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NIDA Poll says Prayut's performance well and outstanding

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This is truly heartening that nearly all Thais, Red, Yellow or in between have united behind this great man. With that overwhelming popularity, there is no reason not to call national elections immediately. With a greater than 84% approval rating, Prayut will win in a landslide- and all these concerns of a military junta and lack of democracy will be swept away. Prayut's job approval rating is second only to Kim Jung Un's. Finally, a truly united Thailand. hip hip hooray.

Yes, why not hold an election legitimizing (nationally as well as internationally) the present government if he has such an overwhelmingly positive approval rating?? There is absolutely no downside to that.

But I think we all know what party would get more/most/a majority of the votes (have to be careful not to get any cheerleader's teats in a twist), don't we?

well, they can't have it both ways, can they? either they believe this poll, and thus, agree that elections should be held immediately to legitimize the regime. or... they declare the poll is complete manufactured rubbish, with no basis in reality.

which is it?...

"which is it?"

Don't hold your breath waiting for an aswer...coffee1.gif

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"A total of 2,500 people across the country were used as samples for the survey." Now we know how many Generals and Admirals there are in the LOS.


"Asked for their opinions on the prime ministers work ideology, 85.80% agreed he had strong determination to work for the country, and the people."

This is what makes him unique compared to all other Prime Ministers in recent history, and the reason many of us are willing to forgive his little tantrums and outbursts. And I'm not surprised at them given the people he has to deal with.

In the overall scheme of things they are not important. It's quite telling that it's just about the only thing the cadres on here have to criticise him for. Ad nauseam in semi-literate style.

Please tell us what he has done for the country, please do it point for point, it won't be a long list so please entertain us.


Prayuts done an amazing job at stealing democracy from the Thai people , that is about all he has done.

Democratic governments do not break the law when in office, so the PM did not steal, he rescued. (amnesty comes to mind )

Please then tell us what your democatic government did apart from 1 trillion baht missing ??

When an elected government pass a vote in parliament and the opposition don't agree do they have the right to plead the military for a coup ? No because if that was the case the UK and every other country with a parliament would have coups on a daily basis. In a democracy the winner takes it all within the law. That is the problem in Thailand as certain people dont like to lose everytime.

Please quote us your source for the B 1 tn "missing", you see I can claim on TV that your dear great leader have stolen money although I know its not true and provide no proof of it, thereby I am slandering him and spreading disinformation. I have asked you before and are still waiting. You see any source other than an independent audit report from KPMG or alike can't be trusted and in any western court will be discarded as evidence. Why have they never done an audit by a reputable company, why have they only used soldiers ?

Please explain to us why your dear great leader have not visited the BKK bombing victims in hospital, even the pro-coup press have spoken out about this slap in the face of the victims. A leader will use this opportunity to unite the country but as axpected the great one used it to divide the country. In crisis true leaders stand out above the rest, I am looking but seeing no one standing up. Why have your dear great leader never visited the deep south after the coup (even after 27 bombs went off in the south during July 2015) and met with people of the area, I mean even a woman like YS was brave enough to do this.


If the poll is right, so why the junta is so afraid or scared of the national elections... lets Prayut to be a candidate.. based on the poll.. he will win the elections and will make his government accountable before the Thai citizens and foreing countries..... but this ever will happen... because they know what everybody knows.. khon Thais does not like them.!!!


I'm sure many are like myself, "shocked and amazed" at this poll result. Who could have guessed this result? Like Ann Richards once said "Ya dance with the one whut brung ya". Maybe if dear leader ever retires he can go into farming: then he will be outstanding in his field..... facepalm.gif


They should include ThaiVisa members to vote. Otherwise it looks like the poll is fixed. gigglem.gif

Lets vote and make it a unanimous 100% next subject for a rubber stamp.


Although it says the poll was across the country, I'd like to know the regional variation and number of people polled in each area. I was in Phuket a couple of weeks back and everything was normal on the surface, whereas here in Isaan it's...less than free shall we say. Farang friends in BKK are very happy about the current set up, but when I ask Thais in my locale, although it's not easy to get them to talk, it's not far from a polar opposite of the south.

"he dared to speak and dared to act"

All we need to see now is "dare to accept questions from journalists".


However NIDA said the prime minister had also flaws, particularly economic problems.

I do not think so,
he has successfully sold land for 600 million baht,
or there are some problems with the offshore accounts?


Boy that is really putting a positive spin on negative information...if less than 50% of the people do not agree that the PM's performance is acceptable...most would say he is not well thought-of by the people...IMHO


This is truly heartening that nearly all Thais, Red, Yellow or in between have united behind this great man. With that overwhelming popularity, there is no reason not to call national elections immediately. With a greater than 84% approval rating, Prayut will win in a landslide- and all these concerns of a military junta and lack of democracy will be swept away. Prayut's job approval rating is second only to Kim Jung Un's. Finally, a truly united Thailand. hip hip hooray.

Nice avatar


"Asked for their opinions on the prime minister’s work ideology, 85.80% agreed he had strong determination to work for the country, and the people."

This is what makes him unique compared to all other Prime Ministers in recent history, and the reason many of us are willing to forgive his little tantrums and outbursts. And I'm not surprised at them given the people he has to deal with.

In the overall scheme of things they are not important. It's quite telling that it's just about the only thing the cadres on here have to criticise him for. Ad nauseam in semi-literate style.

" It's quite telling that it's just about the only thing the cadres on here have to criticise him for. Ad nauseam in semi-literate style."

Actually it's not. There is the small matter of organizing a coup, granting yourself amnesty, tearing up the constitution, writing a new one that ensures you stay in power forever, threaten people who are asking questions about your wealth etc.

But that's hardly worth mentioning, right>

Oh, and excuse my semi-literate writing skills. When reading your flowing prose I feel deeply ashamed.crazy.gif

Dont waste your time, you know EnglishJohn (John is an English euphanism for a hong nam) lives under a bridge and gets his ghost writing done by a ESL student.

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Although it says the poll was across the country, I'd like to know the regional variation and number of people polled in each area. I was in Phuket a couple of weeks back and everything was normal on the surface, whereas here in Isaan it's...less than free shall we say. Farang friends in BKK are very happy about the current set up, but when I ask Thais in my locale, although it's not easy to get them to talk, it's not far from a polar opposite of the south.

"he dared to speak and dared to act"

All we need to see now is "dare to accept questions from journalists".

He dares to speak and act. Yes very refreshing. The previous PM could only say: That will be the decision of the relevant authorities. You have to ask them. Oh yes, and laws and regulations have to be followed.... Thank you three times. Have to to go now.

Nothing new here. The majority of Thais love Prayuth. That's why the minority is getting more extreme. Both on TVF and out on the street.



Prayuts done an amazing job at stealing democracy from the Thai people , that is about all he has done.

Democratic governments do not break the law when in office, so the PM did not steal, he rescued. (amnesty comes to mind )

Please then tell us what your democatic government did apart from 1 trillion baht missing ??

When an elected government pass a vote in parliament and the opposition don't agree do they have the right to plead the military for a coup ? No because if that was the case the UK and every other country with a parliament would have coups on a daily basis. In a democracy the winner takes it all within the law. That is the problem in Thailand as certain people dont like to lose everytime.

Please quote us your source for the B 1 tn "missing", you see I can claim on TV that your dear great leader have stolen money although I know its not true and provide no proof of it, thereby I am slandering him and spreading disinformation. I have asked you before and are still waiting. You see any source other than an independent audit report from KPMG or alike can't be trusted and in any western court will be discarded as evidence. Why have they never done an audit by a reputable company, why have they only used soldiers ?

Please explain to us why your dear great leader have not visited the BKK bombing victims in hospital, even the pro-coup press have spoken out about this slap in the face of the victims. A leader will use this opportunity to unite the country but as axpected the great one used it to divide the country. In crisis true leaders stand out above the rest, I am looking but seeing no one standing up. Why have your dear great leader never visited the deep south after the coup (even after 27 bombs went off in the south during July 2015) and met with people of the area, I mean even a woman like YS was brave enough to do this.

The Trillion has been suggested---did you see the Question marks ????

The UK government cannot break the law---or they would have to go. Same your lot of corrupt whatever.

Amnesty vote at 4am ??? ha ha ha.

I said money is missing NOT STOLEN do not lie about what I post.

You speak about where the PM has been---?? how do you know who he has visited---so you be careful about disinformation.

Your PTP lost---big time when had they governed democratically would still be there, their antics started when election pledges were not put into operation, wasn't the armies fault.

South problem----one answer----Thaksin stated on tv. news---If the southern people do not vote for me--you will not receive any perks from the government. enough said. ( these were not the exact words but near enough) look that up.

So before accusing me of disinformation please tell me how you know whether the PM has or not visited any bomb victims./ survivors.

Any mention of the up to 3000 Thais killed/ missing re drugs, he ordered this be done by HIS OWN police force. ?? you forget many things easily.


The result showed that 46.50 % said Prime Minister Prayut has performed quite well, while 38.80% said he performed outstandingly during the past one year.

The Poll or the people asked must be "outstanding idiotic" ... Talk about losing face with these fake imbecille polls ... They remind me of TAT numbers ...

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