (but he only flies with people like Fred Smith on private jets) and I don't have clue what he is doing or not doing. I sometimes ask about interesting stuff even relating to very benign air marshall stuff and he has an incredible way of answering without answering.

I have sat through FBI interviews with clients who are the victims and we cannot even get any information from the FBI about whether they are doing anything. We continue to send them evidence, but we still get no responses if they want or if they are deep sixing it. It is amazing to me how you think you have a clue about what they are or not doing.

And your professional and personal involvement and participation in the emails and FBI activity is..................

Maybe call Bruiser Stone in the Bahamas to find out what's going on clap2.gif

Maybe meet up with Jackie Lemanchik in a Nashville seedy hotel somewhere at night laugh.png .

Seen this movie before y'know. wink.png And all the lawyers were in it then too.

We might have to wait till HBO does it sometime in 2017 to find out what really went on during these wacky rightwing toons times. giggle.gifgigglem.gif

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A spokesman for Platte River Networks, the company which handled Hillary Clintons email server after she left the State Department, says the company turned the server over last week at the FBIs request.

The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Again, you do not have a clue as to what the FBI is doing or not doing. My brother works with the bureau and an is Air Marshall (but he only flies with people like Fred Smith on private jets) and I don't have clue what he is doing or not doing. I sometimes ask about interesting stuff even relating to very benign air marshall stuff and he has an incredible way of answering without answering.

I have sat through FBI interviews with clients who are the victims and we cannot even get any information from the FBI about whether they are doing anything. We continue to send them evidence, but we still get no responses if they want or if they are deep sixing it. It is amazing to me how you think you have a clue about what they are or not doing.

And your professional and personal involvement and participation in the emails and FBI activity is..................

Maybe call Bruiser Stone in the Bahamas to find out what's going on clap2.gif

Maybe meet up with Jackie Lemanchik in a Nashville seedy hotel somewhere at night laugh.png .

Seen this movie before y'know. wink.png And all the lawyers were in it then too.

We might have to wait till HBO does it sometime in 2017 to find out what really went on during these wacky rightwing toons times. giggle.gifgigglem.gif

??? You are off you rocker . . . or your meds. Edited by F430murci
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The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton for anything. No person is being investigated by the FBI. There is no 'target' (person) involved in the FBI activity to date.

The repeated innuendo from the marginal right not withstanding.

Again, you do not have a clue as to what the FBI is doing or not doing. My brother works with the bureau and an is Air Marshall (but he only flies with people like Fred Smith on private jets) and I don't have clue what he is doing or not doing. I sometimes ask about interesting stuff even relating to very benign air marshall stuff and he has an incredible way of answering without answering.

I have sat through FBI interviews with clients who are the victims and we cannot even get any information from the FBI about whether they are doing anything. We continue to send them evidence, but we still get no responses if they want or if they are deep sixing it. It is amazing to me how you think you have a clue about what they are or not doing.

And your professional and personal involvement and participation in the emails and FBI activity is..................

Maybe call Bruiser Stone in the Bahamas to find out what's going on clap2.gif

Maybe meet up with Jackie Lemanchik in a Nashville seedy hotel somewhere at night laugh.png .

Seen this movie before y'know. wink.png And all the lawyers were in it then too.

We might have to wait till HBO does it sometime in 2017 to find out what really went on during these wacky rightwing toons times. giggle.gifgigglem.gif

??? You are off you rocker . . . or your meds.

There are always people anywhere who routinely dish it out but always can't take it when after they start a food fight they get a tomato smack in the puss.

That's when they go bananas laugh.png

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As former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey said:

"The FBI does not investigate machines. It investigates people, and to say she is not one of the people being investigated is ridiculous."

Michael Mukasey was the AG who told Congress that since the Bush-Cheney Justice Department had declared waterboarding to be legal, it could not investigate waterboarding which Mulkasey anyway said was a good idea despite it being prohibited in US law and in all of the international conventions.

The FBI said it is not investigating anyone in respect of the emails, and that there is no criminal investigation occurring. FBI is assisting the intelligence community and DepState in examining and analysing criteria and protocols used by DepState intelligence officers to determine classifications. That is it.

The Right that worships Dick Cheney is determined to build, nay, create and manufacture, a case against HRC when a case does not exist. More than determined....fiercely set on it, and the Right that is directing the Republican party is of course and as always wrong, wrong, wrong again and again. They don't quit cause the don't know how to quit or why they need to quit.

The FBI has said maybe a hundred times now it is not investigating HRC and that no criminal investigation is underway or being contemplated. Yet the Right and the Republicans go on and on and on about it in their highly financed rightwing mass of daily media that has one single political agenda, which is to prevail in the election by hook or by crook.

It's Monday so it's meet the new line of crap day. Tomorrow will be Tuesday so it will be meet the next new line of crap day. Et cetera et cetera goes the right.....

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Clinton email controversy is no joke: Our view Presidential candidate can laugh all she wants, but FBI investigations can't be dismissed.


Judge Orders State Department to Get FBI Findings on Clinton E-Mails


Edited by lostoday
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As former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey said:

"The FBI does not investigate machines. It investigates people, and to say she is not one of the people being investigated is ridiculous."

Michael Mukasey was the AG who told Congress that since the Bush-Cheney Justice Department had declared waterboarding to be legal, it could not investigate waterboarding which Mulkasey anyway said was a good idea despite it being prohibited in US law and in all of the international conventions.

The FBI said it is not investigating anyone in respect of the emails, and that there is no criminal investigation occurring. FBI is assisting the intelligence community and DepState in examining and analysing criteria and protocols used by DepState intelligence officers to determine classifications. That is it.

The Right that worships Dick Cheney is determined to build, nay, create and manufacture, a case against HRC when a case does not exist. More than determined....fiercely set on it, and the Right that is directing the Republican party is of course and as always wrong, wrong, wrong again and again. They don't quit cause the don't know how to quit or why they need to quit.

The FBI has said maybe a hundred times now it is not investigating HRC and that no criminal investigation is underway or being contemplated. Yet the Right and the Republicans go on and on and on about it in their highly financed rightwing mass of daily media that has one single political agenda, which is to prevail in the election by hook or by crook.

It's Monday so it's meet the new line of crap day. Tomorrow will be Tuesday so it will be meet the next new line of crap day. Et cetera et cetera goes the right.....

When all else fails, blame Bush... cheesy.gif

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