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Stock Market CRASH Thread....Are we all doomed?

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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

It does seem that they can build some humongous malls. [http://youtu.be/tn9hoo6cZFc/URL] Edited by SpokaneAl
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there was no recovery and next crash, say bye bye to your retirement.

too many countries are totally broke.

don't belive me? that's ok, one day your retirement money won't show up on your bank account. what will you do?

What are you going to do when the $hit hits the fan VIPinthailand?

The Prophets of Doom amuse me. If there is no money in the banks, there are no companies doing business, so EVERYBODY is knackered. What then? Civil war?? We're ALL knackered again. The world will then grind to a halt, all over folks.

I will buy the USA. I m already richer than the USA government. they will beg for my money.
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now i know i'm not the only one who suffers from Alzheimer's laugh.png

Analyst Who Predicted Bottom for Shanghai Stocks Sees Further 14% Plunge

The Shanghai Composite Index will sink to 3,200 after plunging 8.5 percent Monday to 3,725.56 in the worst selloff in eight years, DeMark said. That would extend its decline since a June 12 peak to 38 percent.

Chinese stocks will decline by about 14 percent over the next three weeks as the market demonstrates a trading pattern that mirrors the U.S. crash in 1929, according to Tom DeMark, who predicted the bottom of the Shanghai Composite Index in 2013.


if Chinese stocks decline another 14% the year-on-year performance of the index would be still be UP 18.8%

i wonder how many of the doom/gloom China bashers made +18.8% during the last 12 months coffee1.gif

Somehow I don't see you being long Chinese stocks now. I think you just like to argue to argue.coffee1.gif

Edited by lostoday
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there was no recovery and next crash, say bye bye to your retirement.

too many countries are totally broke.

don't belive me? that's ok, one day your retirement money won't show up on your bank account. what will you do?

What are you going to do when the $hit hits the fan VIPinthailand?

The Prophets of Doom amuse me. If there is no money in the banks, there are no companies doing business, so EVERYBODY is knackered. What then? Civil war?? We're ALL knackered again. The world will then grind to a halt, all over folks.

I will buy the USA. I m already richer than the USA government. they will beg for my money.

Your right on the first part you are richer than the USA government as they and all governments are bankrupt. Hmm on the second part of your statement not so much true. They will not beg you for your money they will just take it.

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now i know i'm not the only one who suffers from Alzheimer's laugh.png

Analyst Who Predicted Bottom for Shanghai Stocks Sees Further 14% Plunge

The Shanghai Composite Index will sink to 3,200 after plunging 8.5 percent Monday to 3,725.56 in the worst selloff in eight years, DeMark said. That would extend its decline since a June 12 peak to 38 percent.

Chinese stocks will decline by about 14 percent over the next three weeks as the market demonstrates a trading pattern that mirrors the U.S. crash in 1929, according to Tom DeMark, who predicted the bottom of the Shanghai Composite Index in 2013.


if Chinese stocks decline another 14% the year-on-year performance of the index would be still be UP 18.8%

i wonder how many of the doom/gloom China bashers made +18.8% during the last 12 months coffee1.gif

Somehow I don't see you being long Chinese stocks now. I think you just like to argue to argue.coffee1.gif

i don't argue, i state simple and hard facts which can easily be verified by anyone who is capable to perform, like a 10-year old fourth-grader, a basic percentage calculation.

for the record: i don't hold or have ever bought stocks, neither Chinese nor any others. i am a "niche high yield/high risk bond investor" and that since nearly four decades. and i enjoy market crashes which usually affect globally nearly all assets providing excellent chances to make big profits... or sometimes big losses.

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According to the BLS the main reason why the unemployment rate is just tumbled to the lowest rate since April 2008 is because another 261,000 Americans have simply dropped out of the labour force. The result of this is that the total number of US potential workers who are no longer in the labour force is now a whopping 94 million people. This is an increase of 1.8 million just in the past year and an enormous 14.9 million since December 2007.

so that's 94 million people who have nothing to lose from hitting the RESET button. This is bound to get interesting from here on

Some people are so angry that they will walk right up and shoot a policeman knowing they may die or get caught and spend a long time in prison. It gets real scary when people are no longer afraid of the consequences.

but then I remember that statement by Gerald Celente

" when people have lost everything and they have nothing else to lose, they lose it "

Edited by Asiantravel
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Analyst Who Predicted Bottom for Shanghai Stocks Sees Further 14% Plunge

The Shanghai Composite Index will sink to 3,200 after plunging 8.5 percent Monday to 3,725.56 in the worst selloff in eight years, DeMark said. That would extend its decline since a June 12 peak to 38 percent.

Chinese stocks will decline by about 14 percent over the next three weeks as the market demonstrates a trading pattern that mirrors the U.S. crash in 1929, according to Tom DeMark, who predicted the bottom of the Shanghai Composite Index in 2013.


if Chinese stocks decline another 14% the year-on-year performance of the index would be still be UP 18.8%

i wonder how many of the doom/gloom China bashers made +18.8% during the last 12 months coffee1.gif

Somehow I don't see you being long Chinese stocks now. I think you just like to argue to argue.coffee1.gif

i don't argue, i state simple and hard facts which can easily be verified by anyone who is capable to perform, like a 10-year old fourth-grader, a basic percentage calculation.

for the record: i don't hold or have ever bought stocks, neither Chinese nor any others. i am a "niche high yield/high risk bond investor" and that since nearly four decades. and i enjoy market crashes which usually affect globally nearly all assets providing excellent chances to make big profits... or sometimes big losses.

I guess I should have said I don't see you holding any Chinese Junk bonds.

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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

Nawwww.... China was still rubbing sticks together to make fire until the West came along with things invented in the West, and began manufacturing in China using tooling and techniques invented in the West, and China did it under supervision of the West. China does all of that for the West. China may have appeared to have done something quickly but it simply copied and piggybacked off what the West had already been developing for that 100 years you mention.

If the West hadn't taken computers and smartphones and TV's to China, China would still be conversing using tin cans and string and it would be computing with an abacus while watching The Simpsons as an imaginary reflection in a polluted stream.

Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.

Why is it so hard to see that China is truly a copier and a latecomer at that? Why is it so hard to see that the West can control China simply by deciding whether to tolerate the importing of Chinese goods?

What would happen to China if the West put an embargo on Chinese imports as it did with Russian oil? We know what happened to Russia. I used to have this same discussion about Russia when its oil industry was taking off and so many people told me that Russia was The Next Big DealTM. Now I have to tolerate people telling me that the communist and backward China is The Next Big DealTM. Never mind the facts about both China and Russia needing access to western markets, which access can be cut off.


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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

Nawwww.... China was still rubbing sticks together to make fire until the West came along with things invented in the West, and began manufacturing in China using tooling and techniques invented in the West, and China did it under supervision of the West. China does all of that for the West. China may have appeared to have done something quickly but it simply copied and piggybacked off what the West had already been developing for that 100 years you mention.

If the West hadn't taken computers and smartphones and TV's to China, China would still be conversing using tin cans and string and it would be computing with an abacus while watching The Simpsons as an imaginary reflection in a polluted stream.

Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.

Why is it so hard to see that China is truly a copier and a latecomer at that? Why is it so hard to see that the West can control China simply by deciding whether to tolerate the importing of Chinese goods?

What would happen to China if the West put an embargo on Chinese imports as it did with Russian oil? We know what happened to Russia. I used to have this same discussion about Russia when its oil industry was taking off and so many people told me that Russia was The Next Big DealTM. Now I have to tolerate people telling me that the communist and backward China is The Next Big DealTM. Never mind the facts about both China and Russia needing access to western markets, which access can be cut off.


If China ever dumped all their American Treasury bills(1.4 trillion at last count) on the market and Russia joined them you could call the Yankee dollar funny money for real. Americans would have to start paying world prices for gas and all the other items they are sheltered from. A lot of countries are signing on to drop the American dollar as their settlement currency. Access to markets is always a 2 way street. If America lost access to the Chinese markets its game over.

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NeverSure said, "Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.".

The local mechanic I use said that Great Wall are some of the best vehicles he's services, not Hondas or Mazdas, but very good, and way ahead of the Korean makes. Remember when Toyota first started exporting to the west? The only people who drove them were those who couldn't afford better, but within a few years they hit the front, as did the Korean cars.

On the other side, my local postman who drives a Great Wall utility (I live in a rural area) says it's functional, not great, but not bad either.

I recall back in the 60's when a lot of junk came on the market, cheap jewellery, transistor radios, household items, etc., and they were manufactured in USA (pron Yoosa). It was a created name for (I think) an imaginary city in Japan and it confused because back then the United States were represented as U.S.A with stops between the letters. It was junk, but Japan emerged as a manufacturing powerhouse, funded largely by capital, and expertise, from the US, who had a massive guilt complex over dropping the bombs, post war. A country must start somewhere.

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Thread update from the OP!!!!!

"Yes, we are doomed"

Time to learn how to hunt squirrels and live without currency of value...

Time to to only buy food on Wednesdays between 2 and 3:13 a.m.

Time to wait 103 hours to apply for a job in the coal mines!!!


we are doomed.

this is just the very, very, very, very, very, very beginning.

hope you guys sold HIGH after buying low.......

then bought a farm and hired tons of cheap labor.

and bought a militia to watch your farm

Edited by puukao
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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

Nawwww.... China was still rubbing sticks together to make fire until the West came along with things invented in the West, and began manufacturing in China using tooling and techniques invented in the West, and China did it under supervision of the West. China does all of that for the West. China may have appeared to have done something quickly but it simply copied and piggybacked off what the West had already been developing for that 100 years you mention.

If the West hadn't taken computers and smartphones and TV's to China, China would still be conversing using tin cans and string and it would be computing with an abacus while watching The Simpsons as an imaginary reflection in a polluted stream.

Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.

Why is it so hard to see that China is truly a copier and a latecomer at that? Why is it so hard to see that the West can control China simply by deciding whether to tolerate the importing of Chinese goods?

What would happen to China if the West put an embargo on Chinese imports as it did with Russian oil? We know what happened to Russia. I used to have this same discussion about Russia when its oil industry was taking off and so many people told me that Russia was The Next Big DealTM. Now I have to tolerate people telling me that the communist and backward China is The Next Big DealTM. Never mind the facts about both China and Russia needing access to western markets, which access can be cut off.


If China ever dumped all their American Treasury bills(1.4 trillion at last count) on the market and Russia joined them you could call the Yankee dollar funny money for real. Americans would have to start paying world prices for gas and all the other items they are sheltered from. A lot of countries are signing on to drop the American dollar as their settlement currency. Access to markets is always a 2 way street. If America lost access to the Chinese markets its game over.

Dumped? You mean sold? Who would buy them? And what would China do with the currency of the country that bought them?

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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

Nawwww.... China was still rubbing sticks together to make fire until the West came along with things invented in the West, and began manufacturing in China using tooling and techniques invented in the West, and China did it under supervision of the West. China does all of that for the West. China may have appeared to have done something quickly but it simply copied and piggybacked off what the West had already been developing for that 100 years you mention.

If the West hadn't taken computers and smartphones and TV's to China, China would still be conversing using tin cans and string and it would be computing with an abacus while watching The Simpsons as an imaginary reflection in a polluted stream.

Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.

Why is it so hard to see that China is truly a copier and a latecomer at that? Why is it so hard to see that the West can control China simply by deciding whether to tolerate the importing of Chinese goods?

What would happen to China if the West put an embargo on Chinese imports as it did with Russian oil? We know what happened to Russia. I used to have this same discussion about Russia when its oil industry was taking off and so many people told me that Russia was The Next Big DealTM. Now I have to tolerate people telling me that the communist and backward China is The Next Big DealTM. Never mind the facts about both China and Russia needing access to western markets, which access can be cut off.


It is really obvious you have never been to Asia. You are operating on information that was outdated 20 years ago.

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Hi Naam

You must of loved last Monday 24th then ?

could you possibly tell me more about what you do regarding niche high yield/high risk bond investing ? I have only every bought shares and I am always wanting to learn more.


from my perspective the aug 24th "crash" was a lukewarm fart which did not affect my assets at all, other factors count except of course a "real" crash like 2008. going into more details is wasted time. some participants will complain "this topic is crash and all doomed" then a moderator will delete my posting because it's against forum rules smile.png

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Chinese are big copy cats....

However, they may be a little ahead of their time. I do not think they have the captialistic savvy it takes to compete in a global market.

At one time, I thought they were up and coming...but I think I am way too early. They had made progress, but perhaps still need savvy.

you forget that China's progress during the last 25 years is equivalent to the progress for which industrialised nations needed a century or more.

Chinese are not "capitalistic savvy?" gimme me a break man! laugh.png take a look at Thailand and its neighbouring countries.

Nawwww.... China was still rubbing sticks together to make fire until the West came along with things invented in the West, and began manufacturing in China using tooling and techniques invented in the West, and China did it under supervision of the West. China does all of that for the West. China may have appeared to have done something quickly but it simply copied and piggybacked off what the West had already been developing for that 100 years you mention.

If the West hadn't taken computers and smartphones and TV's to China, China would still be conversing using tin cans and string and it would be computing with an abacus while watching The Simpsons as an imaginary reflection in a polluted stream.

Left on its own China builds crap. How would you like to have a Chinese car, scooter or farm tractor? No thanks. They are junk that won't sell in the West. The Chinese want western cars and those who can afford it buy them.

Why is it so hard to see that China is truly a copier and a latecomer at that? Why is it so hard to see that the West can control China simply by deciding whether to tolerate the importing of Chinese goods?

What would happen to China if the West put an embargo on Chinese imports as it did with Russian oil? We know what happened to Russia. I used to have this same discussion about Russia when its oil industry was taking off and so many people told me that Russia was The Next Big DealTM. Now I have to tolerate people telling me that the communist and backward China is The Next Big DealTM. Never mind the facts about both China and Russia needing access to western markets, which access can be cut off.


It is really obvious you have never been to Asia. You are operating on information that was outdated 20 years ago.

Shanghai skyline:


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putin is going to get rid of the USA dollars.

soon nobody will want the green money.

A year ago 30 Rubles for a dollar and now 70 ha ha ha, ya right.

My sainted grandmother God bless her had an old saying which might apply in this case "He who laughs last laughs best" and it ain't over till its over. The world still churns. Not a fair fight but the world is starting to gang up on the "worlds policeman" Just look at history how empires rise and fall. For some reason the Chinese are getting 2 kicks at the can. Ghengis Khan had the first one. From the looks of things out of China by next year we could be saying "My how the mighty have fallen" another of her wise phrases. We are in a debt/greed Supercyle/cyclone and where she stops nobody knows.

Edited by elgordo38
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putin is going to get rid of the USA dollars.

soon nobody will want the green money.

A year ago 30 Rubles for a dollar and now 70 ha ha ha, ya right.

My sainted grandmother God bless her had an old saying which might apply in this case "He who laughs last laughs best" and it ain't over till its over. The world still churns. Not a fair fight but the world is starting to gang up on the "worlds policeman" Just look at history how empires rise and fall. For some reason the Chinese are getting 2 kicks at the can. Ghengis Khan had the first one. From the looks of things out of China by next year we could be saying "My how the mighty have fallen" another of her wise phrases. We are in a debt/greed Supercyle/cyclone and where she stops nobody knows.

The US dollar is going up and the Chinese and Thai and Russian currencies are going down. Not hard to see.

Granny was not a forex trader I'll assume.

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putin is going to get rid of the USA dollars.

soon nobody will want the green money.

A year ago 30 Rubles for a dollar and now 70 ha ha ha, ya right.

My sainted grandmother God bless her had an old saying which might apply in this case "He who laughs last laughs best" and it ain't over till its over. The world still churns. Not a fair fight but the world is starting to gang up on the "worlds policeman" Just look at history how empires rise and fall. For some reason the Chinese are getting 2 kicks at the can. Ghengis Khan had the first one. From the looks of things out of China by next year we could be saying "My how the mighty have fallen" another of her wise phrases. We are in a debt/greed Supercyle/cyclone and where she stops nobody knows.

The US dollar is going up and the Chinese and Thai and Russian currencies are going down. Not hard to see.

Granny was not a forex trader I'll assume.

As Charlie Chan said do not judge the world by today there is also tomorrow to consider. No Granny was just a hard working Mennonite lady who lost her husband and 3 sons including my father by the time she was 45. She struggled alone till she was 91 and then past on. She was wise in many ways and fortunately there was no Forex in those days only love and understanding not greed and buggar your neighbor. A much kinder world than this dog eat dog version we have today. After The Donald takes the helm next year of yea good ship USA look out. His flag could be the skull and crossbones. He will also be the new croupier at your casino economy.

Edited by elgordo38
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A year ago 30 Rubles for a dollar and now 70 ha ha ha, ya right.

My sainted grandmother God bless her had an old saying which might apply in this case "He who laughs last laughs best" and it ain't over till its over. The world still churns. Not a fair fight but the world is starting to gang up on the "worlds policeman" Just look at history how empires rise and fall. For some reason the Chinese are getting 2 kicks at the can. Ghengis Khan had the first one. From the looks of things out of China by next year we could be saying "My how the mighty have fallen" another of her wise phrases. We are in a debt/greed Supercyle/cyclone and where she stops nobody knows.

The US dollar is going up and the Chinese and Thai and Russian currencies are going down. Not hard to see.

Granny was not a forex trader I'll assume.

As Charlie Chan said do not judge the world by today there is also tomorrow to consider. No Granny was just a hard working Mennonite lady who lost her husband and 3 sons including my father by the time she was 45. She struggled alone till she was 91 and then past on. She was wise in many ways and fortunately there was no Forex in those days only love and understanding not greed and buggar your neighbor. A much kinder world than this dog eat dog version we have today. After The Donald takes the helm next year of yea good ship USA look out. His flag could be the skull and crossbones. He will also be the new croupier at your casino economy.

Nothing to do with the topic.

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whistling.gif Yes we are all DOOMED.

We were born into this condition called LIFE..... and no one ever gets out of here alive.

Other than that nothing especially noticeable going on today.

today it is cloudy in the Pattaya area smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I sold one fund a few days ago at 22.22. This was the high print since the first wave down. it was down $1500 USD from the start of the collapse, but i'm sure it would be down $4000 today if i held it to the close (I'm guessing today the markets get crushed and finishes lower - 300 points or more, or much more. lol).

it's so easy to not look at your portfolio, but it's real money...

i agree that it is likely healthier and better to not look at things for years......but that's just not me.

the question now is....what do i do with the money i just freed up?

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So I sold one fund a few days ago at 22.22. This was the high print since the first wave down. it was down $1500 USD from the start of the collapse, but i'm sure it would be down $4000 today if i held it to the close (I'm guessing today the markets get crushed and finishes lower - 300 points or more, or much more. lol).

it's so easy to not look at your portfolio, but it's real money...

i agree that it is likely healthier and better to not look at things for years......but that's just not me.

the question now is....what do i do with the money i just freed up?

I have not seen anyone here suggest that one not look at their portfolio for years. IMO it is more in understanding one's investment time horizon, and establishing an asset allocation that best meets that horizon. And of course you should review things on a regular basis and determine if tweaks, fine tuning and/or rebalancing is called for.

Yes the market has dropped short term, but if one is thinking in terms of decades, what does it matter what happens today and/or tomorrow?

When you are reacting to day to day market movements you are a trader, not an investor. It complicates taxes as well.

My philosophy is that hard work, saving and investing are the basis for the foundation of my nest egg. A reasonable investment plan has helped me, over decades, grow that nest egg.

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