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About to be homeless - any suggestions?

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Depression is a very real and serious disease. I've been through it as has my business partner. You lose any desire to do anything. I remember my partner telling me she'd sit at her desk for hours, just trying to do 10 minutes of work. That's it, 10 minutes of work in one day. And couldn't do it.

OP: if you had money, I'd recommend some meds. They can help.

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did you not see the writing on the wall ? and think I better go back home to my own country before I get in the shit here ? good luck I hope things work out for you.


Many wont agree with this.....Go to a church. There are many here. There is a Catholic Church on soi Ruamrudee. Go to the Rectory and ask to speak to a Priest.

Might not be your thing but there could be some good advice. Some of them have been here for decades.


did you not see the writing on the wall ? and think I better go back home to my own country before I get in the shit here ? good luck I hope things work out for you.

GIve OP a break, he went through the surgery and hospital.

By the time he recovered, he did not know company he worked for was going to close.

I must also say, with medical bills here, you get quoted 1 price, but bills started to add up after the surgery and during the surgery.

When i had my surgery, initial quote was 255K, by the time i got out of the hospital bill was around 350k

Then came the physio, initially quoted 55K, ended up being double

Its not like he pissed his money away on a girl or booze,


Right -so we have a room for you if you can do some maintenance around our apartment block-and we have a program to which will cure your mental ills quickly.


What is your nationality?

Do you have continuing health problems?

Have you worked in your home country and if so, for home long? Your writing sounds like you're from the U.S. If so, perhaps it would be worth returning and applying for disability and maybe returning.

Lots of people live here on U.S. disability income.

With the greatest respect Nancy....has the man not just explained how he has no way of getting home?....he even asked the Embassy but they will not cover his overstay.


I'm not up for the depression part. The OP mentions getting depressed as a result of a bad back. Medics call that "situational depression" which is much different from the chronic thing.

He managed to move to Thailand eight years ago and fend while I suspect that wasn't going all that well. I say that because one illness ran him out of money. At some point a decision could have been made to go back and regroup and perhaps go back to Thailand with more money and job skills.

OP, I'd take some of the methods offered on here and do it and get back home ASAP and get myself together.

Good luck.


The heart of the matter is that you are not earning, and you need an income.

You mentioned a writing job.

What sort of experience do you have in writing ? It can be easy to find immediate work if you are a good writer, especially if you can write good articles for blogs and websites.

I have seen many who claim to be able to write and when it comes down to it can never complete a project to a deadline or just can't write at all. Are you in that category, or are you genuinely able to write good content ???

Also, where in Thailand are you ?


OP - your situation is very simple. The fact that you have asked for advice on a public forum indicates that you are at a crossroads. The path straight ahead leads to destitution and its accompanying travails, as you have belatedly come to recognise. The alternatives suggested here range from the useful and serious to the flippant and illegal. Nobody but you can sort out which will best set you back on the road to prosperity and security - these are the choices that life forces us to make.

Good luck with making the right ones.


So you have been in Thailand 8 years, from the age of 30, and you dont have or made any friends that can help ? ......sorry but that seems a little odd.

Wish you luck, but i dont have any other suggestions.

I don't see anything odd about that at all. I am here 14 years and I doubt if there is any one person I would be confident of help from in this type of situation ...One person comes to mind but when push comes to shove it's usually a different story. People like to talk good but surprising how things change when you actually call their bluff...and I belong to a sort of "club". I don't drink either so don't have any pub friends (which are usually just acquaintances anyway and not real friends).

My wife still cannot get over how when her friend's husband (an American ex, Army man that I met on one occasion) died, not one person (sorry , just one did) came to her aid to have him cremated and pay for the "waiting time" at the Wat. She had to have it done in the quickest possible time, there was not the usual laying out in the temple for 3-5 days for prayers....she just didn't have the money. Every night he had a bunch of his "friends" around to the house and they'd have nice drinking sessions. When he died , after leaving her nothing, she asked his "friends" to help her out with the expenses but only one was prepared to do it, he paid for it all. She went to the Embassy afterwards but the eventually did nothing for her either by way of a half pension or something like that. She had to get that same man that helped her to go through all her husband's Army and Pension papers (she couldn't read them ) to bring the appropriate ones to the Embassy but it was all for nothing.

So I see nothing strange about not having a "real" friend in Thailand (or anywhere for that matter).


Some great responses here.

The problem with depression is that molehills can often seem like mountains. The OP's situation doesn't sound too grim.

Good advice given re: online opportunities. I know guys here in Thailand who work online and regularly clear 1000 USD per day. Yes, per day.

Take things one step at a time. Learn new skills. Accept that the future will bear little resemblance to the past. Work hard and be adaptable.

Perhaps send a PM to a woman called SHERYL in the Health Forum to ask for help with depression.

Good luck to you.


I hope you speak Thai, not only helpful to get a teaching job countryside, also to meet and speak with the head monk in some of the big temples and meditation retreats where you can get free shelter and food, and may get some help in resolving your immigration and health problems.

In BK look for the Buddhawataram Institutute. In Chiang Mai for Monk Chat www.monkchat.net and the Doi Suthep Meditation Center, in Chiand Rai for the V.Vajiramedi Meditation Center. If you speak Thai, you even can volunteer teaching English to the monks, doing translations, etc, and light work in exchange for a better place for you to rehabilitate yourself. Good luck, and take care of your situation ASAP with faith, work, and trust.


Nicolas... ignore the trolls on here. Mate I've been in similar hopeless situations myself and also struggled with depression more than once.

My advice to you: FIX THE DEPRESSION FIRST. Everything else gets easier after that. Unfortunately thats not quick, anti-depressants take 3-4 weeks to take effect, but they do work. It might seem insane to spend your last money on seeing a doctor and paying for some meds but thats what I would do it you situation. Find a doc, get some meds and hole up in the cheapest place you can find until you feel better.

Once the depression is lifted you will find a lot of options you didn't consider seem available... and what seems hopeless suddenly seems achievable. Good luck and hope you pull through.


What is your nationality?

Do you have continuing health problems?

Have you worked in your home country and if so, for home long? Your writing sounds like you're from the U.S. If so, perhaps it would be worth returning and applying for disability. Just a thought.


Physically, I'm fine now (apart from some residual pain). My mental health has gradually deteriorated over the past six months though. I'm in a deep depression and I now suffer from anxiety on top of it.

Get yourself home and get yourself treated.

You're in no condition to overcome your issues and get back on your feet here.


My advice to you: FIX THE DEPRESSION FIRST. Everything else gets easier after that. Unfortunately thats not quick, anti-depressants take 3-4 weeks to take effect, but they do work. It might seem insane to spend your last money on seeing a doctor and paying for some meds but thats what I would do it you situation. Find a doc, get some meds and hole up in the cheapest place you can find until you feel better.

Once the depression is lifted you will find a lot of options you didn't consider seem available... and what seems hopeless suddenly seems achievable. Good luck and hope you pull through.

Your first advice is sound.

Your following advice is not.

Depression requires proper treatment in a proper setting by a proper psychiatrist who is able to communicate effectively with the patient.

All that completely negates "find a doc, get some meds and hole up in the cheapest place you can find until you feel better"

Clinical depression absolutely does not resolve when addressing it in such a superficial manner.

He needs to return home ASAP to deal with his serious issues.


sorry to sound so harsh,but coming to thailand with a PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITION is dam right foolish.it would have been obvious that you wouldnt be covered with your insurance,BUT YOU DIDNT REVEAL IT DID YOU?

38 and no freinds suggest to me you have broken all ties with your family back home,FOR A LADY YES?

all i can say is good luck your goner need it.


Looks like a bad case of piss poor planning. Why did you not use your savings to get back to Belgium and have the surgery done there? There must be some health agency that would have helped. If not commit a minor crime and go to jail where they will take care of your back. Could you not see that the surgery was going to result in the dire circumstances you are in now?


Your following advice is not. Depression requires proper treatment in a proper setting by a proper psychiatrist who is able to communicate effectively with the patient.

All that completely negates "find a doc, get some meds and hole up in the cheapest place you can find until you feel better" Clinical depression absolutely does not resolve when addressing it in such a superficial manner. He needs to return home ASAP to deal with his serious issues.

None of which the OP can afford. Yes it would be ideal to return hope and get proper treatment, if he could afford that he wouldn't be asking for help here. In his current bad situation, any treatment is better than none, and with the limited fund he has he can afford to get some local treatment, while he cannot afford to return home. He doesn't have the funds for a plane ticket or to pay his overstay fine at the moment.


Please don't tell him to go home.

He has no "home" at home anymore, can't you see?

He will end up in a mental asylum, maybe get a winter depression, and will be done forever. Being mentally sick in Europe means you get stigmatized forever, worse than a criminal.


Serious question. Have we met? Did you use to work at a language school in BangNa Central. If so send me a PM. I cant help financially (sorry but family is my priority) but I ll do what I can in terms of support. If you're who I think you are then I can at least make sure you don't starve.


Do you have family or friends "back home" that can bail you out short time to at least get you "legal" again here and able to look for work ? or assist you in returning to your home country where you can obtain work perhaps more easily and sort yourself out.

No, I don't have any family left (although I'm only 38) and, since I came to Thailand 8 years ago, no friends left back home either.

Man, I hear you on the no family at a young age, I'm 45.

Though I'm not in your position, I remember there was a post and replies about a certain temple that if approaching them in the right manner would allow you to temporarily stay at. It was based around someone that was homeless. I believe in the right circumstance maybe this can be something to look into until you figure things out. Can someone post a link or pm Nicolas, as I definitely know this was discussed here.

Hope you get things sorted out.

Don't mind the ppl that may want to flame you.

Good luck.

I personally think Thailand should require from all retirees proof of income of at least 65,000 baht/month (which is about 800,000 baht/year) and get rid of the 800,000 baht in a bank account rule. Right now, there are way too many people on a tiny pension who choose to live here and do not significantly contribute to the economy

One of the OP's posts.

Perhaps all young digital nomads should be required to show they have savings or guaranteed income to support their layabout lifestyles in Thailand when things go wrong.wink.png


Many wont agree with this.....Go to a church. There are many here. There is a Catholic Church on soi Ruamrudee. Go to the Rectory and ask to speak to a Priest.

Might not be your thing but there could be some good advice. Some of them have been here for decades.

I can't agree or disagree with this suggestion but it SHOULD be valid and I for one would like to hear what the results are! Churches should be there to help in situations like this but sadly seem to be mostly interested in collecting money and expanding their base.


As a last resort hand yourself into immigration police. At least you will be fed and have shelter while you wait deportation plus you wont be sharing a cell with hardened crims


sounds like looking for handouts and a sucker to give money

at 30 prime of life should be working not on drugs here


He said in his post he was not on drugs and did not drink.

Unless you can prove otherwise, don't doubt his words.

His problem is a medical condition which he used his own funds to treat here in Thailand.

That medical problem also meant he couldn't work.

Only real choice is to go back to his home country and start again.

Some advice from a 68 year old man .... but you probably won't take it.

When life knocks you down, stand back up and start walking again.

At 68 years life has already dealt me two strikes previously.

Stop moaning, and get up and go back to bat.... you still have one more strike.

Honestly, at age 30, no matter what you think, your life has barely begun.

You can't win if you don't try, so stand up and go on.


Your following advice is not. Depression requires proper treatment in a proper setting by a proper psychiatrist who is able to communicate effectively with the patient.

All that completely negates "find a doc, get some meds and hole up in the cheapest place you can find until you feel better"

Clinical depression absolutely does not resolve when addressing it in such a superficial manner.

He needs to return home ASAP to deal with his serious issues.

None of which the OP can afford. Yes it would be ideal to return hope and get proper treatment, if he could afford that he wouldn't be asking for help here. In his current bad situation, any treatment is better than none, and with the limited fund he has he can afford to get some local treatment, while he cannot afford to return home. He doesn't have the funds for a plane ticket or to pay his overstay fine at the moment.

Without proper treatment of depression (which means returning home), he'll next be mentioned on the forum as the subject of a tragic news thread. ;)

It's paramount he return home.... by any means possible.

Anything short of that and his demise is inevitable.

If you think receiving local treatment will be adequate, it's a fatal error.

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