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Bangkok attack is deepening THE DIVIDE in Thai society


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Am I the only one that has trouble reading this type of article??? I want my 5 minutes back!

Agreed. He could have said it all is a dozen words rather than the 800 odd it took. I don't agree anyway. Having lived here for close on 20 years I know people and have friends from all sides of the political spectrum and all the want is peace above all else so they can get on with their lives. Hate mongers like Shutep need to disappear, possibly forcibly, as they don't deserve to live in any free loving society.

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But beyond the immediate and terrible impact of multiple deaths and injuries, this tragedy reveals much about Thailand. The public blame-game now being played out on social-media sites such as Facebook says a lot more about what lies beneath the Thai illusion of superficial calm, safety and notional reconciliation.

The only ones to play the blame game are the politicians and the police force

And of course a few "one eyed" stupid posters in TV who at times blindly dish out blame without knowing what in the hell they are ratting on about.

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I am not linked or favour any politically side as I am in the opinion that all, whether the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, Pheu Thai, Democrats, etc are all a bunch of hopeless self-interests garbage. Neither do i support the army who has too many dinosaurs that are not attuned to modern day ways....but I really hate that recounciliation cannot be achieved as its not fair to always blame the red shirts for everything...so far since the bombings, many groups...including many TV members are implying that the red shirts are behind it....what about the PRDC Yellow shorts then> Funny that someone comes out from the temple and then so many problems start? Common....stop accussing anyone till the facts are properly gathered. There can be a ton of possibilities....a US /CIA linked conspiracy, The Israelis conspiracy, the various muslims groups, etc etc or even just some stupid farang or luk kreung youth with a messed up brain.......just stop being so biase.

THis is a time for all to unite and catch the culprits before more such things happen in Bangkok or Thailand. we, our loved ones and people we know are still at risk till these culprits are caught. In the meanwhile, tel all your friedns, relations to boycott thailand till its safe.

Seems safe enough for me, but then i am not from Myanmar !

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Judging Thailand over the past thirty plus years, why would this junta bring together that togetherness that others have not been able to bring , it seems just common sense that the divide would either stay the same or get bigger, when the military forces itself upon the community virtually at the point of a gun , go figure. coffee1.gif

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I think the author has just arrived in Thailand.

Because he seems not to know about the THIRTY people murdered during the last protests and not a single person arrested for any of them. Nor any sign of any investigation.

And now this.

People are sick and tired of having innocent's murdered and nobody held accountable. Up until now there has only been one active terrorist group in Bangkok and hence people are right to suspect they are behind it. This is an escalation for sure - but given the circumstances (most notable being that police cannot be trusted to help any more) one can appreciate it might happen given the increasing desperation of those who might have done it.

Pacifism and burying your head in the sand would be great if they worked. Trouble is, they only ever make things worse.

It appears he's not the only one who has just arrived in Thailand, as there have been several arrests made for the various grenade throwers of 2014, the victory monument thrower early on, then the Trat thrower, but hey, don't let the truth get in the way of your constant inaccuracy within your post contents.

What side of the divide was your popcorn gunman hero on again? You know, the guy who's in jail for what was various firearms offences ,will be a murder charge now, as one of his victims died.?

The irony here is that from what I've seen, it's the farangs on TVF who are the most bitter and bigoted here, not the Thais.

Just google the Rambo from Isarn and then you know why the popcorn gunman was shooting. I live relatively close to Chang Wattana, the Rambo from Isarn was constantly harassing the yellow protesters and getting violent after that the popcorn man was brought in for security. If you tell a story tell it good. Of course it does not excuse the guy and an innocent died but it has to be in the context of the situation where it was a response to the violence from a hardcore part of the redhirts on the protests there.



This guy just look into him and his role.

Edited by robblok
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We can speculate all we want about who did it and why.

But I think that the majority of us can agree that this was a cowardly, sensless and pointless act, setting off a bomb at a shrine, during a peak period of patronage.

The horror of it and the hell that the survivors and their families will have to go through is unbeliveable and for what? " THE DIVIDE in Thai Society" Surely not, has Thai society collapsed so far, I don't think so!

And the fact that the main suspect dosen't appear to be a Thai would also prove otherwise.

I think that the media needs to grow up and not start playing plolitical games with the people, with stories like this until all of the facts are at hand.

This was not a 'story'. This was a personal analysis by a Thai academic. Quite legit to do this.

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So who has created the divide, promulgated mis-information to maintain it, and in whose interest is it to deepen that divide?

The divide was there long before you arrived in the country, long before Thaksin rose to power, long before most of us were born.

June 24th 1932


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So who has created the divide, promulgated mis-information to maintain it, and in whose interest is it to deepen that divide?

The divide was there long before you arrived in the country, long before Thaksin rose to power, long before most of us were born.[/quote

Haggis, your wasting your time trying to educate some people on here.

Enlishjohn thinks he signed the Magna Carta,good man Rob will go back years in history to find a counter argument, and as for Jamie, all quiet on the African front!

Hopefully for everyone's sake on here they catch the culprit(s) soon and end all this speculation and mud slinging, but I doubt that very much, on either account!

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I think your report can be summed up in the third line.....................coffee1.gif

"Amid the constant flow of reports - not all of them reliable - it may be premature to make claims about who was behind the attack."---OP

And then we go on to do just that for the next 798 words.........

Really? Did you read the rest because judging from your statement you didn't. Counting words is not the same as reading.

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I think the author has just arrived in Thailand.

Because he seems not to know about the THIRTY people murdered during the last protests and not a single person arrested for any of them. Nor any sign of any investigation.

And now this.

People are sick and tired of having innocent's murdered and nobody held accountable. Up until now there has only been one active terrorist group in Bangkok and hence people are right to suspect they are behind it. This is an escalation for sure - but given the circumstances (most notable being that police cannot be trusted to help any more) one can appreciate it might happen given the increasing desperation of those who might have done it.

Pacifism and burying your head in the sand would be great if they worked. Trouble is, they only ever make things worse.

Yes and the government of the day sending in troops armed with live ammo ( not even rubber bullets) in to quell protesters did'nt help either.

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I think your report can be summed up in the third line.....................coffee1.gif

"Amid the constant flow of reports - not all of them reliable - it may be premature to make claims about who was behind the attack."---OP

And then we go on to do just that for the next 798 words.........

not sure what article you and the 10 or so people who have already liked your comment read, however at no point does the good doctor even speculate about who is responsible.

while the article may be verbose, the premise that we are no nearer to reconciliation for a number of reason is certainly valid.

this is just another example of the inability of thai visa readers to actually read, and more significantly, comprehend an article before posting.

Edited by HooHaa
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I know the author is a visiting fellow at a UK university but I disagree that the bomb attack will deepen the divide in Thai society to any great extent. The bombings were acts of evil and a tragedy, but the effects will be negligible compared with the damage to society from the 2006 or 2014 coups. You can't have the army illegally seize power from an elected government and then try to act as a moral authority.

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I think the author has just arrived in Thailand.

Because he seems not to know about the THIRTY people murdered during the last protests and not a single person arrested for any of them. Nor any sign of any investigation.

And now this.

People are sick and tired of having innocent's murdered and nobody held accountable. Up until now there has only been one active terrorist group in Bangkok and hence people are right to suspect they are behind it. This is an escalation for sure - but given the circumstances (most notable being that police cannot be trusted to help any more) one can appreciate it might happen given the increasing desperation of those who might have done it.

Pacifism and burying your head in the sand would be great if they worked. Trouble is, they only ever make things worse.

It appears he's not the only one who has just arrived in Thailand, as there have been several arrests made for the various grenade throwers of 2014, the victory monument thrower early on, then the Trat thrower, but hey, don't let the truth get in the way of your constant inaccuracy within your post contents.

What side of the divide was your popcorn gunman hero on again? You know, the guy who's in jail for what was various firearms offences ,will be a murder charge now, as one of his victims died.?

The irony here is that from what I've seen, it's the farangs on TVF who are the most bitter and bigoted here, not the Thais.

I think the point was that the CAPO and police headed by Chalerm and Tarit failed to stop the attacks, arrest perpetrators and even let a few go without charge who fell into their hands. Suggests they were a tad biased and those responsible might have been on the same side?

The arrests came after the coup when the military shoved a poker up the RTP's arse, and "supervised" them. Now where these cases go, and whether real justice will be done is anybody's guess. Same with the PDRC thugs and gunman arrested. What progress on the cases?

Remember all the hype around the time of the coup about corrupt politicians and how they'd be punished. Nope, not really happening is it?

It seems part of the game that which faction is in power threatens the other with the law, accuses them, even arrests a few, announces charges against the powerful who are never arrested of course, and then everything disappears in the quagmire of the judicial system.

The few who do get tried, convicted and actually punished must be the ones who seriously piss of the wrong people and over step the mark significantly.

It's almost like some unwritten rules exist and no doubt a lot of behind the scenes back door wheeler dealing.

The vast majority of Thais are not players in this game, nor will they likely see a just fair society with an unbiased fair to all justice system until those that do play, whatever political name they call themselves or pretend to be, are kicked out. The fact that more Thais now comment with disdain about the corruption must worry those at the top and therefore both sides perpetuate the divide - divide and rule principal.

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I know the author is a visiting fellow at a UK university but I disagree that the bomb attack will deepen the divide in Thai society to any great extent. The bombings were acts of evil and a tragedy, but the effects will be negligible compared with the damage to society from the 2006 or 2014 coups. You can't have the army illegally seize power from an elected government and then try to act as a moral authority.

Nor can you have an elected government acting illegally claim the moral authority.

That is the crux of the matter. The choice seems to be a military Junta a la Myanmar or a crooked government led by a criminal a la Cambodia. Neither of which give two hoots about democracy, justice, human rights or the actual population.

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I think the author has just arrived in Thailand.

Because he seems not to know about the THIRTY people murdered during the last protests and not a single person arrested for any of them. Nor any sign of any investigation.

And now this.

People are sick and tired of having innocent's murdered and nobody held accountable. Up until now there has only been one active terrorist group in Bangkok and hence people are right to suspect they are behind it. This is an escalation for sure - but given the circumstances (most notable being that police cannot be trusted to help any more) one can appreciate it might happen given the increasing desperation of those who might have done it.

Pacifism and burying your head in the sand would be great if they worked. Trouble is, they only ever make things worse.

Yes and the government of the day sending in troops armed with live ammo ( not even rubber bullets) in to quell protesters did'nt help either.

Whereas the leaders of the insurrection inciting the protesters to stand and fight the army, burn Bangkok down and promising to take responsibility and be there shoulder to shoulder quickly when shots are fired (neither of which they did of course) was helpful?

Someone was spoiling for a violent confrontation. Given the length of time and provocation to ignite the tragic events it seems clear who that might be, to anyone who was here at the time or has actually followed what happened without the political spins and history re-write attempts.

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So who has created the divide, promulgated mis-information to maintain it, and in whose interest is it to deepen that divide?


The above quote applies to those who cannot win them.

Being new here, I am surprised this is not apparent to everyone.

They need to create political disfunction in order to overcome electoral challenges and create other pathways to power.

Being new here you show a high bias to one particular faction in all your posts. Never any negative comment or criticism in the other faction that currently vies for power and control of the nation's wealth.

Not the first "newbie" avatar with these characteristics. and probably not the last.

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So who has created the divide, promulgated mis-information to maintain it, and in whose interest is it to deepen that divide?

The divide was there long before you arrived in the country, long before Thaksin rose to power, long before most of us were born.

The divide happened long long ago, when a group of Chinese immigrants, today known as Thai Chinese brought in their form of corruption, white lies and supressing FACE brainwashing agenda into Siam to clamp down the poor.......

Spot on Max. My Chinese friends in HK and China say exactly the same thing. They laugh and say we Westerners just don't understand how things really work the Chinese way.

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So who has created the divide, promulgated mis-information to maintain it, and in whose interest is it to deepen that divide?

I think it would be fair to say that all parties have had a hand in the creation of the divide, and all are probably guilty of disseminating mis-information from time to time. The deepening of the divide is unavoidable until their is some give and take on all sides.

That is a fair comment. If their is some give and take on all sides I suspect it will only favor those in the top echelon who play these games and their attached lackeys.

The Thai people, the poor and middle classes won't derive much if any benefit other than less political upheaval and a few crumbs thrown their way.

If you have ever been in business take overs, acquisitions, re-structures, outsourcing etc, then that makes for a good analogy. The games senior managers and management teams play in those circumstances are similar. All want what's best for themselves and when the deals are finally done, the give and takes concluded they get what the can. Rarely are the benefits, implications or consequences of the workers, the majority stakeholder employees given much priority, IME.

Same here. If the politicians, military, civil servants strike a deal, then it will be done and sod the people. And that, sadly, is an aspect of human nature, repeated in many countries around the world.

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It says something is very bad in a society if a national tragedy like this, doesn't unite the country against the perpetrators.

On one hand are the denies saying 'No Thai person could ever do this', on the other, people blaming the various factions they stand against.

All of which shows that the country was in a dark downward spiral and the military are required to stop everyone from crossing over the line.

No it doesn't because the military and their political allies are the main cause of the "dark downward spiral".

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It says something is very bad in a society if a national tragedy like this, doesn't unite the country against the perpetrators.

On one hand are the denies saying 'No Thai person could ever do this', on the other, people blaming the various factions they stand against.

All of which shows that the country was in a dark downward spiral and the military are required to stop everyone from crossing over the line.

No it doesn't because the military and their political allies are the main cause of the "dark downward spiral".

That's right and the history of Thaksin Shinawatra is one of Mother Theresa and Che Guevara leading the oppressed to liberation. Fascinating to read from some of the above contributions that with the slightest whiff in the media that the terrorist attacks might be an inside job, the red apologists from old are rolling back and getting their excuses together to pin the donkey's tail of responsibility on both the military and Thai Chinese (ie we did it it, but they forced us into it) That Thaksin himself is Thai Chinese always seems to escape the cheerleaders. What is lamentable is that the sociological drivel from the original article is the type of stuff which we have to read on a regular basis 'explaining' and whitewashing terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world. In the event of further bombings we will no doubt have to endure further academic vapourings that it is the fault of the military for not implementing 'reconciliation' (and in the real world we know exactly what that means). Even if the perpetrators of the bombings turn out to be from elsewhere at least we are getting a rotten little show from the old team and their tactics from old times.

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This tragedy could have been a unique opportunity for the nation to come together.

Like France after Charlie Hebdo. Look at Bush's approval rating after 9/11. For those in power and their supporters, this tragic event was also a unique historical opportunity : petty differences aside, unite the nation behind a new common enemy. Instead we got the usual instantaneous almost gleeful red shirt did it..., Thaksin did it..., finger pointing. Prayuth himself (although he says he was misquoted ) looking towards Isaan in his very first speech post attack. If he didn't know who did it why bother mentioning Isaan at all? What does mentioning Isaan in his very first speech achieve?

And before someone comes out with "how about the other faction". Nobody apart from a few fly by posters idiot are accusing the Junta of doing this. There shouldn't be two sides. The only reason there is, is because of the all the finger pointing and innuendo .

Edited by firestar
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We can speculate all we want about who did it and why.

But I think that the majority of us can agree that this was a cowardly, sensless and pointless act, setting off a bomb at a shrine, during a peak period of patronage.

The horror of it and the hell that the survivors and their families will have to go through is unbeliveable and for what? " THE DIVIDE in Thai Society" Surely not, has Thai society collapsed so far, I don't think so!

And the fact that the main suspect dosen't appear to be a Thai would also prove otherwise.

I think that the media needs to grow up and not start playing plolitical games with the people, with stories like this until all of the facts are at hand.

The reality is that some divisive people want the "divide" as you call it to remain unless they are directly involved in its repair, if Thailand looks like it is on any sort of path to healing itself certain people will throw a big spanner in the works to prevent it

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We can speculate all we want about who did it and why.

But I think that the majority of us can agree that this was a cowardly, sensless and pointless act, setting off a bomb at a shrine, during a peak period of patronage.

The horror of it and the hell that the survivors and their families will have to go through is unbeliveable and for what? " THE DIVIDE in Thai Society" Surely not, has Thai society collapsed so far, I don't think so!

And the fact that the main suspect dosen't appear to be a Thai would also prove otherwise.

I think that the media needs to grow up and not start playing plolitical games with the people, with stories like this until all of the facts are at hand.

The reality is that some divisive people want the "divide" as you call it to remain unless they are directly involved in its repair, if Thailand looks like it is on any sort of path to healing itself certain people will throw a big spanner in the works to prevent it

Healing itself for those in power basically means the proles get back in their boxes, shut up and let the big boys in BKK rape and pillage the countries resources for another 100 years....or reset the clock back 50 years when these pesky people knew their place in society 'ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die"

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It says something is very bad in a society if a national tragedy like this, doesn't unite the country against the perpetrators.

On one hand are the denies saying 'No Thai person could ever do this', on the other, people blaming the various factions they stand against.

All of which shows that the country was in a dark downward spiral and the military are required to stop everyone from crossing over the line.

No it doesn't because the military and their political allies are the main cause of the "dark downward spiral".

That's right and the history of Thaksin Shinawatra is one of Mother Theresa and Che Guevara leading the oppressed to liberation. Fascinating to read from some of the above contributions that with the slightest whiff in the media that the terrorist attacks might be an inside job, the red apologists from old are rolling back and getting their excuses together to pin the donkey's tail of responsibility on both the military and Thai Chinese (ie we did it it, but they forced us into it) That Thaksin himself is Thai Chinese always seems to escape the cheerleaders. What is lamentable is that the sociological drivel from the original article is the type of stuff which we have to read on a regular basis 'explaining' and whitewashing terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world. In the event of further bombings we will no doubt have to endure further academic vapourings that it is the fault of the military for not implementing 'reconciliation' (and in the real world we know exactly what that means). Even if the perpetrators of the bombings turn out to be from elsewhere at least we are getting a rotten little show from the old team and their tactics from old times.

You could argue Thaksin himself is a product of the military though. The military made his fortune. It's his buddies from the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School that allowed him to get the exclusive GSM license that made him rich. It's the culture of opacity and patronage within the army that made him rich. They never would have awarded him the license if they knew how valuable it was, but who gave it, what was the bidding process, pfffft, who knows. The navy for example controls all the beaches even in places like Koh Samui, it's not the police but the navy that will "visit". it's a complete black hole. Reforming Thailand starts at the top and the top is the military.

Edited by firestar
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Here's something to make things interesting:.



They guy is from Turkey, where they had demonstrations in front of the Thai consulate after the deportation of the Uigers. Just something to think about.

Edited by Just1Voice
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It says something is very bad in a society if a national tragedy like this, doesn't unite the country against the perpetrators.

On one hand are the denies saying 'No Thai person could ever do this', on the other, people blaming the various factions they stand against.

All of which shows that the country was in a dark downward spiral and the military are required to stop everyone from crossing over the line.

So the Government propaganda about Unity was a lie.

The military is 100% the cause of the problems in this country. Stupid people who support the military are equally responsible.

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