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Man Dropped Bag into Water Night Before Sathorn Pier Blast

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"Less than 30 minutes after a bomb exploded Monday night at the Erawan Shrine, a man dropped a bag into the water next to a footbridge near Sathorn Pier that could have been the device which exploded harmlessly the next afternoon."

How in the world could this sentence be written? Originally we were told he kicked it over into the water. Even more worrying is originally we were told the bomb the next day was thrown and bounced off something before landing in the water and exploding. So how in the world could it have been the same bomb as the day before??

Again, likely to be very poor reporting by Thai reporters.

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"...I’d like to warn them to surrender themselves...”

You idiots seriously think that they are going to surrender themselves? You are that stupid?

Face it, they are probably long gone and you still don't have a clue, a motive or a suspect....and probably never will.


Don't have to be Einstein to figure out this is the likely culprit ... whistling.gif

people don't just go around dropping bags into the water ...

people don't just go around dropping bags into the water ...????? Unfortunately they do.


It looks to me like the second bomb was being discarded. If so, it may have been a back-up in case something went wrong with the first one. Enough time lapsed between the detonation of the first bomb and the ditching of the second for it to have been known that bomb one was successful. If indeed it was such a back-up, then both bombs timers must have been set by mobile phone. Two inferences: (1) the objective was to cause just one serious event; and (2) the bomb makers and masterminds were skilled and knew precisely what they were doing. Just my penny's worth.

But why have it timed for 16 hours later when detonation sooner would be better if discarding it? Did they hope it would float into a busier area? What are the currents like there? It is all quite odd but I would bet there was nefarious intent there. Lots of more private places to discard it.

I'm not sure where they get the 16 hours from, 19:00 to 13:00 the next day in my book is 17 hours submerged. Dodgy reporting again from the OP (unless i'm wrong).

The fact that it actually did detonate at all is the question they need to answer along with what type of trigger was used. A lot of people are speculating that the timer was set remotely, possibly by mobile phone.

The authorities are now saying that both devices were the same, which is in contradiction to some earlier reports. Given what the first target was, and the general thought that the person on the foot bridge was ditching the second device, it is highly unlikely that the bomb was configured as waterproof for remote detonation. No matter how great your Galaxy S5 (or similar) is, if it was submerged for 17 hours (or 16), guaranteed it would not be reliable after that period without water protection.

If it was a mechanical or chemical trigger, this would mean that it would need to be preset, or at the very least started before it was ditched. In the video clip there didn't seem to be any time for the person to do that. No command wires were visible either.

Given the weight of the package (by the way it was handled and the splash it generated) i would doubt that any current in the klong system would carry it any distance from where it was ditched. Certainly not calculated to be in a certain spot before detonation relying on currents unless these people were truly professional.

I still go with the theory that the second device was thrown a short time before it detonated, luckily underwater. Person in the clip? Wrong place, wrong time ditching his ex-girlfriend's present or the household rubbish. Still obviously needs investigating to clear, but given the track record of the authorities to date, and the fact they haven't reported this as more than a person of interest speaks for itself IMO.


Fact 1 - anything could have been inside the bag.

Fact 2 - they don't have a clue who did it or they know but the truth will lose them more face than to let the bombers get away.

Fact 3 - Thailand have enough money to increase civil servants pay by 3 times the inflation rate and plan to buy 3 subs for B 30 bn plus but they don't have money to buy equipment needed to fight crime.

Fact 4 - the dear great leader didn't make the time to visit the victims in hospital.

Fact 5 - the pride of the government is getting in the way of catching the bomber(s), why not ask the US to send a team in to help catching these guys.

Fact 6 - although this was a national tradegy, hundreds of people die in the south each year but the BKK people never produce an outcry like this one - are the lives of people in BKK worth more than in the south ?

Just a quick but tad bit lengthy reply to your post plus some other observations....

Fact 1...Yes anything could be in that bag but whatever it was, it was heavy. See attached video.

Fact 2...I agree with this statement. Best said the officials were gobsmacked.

Fact 3...This is true but the submarines are a huge face maker while civil servants can wait for meagre handouts.

Fact 4...True. Why I wonder? Embarassed perhaps or clueless?

Fact 5...Too late to call in outside help from anywhere since the place was sanitised less than 24 hours after detonation.

Plus outsiders may cause a huge loss of that evil "face" thinggy.

Fact 6...There is only one answer to this "Fact" and that answer is Yes. Why? Because what happens down there does

not happen in BKK....errr....well not with the same regularity anyway.

Video of the "Man in the blue shirt....

Notice how he accesses the ped bridge then takes a few more steps & sets the bag down & begins to mess

with what looks like a notepad/large handphone. He does this a while and even dismisses the passing by of

a nice looking chick (03:12 to around 03:19). At around 04:38 he picks up the bag and takes approximately

5 or 6 steps further up the ped bridge and places the plastic bag down between what looks like the hand rail

supports. Then at 04:54 he gently gives the plastic bag a shove with his right foot & the bag falls into water

creating a splash at 04:55. The Man in the blue shirt then walks away back towards the camera and exits

the ped bridge while messing about with his gadget, from the same direction he approached at the

beginning of the video.

Why were the coppers/military tossing bricks into the canal from above the "railing" is a mystery. Why didn't

they just set a plastic bag with a brick in it on the cement between two "hand rail" suports and give it a gentle

shove, with a foot, into the water as Blue Shirt man did? Since this CCTV video apparently got to Kaosod via

the police...seems they (police) didn't too well crime scene re-enactment this time....if the scene really has

anything to do with a crime at all...


If that was the same place where bomb 2 exploded, then there should be footage of 2 people throwing something into the water. If there's only one suspicious activity, then that should be the bomber. Still, many open questions. Are bomb triggers generally water proof? Is there phone reception under 3 to 5 meters of water? Plus a few dozen more.


So he probably carried both bombs to Erawan. left one there, blew it up, then dropped another under the pier and blew it up the next day?

How far is it from the shrine to the pier?

Its quite far from Thaksin Pier to Erewan Shrine, my guess is this was a second bomb just in case the first did not explode, and when the first exploded, this second bomber just dumped his bomb into the water... Does not look the same as the first bomber although also wearing glasses. He also looked very nervous while he was waiting for that call.... maybe there was another plan but once he knew the first bomb had exploded maybe he just bottled it.... Whatever lets all be thankful for no more deaths or injuries... One bomb like that was one bomb too many..! RIP all those unlucky people.... Go with God....


The video was posted to the CSI LA Facebook group, the administrator of which claimed it was furnished to him by police. CSI LA is a community of amateur keyboard sleuths which came together during 2014’s agonizing Koh Tao murder investigations to crowdsource information.

I really doubt that CSI LA is more amateur than RTP when seeing their case against B2 ... Amazing the Judge has not already dismissed the whole case but I guess thats what happen in a Banana Republic ...


Day after this incident I walked into the Hotel Lebua nearly Saphon Taksin at 2am.I walked all the way down the lounge to the reception and NO SECURITY.I asked reception why no security at the hotel entrance and the reply was "they are over there standing by the lifts".I tried to follow this up later but they were not interesed until I said I would contact BKK POST.Then I spoke with one of their duty managers who said "we check all cars coming in".I tried to explain I had not come in by car but had walked in but he could not grasp my point which is the bombers know cars are being checked so they are now unlikely to arrive by car and security must be at the hotel entrance into the hotel itself.But it fell upon deaf ears.I will avoid hotel Lebua in the future.


Don't have to be Einstein to figure out this is the likely culprit ... whistling.gif

people don't just go around dropping bags into the water ...

This is Thailand. The river is full of discarded rubbish. So why would you say "people don't just go around dropping bags into the water"? I am not saying this is not the bomber, but Thais obviously do toss rubbish anywhere and everywhere..


If it achieves nothing else, the unedifying spectacle of the Thai junta chasing its own tail in a bid to identify and apprehend the Erawan Shrine bomber (or bombers) has at least focused public attention on the cost/benefits of living in a surveillance society.

If I were a Thai taxpayer I would be asking why my money had been wasted on covering the Kingdom with thousands of spy cameras which can't even identify the terrorists they are supposed to save us all from.


If you watch the video of the explosion at the pier you can see on the left a metal pipe landing in the water seconds before the explosion . The man with the plastic bag was just throwing away waste like most Thais do, to lazy to go to a trash can. You don't place bombs under water 19 hours before they are set to go off.


One day after this incident and at 2am I walked into the hotel Lebua fairly close to Thaksin bridge.The hotel had no security at the entrance to the hotel lobby.This is a long lobby with sofas seats etc. I walked all the way down the lobby to reception I asked at reception why they had no security they replied they had security and pointed to men standing by the lifts.I told them they need to have security at the entrance to the hotel as it would be easy for someone to leave a "bag" without being seen. The following day I asked to see the duty manager and I tried to explain my point but he said "we check all vehicles coming into the hotel".I said again I did not come in by a taxi etc I walked in. He failed to grasp my point even when I explained in detail that potential bombers now were aware that vehicles were being checked hence they would be unlikely to arrive in one but instead could simply walk into this hotel and leave in the lobby whatever they wished.He did not seem in the least concerned. I shall avoid the hotel Lebua in future as I value my and other peoples lives.


If you watch the video of the explosion at the pier you can see on the left a metal pipe landing in the water seconds before the explosion . The man with the plastic bag was just throwing away waste like most Thais do, to lazy to go to a trash can. You don't place bombs under water 19 hours before they are set to go off.

Lazy ? Thats quite a long walk he did ( the other CCTV's of him before he dumped it ) with something heavy in his bag just to go there and drop garbage and return the same way that he came from.


One day after this incident and at 2am I walked into the hotel Lebua fairly close to Thaksin bridge.The hotel had no security at the entrance to the hotel lobby.This is a long lobby with sofas seats etc. I walked all the way down the lobby to reception I asked at reception why they had no security they replied they had security and pointed to men standing by the lifts.I told them they need to have security at the entrance to the hotel as it would be easy for someone to leave a "bag" without being seen. The following day I asked to see the duty manager and I tried to explain my point but he said "we check all vehicles coming into the hotel".I said again I did not come in by a taxi etc I walked in. He failed to grasp my point even when I explained in detail that potential bombers now were aware that vehicles were being checked hence they would be unlikely to arrive in one but instead could simply walk into this hotel and leave in the lobby whatever they wished.He did not seem in the least concerned. I shall avoid the hotel Lebua in future as I value my and other peoples lives.

Joined up just to post this twice? Why don't you post on Traveladvisor where somebody might care.


I think credit where credits due to the RTP for their investigation in this case. Their PR and Reporting machine is rubbish but i think for them to pull together what they have with the poor video and the fact they had to work backwards should be applauded. I have worked in a previous life 5 yrs ago with police who do this stuff using cameras etc and it was a hell off a lot more sophisticated than what these guys work with even then. I think at some levels they have some well trained officers. Just a pity their top brass appear to be egoists.


Don't have to be Einstein to figure out this is the likely culprit ... whistling.gif

people don't just go around dropping bags into the water ...

Sadly, they do. I see people dropping single full plastic bags in the canal multiple times a week. I had previously asked "are these people dropping their house garbage in the water?" as they then return to their homes (or tying it to the metal handrails over the water. Yea, I see it frequently. Just a point...

As recently as Thursday, investigators were simulating such a cause by throwing bricks from Saphan Taksin down toward the footbridge, which connects to a pier on the river frequented by tourists.

What do they hope to achieve by doing this? blink.png

They are learning a lot.

They are learning that disguises work, Silicone face masks are very good at this, false passports work, the police are ineffectual and could not follow any leads if they were presented on a silver platter and that the river flows at a certain rate.

The countries borders have more holes in them than a tea leaf strainer.

Also advise from any farang is not needed, oh until too late.

You do not need too have many brain cells to see where this is going.


Why Why Why is the CCTV of such "low quality" ?

What purpose does it serve being of this "low quality" ?

Proving absolutely pointless having these "low quality" installations.

What is the benefit ?

No benefit whatsoever !

The benefit is to the Govt> official who procured the purchase. Lets see...50-70% kickback I would imagine


“I think it’s a network. It’s connected – Erawan Shrine and Sathorn Bridge,” he said without elaborating.

“They have their targets. I’d like to warn them to surrender themselves.”

Sure they gone surrender after this warning from the RPG.


"Less than 30 minutes after a bomb exploded Monday night at the Erawan Shrine, a man dropped a bag into the water next to a footbridge near Sathorn Pier that could have been the device which exploded harmlessly the next afternoon."

How in the world could this sentence be written? Originally we were told he kicked it over into the water. Even more worrying is originally we were told the bomb the next day was thrown and bounced off something before landing in the water and exploding. So how in the world could it have been the same bomb as the day before??

Better still how does throwing bricks simulate anything? You would have to know the exact weight, shape and force used to simulate. Why bother anyway if there is CCTV footage, Ridiculous! I hope they explained to passers by why they were throwing bricks or has some one rung and reported it as suspicious? Probably not. They probably didnt even bother to create a safe person free zone while throwing the bricks.

Just for anyone who doesn't know Thai Bricks are much smaller and lighter than Bricks in the West. They are 1/4 the size.

Are you sure it was investigators and not just some kids stoning some muslims?


Why Why Why is the CCTV of such "low quality" ?

What purpose does it serve being of this "low quality" ?

Proving absolutely pointless having these "low quality" installations.

What is the benefit ?

No benefit whatsoever !

The benefit is to the Govt> official who procured the purchase. Lets see...50-70% kickback I would imagine

Youre not suggesting there is corruption in only the government are you?


So he probably carried both bombs to Erawan. left one there, blew it up, then dropped another under the pier and blew it up the next day?

How far is it from the shrine to the pier?

Like everyone else, I can only guess but perhaps this guy (and his bomb) were the back-ups in case bomb No.1 was a dud. Once it was successful, his colleague told him to dump it.


Don't have to be Einstein to figure out this is the likely culprit ... whistling.gif

people don't just go around dropping bags into the water ...

Unless his cat had kittens Einstein! (not that I've ever done that I hasten to add.)

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