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Agent for Visa's in Promenade


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Well I have heard of an agent next to immigration at the promenade. Has any one used them or asked them point blank if it is 2,000 baht for a permission to stay and how long to get the passport back? Also 90 days and how much for them? Lot's of rumors but no complete stories. What I am looking for is personal experiences.

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

Edited by NancyL
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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

Is this visa service connected to immigration?

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

Is this visa service connected to immigration?

Shirley Knot!

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

This "promise" is not that alluring as other posts have been.

I am watching - is it really a good deal?

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It was reported in another post that the majority of people waitng on line in the early morning are For slots are now Thais working for theses agents... Eventually the twenty or so slots that are handed out in the morning will all go to the agents who will sell them for 2-5,000 baht...

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

Thanks for your input Nancy. That was what I was looking for. Be nice if some one who had used the service could give there experience. But direct talk with them is better than the usual negative things we get here. May use them as I have both coming up in several weeks. 2,500 baht to do my 90 day and permission to stay beats the living crap out of bitching about what is wrong with Thai immigration on Thai Visa.

If it is the Prime Minister himself doing it I would still use him.

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

This "promise" is not that alluring as other posts have been.

I am watching - is it really a good deal?

I have seen many other posts and none of them seem to be more alluring than this one. 2,000 baht for a permission to stay as against 5,000 baht or get in line at 5:00 in the morning and hope you get an early number. That is irregardless of the fact according to some posters you might not get your passport until 6:00 at night. Some say the man with the power to sign is some times there.

Can you give the details on these more alluring posts?


Who is Shirley Knot! and what is the difference if they get the job done?

Edited by northernjohn
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NJ, it seems to have gone up to 5500 THB. 2000 is a simple bribe, 5500 is extortion, especially considering it already is 1900 THB.

It's 2000 baht PLUS the 1900 baht to Immigration. Still less than 5000 baht plus the 1900 baht to Immigration. But this outfit next to Immigration doesn't offer basic services like a website, email address, ride to Immigration, etc, that established outfits like O.S. Thai Visa and Assist Thai Visa offer.

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NJ, it seems to have gone up to 5500 THB. 2000 is a simple bribe, 5500 is extortion, especially considering it already is 1900 THB.

It's 2000 baht PLUS the 1900 baht to Immigration. Still less than 5000 baht plus the 1900 baht to Immigration. But this outfit next to Immigration doesn't offer basic services like a website, email address, ride to Immigration, etc, that established outfits like O.S. Thai Visa and Assist Thai Visa offer.

One other factor to be considered is you have to make another trip to pick up your passport. If you use the others they will pick it up and have it at there office which for most of us is closer.

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NJ, it seems to have gone up to 5500 THB. 2000 is a simple bribe, 5500 is extortion, especially considering it already is 1900 THB.

It's 2000 baht PLUS the 1900 baht to Immigration. Still less than 5000 baht plus the 1900 baht to Immigration. But this outfit next to Immigration doesn't offer basic services like a website, email address, ride to Immigration, etc, that established outfits like O.S. Thai Visa and Assist Thai Visa offer.

For 3,000 baht one should be able find a ride to the Immigration. And if you don't need an appointment because it's on-the-spot service then you don't really need a website or an email address.

Pretty easy to see what the middleman "mark-up" is in this business.

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Quite simple here,there is likely to be no choice than to use an agent in the near future as it will be impossible to get a slot as all means available will have been removed.

Currently, the more established agents will have to drop their prices to survive and compete with the Promenada monopoly that appears to be coming sooner rather than later?

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So this kind of competition will serve the needs of the customer? Good point.

Oh, wait....You may want to check with the people who use taxis in Phuket or want a late night ride home from our very own Chiang Mai Airport as too just how well that works.

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I talked with them last week and they said they charge 500 baht for 90 day report and it's returned to you on the spot and 2000 baht for a retirement extension. They advised coming in to their office before 10 am and they'd get you in for an interview in the morning and your passport would be returned in the afternoon. They claimed it wasn't necessary to contact them the day before or anything to let them know you were coming out to do a retirement extension.

Didn't actually use the services, just made inquiries.

This "promise" is not that alluring as other posts have been.

I am watching - is it really a good deal?

2000 baht for a retirement extension? I assume that is only for their fee, and then there is the usual 1900 baht for the retirement extension visa itself? So, let's see. 2000 + 1900+ (4 * 500) = 5900 for a year's worth of service? That's very good, except for the fact that you have to get to their office at Promenada every time? Other services take you out there and return you (usually from their office in town). 90 day reports, you drop off your passport at their office, pick it up next day.

With the service I chose, I only had to show up up Prom. for 15 minutes, and that's it for the year. What a relief.

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I am seeking assistance for the annual extension ONLY. Therefore, I assume that B2k + B1.9k is the number.

More important. As I will be travelling 150k each way, I wish to complete the deal in 1 day.

Is this achievable with ThaiVisaAssist?

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If I am not mistaken to extend a existing retirement extension requires the app;icants signiture on 1 maybe 2 documents filled out by the immigration officer upon presentation ofr required documents by applicant,. This may be done without the applicant being there but proof of incapacity to travel for interview is required. The person filing for the applicant takes required documents to immigration, and explains why applicant is not there, The documents are then brought to the applicant signed and returned with proof requested to immigration officer. who was first involved. Then the process continues thru completion of extenion signed by proper authority.

Anyone who uses a visa service who does not require them to be there to sign documents or else they could / may ask you to sign documents which have yet to be filled out by the immigration official, is not acting within the legel requirements of present immigration requirements.

Any and all people involved in this type of illegal activity can suffer the legal punishment as authorized by law. There is a nation wide anti corruption campaigtn going on and it has the full support of the PM and the cabinet who seem to favvor the military over the RTP or BIB,. I know who I would trust and it is not any part of the RTP group,

Not wanting to rain on anyones parade, but check it out as to legal aspect,

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No, 5500+1900, was quoted here, recently.

Apparently, + VAT=approx B7700.

Visa Assist charges for retirement visa are:- Service Charge 5,500 + 385 (VAT) + Govt. Visa Fee 1,900 makes a grand total of 7,785 baht.... add another 1,000 baht if you want 90 day reporting...

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I am seeking assistance for the annual extension ONLY. Therefore, I assume that B2k + B1.9k is the number.

More important. As I will be travelling 150k each way, I wish to complete the deal in 1 day.

Is this achievable with ThaiVisaAssist?


His figures are correct. The one for 2,000 baht is for a new agent who is in the Mall next to the immigration or close to it. Lot's of rumors and conjectures about them but no one with any experience with them yet.

Nancy in her post had a talk with them.


You may have to stay as late as 6:00 to get your Visa back. I have heard that some times the fellow who has to sign them is there to do it other times they have to be taken to the airport office for him to sign them. One poster got his back at 3:30.

Edited by northernjohn
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So this kind of competition will serve the needs of the customer? Good point.

Oh, wait....You may want to check with the people who use taxis in Phuket or want a late night ride home from our very own Chiang Mai Airport as too just how well that works.

Agreed. I'm all for fair competition. And there is a place for visa services. But in the absence of relevant laws or enforcement of such, cartels are inevitable. Then, when there is a captive market with a manufactured scarcity, high prices are inevitable.


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I think we were all excited about the Immigration opening

at Promanada,it was going to be easier,could find parking,

etc,etc,at the moment its a right mess,with money the most

important factor it seems.

regards Worgeordie

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I think we were all excited about the Immigration opening

at Promanada,it was going to be easier,could find parking,

etc,etc,at the moment its a right mess,with money the most

important factor it seems.

regards Worgeordie

It is a shopping mall, temple to capitalism sad.png

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I asked for the other thread to be closed because it started to drift inexorably off topic, but just want to summarize since my experience going through the system this week highlighted this unexpected issue about queuing.

There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Immigration Office facility at Promenada, in fact I think it's better than the Airport in almost every way. The location won't suit those without transport but if you are in queuing mode it's difficult to find a ride from anywhere very early in the morning.

There are some improvements that could easily be made and hopefully they will come in time, but the overriding problem is that the number of applicants for Retirement Extensions is greater than the number of appointments that the office can handle in a day. We hear via the CEC and Citylife that the local office gets insufficient funding and support from Bangkok and that they would like to get on top of the issue as much as everyone.

A number of entrepreneurs have noted that there is a genuine demand from some applicants to make the whole process hassle free and leaped in to fill the gap with prices that appear to range from 2 - 5,000 baht and which cover difference levels of service and convenience. As you would expect, the one convenience they all offer in common is not having to wait in line for an appointment, and with only 20 available each day (at present) that makes the appointments very valuable.

In fact the queue is a veritable Money Tree. One day this week, 13 of the 20 places in the queue were taken by agents and there's no reason to expect that will decrease - in fact at 2000 baht or more a seat there's a huge incentive to put students on every seat every day, leaving no place for the average applicant who feels confident enough to complete a simple form, make copies of proof of income and identity and get up early one day. Just to save you doing the math, the whole queue could be worth some 11m baht income (2500 baht x 20 places x 5 days x 45 weeks) each year and since those operating the services can get by with little or no overhead if they choose, the margin is enough to make anyone smile.

I have no agenda here other than to point out the distinct possibility that there may shortly be no way to get your extension processed other than to pay someone else several thousand baht who then pays a student 250 baht to queue in your place. I don't think that's a great prospect.

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Thanks for the insight Greenside.

The undeniable fact that they don't have enough staff to process extensions is unforgiveable.They have known the situation

in Chiang mai has been chaotic for not months but maybe as long as 3 years back.

I would imagine the requiremnts to be an Immigration Officer would not require a Masters degree.I would imagine a Bachelor degree and a

a few weeks training would be sufficient.To push us to use an outside company, to retain our sanity, rather than give new willing workers a living wage is

pretty shameful

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