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The kids will drink: Thailand's booze crackdown could do more harm than good

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If it saves but one life, it would be worth it.

crazy.gif Too bad there is no dislike button here.

You know, we all "might be" struck by lightning tomorrow or get run over by a bus tomorrow, but if we all stayed inside 24/7, and it saved just one life. it would be worth it. passifier.gif


No ID, or under 20 if you have an ID = NO BOOZE!

Rocket science is it not?

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ok i am repeating myself ONCE AGAIN, all thai carry I.D. cards if the shopkeeper is suspicious just ask to see the I.D. card its not rocket science -- or maybe it is ?? the law is already in place, why doesn't the government employ themselves in doing something usefull for a change, like trying to stop the carnage on the roads. Nah !! forget it !!

I didn't even see your rocket science reference when I recently posted Mercman.

Seems we think alike. thumbsup.gif


My wifes daughter who is 16 and mattyum 5 student goes out every saturday I think she goes drinking all night for many times she doesnot come home till late sunday night and goes durectly to her room no talking nothing. The wife says there is nothing she can do. Wife says if she tries to stop her the daughter will leave home.and not come back. Last weekend she left the house 3 in the afternoon on saturday came home 11 pm sunday. Wife can do nothing so what can the police do the same nothing.

Very easy to solve.

You tell the wife either her daughter stops doing this, moves elsewhere, or you will move elsewhere.

Up to you as head of the household to enforce your rules.

Better the kid gone, than you having to put up with this.

I wouldn't hesitate to issue such an ultimatum to my family.


I have a 16yo girl in the house attending M5, any contact with boys, drugs or alcohol and she's out, no university, no more money or support from me.

She knows this and she obeys.

Nobody forces you to be a doormat.

My wife says if daughter goes she goes. I even offered to have her go live with her father and I would support her financially wife wouldnot have that either. Wife is worried about looking like a bad mother I tell her letting the daughter go out all night with guys isnot being a good mother in many peoples eyes. She just ignores what I say. I am too old and tired to start again.

My wife is ruled by her kids. Last friday son at Rangsit said he needed 35,000 baht I told the wife I am sick of him calling needing money all the time over and above our costs already to keep him in university. 2 hours later my wife is trying to hang herself in the kitchen because she is failing as a mother.the kid got the money.

mate, you really need to work out what you want, a life of your own or one fashioned around your wifes kids,ie, not your kids. Letting them run yours and your wifes life is absolute bullsh*t, what will you do when the girl comes home full of arms and legs, no way in the world would I put up with a 16 year old disappearing for 2 days to party, seems you wife isnt worried about the kids at all, only what others think of her, having a daughter that is more than likely playing hide the sausage every weekend while drinking etc doesnt matter, as long as she stays in her house. Time to grow a pair and put your foot down, a daughter that acts like a pro and a son that bleeds you both, definitely a huge lack of respect there due entirely to a pathetic parent, house rule number one, you want to live under my roof and have me pay your way you abide by my rules, they only do it because they know they can get away with it. Respect is missing totally in your house, time for you to do something about it, even your wife has no respect for you with her actions, I am really sorry for you and hope you are able to do something to fix it before your life is totally ruined by it all.


sorry his life is ruined already, when i split in the uk from my Mrs, "what"? they said "at your age",got talking to workmates, and it was mind bogling,so sad, not sleeping together for years, separate holidays the list went on,i have never enjoyed my life so much now only miss my big bike, no way, as i know some idiot will kill me, lol, enjoy life man . and as posters said MAN UP


A large portion of university undergrads, and all of the graduate students, are 20 or older and can legally drink. All this ban will accomplish is to close drinking establishments in walking distance of their university and prompt them to drink and drive.

Having safe bars at the entrance to the university may actually have been safer, every except the general know Thai legs don't like to walk...


My wifes daughter who is 16 and mattyum 5 student goes out every saturday I think she goes drinking all night for many times she doesnot come home till late sunday night and goes durectly to her room no talking nothing. The wife says there is nothing she can do. Wife says if she tries to stop her the daughter will leave home.and not come back. Last weekend she left the house 3 in the afternoon on saturday came home 11 pm sunday. Wife can do nothing so what can the police do the same nothing.

Very easy to solve.

You tell the wife either her daughter stops doing this, moves elsewhere, or you will move elsewhere.

Up to you as head of the household to enforce your rules.

Better the kid gone, than you having to put up with this.

I wouldn't hesitate to issue such an ultimatum to my family.


I have a 16yo girl in the house attending M5, any contact with boys, drugs or alcohol and she's out, no university, no more money or support from me.

She knows this and she obeys.

Nobody forces you to be a doormat.

My wife says if daughter goes she goes. I even offered to have her go live with her father and I would support her financially wife wouldnot have that either. Wife is worried about looking like a bad mother I tell her letting the daughter go out all night with guys isnot being a good mother in many peoples eyes. She just ignores what I say. I am too old and tired to start again.

My wife is ruled by her kids. Last friday son at Rangsit said he needed 35,000 baht I told the wife I am sick of him calling needing money all the time over and above our costs already to keep him in university. 2 hours later my wife is trying to hang herself in the kitchen because she is failing as a mother.the kid got the money.

hate to say it, but she is right, she is not a great mother

my parents threatened to kick me out a million times when i stepped out of line, and well they should have. i had nowhere to go, so the my house my rules thing was certainly a moderating factor. it also let me know they cared.they most certainly weren't afraid of me or that i would leave

My parents were exactly the same while i was growing up. In hindsight they were of course right.

However the threats to kick me out stopped when i left (ran away) at the age of 14. Then it was a completely different ball game. It was a life altering moment for them and myself. I did come back by the way with the assistance of the local police.

I understand exactly where lovelomsak is coming from as a step father. It is all very well laying down the law to a 16 year old girl in this country (as you feel you should do) but when they snap and leave home at that age it is extremely difficult to repair the damage done.


It's simple in my mind. If someone is of legal drinking age, they should be able to drink anywhere. The government should strictly enforce the legal drinking age and fine those that sell alcohol to underage kids. Forget about how close alcohol can be purchased near a school. Enforce the drinking age! Also, be stricter on drinking and driving. No matter what the government thinks, they will never stop people from drinking. So prioritize what the government can (and should) control about drinking.


My wifes daughter who is 16 and mattyum 5 student goes out every saturday I think she goes drinking all night for many times she doesnot come home till late sunday night and goes durectly to her room no talking nothing. The wife says there is nothing she can do. Wife says if she tries to stop her the daughter will leave home.and not come back. Last weekend she left the house 3 in the afternoon on saturday came home 11 pm sunday. Wife can do nothing so what can the police do the same nothing.

Sounds like more than just drinking going on there.

Either way, the time to get a handle on it is now.

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