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Lessons we should learn from the Erawan Shrine bombing


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No police force in the world bothers to gather up every ball bearing or piece of shrapnel.

Only a complete clown would come out with a comment like that. The BBC reporter was entirely correct in his actions. Stop trying to defend the totally indefensible.

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how about ensure CCTV is working? Police keep their traps shut? they collect all evidence to ensure not being embarrassed by BBC reporters and IF someone tries to deliver evidence to the National Police HQ they don't say "we are shut"

that's a good start?

The BBC reporter embarassed himself by trying once again to use grubby journalism for his own political agenda.


It would help if he stuck to things he knows something about instead of that sarcastic charade he made which reflects badly on the whole BBC.

If they did anything, those police should have arrested him for tampering with evidence.

No police force in the world bothers to gather up every ball bearing or piece of shrapnel.

Exactly. I am quite sure that if someone were to look very carefully, you can find some remnants of the 9/11 plane debris even today.

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Lesson 1. Way more and better trained police are needed out on the streets and at busy tourist sites. I seldom see police in bkk and pattaya is even worse. Every major intersection should have a policeman stationed and they should be walking a beat too. All police should be scheduled for outside, public duty as part of their working schedule. No more spending the day inside.

Lesson 2. Maintenance was shown to be totally lacking with the security cameras. Probably true everywhere and not just bkk. An immediate inspection should be ordered and all broken cameras fixed and many more new ones installed, as well. Then a regular maintenance schedule to make sure the cameras stay functional.

Lesson 3. Better security needed at major public gathering places. Now its just a joke. I was at central festival mall today. They had a screen operating at the main entrance by the beach but right next door at mcdonalds you could go into mcdonalds from the plaza and then into the mall. And, no screens at any of the mall entrances from the parking garage. The underside of our car was checked with a mirror but they ignored the large, visible storage box we had in the back of the suv.

Lesson 4. This is a 24-7 problem and security and police visibility needs to be done 24-7, not just now and then or to put on a meaningless 'show'.

Lesson 5. I bow to a previous poster who said, unfortunately correctly, that no lessons will be learned.

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Here's a lesson: this is what you get when ruled by plutocracy, where positions of power are had with money and bear no relationship to merit or ability. This is so painfully evident it is silly. All about face, but never check to see if useful brains are behind those faces.

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A large Gym Bag left unattended on the fourth floor of a CNX Shopping Centre last Saturday was of NO INTEREST to staff when we pointed it out.

One staff member even laughed when my wife mentioned that Security should investigate.

Nothing went "Bang" but if it had, the people in the vicinity of the Food Court may not have enjoyed the "Festival" of Fireworks it would have created.

Have attached a photograph of the "Suspect" Bag.


Edited by Torrens54
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The only people that learned something are future bombers.

They learned how completely incompetent the RTP are, and just how easy, in the full glare of grainy CCTV cameras, multiple witnesses and drivers, just how easy it is to wear the most obvious clothing and blow up a target in the middle of downtown Bangkok, less than 5 minutes from police headquarters...and disappear into the night on a motorcycle taxi leaving no motive, no clue and no suspect.

One could easily make the case that at some point in the future, this will all happen again...with the same result.

If you wanted to wear less conspicuous clothing just dress like a ding tong actor and people will probably help you.

Thais are not embaressed to wear anything so why should they take any notice of how people dress.

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A large Gym Bag left unattended on the fourth floor of a CNX Shopping Centre last Saturday was of NO INTEREST to staff when we pointed it out.

One staff member even laughed when my wife mentioned that Security should investigate.

Nothing went "Bang" but if it had, the people in the vicinity of the Food Court may not have enjoyed the "Festival" of Fireworks it would have created.

Have attached a photograph of the "Suspect" Bag.

I remember when all the IRA bombs were going off you could leave your bag anywhere and it would not get stolen.

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The BBC reporter embarassed himself by trying once again to use grubby journalism for his own political agenda. http://www2.manager....&QNumber=393071It would help if he stuck to things he knows something about instead of that sarcastic charade he made which reflects badly on the whole BBC. If they did anything, those police should have arrested him for tampering with evidence. No police force in the world bothers to gather up every ball bearing or piece of shrapnel.

Sadly EnglishJohn your post and the link to Manager online and the great Michael Yon is exactly what this newspaper article is about. It serves Thailand no good if all that is done is blame each side in an attempt to gain cheap political points. It is both despicable and symptomatic of why Thailand problems are not going to be solved anytime soon. And kudos john for being a part of the problem., and not the solution.

Manager online should go back to posting up their staple "ugly farang pics", and trying to get the locals worked up into a frenzy, and not try to bash a BBC reporter whose views they didn't like, and could not CONTROL, back 2 years ago

Edited by LomSak27
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A large Gym Bag left unattended on the fourth floor of a CNX Shopping Centre last Saturday was of NO INTEREST to staff when we pointed it out.

One staff member even laughed when my wife mentioned that Security should investigate.

"Falang no understand. I wear holy amulet, safety first. No bpoblèèèèm."

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The BBC reporter embarassed himself by trying once again to use grubby journalism for his own political agenda. http://www2.manager....&QNumber=393071It would help if he stuck to things he knows something about instead of that sarcastic charade he made which reflects badly on the whole BBC. If they did anything, those police should have arrested him for tampering with evidence. No police force in the world bothers to gather up every ball bearing or piece of shrapnel.

Sadly EnglishJohn your post and the link to Manager online and the great Michael Yon is exactly what this newspaper article is about. It serves Thailand no good if all that is done is blame each side in an attempt to gain cheap political points. It is both despicable and symptomatic of why Thailand problems are not going to be solved anytime soon. And kudos john for being a part of the problem., and not the solution.

Manager online should go back to posting up their staple "ugly farang pics", and trying to get the locals worked up into a frenzy, and not try to bash a BBC reporter whose views they didn't like, and could not CONTROL, back 2 years ago

What good would posting 'ugly farang pics' offer? Does the action create conflict?, or make people hate you? Isn't it a perpetuation of the 'blame game' that exists in Thai culture? Is it what a Buddhist with geng jai would do?

How about this for a lesson; Don't do anything that is going to motivate people to hate you or take action, especially violent action, against you!

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