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Stock Market CRASH Thread....Are we all doomed?

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It's 1:00 PM on the US East Coast (EST) and the DOW has recovered to be down just 134 points - a recovery from the day's lows of about 1,000 points.

Now, 5 minutes later it's 122 points down.

Edited by NeverSure
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just got a call from the Fed:

they had the US Treasury pump another 23097842984723489027349374392804723 trillion into the market.

i asked, "Won't this destroy future generations?"

then we both laughed...

They called me too, but they were busy trying to borrow a few $trillion from China but China is broke. We are doomed, I tell ya, doomed, LOL. tongue.png

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Wrigley's gum shares rise in a crash. Thats actually what happened in the last two.

I bought Hershey in December 2006 at USD 58.525 and keep holding it. Current price 87.08. I already know at what price I will buy some more, but I doubt it will drop to that level.

The important thing in the current situation is to stay liquid and buy selected securities at the right moment. I have a few on my watchlist.

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Pretty upset with my managed fund, been with them just over 2 years and had close to a 2% for that period, right up to this carnage.

My accountant recommended them because there're conservative and supposedly have the ability to 'turn on a dime' if things go south.

Well, here we are 3 weeks into this crash and no move on their part. I feel stuck now losing so much I almost have to stay with them to try and gain back these losses, if I can even come close I'll be telling them GoodBye.

I may have learned the hard way financial advisors are really only interested in collecting their management fees, at least this group anyway.

Edited by SoCal5252
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Pretty upset with my managed fund, been with them just over 2 years and had close to a 2% for that period, right up to this carnage.

My accountant recommended them because there're conservative and supposedly have the ability to 'turn on a dime' if things go south.

Well, here we are 3 weeks into this crash and no move on their part. I feel stuck now losing so much I almost have to stay with them to try and gain back these losses, if I can even come close I'll be telling them GoodBye.

I may have learned the hard way financial advisors are really only interested in collecting their management fees, at least this group anyway.

That's sad to read. Unfortunately most financial advisers are like this. Your accountant may have been giving you honest advice but very few portfolio managers are able to pick stocks that beat the market benchmarks over a long period of time.

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cough and splutter! Come on you are former banker

it's a bit disingenuous of you to represent what's going on right now as a market swing. You know what's going on -the global debt Ponzi is ending.

LOL. You would be in your Nuke Proof BunkerTM then, surrounded by the gold you plan to eat? tongue.png

This stock market crash isn't about global debt concerns. It's about a crash in China and weak performance in the rest of Asia and... Europe. We have a global economy and no one is immune from trouble in other markets.


PS: When you have definitive word that the US Fed has announced it is defaulting on all US debt, send me a PM, OK? tongue.png

so on the one hand you say USA is not insulated and yet you attribute this turmoil to the crash in China which is also over its head in debt?

please explain why America's debt (more than $18 trillion) is any less concern than Chinas debt ($28 trillion)?blink.png

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cough and splutter! Come on you are former banker

it's a bit disingenuous of you to represent what's going on right now as a market swing. You know what's going on -the global debt Ponzi is ending.

LOL. You would be in your Nuke Proof BunkerTM then, surrounded by the gold you plan to eat? tongue.png

This stock market crash isn't about global debt concerns. It's about a crash in China and weak performance in the rest of Asia and... Europe. We have a global economy and no one is immune from trouble in other markets.


PS: When you have definitive word that the US Fed has announced it is defaulting on all US debt, send me a PM, OK? tongue.png

so on the one hand you say USA is not insulated and yet you attribute this turmoil to the crash in China which is also over its head in debt?

please explain why America's debt (more than $18 trillion) is any less concern than Chinas debt ($28 trillion)?blink.png

its not so much the debt level that its important, rather its the ability to service the debt. The U.S. economy is light years ahead of China's in this regard.

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The problem with China is you really don't know what's going on. The published numbers are not the real numbers. Things could be really bad and we'd never know it.

The US is a consumer driven economy. China is trying to get there, but not there yet. They are driven by exports, fueled by cheap labor. All of which are changing now. Demand is down, demand for higher wages is up, growth is significantly down. The perfect storm.

As stated above, the US has a very good ability to service it's debt. Other economies aren't so lucky. The US is doing OK economically. So is Europe. Countries associated economically with China might be in for a tough time.

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It is 9.40 am (15.40 Thailand) here in UK (on a quick trip here) FTSE closed own 6% last night, currently going up again this morning. Opened at 8.00am and is now up 2.5%.

Make what you will of this information, just trying to be helpful.

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Anyone who has put their money in U.S. or any other stock market since 2008 with the Fed and the U.S, Treasury trading debt for the electronic printing of worthless money by the Billions and Billions to infuse the stock market is a DIM BULB... There is no such thing as a free lunch... Not to mention the cases of insider trading using all sorts of schemes revealed over the past 7 years ...

And people still trust putting money into the stock market ..!!! Fricken Amazing ...

I doubled my money (that I had invested) in the US stock market between mid 2008 and March of 2014 and still missed the top by 2,000 points. I simply saw the stocks as being on a fire sale and bought fundamentals. I bought stock this morning (Monday) when the DOW was down more than 700 points, not caring how much the market dropped. I've been watching two stocks with great upside potential for growth (imho) and I bought them for long term.

I'm not smart enough to time the market. I buy fundamentals.

It is illegal for the US government or the Fed to buy its own newly issued debt. It has to sell Treasuries in the open marketplace and increase debt to raise more money. Great Britain and The Eurozone issue debt which they buy themselves which is obviously something you don't try at home. Great Britain buys its own debt because it doesn't have the buyers at the low interest rates that the US has denominated in USD.

Worry about Europe first Asia first and then Europe and then the US.

China is the one that's been infusing its stock market with money to try to prop it up but it ran out of bullets. The general marketplace tells us what things are worth, not governments. China is in a major liquidity crisis as it has been trying to prop up its banks, real estate market, stock market and government needs. It also doesn't have a market for bonds big enough to carry it.

Worry about Australia which sold its soul to the Devil China in those commodity deals and now that China's in the toilet as are commodity prices Australia won't be seeing any money from that angle soon. Australia forgot to build a manufacturing sector which could actually create wealth.

Cheers. (LOL)

I made 35% in the past 3 weeks by betting against the Malaysian Ringgit. Their are so many opportunities in the market.

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I'm hoping that the Fed does QE4 to bring down the USD a little to enhance my currency. I sure could do with a little more baht each month. I have no investments at all, but from what I read everyone has an opinion far better than my knowledge.

I'd rather read on here than listen to those Wall St types who say everything is ok.

Having said that my opinion while limited in knowledge from experience have been following the Narrative from several commentators who all predicted what happened from last week and they all say this "correction" (not their words) is that this is only the beginning of something far worse.

Given the accuracy of their predictions I'm sticking with their narrative.

Good luck all.

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cough and splutter! Come on you are former banker

it's a bit disingenuous of you to represent what's going on right now as a market swing. You know what's going on -the global debt Ponzi is ending.

LOL. You would be in your Nuke Proof BunkerTM then, surrounded by the gold you plan to eat? tongue.png

This stock market crash isn't about global debt concerns. It's about a crash in China and weak performance in the rest of Asia and... Europe. We have a global economy and no one is immune from trouble in other markets.


PS: When you have definitive word that the US Fed has announced it is defaulting on all US debt, send me a PM, OK? tongue.png

so on the one hand you say USA is not insulated and yet you attribute this turmoil to the crash in China which is also over its head in debt?

please explain why America's debt (more than $18 trillion) is any less concern than Chinas debt ($28 trillion)?blink.png

its not so much the debt level that its important, rather its the ability to service the debt. The U.S. economy is light years ahead of China's in this regard.

having an ability to service the debt is one thing....................

having the political strategy, knowing how, and having the will to stop the meteoric growth of such debt (let alone reducing it) is another thing altogethergiggle.gif

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Well don't complain,,,Stock Market is the Same as Gambling, you don't put anymore money into it than what you are prepared to lose,,,Easy come ,,Easy go,,,One day a rich King the next day a poor bloody beggar/fool,,,cheesy.gifclap2.gifbah.gif

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Dow Jones OPENS up down about 1,100 points......Yes, DOWN over 1,000 points...

At this moment, Dow "only" down 300; however, clearly the volatility is bad and the Bear is hungry!!! Maybe we close down 1,000!!!! Who knows.....

So, how will this affect you? Worried?

I have friends that lost 50k this week......and now their retirement can only buy them a guesthouse in Issan.

Shares of AAPL under 100.......My iphone!!!!!

Hope everyone was either in bonds or cash last week!!!

They say the "REAL CRASH" will be in September..........but nobody knows..

China down big, of course

India down big, of course

The SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!

Between Greece and China news over the past months, if you couldn't smell this market correction coming, you must have been under a rock. I moved everything to low risk investments 3 months ago and still making gains while holding on to 2014's. There is no excuse for missing the warning signs. Beware of greed.

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