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Marc Faber's Palatial Complex in Northern Thailand


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The last few days, his predictions have been pretty accurate. The last five years, nost so much.

I remember about ten years ago he was being interviewed on CNBC or Bloomberg

He insisted that everyone should buy gold,that was 350 usd ? per ounce at the time.

I have always had the highest regard for his opinions since then

"He insisted that everyone should buy gold"

And he's still recommending it as a "desirable asset" and "insurance."

He's a somewhat annoying person and his Gloom, Boom & Doom Report seems to be perpetually negative (as suggested by it's title), but he's always worth reading or listening to as a moderating influence on all the irrational exuberance constantly emanating from other investment "experts."


Considering this is at least the second Thread concerning this gentleman's property in Chiang mai--can we now call it a day--there can't be that many who are really interested?? Or, am I wrong?

Since the topic was pretty obvious from the thread title, if it's of no interest to you, why bother opening the thread?

Possibly seeing his name on a thread in the business forum would generate greater interest, especially as the markets are "correcting" rather violently at the moment.

Edited by Suradit69
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And even if he did, who cares? Afford the man some privacy.

Someone who lets journos take pictures of the inside of his house and blabs about his Mao fetish and his other properties is more interested in publicity than privacy, I'd say.

That's not fair, Hougourou - you know I have a Mao fetish myself!

Better change out of your phakhaoma, Dru, there's a NY Times camera crew on your front porch right now!

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I really like Faber. I suppose he has mucho dollars, but he seems to live a fairly simple life with interests in academic pursuits, writing, reading, and study.

If those are indeed his interests, then I guess he is not overly concerned with flashing his wealth.

I do not mind the wealth disparity, so much, if it is selfmade, in an honest way, and the possessor of wealth is smart enough to be interesting and pursue things in life which are of value.

I have listened to what Faber has to say in many of his lectures, and he is a very decent sort with a well honed ironical sense of humor.

What is not to like, no matter where he might live.

I like dogs, too, and so does he.

I'd suggest a bit of research into Faber's involvement with Ivanhoe Mining, led by the notorious Robert "Toxic Bob" Friedland, who poisoned the Colorado River with cyanide, hoping to extract gold from spent mines.

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400m² = palatial? coffee1.gif

"Palatial Complex." There is one 400 sq meter home and one 400 sq meter building on the 8000 sq meter property. Palatial compared to the dwellings of all the other expats who hang out on Loi Kroh road.

right you are! because Marc Faber has indeed a palatial mental superiority complex thumbsup.gif

It's good to look into your own heart. A little before bedtime.

yeah giggle.gif for some unknown reason mentioning Marc Faber is like a red rag to a bull as far Naam is concernedunsure.png

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Nice, well mannered, intelligent couple who have been in CM longer than most on here and quietly behind the scenes and without seeking any publicity contribute far, far more to the local community in terms of philanthrophy and funding of needy projects than about 97% of the posters on TV.

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what exactly are these "world central banks talking heads" saying? huh.png

oh they are saying like the talking heads in Japan were saying after the Fukushima disaster - " dont worry " !

The central bank talking heads are saying " don't worry " about the $600 TRILLION in derivativesgigglem.gif

Edited by midas
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yeah giggle.gif for some unknown reason mentioning Marc Faber is like a red rag to a bull as far Naam is concerned:unsure:

why would anybody who (like you) is since years, specifically since "Lehman 2008", too often wrong be a red rag for me? investors who blindly followed his advice during the last six years were hardly successful.

moreover, his suggestions "where and how to invest" are nearly exclusively meant for high networth individuals who's assets exceed $ 20 million (check Faber's entry minimum to the fund he manages!) and not for expats living in Thailand bitching about ATM fees, SWIFT charges, the price of beer and chicken liver on a stick from a street vendor laugh.png

but that's all besides this thread's topic which is "palatial home of 400m²". my 'moo ban' has 34 homes. at least 25% of these homes exceed 400m² living area, some of them are double and triple the size but nobody would dare to use the ridiculous expression "palatial".

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what exactly are these "world central banks talking heads" saying? huh.png

oh they are saying like the talking heads in Japan were saying after the Fukushima disaster - " dont worry " !

The central bank talking heads are saying " don't worry " about the $600 TRILLION in derivativesgigglem.gif

back up your claim with quotes and links from central bankers that can be verified. your typical sidestepping to "Fukushima" is irrelevant because i'm sure no central banker has commented the disaster with a "don't worry". coffee1.gif

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Palatial compared to the dwellings of all the other expats who hang out on Loi Kroh road.

But, so many of those tippling-fellows have virtually infinite space between their ears where the brain is usually located; of course, a possible root cause of this is the failure of the large proportion of the brain the young male keeps in ... you know ... down there ... to migrate upwards after age thirty, and finally, with luck, enter the skull.


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Well, having a huge collection of Mao posters is certainly not something I would brag about. I would keep it hidden. I would not tell anyone about them. He was an absolute pig, responsible for the death and starvation of millions of his own. Not someone you want to glorify.

One of Obama's appointees resigned over her comments praising Mao; the biggest murderer in history (77 million). http://canadafreepress.com/article/who-was-chairman-mao-lionized-by-obamas-white-house

A Nazi memorabilia collection would have been better, but the Swiss are sensitive about that, since they seemed to have been huge beneficiaries of the "Final Solution."

And Reagan visited the military cemetery at Bitburg, Germany to honor German soldiers who died fighting for the 3rd Reich.

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Please do..... for some reason Marc Faber is of interest to many on this forum.

If gold ever shines again he will be worth a fortune. Love his forecasting directly opposite of what the world central banks talking heads are saying. The debt clock continues tick tock like a TB. When it goes boom boom it will be different than well you know what BB means.

And when Jesus returns, gold will be worth nothing. Just you wait. It's gonna happen any day now.

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