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France: 2 Americans subdue gunman on high-speed train

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Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Yorktown 1776 the French did the same.

Unfortunately the government of the United States has pushed the multi-culturalism and mass immigration from the Islamic world and Africa that is ruining Europe and made this latest attack possible . The American government has continuously pushed for the inclusion of 90 million Muzz Turks in the EU and NATO bombers made the jihadist conquest of Kosovo a reality. There are many such examples. Of course neither the American or European people are in favor of this but we have an elite class which is. Obozo is now flooding the USA with Muzz immigrants as well. The "Camp of the Saints" is a reality in all of the Western world.

Semper Fi USMC for your herorism on this train. The French sites I am following all speak of your courage and of their gratitude; as well as their frustration with France's multicultural nightmare.

What a stretch to blame the US for the multicultural situation in the EU. Every sovereign country has the right to decide who it will or will not accept. One of the main groups who pushed for more positive attitudes toward immigrants was the UNHCR, which is centered in Geneva, Switzerland and is mostly dominated by Europeans and people from smaller countries. The UNHCR made significant efforts to get refugees resettled.

I think it is a bit of a stretch to insinuate that a Moroccan in Europe is somehow because of US immigration policies.

No they don't in the EU. In the EU Germany, France and UK decide what all the rest of EU does. And there are no borders so anyone with permit to stay in a Schengen nation (lets say Portugal) can legally start marching from there to the northern most tip of Sweden without getting stopped.

Thank you to these two American soldiers. You were courageous and effective.

Generalizations as always ironic about this incident are to be garaged among the other gossip and speculation. No interest.

However, it is true that in France and Belgium today one that actively defends attacks by thugs risk big trouble with the judges.


Good find. You can see the AK in literally the last second of the video. Lacking information to the contrary I'm calling it an AK-74 (not a typo) in 5.45×39mm caliber. The barrel looks to be smaller in diameter than an AK-47 in 7.62×39mm AK caliber. The 74 has a smaller but much faster bullet and is just as damaging.



Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Yorktown 1776 the French did the same.

Unfortunately the government of the United States has pushed the multi-culturalism and mass immigration from the Islamic world and Africa that is ruining Europe and made this latest attack possible . The American government has continuously pushed for the inclusion of 90 million Muzz Turks in the EU and NATO bombers made the jihadist conquest of Kosovo a reality. There are many such examples. Of course neither the American or European people are in favor of this but we have an elite class which is. Obozo is now flooding the USA with Muzz immigrants as well. The "Camp of the Saints" is a reality in all of the Western world.

Semper Fi USMC for your herorism on this train. The French sites I am following all speak of your courage and of their gratitude; as well as their frustration with France's multicultural nightmare.

What a stretch to blame the US for the multicultural situation in the EU. Every sovereign country has the right to decide who it will or will not accept. One of the main groups who pushed for more positive attitudes toward immigrants was the UNHCR, which is centered in Geneva, Switzerland and is mostly dominated by Europeans and people from smaller countries. The UNHCR made significant efforts to get refugees resettled.

I think it is a bit of a stretch to insinuate that a Moroccan in Europe is somehow because of US immigration policies.

No they don't in the EU. In the EU Germany, France and UK decide what all the rest of EU does. And there are no borders so anyone with permit to stay in a Schengen nation (lets say Portugal) can legally start marching from there to the northern most tip of Sweden without getting stopped.

Please note the words 'every sovereign country'. If some countries have given up their sovereign right to enters the country that is their own internal problem. It might be wise to review those decisions. My only point was that US immigration policy would have virtually nothing to do with this and the US or any other non-EU country would have little influence over who lives in Europe.


Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Yorktown 1776 the French did the same.

I trust you mean the Siege of Yorktown which occurred in 1781. Yes, the French were involved, but trying to claim that they "rescued" the Americans is laughable revisionism. The Americans and French had been acting as alliance. French troops at Yorktown were under Washington's command, and comprised about 40% of his soldiers. The battle was won, because the French fleet was ordered by Washington to block Cornwalis' escape from Yorktown, while Washington took advantage of a tactical error made by Cornwalis in failing to properly defend 4 redoubts. As a result, Washington was able to bombard the British troops for 3 weeks while trapped in Yorktown. The British surrendered and American independence resulted.

Reaching back 250 years to bring up a questionable show of military will reeks of desperation.

No. You need to read my initial post more carefully. I never blamed America exclusively for the French immigration problem and to do so would be foolish indeed. Yet the American government do (and did) influence European decisions on these matters in many different ways. This is not to absolve European multi-culturalists and open-borders politicians and elites. Many Americans understand they too have been betrayed in the same way by Washington elites as well.

It was a miracle that the Americans prevailed over the most powerful military power of the time. It is doubtful they would have done so without the considerable French support; both financal and eventually military. The money the French King spent on this war was substantial and put France into debt. Historians recognize this large war-debt was one if the factors that led to the French Revolution and the loss of the King's head. The odds against the Americans in their revolt were very high and the French support was indeed crucial. The French are grateful for American support in WW II and our Founding Fathers were of France's considerable contribution to their independance. What desperation are you referring to? I simply pointed out that America repaid France for their help as a reminder to all the American French-bashers that French history did not begin in 1939 as some believe. Look at the valor of the French army in WW I and their considerable casualites as a further example. The collapse of the French army in 1939 is recognized as a lowpoint in our history; but it is far from being the sum total of a long history we are proud of. Being both French and American; I am proud of both and even manage somehow to be an Anglophile ( except during rugby matches). 555


Yorktown 1776 the French did the same.

Unfortunately the government of the United States has pushed the multi-culturalism and mass immigration from the Islamic world and Africa that is ruining Europe and made this latest attack possible . The American government has continuously pushed for the inclusion of 90 million Muzz Turks in the EU and NATO bombers made the jihadist conquest of Kosovo a reality. There are many such examples. Of course neither the American or European people are in favor of this but we have an elite class which is. Obozo is now flooding the USA with Muzz immigrants as well. The "Camp of the Saints" is a reality in all of the Western world.

Semper Fi USMC for your herorism on this train. The French sites I am following all speak of your courage and of their gratitude; as well as their frustration with France's multicultural nightmare.

What a stretch to blame the US for the multicultural situation in the EU. Every sovereign country has the right to decide who it will or will not accept. One of the main groups who pushed for more positive attitudes toward immigrants was the UNHCR, which is centered in Geneva, Switzerland and is mostly dominated by Europeans and people from smaller countries. The UNHCR made significant efforts to get refugees resettled.

I think it is a bit of a stretch to insinuate that a Moroccan in Europe is somehow because of US immigration policies.

No they don't in the EU. In the EU Germany, France and UK decide what all the rest of EU does. And there are no borders so anyone with permit to stay in a Schengen nation (lets say Portugal) can legally start marching from there to the northern most tip of Sweden without getting stopped.

Please note the words 'every sovereign country'. If some countries have given up their sovereign right to enters the country that is their own internal problem. It might be wise to review those decisions. My only point was that US immigration policy would have virtually nothing to do with this and the US or any other non-EU country would have little influence over who lives in Europe.

No i don't think US has much say in EU immigration but countries like Libya and Turkey have as they actively push/help "refugees" (welfare tourists is the more correct word) to Europe through them.

But the people who stopped this terrorist should get more than just a medal.


Despite what some would have us believe, this is what my America looks like to me, every day. A couple of buddies doing what buddies do.

The guy in the middle who yelled "Get him" lives about 100 miles from where I live and I know the people of the area. That area is the heart of vast mountainous timber lands and some gold mining and was settled by big strong men who had the genetics and will to tame the wilderness and become loggers and miners. A lot of them were Swedes, Scots and Irish. It's a small area without much growth and it retains much of its heritage.

I think I see some of that pioneer in Mr. Skarlatos in the middle. Unfortunately black people were chosen for being strong and able to work hard as attested to by the way they dominate professional sports in the US.

Mr. Skarlatos and Mr. Spencer have that physical ability and emotionally have put that past behind them are are what they should be - buddies with their arms around each other.




The sad fact about this Good News story, is that we, the 'Good Guys' if you like,have to get lucky like this every time-whereas the maniac extremists only need to get by once to succeed in their quest to murder many innocent bystanders~ thank God,we got lucky this time.


And unfortunately it won't be the last similar story concerning these African, Maroccon or whatever lunatics. Are we still surprised here? No way! Becomes more and more common in the Eu unless these cowardly politicians going to do something really drastic about it. But of course we all know what that has to be, don't we? shock1.gif1zgarz5.gif


Saw a picture of the shooter carted off on a stretcher.

Looks like the two Marines worked him over a bit.

They where not marines but national guardsmen on holiday in Europe after a tour in Afghanistan and a third person helped them who is a 63 year old British bussinesman.

The shooter is a Belgian of Morrocan decent who boarded the train in the Brussels south trainstation, last week IS Syria fighters issued another terror threat against Belgium and the message contained a sentence wich said our sleeping lions will awaken in your country wich basicly means calling up the lone wolf terrorists to carry out attacks.

The shooter was actually known by the authority's as linked to terror organisations,i would provide links but i think most tv readers cant read Dutch.


Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Yes, but i doubt Obama even knows where France is . He is the only American president that has not attended the memorial service for fallen ex GI's since the end of WW2.


I was....I am....I shall always be....a United States Marine.

Thank you for your service. thumbsup.gif

I share your Thanks with every man and woman who has had to courage to put on a uniform, regardless of which branch of the military, and by doing so, openly proclaim: "I am ready to defend my country, even if it means my own death."

(But we Jarheads think we're special, because we are! lol)whistling.gif

But only in America rolleyes.gif


BTW; Arras happens to be the birthplace of Robespierre. I can't stand the <deleted>; but wouldn't mind using his guillotine on this goat-sh**** ing jihadist. He will unfortunately be pampered royalty in prison; where the Muzz make-up the overwhelming majority of prisoners.


Well done guys, hope you got a few kicks in !!

At the beginning of the video I posted one of the soldiers said "dude, I tried to shoot him". smile.png


What happened in this train is awful and i'm thankful for the brave American soldiers who certainly saved scores of lives but I feel dismayed when i read some comments on the Arab ethnicity and Muslim immigrants.

The 28 years old man who saved a French tourist from drowning in Italy last month was Moroccan (http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2015/05/159307/italy-moroccan-hailed-as-hero-for-saving-man-who-fell-into-river/)

The cop who got killed trying to arrest Charlie Hebdo terrorists was of Algerian descent.

The current French education minister is of Moroccan descent.

The current Mayor of Rotterdam is of Moroccan descent.


Bad people exist in every community and every country. One shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin. It sounds obvious but i think sometimes this should be reminded.


Pic of the shooter. Looks like he got roughed up a bit:


One Marine was shot in the neck but reports say it's not serious.

Good thing they recognized the sound of someone locking and loading, or were even there as it sounds like the shooter had nine-30 round mags:

"French police recovered at least nine full magazines of ammunition from the suspect's backpack, containing almost 300 rounds"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3206426/U-S-Marines-armed-gunman-onboard-high-speed-train-Amsterdam-Paris.html#ixzz3jVicklBn

Roughed up? Oh my! The Hollande government may now charge the Marines with a " hate crime" ; especially if there were any culturally insensitive remarks made about his Muzz religion or ethnicity. Marine Le Pen for her part; has already thanked the Marines for their courage on her Facebook page. Perhaps better days are ahead for Europe?

How ill-informed you are. France committed ground forces and defeated Islamic extremism (Mali). France has armed forces allocated and fighting Islamist forces in the M.E., refer below.


Perhaps you need to read up on Le Pen's anti Americanism & support for Putin before heaping praise upon her.

I would be happy to debate you on the subjects of both Marine Le Pen and Russia; but this is definitely off topic and will not be permitted on this thread. Le Pen is not "anti-American" but has issues with some American policies as do I. I recall all the European leaders who were opposed to the Iraq war and were slurred as being "anti-American" a decade ago. Many of these same people now support Donald Trump who was vehemently opposed to the Iraq war as well. Is Trump also "anti-American"? I am a paleo-conservative who opposed the Iraq war and open borders as well; but don't consider myself anti-American in the least.

Hollande received 93% of the Muzz vote in the last presidential election and despite what was done in Mali; has a long sordid history of collaboration with the islamic invasion. I could give you a long list of outrageous examples of this .



Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Yes, but i doubt Obama even knows where France is . He is the only American president that has not attended the memorial service for fallen ex GI's since the end of WW2.

Hopefully Mods will permit a response. Even though I'm not a US national,cannot let the slur pass.

June 2014:

Later that afternoon, President Obama attends the official international 70th D-Day commemoration ceremony at Sword Beach, Normandy, and then departs for the USA.


Obama Receives Multiple Standing Ovations For Memorial Day Speech Thanking The Troops



Americans coming to the rescue of France again.

Thank you very much to these Americans. This could have been a real carnage. The problem is, the French justice will release the Islamic terrorist very soon.


Hail to the two American Marines who have prevented another atrocity. And more food for thought to those governments that allow itinerant so called migrants to invade your country, impose their perversion of religion on you and want to kill anyone that does not agree with them. This attempted event will be repeated continuously whilst you allow these people to invade your country. And if the adults do not cause you harm, rest assured that their children will unleash terror on you. Stop the flood. Let their countries of birth take responsibility for them because these economic tourists will kill your country.


I just did a few train trips and could have brought anything on I desired.

Not sure u can brought a bicycle on every train in France cheesy.gif ;

I know what I'm talking about .

One of the last trains I was on had 3-4 bikes. It wasn't in France, but they were in very large bags and took up a good part of one compartment!


"The argument is typical of those who will not accept responsibility for their own actions. You might want to read up on the history of Morocco. The French and Spanish both have a long history there."

You might want to read up on the numerous invasions of Spain and France by North African muslim armies and pirates as well. Spain was invaded and occuppied for seven hundred years by Muslim armies which were not invited in as guests. They conquered with the sword. France was repeatedly invaded by Muslim armies and victim of Muslim pirate raids which burnt cities to the ground and took Europeans into slavery. More than a million Europeans were enslaved by North African pirate raids over the centuries. Even the American President Thomas Jefferson had to deal with them. By your logic the later day colonization of North Africa was then justified. Europe has no moral obligation to accept unlimited immigration because of this colonization which we are constantly reminded of. The muslims have their countries and culture and we have ours.


How extremely fortunate that there were 2 competent Americans right on the scene or this could have been mass murder on a grand scale. The odds that serving soldiers would close enough to recognise the danger and snuff it out before it got going are very long indeed.

I suppose the upshot of this will be that train security will now have to be upgraded to the level of airport security, another victory for the terrorists.

For a lesson in common sense when it comes to Muslims in Europe (and a lesson in the Dutch language, if you like that kind of thing), I recommend this 6-minute video (interestingly, he mentions security on trains explicitly).


Merzik there is a nice little anti American bash thread going over on the Thai news branch. SJ newspaper labeled their Thai bomb headline Taiwan and not Thailand. Why not head over there and bleat about American pig ignorance, cultural elites, and anything else which is causing you indigestion and constipation. Perhaps even vomit up some of your personal political historical conspiracy theories and pontificate..

This OP and article is about a group of travelers who spontaneously acted with great heroism and bravery, preventing something horrifically ugly. We even have a film star acting nobly. Bravo! Can you please go take a dump on another thread.


Wusses. France should be an easy target with this type of attitude. Sounds as if the glorious train staff ran for safety and locked people in with the terrorist. Wussies with a capital P.

People are learning, one needs to take the bull by the horns when dealing with crazy banshee Muslims. Running for cover will just get you killed.


The French actor Jean-Hugues Anglade, who was on board the Thalys train when the attacker was foiled, has hit out at train staff who he claims barricaded themselves away from the attacker, and refused to help the trapped passengers.
He described how the train staff had "pale faces", and that they went towards their office, opened the door with a special key then shut themselves inside.
He added: "We hit the door, crying out for the staff to let us enter, we shouted "open!", one hoped they would react. In vain... No one responded. Silent radio.

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