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Merkel condemns neo-Nazi riots outside refugee shelter


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Merkel condemns neo-Nazi riots outside refugee shelter
FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday condemned the neo-Nazi riots outside a refugee shelter in eastern Germany over the weekend, calling the attacks and those Germans who stood by watching them "shameful."

Dozens of police were injured when a far-right mob hurled bottles and fireworks at officers trying to ensure asylum seekers could move into a shelter in Heidenau, south of Dresden.

Merkel, who had been criticized by commentators in Germany for failing to speak out swiftly against the attacks, which began Friday night, said the images shown on television were "shocking."

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the violent outbursts," she told reporters in Berlin. "There was an aggressive mood against foreigners there that isn't acceptable in any way."

Hundreds of people took part in a peaceful march organized by the far-right National Democratic Party, or NPD, on Friday evening, but hours later some of the protesters began attacking police who seemed unprepared for the violence.

"It's repulsive how far-right extremists and neo-Nazis are spreading their hollow message, but it's equally shameful how citizens — even families with children — support this by marching along," Merkel said.

Merkel's deputy visited Heidenau on Monday to meet with refugees, town residents and local officials.

Despite the strong words, police said about 150 demonstrators in Leipzig blocked a bus on Monday night from picking up refugees temporarily housed in a sports hall to take them to Heidenau, the dpa news agency reported.

Attacks against asylum seekers in Germany have increased sharply over the past year as the country faces a growing stream of people seeking refuge from war and persecution. Officials say there were some 202 such attacks in the first six months of 2015, as many as during the whole previous year. The government says it expects 800,000 people to seek asylum in Germany by the end of 2015.

Merkel said Germany would stand up for people's right to apply for asylum, irrespective of whether their requests eventually succeed.

Germany has received more than 40 percent of all asylum applications in the 28-nation European Union this year, and Merkel called upon other countries to "live up to their commitments."

Visiting French President Francois Hollande underlined that "one country cannot manage this responsibility alone" and that it was up to Europe to find common solutions.

David Rising contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-25

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Merkel should have a look inside her own party instead of whining. There's all kinds of silly remarks and proposals about refugees, and these make it easy for neo-Nazis to believe they're part of mainstream or a "silent majority"

Mass deportation is not a solution, any German chancellor should know this.

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Doesn't anyone remember that Gadaffi warned them that the gates of Africa would be opened and Europe would drown in the flood.

I remember him, his pprognosis was right. At least Ghaddafi managed to get Lybia under control somehow. Now IS has marched in there, too - and Al Khaeeda is fighting them.

Edited by micmichd
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The timing of this piece is almost identical to the following, Muslim refugees fighting each other over rumors of a burnt Koran, 15 police injured.


I'm. To sure if the riots in the o.p were in response to the one in my link but their timing is very similar.

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The timing of this piece is almost identical to the following, Muslim refugees fighting each other over rumors of a burnt Koran, 15 police injured.


I'm. To sure if the riots in the o.p were in response to the one in my link but their timing is very similar.

No, these are different incidents.

It's spreading and escalating all over Germany now.

Maybe I could give them hints what to do about deescalation, but why should I ?

Germany ows me quite a bit of money, money that I'd already worked for. An advance payment to me and my Thai family this time.

I don't want anything which is mine, but I want everything which was mine before they took it. And I'm not about to argue anymore.

Edited by micmichd
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In the early 1960's, the radical left set out to destroy the Western world as it then stood (i.e., White Christian dominated nations). Obviously the left had no military means to accomplish such a task. Instead they set out to destroy the West though demographic warfare - i.e., replacing Whites with non-Whites via massive 3rd world immigration. The left knew Whites would complain and even revolt over this onslaught from the 3rd world. To temper such predictable White revolt, the left employed the "political correctness" doctrine. The purpose of political correctness is twofold:
1 - Prevent Whites from complaining by intimidating them through shame and guilt (i.e., "White guilt"). The left would embark on a campaign which would constantly remind Whites of their past injustices (e.g., slavery, colonialism etc). For defiant Whites who still complained about non-White immigrants, the left would browbeat them with name-calling such as, "racist", "bigot", and "Nazi." Such name-calling would effectively humiliate most defiant Whites into silence. It would also act as a warning to Whites in general as to what they can expect if they dare criticize non-White immigrants (legal or illegal).
2 - The other end of political correctness deals with propaganda and indoctrination. Whites are told that masses of non-White immigrants are actually a good thing. As the media tells us, non-White, non-Western immigrants "enhance the human experience in the white countries and, "bring new ideas to our American/European cultures" . This is the doctrine of multiculturalism and we are lectured repeatedly on how glorious it is. European cities that are multicultural are touted as "cosmopolitan" and "sophisticated" whereas cities that are primarily White are portrayed as "backwards." As with any well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, multiculturalism has its own lexicon. Expressions such as "celebrate diversity" & "diversity is our strength" are designed not only to reduce White resistance to multiculturalism but to flip White thinking entirely i.e., towards embracing multiculturalism. Essentially then, such leftist propaganda is a method to trick Whites into embracing the very thing (i.e., multiculturalism) which will obviously lead to their demise in the West.
In summary, political correctness, as applied to third world immigration, is a leftist scheme intended to counter Whites who object to massive non-White immigration (legal or illegal). Whites are falsely conditioned to believe that multiculturalism is a good thing and those Whites whom object are shamed into silence.

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The timing of this piece is almost identical to the following, Muslim refugees fighting each other over rumors of a burnt Koran, 15 police injured.


I'm. To sure if the riots in the o.p were in response to the one in my link but their timing is very similar.

No, these are different incidents.

It's spreading and escalating all over Germany now.

Maybe I could give them hints what to do about deescalation, but why should I ?

Germany ows me quite a bit of money, money that I'd already worked for. An advance payment to me and my Thai family this time.

I don't want anything which is mine, but I want everything which was mine before they took it. And I'm not about to argue anymore.

I'm not sure I quite understand, is it Jizya you are expecting?
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In the early 1960's, the radical left set out to destroy the Western world as it then stood (i.e., White Christian dominated nations). Obviously the left had no military means to accomplish such a task. Instead they set out to destroy the West though demographic warfare - i.e., replacing Whites with non-Whites via massive 3rd world immigration. The left knew Whites would complain and even revolt over this onslaught from the 3rd world. To temper such predictable White revolt, the left employed the "political correctness" doctrine. The purpose of political correctness is twofold:


1 - Prevent Whites from complaining by intimidating them through shame and guilt (i.e., "White guilt"). The left would embark on a campaign which would constantly remind Whites of their past injustices (e.g., slavery, colonialism etc). For defiant Whites who still complained about non-White immigrants, the left would browbeat them with name-calling such as, "racist", "bigot", and "Nazi." Such name-calling would effectively humiliate most defiant Whites into silence. It would also act as a warning to Whites in general as to what they can expect if they dare criticize non-White immigrants (legal or illegal).


2 - The other end of political correctness deals with propaganda and indoctrination. Whites are told that masses of non-White immigrants are actually a good thing. As the media tells us, non-White, non-Western immigrants "enhance the human experience in the white countries and, "bring new ideas to our American/European cultures" . This is the doctrine of multiculturalism and we are lectured repeatedly on how glorious it is. European cities that are multicultural are touted as "cosmopolitan" and "sophisticated" whereas cities that are primarily White are portrayed as "backwards." As with any well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, multiculturalism has its own lexicon. Expressions such as "celebrate diversity" & "diversity is our strength" are designed not only to reduce White resistance to multiculturalism but to flip White thinking entirely i.e., towards embracing multiculturalism. Essentially then, such leftist propaganda is a method to trick Whites into embracing the very thing (i.e., multiculturalism) which will obviously lead to their demise in the West.


In summary, political correctness, as applied to third world immigration, is a leftist scheme intended to counter Whites who object to massive non-White immigration (legal or illegal). Whites are falsely conditioned to believe that multiculturalism is a good thing and those Whites whom object are shamed into silence.

Finally some-one who gets it . Nice post Hugh !

Allthough , not sure to restrict it to "leftist " scheme . There are more forces at work here.

In my country , you can get steep fines , just for saying something mildly "racist" .

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In the early 1960's, the radical left set out to destroy the Western world as it then stood (i.e., White Christian dominated nations). Obviously the left had no military means to accomplish such a task. Instead they set out to destroy the West though demographic warfare - i.e., replacing Whites with non-Whites via massive 3rd world immigration. The left knew Whites would complain and even revolt over this onslaught from the 3rd world. To temper such predictable White revolt, the left employed the "political correctness" doctrine. The purpose of political correctness is twofold:


1 - Prevent Whites from complaining by intimidating them through shame and guilt (i.e., "White guilt"). The left would embark on a campaign which would constantly remind Whites of their past injustices (e.g., slavery, colonialism etc). For defiant Whites who still complained about non-White immigrants, the left would browbeat them with name-calling such as, "racist", "bigot", and "Nazi." Such name-calling would effectively humiliate most defiant Whites into silence. It would also act as a warning to Whites in general as to what they can expect if they dare criticize non-White immigrants (legal or illegal).


2 - The other end of political correctness deals with propaganda and indoctrination. Whites are told that masses of non-White immigrants are actually a good thing. As the media tells us, non-White, non-Western immigrants "enhance the human experience in the white countries and, "bring new ideas to our American/European cultures" . This is the doctrine of multiculturalism and we are lectured repeatedly on how glorious it is. European cities that are multicultural are touted as "cosmopolitan" and "sophisticated" whereas cities that are primarily White are portrayed as "backwards." As with any well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, multiculturalism has its own lexicon. Expressions such as "celebrate diversity" & "diversity is our strength" are designed not only to reduce White resistance to multiculturalism but to flip White thinking entirely i.e., towards embracing multiculturalism. Essentially then, such leftist propaganda is a method to trick Whites into embracing the very thing (i.e., multiculturalism) which will obviously lead to their demise in the West.


In summary, political correctness, as applied to third world immigration, is a leftist scheme intended to counter Whites who object to massive non-White immigration (legal or illegal). Whites are falsely conditioned to believe that multiculturalism is a good thing and those Whites whom object are shamed into silence.

No, we're far from being racists. Try again.

Yes, we believe in multiculturalism. We believe in an international class war. I (and many of my friends) believe that the first war the US lost ended as a class war, where GIs shot their own officers instead of "Charlie".

This are is a (comparatively) peaceful region now, and I guess we can have peace again.

Europe should understand that they need the working people from the South as much as they need Europe. It's not a geopolitical issue, most refugees are far from conquering Europe. They simply want some welfare, some security and peace.

I'm conditioned to want the same.

Feel free to call me a commie rat if you want to, I'm not after political correctness (or "Newspeak")

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In the early 1960's, the radical left set out to destroy the Western world as it then stood (i.e., White Christian dominated nations). Obviously the left had no military means to accomplish such a task. Instead they set out to destroy the West though demographic warfare - i.e., replacing Whites with non-Whites via massive 3rd world immigration. The left knew Whites would complain and even revolt over this onslaught from the 3rd world. To temper such predictable White revolt, the left employed the "political correctness" doctrine. The purpose of political correctness is twofold:


1 - Prevent Whites from complaining by intimidating them through shame and guilt (i.e., "White guilt"). The left would embark on a campaign which would constantly remind Whites of their past injustices (e.g., slavery, colonialism etc). For defiant Whites who still complained about non-White immigrants, the left would browbeat them with name-calling such as, "racist", "bigot", and "Nazi." Such name-calling would effectively humiliate most defiant Whites into silence. It would also act as a warning to Whites in general as to what they can expect if they dare criticize non-White immigrants (legal or illegal).


2 - The other end of political correctness deals with propaganda and indoctrination. Whites are told that masses of non-White immigrants are actually a good thing. As the media tells us, non-White, non-Western immigrants "enhance the human experience in the white countries and, "bring new ideas to our American/European cultures" . This is the doctrine of multiculturalism and we are lectured repeatedly on how glorious it is. European cities that are multicultural are touted as "cosmopolitan" and "sophisticated" whereas cities that are primarily White are portrayed as "backwards." As with any well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, multiculturalism has its own lexicon. Expressions such as "celebrate diversity" & "diversity is our strength" are designed not only to reduce White resistance to multiculturalism but to flip White thinking entirely i.e., towards embracing multiculturalism. Essentially then, such leftist propaganda is a method to trick Whites into embracing the very thing (i.e., multiculturalism) which will obviously lead to their demise in the West.


In summary, political correctness, as applied to third world immigration, is a leftist scheme intended to counter Whites who object to massive non-White immigration (legal or illegal). Whites are falsely conditioned to believe that multiculturalism is a good thing and those Whites whom object are shamed into silence.

Finally some-one who gets it . Nice post Hugh !

Allthough , not sure to restrict it to "leftist " scheme . There are more forces at work here.

In my country , you can get steep fines , just for saying something mildly "racist" .

Taken into account how many Thai-bashers are here on the Forum, I could burst with laughter.

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White Christian dominated nations - the Western World. What a hideous thought. Happy to assist in it's downfall in the most politically incorrect manner. As if my own country wasn't build on the whipped backs of Blacks.

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