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Thai court indicts British activist Andy Hall


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Court indicts British activist Andy Hall
By Coconuts Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- A Thai court Monday indicted a British labour rights activist in a case linked to a report he co-authored alleging severe labour abuses in Thailand's food industry, a key supplier to Western supermarkets.

Andy Hall, 34, had previously been acquitted by a court last year on a defamation charge pursued by Thailand's Attorney General.

But Natural Fruit, the company at the heart of the dispute, has filed a string of its own criminal and civil cases against Hall, the most serious of which was accepted Monday.

"We have learnt that the Southern Criminal Court has agreed to hear the case against Andy Hall for defamation and violation of the Computer Crimes Act," Hall's defence lawyer Nakhon Chomphuchat told AFP.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/08/24/court-indicts-british-activist-andy-hall

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-08-24

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British rights activist charged with defamation in Thailand

Oliver Holmes in Bangkok

Monday 24 August 2015 08.20 BST


British rights activist Andy Hall has been charged with criminal defamation in Thailand after he researched a report that alleged labour abuses at the Natural Fruit Company, a large Thai pineapple wholesaler that supplies the EU. The Bangkok south criminal court decided on Monday to indict the migrants’ rights researcher in a case that has been condemned as an attempt to gag the messenger rather than deal with labour rights in the south-east Asian nation.

Natural Fruit has filed four cases against Hall following the publication of the report he researched for the Finnish NGO Finnwatch, released in January 2013 and titled Cheap Has a High Price.


cheap has a high price_exec summary_final.pdf

Edited by Morakot
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They do not like Andy as he stands up against the system funny how this has come about as he is currently assisting in the Koh Tao murder trial fighting for the rights of the two lads accused of those terrible murders. The guy is one brave dude !!!!

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

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More and more young people in the networked world take large companies corporations increasingly critically.

The whole Fair Trade and Fair Produces labels are increasingly more important when making purchasing decisions.

Companies must be careful that they do not come on the blacklist of NGOs.

If you Google: Natural Fruit Thailand, then you get already a linklist with over 50% negative entries

The sue of NGO activists brings more negative PR than benefits for the company.

This case is already on the watchlist of many NGOs worldwide.

1. Fortify Rights
2. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
3. International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
4. International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association (IUF)
5. UNI Global Union
6. International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)
7. Walk Free Movement to end modern slavery
8. Word Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Asia / Pacific
9. Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
10. Community Legal Education Center (CLEC), Cambodia
11. Equitable Cambodia
12. State Enterprises Workers' Relations Confederation (SERC), Thailand
13. Transient Workers Count Too, Singapore
14. Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

15. Burma Campaign UK, United Kingdom
16. Fairfood International, Netherlands
17. Finnish Food Workers' Union (SEL), Finland
18. Finnish League for Human Rights
19. Finnwatch, Finland
20. Industrial Union TEAM, Finland
21. Kepa, Finland
22. Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business, Poland
23. Service Union United (PAM), Finland 24. Trade Union Pro, Finland
25. Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL), Finland
26. Trades Union Congress (TUC), United Kingdom
27. Union of Health and Social Care Professionals (Tehy), Finland North America
28. Fair World Project, United States
29. International Labor Rights Forum, United States

Edited by tomacht8
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Maybe time to name and shame all the brands that they sell and call for a boycott.

Big corporations and politicians love to use stupid laws like this to stifle any opposition with expensive and time consuming law suits (which tie up the courts from dealing with real crimes).

Boycott their goods and hit them where it hurts.

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Just how stupid can they get - sorry that was a rhetorical question

Agree this could and probably will backfire big time in Europe and the US, Natural fruit may have to look to China,ha ha ha, to sell its goods in future. NGO's will be up in arms in the West and quite rightly so, this will influence public opinion and so the supermarkets who buy Natural fruit products, it may even influence governments to ban imports of this company, hopefully. Good luck to Andy Hall, you really have a pair.

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

should have included you in the list apologies

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

"Defend WHAT!"

HHhmmm How about try to defend a government that either likes the judicial system right where it is? That's what.

Or maybe they know it needs changing buuuut not till their agenda is complete?

Noooo more like Why isn't the PM using article 44 to do the right thing for the country for a change and step in using his all mighty powers?

Remember he gave himself the power, "With great power comes great respectability".

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Are you really such a glutton for punishment you want to be asked if you are aware that Thaksin is a convicted criminal and that the rice scheme cost the country x ammount of Baht yet again?

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This is a sad day for freedom of expression, justice and human rights in Thailand. Shooting the messenger who brings bad news about Thai export products doesn't suddenly make overseas customers suddenly believe the official lies instead. It just draws to international attention to the bad news which has already been amply proved by the Phuketwan case. Shame.

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

"Defend WHAT!"

HHhmmm How about try to defend a government that either likes the judicial system right where it is? That's what.

Or maybe they know it needs changing buuuut not till their agenda is complete?

Noooo more like Why isn't the PM using article 44 to do the right thing for the country for a change and step in using his all mighty powers?

Remember he gave himself the power, "With great power comes great respectability".

Wait! Do you mean that LannaGuy wasn't just talking about the stupidity of the company in question BUT was actually trying to score political brownie points. Surely not! Is that what you were doing LannaGuy?

Aussieinthailand.. Gotta ask why wasn't it changed previously by at least one of the " democratic " governments in power within the last 10 years?

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so a company takes Andy to court and its the govts fault, that makes a lot of sense, blame the govt for a company that loses face and wants something done. Got to ask why didnt you guys jump on the ptp when the original case was filed while they were in charge or doesnt that count. Pretty pathetic for anyone to try to blame any govt for something a private citizen does but then you lot are pretty desperate now all your red/ptp mates are being caught up for all the corrupt practices so you need to blame the current mob for something started when the ptp were in. Why cant you just accept that thai laws are not really up to scratch and that no govt has ever tried to change them

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

"Defend WHAT!"

HHhmmm How about try to defend a government that either likes the judicial system right where it is? That's what.

Or maybe they know it needs changing buuuut not till their agenda is complete?

Noooo more like Why isn't the PM using article 44 to do the right thing for the country for a change and step in using his all mighty powers?

Remember he gave himself the power, "With great power comes great respectability".

Wait! Do you mean that LannaGuy wasn't just talking about the stupidity of the company in question BUT was actually trying to score political brownie points. Surely not! Is that what you were doing LannaGuy?

Aussieinthailand.. Gotta ask why wasn't it changed previously by at least one of the " democratic " governments in power within the last 10 years?

Yu'p fair call,

"Governments within the last 10 years" hmm but wait wasn't there another government slotted in there somewhere??? The name Mark ring a bell???

Butt yes you are quite right the judicial system is manipulated by the powers of the day, what's in it for them, and the size of the brown paper bag.

This should have been resolved long long ago and those that won't fix it NOW are just as complicit as those pervious.

Fair call?

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come on Rubl, ddjamie, H90, Bearboxer defend this!

Defend WHAT! Nothing to defend! A company with a stupid PR company Thinking that the overuse of Thai courts and Thailands antiquated defamation laws would work for them!

Anyone here actually read the report in question?

"Defend WHAT!"

HHhmmm How about try to defend a government that either likes the judicial system right where it is? That's what.

Or maybe they know it needs changing buuuut not till their agenda is complete?

Noooo more like Why isn't the PM using article 44 to do the right thing for the country for a change and step in using his all mighty powers?

Remember he gave himself the power, "With great power comes great respectability".

Wait! Do you mean that LannaGuy wasn't just talking about the stupidity of the company in question BUT was actually trying to score political brownie points. Surely not! Is that what you were doing LannaGuy?

Aussieinthailand.. Gotta ask why wasn't it changed previously by at least one of the " democratic " governments in power within the last 10 years?

yup including one in which your hero Suthep was deputy PM? this law should be repealed and the Military Junta you so love has absolute POWER, as they have the guns, so why not forget the past and get rid of it now or do you support the harassment and bullying of this VERY BRAVE guy? Cometh the hour cometh the General but he will throw anyone under the bus who does not support his nationalistic fever and all sing when he tell's them too

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I can smell many boycotts coming Thailands way ... gigglem.gif

In a few weeks EU will ban Thailand Fish products and Thai Aviation post-4641-1156693976.gif . US will also ban Thai Aviation post-4641-1156693976.gif . Then EU and US can start to deal with a ban on Thai Fruits post-4641-1156693976.gif and after that, oh well, the list can go on I guess ... So Thailand just keep on with your shameless downward spiral on Human Rights and you will end up like N. korea - Bye bye ...

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