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Personal Freedom - Where?

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What country has the most freedom in terms of individual rights and privacy?

I say the U.S. because we allow foreign despots to come to our own country, sit at the podium of an international body and insult us and call our leader the devil, and call for the downfall of the same country that is hosting him...then we give that body 5billion smackers a year...not including free room and board. Did you hear the Jaque Chirac skipped out on Chavez's speech to go to a New York steak house for u.s. beef because u.s. beef is banned in france?

The US used to ..... but privacy and freedom left the house under W.

Oh yes, of course...lets see...what rights have lost in the past few years...hmmm....can't think of any. Man, think for yourself! What rights have I lost? Maybe you can tell me?


qbt, do you wear red,white and blue undies?

Have you read up on the Patriot Act? No need to read the whole thing, just look at an unbiased synopsis, that's all. Then come back and say the same . . .

From one of your earlier highly intelligent comments: 'Where was your country in 1944? Possibly in the sam eplace as it is now, mate - countries don't pack up and move to warmer climes . . .

Are you related to Crawford?'

I'd probably say New Zealand, in terms of political and social freedom.


I actually think Canada rates pretty high! ... if it just weren't so far North (and have such aggressive neighbors to the south!)

Maybe you should take a look at the Patriot act .... the illegal wiretapping .... etc :o

Yes, I'm sure W. listens to the wiretap of your phone in Phuket personally. God you are full of yourself.


You can find web sites that rate freedom. Their opinions differ. Here is one list from http://www.newint.org/issue244/facts.htm

The best...

The 10 countries with the best record on civil and political rights (1991)

1. Finland 99%

2. Aotearoa/NZ 98%

Denmark 98%

Germany 98%

Netherlands 98%

6. Czechoslovakia 97%

Hungary 97%

Norway 97%

9. Belgium 96%

Switzerland 96%

(12. Canada 94%; 15. UK 93%; 17. Australia 91%; 18. US 90%.)

... and the worst

The 10 countries with the worst records on civil and political rights (1991)

1. Burma 17%

Iraq 17%

3. Sudan 18%

4. North Korea 20%

5. China 21%

6. Iran 22%

7. Libya 24%

8. Angola 27%

9. Afghanistan 28%

10.Saudi Arabia 29%


Maybe you should take a look at the Patriot act .... the illegal wiretapping .... etc :o

Yes, I'm sure W. listens to the wiretap of your phone in Phuket personally. God you are full of yourself.

Go back to the topic FP ------ Then do a little research about both e-mails and phone monitoring :D But I do live in Thailand to be free of a Gov't that condones those actions!

Maybe you should take a look at the Patriot act .... the illegal wiretapping .... etc :o

the eavesdropping was never used for domestic surveilance...you know that right? It was internatioal surveilance, you that too, of course. It was used on persons of interests. The supreme court is going to uphold it anyways. It was deemed illegal by a judge after it was brought to court by a man who said he could not make calls to people in lebanon...this man also represented a man convicted of conspiracy to commit a terrorist act and is also under investigation for fund the Hezbos. The judge herself has been attacked by pretty much every other judge because her ruling was deemed without merit. In order to find cause you have to show that there was damage to the party who brought the case. The lawyer who brought it is about to go on trial for lying under oath, false representation and funding of a terrorist group. He never showed how it damaged he just said his "friends" and "business parners" were afraid to converse with him on the phone for fear the the u.s. was listening in. You do know the the U.K. has these same laws and even go farther than the U.S. does. Actually, the way U.K. authorities went abuot to stop the recent highjacking of those flights from England to the U.S. would have been deemed illegal under current U.S. law because of their surveilance techniques. The U.K. has far more leeway in the handeling of monitoring terrorist suspects. You bet I wear red, white and blue undies and darn proud of it. This is a war were in. They declared war on the west a long time ago.


sorry --- you are yet again wrong .... domestic warrantless wiretapping is real.....

a quick google will give you all the relevant info available :o

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