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I'm planning to buy a new laptop but i want to have one which is designed to be on my lap. tongue.png

The one i use now gets very hot underneath and the exhaust for hot air is on the side which gets jammed when i put it on my armrest of the recliner.

Are there laptops/notebooks with the hot-air exhaust blowing upwards or so? Why do they call this a "laptop" if i can't use it on my lap?

I need one who blows upwards or from the screenside. I tried those cooling pads allready on which the laptop has to be placed but that's not what i like.

How did you guys fix this problem?


Yep, Mac Air has a SSDD (solid state disk drive, not shame shit different day)... No moving parts, no heat... I've had the same problem will all previous laptops I have owned... Not with the Mac Air...


Well i have never used a Mac, is it easy to learn?.

But i'm tired of Windows actually, i hate all those updates and stupid crap i get all the time. Adobe and java problems, Chrome who crashes all the time, zip-files that i can't download easy, pictures in the email who won't show up, no virus scanner for free, no Office for free and so on.

When i buy me a mac air will all those problems be over or will i get into new problems all the time? And what about a Mac-pro? Is that even better then an ordinary Mac or not?

My previous notebook burned out because of the heat while it was less then 2 years old and they (Fujitsu Siemens) wouldn't help me with it because it was out of warranty. By European law they had to fix it for me because all durable products (like computers) have to get 3 years full warranty but they didn't even care for that law.

And if i buy a Mac Air is there something special i have to look for?


Well i have never used a Mac, is it easy to learn?.

But i'm tired of Windows actually, i hate all those updates and stupid crap i get all the time. Adobe and java problems, Chrome who crashes all the time, zip-files that i can't download easy, pictures in the email who won't show up, no virus scanner for free, no Office for free and so on.

When i buy me a mac air will all those problems be over or will i get into new problems all the time? And what about a Mac-pro? Is that even better then an ordinary Mac or not?

My previous notebook burned out because of the heat while it was less then 2 years old and they (Fujitsu Siemens) wouldn't help me with it because it was out of warranty. By European law they had to fix it for me because all durable products (like computers) have to get 3 years full warranty but they didn't even care for that law.

And if i buy a Mac Air is there something special i have to look for?

I had the same concern when deciding to switch from Windoze to Mac... I installed a program called Parallels that allows you create and run a Windoze virtual machine on the Mac... Works great... It even has an option to import a machine image from an existing machine, so you import the image from your current laptop... You then have both your old Windoze image running on your Mac, plus the new ios features...


Well i have never used a Mac, is it easy to learn?.

But i'm tired of Windows actually, i hate all those updates and stupid crap i get all the time. Adobe and java problems, Chrome who crashes all the time, zip-files that i can't download easy, pictures in the email who won't show up, no virus scanner for free, no Office for free and so on.

When i buy me a mac air will all those problems be over or will i get into new problems all the time? And what about a Mac-pro? Is that even better then an ordinary Mac or not?

My previous notebook burned out because of the heat while it was less then 2 years old and they (Fujitsu Siemens) wouldn't help me with it because it was out of warranty. By European law they had to fix it for me because all durable products (like computers) have to get 3 years full warranty but they didn't even care for that law.

And if i buy a Mac Air is there something special i have to look for?

Just bought my first Mac, a MacBook Air. Super light and battery lasts long. As a Win user the Mac takes getting used to especially in terms of keyboard shortcuts but suffice to say all the Win shortcuts are there plus a some more that are Mac only (all the trackpad gestures - ask the salesperson to demo them, they're really worth figuring out)


I just give up on win and using a mac pro now great thing is i dun need a mouse on mac that made my finger pain.

I don't use the mouse at all, my whole arm was painfull because of it.

Well a Mac it is then, but i'm in Thailand now and won't buy it here because i only have bad experiences with Thai shops.

Soon i 'll be in Singapore, is it a good idea to buy it there? Maybe even taxfree?


I just give up on win and using a mac pro now great thing is i dun need a mouse on mac that made my finger pain.

I don't use the mouse at all, my whole arm was painfull because of it.

Well a Mac it is then, but i'm in Thailand now and won't buy it here because i only have bad experiences with Thai shops.

Soon i 'll be in Singapore, is it a good idea to buy it there? Maybe even taxfree?

If you buy a Mac in one of the 'official' Apple shops in Thailand there will not be a bad experience. Actually if you buy your Mac in Thailand and carry it with you outside of the country then you can get get back the 7% tax at the airport. (buy within 2 months of travel)


Yes those coolpads do work but the one i have hurts me and i don't want to carry it with me all day.

7% VAT refund is nice but i will be coming back to Thailand after a few days. Not that i think i'll have to pay back that 7% but i just don't feel comfortable in Thai shops like i do in Singapore. Thai vendors/salespeople have annoyed me too much in the past, even in official shops from big brands.

Maybe they are even cheaper there anyway and i also can get VAT refund at Changi airport if i buy it there. I go there quite often and buy a lot at Orchard road.

I will be happy to say goodbye to Windows and all it's crappy extra software you need to use it. Apple also should be better with graphics is what i heard, can't wait for to buy me one.


Yes those coolpads do work but the one i have hurts me and i don't want to carry it with me all day.

7% VAT refund is nice but i will be coming back to Thailand after a few days. Not that i think i'll have to pay back that 7% but i just don't feel comfortable in Thai shops like i do in Singapore. Thai vendors/salespeople have annoyed me too much in the past, even in official shops from big brands.

Maybe they are even cheaper there anyway and i also can get VAT refund at Changi airport if i buy it there. I go there quite often and buy a lot at Orchard road.

I will be happy to say goodbye to Windows and all it's crappy extra software you need to use it. Apple also should be better with graphics is what i heard, can't wait for to buy me one.

Yes buy at singapore abit cheaper than thailand .


Well i have never used a Mac, is it easy to learn?.

But i'm tired of Windows actually, i hate all those updates and stupid crap i get all the time. Adobe and java problems, Chrome who crashes all the time, zip-files that i can't download easy, pictures in the email who won't show up, no virus scanner for free, no Office for free and so on.

When i buy me a mac air will all those problems be over or will i get into new problems all the time? And what about a Mac-pro? Is that even better then an ordinary Mac or not?

My previous notebook burned out because of the heat while it was less then 2 years old and they (Fujitsu Siemens) wouldn't help me with it because it was out of warranty. By European law they had to fix it for me because all durable products (like computers) have to get 3 years full warranty but they didn't even care for that law.

And if i buy a Mac Air is there something special i have to look for?

You will still get updates but not as much as in Windows. Crashes will be few or even none at all. It depends on how you will use it. You would not need an anti-virus and "office" is free. I put a quote because if you will just use the Mac equivalent of MSOffice (Pages, numbers, etc) it now comes free with a new Mac. If you prefer to use MSWord, you will need to pay for that.

I prefer Macbook Air over Macbook Pro because of its battery and portability. Some will say that if you're a heavy user (video editing, etc), you need to get an MBP. But an upgraded Macbook Air (8 gb ram, i7, etc) can easily handle processor and memory intensive apps.

If you want a 3-year warranty, you can get Applecare but it will add cost.

What I like with Mac:

1. The build quality. I haven't seen anything comparable in any Windows machine.

2. The trackpad. I was a mouse person all my life with Windows because it was more efficient to use a mouse. Stopped using it altogether due to the "smartness" of the Mac trackpad.

3. Keyboard is also of high quality so typing is a breeze but of course there are Windows laptop that also has excellent keyboards.

4. I don't feel the need to shutdown. Just close the lid and carry on.

What I don't like:

Some parts of the OS. But it's a post for another day.


It's not just having an SSD, also the latest generation of intel mobile processors will run cooler than previous generations of processor regardless of the manufacture or OS

A notebook with an Intel i5-4200U or i7-4700MQ is what to look for.

Also an SSD can be retro fitted to any notebook for under 2000 baht depending on the required disk size


There are lots of good Windows machines out there with the same Intel processor and a SSD that are a fraction of the cost of a Macbook air.


Wow i like it more and more. If my laptop goes into sleepmode then it takes about 5 or more minutes to wake up before i can use it! It's faster to shut down and restart. I just want a notebook that i can open and close without waiting.

I have an i3 processor now from Intel, can't say that it's fast though. The previous laptop had the other brandname chip which is cheaper, it had great graphics but that graphic card burned out and it was integrated in the mainboard so i had to buy me this Dell.

So i can also get rid of this hdd and change it for SSD? That's also a good option.

Long batterylife is also what i really like, this one can do 3 hours but with an expensive replaced-battery...well 2500 baht in a Thai shop isn't too much because it works well. A new Dell comes with a crappy battery.

I can't wait to go to Singapore and buy me the new toy. Macbook air it is!

Apple gives wurlwy (worldwide) warranty right? I think i go for the 3 years extra warranty, my computer is a part of me.


My 15" Toshiba laptop isn't too hot for my lap unless I put the cooling vent right against my leg. Even then it's just too warm for comfort and not actually hot. You can damage components from too much heat.

Try to define too hot. Your laptop has at least one cooling fan blowing inside, one for sure over the CPU an it has at least one vent where you should feel warm air exhausting. It also has an intake vent. It's entirely possible for the fan to quit which could be signal from the motherboard or the fan itself. It's also possible for those vents to plug up with lint and whatever.

If you really feel it is hot you should have the fan and vents looked at in a shop if you don't know how to access it all yourself.


PS. It's possible that when you put it in your lap you block either/or the intake or exhaust vents with your leg. Look for them and don't block them.

Is it cool enough when you put it in your lap but then heats up? If so you may well just be blocking the vents.


Judas Priest... The answer to a hot laptop is a Mac. Grrrrr. "Some people" think a mac is the answer to a printer not working or anything else that goes wrong. Hrumph... Now it or an SSD is the answer to a hot laptop?... Grrrr....

Your Mission, Should You Decide To Accept It, is

To find out if the machine is actually too hot and if so Fix It Before It Damages Some Components. (FIBIDSC) whistling.gif



There's nothing wrong with my laptop except that the vents are underneath and it blows to the side. It should blow upwards and suck from the side.

Since my last laptop overheated and died i learned that only AMD chipsets are not protected against overheating. Intel chips will shut down when overheated. The old one also had a G-force high end graphic card (which was awesome) but it was integrated onto the mainboard so couldn't be replaced.

I opened my old laptop and yes there was loads of black dirt on the cooling ribs and parts. Now i vacuum the vents sometimes but better would be to open it and clean.

But why they don't make it easy to clean? Same goes for aircons, i hate to get the cleaning company every 6 months to clean them. If they sold selfcleaning or easy maintenance notebooks/aircons i would sure buy one.

I think Microsoft is doing a bad job lately, now my laptop wants to update to windows 10 but i don't need it. Also Chrome gives many problems lately and i 'm tired of it as well. It is impossible to have an ad-blocker in Chrome, especially on youtube (which is also from Google).

Then Adobe is a very crappy program and i don't understand why we need it? Can microsoft not integrate something to see pdf-files. I hate pdf's because it takes many seconds to open them. Adobe also has to update every week and that takes like 10 minutes!

Same goes for JAVA, i hate it.

Then i get stupid mallware installed all the time with discount app's and the lot. Some of them i even can't delete because that won't work.

Also MacAfee installs all the time and wants to do a scan on my pc. In the past we had to pay for Macafee but now they push it into my pc without telling me and for free. I still don't want it.

Ms-outlook is a very crappy program, i'm so tired of that. Also it takes far too long to just show me a new email.

I blame all these problems on Microsoft, they should know better by now since they have decades of experience.

Internet explorer is as dangerous as leaving the keys in your front door so i use Chrome since a few years.

Macbook air can run 12 hours on a battery, PERFECT, gimme that please.

Microsoft just didn't improve last years it seems. And also i have no idea why i would take Windows10.


whistling.gif My Laptop is an Asus.

I saw and bought a locally made fan holder that the laptop sits on which has 2 small fans that blows air up from below onto the bottom of the laptop.

The fans run of the USB ports (there are 2 USB ports) on the laptop.

Bought this in the Fortune Tower IT area on the 3rd floor for 140 Baht.

I normally use my laptop on a table, often n in the small snack area where I now sending this post from.

My laptop has some small vents on the bottom for ventilation, and the hot air is expelled from the left side by the fan in the laptop.

Best 140 Baht I ever spent. and has kept my laptop nice and cool for over a year now.

There is room in my laptop carry bag for the laptop, the fan blower assembly, and the mouse and apower plug in for an AC plug.


Op, are you free on the 25th of December? sad.png

Not sure, probably i'll be stuffing my face in one of the big hotels/buffets. Why?

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