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Pattaya Police Harrassment


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Ok hello

Listen l will speak out as something needs to done about the robbing Pattaya Police.... This has not changed even thus the government said clean up corruption... A

They have been over active using the bombing as a cover to catch anyone they can on a motorbike and find any way to extract money. It has come to a point that even if you have a LICENCE, TAX, HELMET you may still need to pay BAHT.

I went through a big police road block in JOMTIEN andhave passed through many around Pattaya with no issue my big bike all in order. Last night the fat Isan constable wanted to rev up my engine and he redlined it. I puched his hand off the throttle. Excuse me not blow my motor up monkey

He then insisted he wnated take my bike to be tested Monday and take my bike away.... NO CHANCE you are NOT taking NOTHING !

After the non Engliush speaking dog called a falang flee bag over who agin played his game. They had my licence and decided fine me 1000 Baht

Enough is Enough. I happen to know a cop and I think can fix although they are using any excuse to take money.... ITS ALL BULLSHIT RUBBISH.... Hey its a big bike you ass and I saw 2 roaring Harleys go straight through with drsg pipes on ENOUGH of there shit talking

HOW CAN YOU LET POLICE operate aginst people in this manner ?

THailand is posted all over the globe as worst police extortion and its a fact other governments post warnings to there citizens.... HOW SAD police are here to serve people not rob them and make them scared to leave home

Mr Prayuth this is the virus that needs to be cured

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.

Edited by Brit_Doggie
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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.


Much more likely the POS excuse for a law enforcement officer simply wanted to race around on a big bike for the weekend, free of charge.

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OP to say there is corruption in Thailand is like saying.... Smoking is bad for you......We know. But what are you going to do as a foreigner, you have no standing or power let alone the knowledge of Thai culture to deal with it.

Corruption is endemic in Thailand, but that does not mean to say all Thais are corrupt, they are not and depending where you are in Thailand will determine how much you encounter, Got to say I think your possible in the worst place in Thailand for it.

It's a funny thing, people only really complain about it when they are on the receiving end, by that I mean they don't say much, or think about it when they are not being squished..... Would you have wrote this topic if you had not been 'tapped' for money?

I do agree with you OP, I find corruption from the police even after 8 years here hard to swallow, I was brought up to respect the police, maybe that's why we as feigners here struggle with it.

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Part and parcel of living, driving or riding any vehicle in Thailand, for you to know how to deal with

such situations, and being angry and belligerent doesn't help,

if you want to live in this country, that sometime you get to experience these unsavoury exchanges

with the local BIB... I usually, treat them with respect, ask for leniency and considerations,

smile and joke with them, and most of the time I get away with not paying and feeling good

about it, but at times, when I see that the cop is resolute in preforming his job, I let him and pay...

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.

Hey dummy I do not drink and are former champ[ion athlete... I was on way collect my wife and my bike is not heavily modified you do not ride and no very little so I will not talk more


Edited by Jai Dee
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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.


Much more likely the POS excuse for a law enforcement officer simply wanted to race around on a big bike for the weekend, free of charge.

I think you could be right

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Is the bike 100% street legal, no modifications. Cops wont often know whats legal and what isnt , just that it sounds or lookd diffrent......

Thats the point if you change your exhaust which is legal as I have on a CRF 250.. And I have been stopped many times no ossues and even a GOGO

Only last night the smelly ass wanted money... The point is there only chasing $$$$

They are not serving the public... There time is hiding on corners rather patroling the streets as western country operates. Giving the public a sense of security

Bad Isan cops

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OP to say there is corruption in Thailand is like saying.... Smoking is bad for you......We know. But what are you going to do as a foreigner, you have no standing or power let alone the knowledge of Thai culture to deal with it.

Corruption is endemic in Thailand, but that does not mean to say all Thais are corrupt, they are not and depending where you are in Thailand will determine how much you encounter, Got to say I think your possible in the worst place in Thailand for it.

It's a funny thing, people only really complain about it when they are on the receiving end, by that I mean they don't say much, or think about it when they are not being squished..... Would you have wrote this topic if you had not been 'tapped' for money?

I do agree with you OP, I find corruption from the police even after 8 years here hard to swallow, I was brought up to respect the police, maybe that's why we as feigners here struggle with it.

Paid many times point is government voweld to clean house LOL..... Yes I know the culture own boxing company here 8 years

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.


Much more likely the POS excuse for a law enforcement officer simply wanted to race around on a big bike for the weekend, free of charge.

More likely the POS OP was being belligerent and created these problems that he's now complaining about. The OP sounds like a racist scumbag who needs to scurry back to where he came from. Because Thailand is full of these "non English speaking dogs" that he obviously can't stand.

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Is the bike 100% street legal, no modifications. Cops wont often know whats legal and what isnt , just that it sounds or lookd diffrent......

Thats the point if you change your exhaust which is legal as I have on a CRF 250.. And I have been stopped many times no ossues and even a GOGO

Only last night the smelly ass wanted money... The point is there only chasing $$$$

They are not serving the public... There time is hiding on corners rather patroling the streets as western country operates. Giving the public a sense of security

Bad Isan cops

What brand is this street legal muffler you fitted ?

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Punching /slapping/assaulting a police officer can and does get you shot in the highly advanced country of USA let alone over here.

Hey stupid who mentioned anything about punching or slapping... I have background ex military my brother is police Australia federal.. I do not drink I train and have business well eduacted and if I post its for a point

They are no good and need be adjusted. They ruin the image of Thailand

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.


Much more likely the POS excuse for a law enforcement officer simply wanted to race around on a big bike for the weekend, free of charge.

More likely the POS OP was being belligerent and created these problems that he's now complaining about. The OP sounds like a racist scumbag who needs to scurry back to where he came from. Because Thailand is full of these "non English speaking dogs" that he obviously can't stand.

You really are a unedacted &lt;deleted&gt; with nothing upstairs.. Actually I are married to a Thai who family are quite successful... I have friends Thai also BKK poolice through my boxing company. You do not read well.. But maybe oneday when you become a man you can close your mouth. We give rrspect tp Thais. But when your right theres a time not to

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Punching /slapping/assaulting a police officer can and does get you shot in the highly advanced country of USA let alone over here.

Hey stupid who mentioned anything about punching or slapping... I have background ex military my brother is police Australia federal.. I do not drink I train and have business well eduacted and if I post its for a point

They are no good and need be adjusted. They ruin the image of Thailand

Closed soon, but not sure who needs the "adjustment" here.

What type of boxes do you make.cardboard?

Edited by kannot
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Enough I no care I just do not respect smartys that purely want to rob white people

I have police firends well ranked BKK. They warned me about Pattaya yes undeerstand and I have 0 respect for them sorry. 80% are corrupt

Bye Bye I bored

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Enough I no care I just do not respect smartys that purely want to rob white people

I have police firends well ranked BKK. They warned me about Pattaya yes undeerstand and I have 0 respect for them sorry. 80% are corrupt

Bye Bye I bored

You should ask your police friends what the fine for a loud exhaust is, also ask them if it does not have "TIS 341-2543" stamped into it is it legal.... but you claim yours is legal so it does have the TIS number on it doesn't it.

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Enough I no care I just do not respect smartys that purely want to rob white people

I have police firends well ranked BKK. They warned me about Pattaya yes undeerstand and I have 0 respect for them sorry. 80% are corrupt

Bye Bye I bored

You should ask your police friends what the fine for a loud exhaust is, also ask them if it does not have "TIS 341-2543" stamped into it is it legal.... but you claim yours is legal so it does have the TIS number on it doesn't it.

Then check what the fine for a loud mouth is.............

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Punching /slapping/assaulting a police officer can and does get you shot in the highly advanced country of USA let alone over here.

Hey stupid who mentioned anything about punching or slapping... I have background ex military my brother is police Australia federal.. I do not drink I train and have business well eduacted and if I post its for a point

They are no good and need be adjusted. They ruin the image of Thailand

Is the fact your brother is Federal police supposed to impress someone? With your attitude in your responses I'm surprised you weren't locked up, you seem like you have a short fuse and a bad attitude. Also, someone who is supposedly "well eduacted (sic)" would at least know how to spell it.

Edited by giddyup
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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.

Hey dummy I do not drink and are former champ[ion athlete... I was on way collect my wife and my bike is not heavily modified you do not ride and no very little so I will not talk more

And dippy it was Thai that got a free pass and yes I have more brains than you were born with now go play with your blocks arsshole

You may not drink but your bad attitude certainly makes up for it!

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.

Hey dummy I do not drink and are former champ[ion athlete... I was on way collect my wife and my bike is not heavily modified you do not ride and no very little so I will not talk more

And dippy it was Thai that got a free pass and yes I have more brains than you were born with now go play with your blocks arsshole

You may not drink but your bad attitude certainly makes up for it!

given the bad attitude and foul temper maybe the OP should take up drinking, needs to chillax a bit for sure.

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Don't punch the police simple answer.

And are you stating that you may have illegal exhausts and you saw 2 others but they cant catch em all at the same time or can they, deal with 1 at a time otherwise be overrun with attitude people like yourself not good huh.

Hey dummy I do not drink and are former champ[ion athlete... I was on way collect my wife and my bike is not heavily modified you do not ride and no very little so I will not talk more

And dippy it was Thai that got a free pass and yes I have more brains than you were born with now go play with your blocks arsshole

"Hey dummy I do not drink and are former champ[ion athlete"

What has an athlete got to do with anything lol

The only thing you proven to be here is a champion imbecile and narcissist

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Champion Athlete - check

Boxing company - check

Ex-military - check

Brother is Australian Federal Police - check

Well educated - check

Successful Thai family - check

Ranked Thai Police friends - check

You seem to have all the bases covered.

I really don't know why you were stopped...and given your impressive resume, why you were unable to drop a few names and ride away.


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Champion Athlete - check

Boxing company - check

Ex-military - check

Brother is Australian Federal Police - check

Well educated - check

Successful Thai family - check

Ranked Thai Police friends - check

You seem to have all the bases covered.

I really don't know why you were stopped...and given your impressive resume, why you were unable to drop a few names and ride away.


Street smarts - prolly not....

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