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14-year-old female students dies after being assaulted by her seniors about a month ago

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RIP young one. Hope this story gets out to all and responsible adults can instill some sort of reality concerning FB. Of course, with the seemingly endless use of FB by many young ones, I don't hold much hope. Just another sad passing over FB.


I am at a loss for words to express my outrage at this heinous act of "Thainess"

These are your Thai business, military and political leaders of tomorrow...


Well over in the U.S. some teenage girls stabbed a classmate 19 times because they wanted to please "Slenderman", an online imaginary character. Ah, the next generation.


sad, sick society in this country, i get at least one video a week on my facebook page, (mostly of girls) beating 7 bells of sh*te out of one girl and she doesn't fight back,it is sickening, and other girls (and males) stand around filming it on their mobiles,, one nasty generation coming on


The girl most likely poisoned herself with drain cleaner. So sad. I hope the boys involved are put in jail.... For more than 10 years.

It doesn't say they were boys, it jusy says "Senior classmates" would most likely be jealous girls from the seniors class that did this - they won't see a single day in jail in this soap opera oriented sos\ciety..........bah.gif


Well over in the U.S. some teenage girls stabbed a classmate 19 times because they wanted to please "Slenderman", an online imaginary character. Ah, the next generation.

Come on, this is just a Thai probem!


If I were a parent to the girl, I'd invite all seniors involved for a coffee and a chat, pretending that I want to make piece and then shoot them all in the head, then having a good Irish whisky and a pipe with my best tabacco, waiting for police and media to arrive.

May they all rot in hell!


She has an allergy... 1st class doctors

Sent from my c64

I must say in all my years here, visits to top hospitals or local clinics I am never asked about allergy , which shocks me because this is the first question asked with any western doctor.

I have seen gf's been given medicine without asking if they were allergic .

May be not many Thai have allergy , but I find that hard to believe

Funny that as i am always asked about allergy at McCormick hospital ,Chiang Mai


She has an allergy... 1st class doctors

Sent from my c64

I must say in all my years here, visits to top hospitals or local clinics I am never asked about allergy , which shocks me because this is the first question asked with any western doctor.

I have seen gf's been given medicine without asking if they were allergic .

May be not many Thai have allergy , but I find that hard to believe

Funny that as i am always asked about allergy at McCormick hospital ,Chiang Mai

Why would you always be asked at the same hospital . Do not they keep your records on file ?

What a sad society has and is still developing . A family sit down for a meal and don't talk just all go on FB at the dinner table , no communication with each other ,what a sad world. Next door to where I live are a family of mum and dad and 2 children . The children are 8 and 13 years old, they are from Myanmar. They live in a house with no windows only shutters , a washing line is a piece of string between 2 trees. The 2 kids are the nicest kids I have ever known , and that includes mine. They play on the huge piece of land where their house is ( free to take care of the land ). They fish ,play, climb trees , look for bugs , collect fruit etc. No FB and it will be a sad day when they connect to it.


"she was taken to the hospital where she was diagnosed of suffering from complications from allergy and was administered with medication."

There's a hospital to avoid.

Yep, sounds like medical misadventure may be a part of this story.

Very sad.


I am amused and bemused by the naivety of some posters here on TV. I repeat what so many others have said, most times in jest. THIS IS THAILAND! Do not try to compare what happens here in the LOS to that which happens in your own country. Lessons are not learnt by press reports, nor what is right and proper in foreigners' eyes. There is already a hierarchy here, that is hundreds of years old, and no foreigner is going to changed that!


I am at a loss for words to express my outrage at this heinous act of "Thainess"

These are your Thai business, military and political leaders of tomorrow...

What a ridiculous comment ! That stupid term "Thainess" that Thai bashers love to include in their posts, has absolutely nothing to do with the crime committed in the op.

Must kill you to know that it happens all over the world. When it happens in the USA does it mean the offenders are the same "business, military and political leaders of tomorrow" ?


She has an allergy... 1st class doctors

Sent from my c64

I must say in all my years here, visits to top hospitals or local clinics I am never asked about allergy , which shocks me because this is the first question asked with any western doctor.

I have seen gf's been given medicine without asking if they were allergic .

May be not many Thai have allergy , but I find that hard to believe

Funny that as i am always asked about allergy at McCormick hospital ,Chiang Mai

Why would you always be asked at the same hospital . Do not they keep your records on file ?

My family has used the McCormick hospital in CM for about 5 years, we are always asked about allergies even though they have our medical records on file.

Any decent doctor should ask this question no matter how well they know the patient, or for how long.


" the senior students were angry that the victim often chatted with male students of Mathayom 3 through Facebook "

I am speechless.................blink.png

god help young people today

+1 and you can thank the Thainess in daytime TV

The school management alerted the victim’s parents to bring her home after it learned about the incident. The victim did not tell her parents that she was assaulted and she was taken to the hospital where she was diagnosed of suffering from complications from allergy and was administered with medication.

Something to seriously think about, the next time you go to your local Thai hospital for a diagnosis.

The price certainly will be cheaper than back home. But the quality of medical care may not be the same, also.

It is the Thai culture and educational system that's turning out students like those who did this assault, and doctors like the one who somehow managed to come up with an absurd diagnosis for this seriously injured girl.

And zero mention of any police/legal action being taken against the students responsible for the assault.

RIP. So sad...


" the senior students were angry that the victim often chatted with male students of Mathayom 3 through Facebook "

I am speechless.................blink.png

god help young people today

"Young people today"?

As long as there have been teens, there has been jealousy, envy, and anger management issues. It just takes on a new face with each new generation.


Just the other week there was a group of 11 year old boys who were too scared to tell their parents that a friend had drowned. Girl went to hospital and was too scared to tell anybody she had been beaten.

"Beaten?" I suspect she was raped, repeatedly and violently. And beaten, too, of course. I grew up in the world where the word "rape" could not be printed in a newspaper. When I see "assaulted" or "attacked" I mentally translate it to "raped." There was a parody written by a newspaper man back during the '50s. "At about 7:30PM last night an unidentified man punched Mrs. XXX in the face, blacked both her eyes, knocked out three teeth, and broke her arm. Then he proceeded to attack her."

The doctors and nurses who diagnosed her as having problems with allergy medicine should be prosecuted for criminal negligence leading to death.


Well over in the U.S. some teenage girls stabbed a classmate 19 times because they wanted to please "Slenderman", an online imaginary character. Ah, the next generation.

Well, calling them teenage girls is stretching it a bit. They were twelve years old at the time. However the prosecutor got the court to agree to try them as adults, so he can get the death penalty for them, so it's all good.


It's hard to figure out why they printed this story. They don't tell us what school it was, they don't tell us what hospital it was. They don't tell us if the police are investigating. They don't tell us if the school principal has apologized to the parents. They don't tell us if the boys have been identified. So we know that a young girl has died. Well, I'm sorry, but young girls die every day. There was a story in my TV news last night about an 11-year-old in Chon Buri province murdered and left alongside the road.

I speculate that the school is one of the very expensive private ones and that some of the boys are the sons of high ranking police and military officers. I further speculate that the girl is the daughter of well-to-do but not really rich parents, and that no action will be taken against the school, the hospital, the doctor, the nurses, or any of the boys. I no longer feel enraged by this because the same kind of thing happens in the U.S., too.


Just the other week there was a group of 11 year old boys who were too scared to tell their parents that a friend had drowned. Girl went to hospital and was too scared to tell anybody she had been beaten.

"Beaten?" I suspect she was raped, repeatedly and violently. And beaten, too, of course. I grew up in the world where the word "rape" could not be printed in a newspaper. When I see "assaulted" or "attacked" I mentally translate it to "raped." There was a parody written by a newspaper man back during the '50s. "At about 7:30PM last night an unidentified man punched Mrs. XXX in the face, blacked both her eyes, knocked out three teeth, and broke her arm. Then he proceeded to attack her."

The doctors and nurses who diagnosed her as having problems with allergy medicine should be prosecuted for criminal negligence leading to death.

What a vivid imagination you have. You made need to seek help for some of that apparent repression.

The story doesn't mention boys. It seems more likely she was attacked by girls, who dragged her into the female toilets and beat her severely, don't you think?

Doctors and nurses prosecuted - oh, please. How obvious was the beating externally? The poor young girl was probably to traumatized and too scared to actually say what really happened. Delayed reaction to a blow on then head can and does happen and can be fatal. How come her parents didn't notice this assault on her either.

The children who carried out the assault are the ones who should be prosecuted; along with the school for it's negligent duty of care. There should certainly be an investigation into the hospital procedures to see how this was misdiagnosed, and appropriate action taken on the findings.


often chatted with male students what a crime deserves to die do Thai parents not teach their children especially males any self-respect and self-control it shows how low the Thai morals have dropped to with no self-restraint being shown by the Thai male youth never fight one to one only in a pack a mentality so that someone else can take the blame when things go wrong , and I lay the blame firmly at the parents feet teach your children right from wrong simple little lessons and show woman and elders respect. RIP to the poor child that died because of these boys arrogant Self-righteousness conceited murderous attitude


I am at a loss for words to express my outrage at this heinous act of "Thainess"

These are your Thai business, military and political leaders of tomorrow...

What a ridiculous comment ! That stupid term "Thainess" that Thai bashers love to include in their posts, has absolutely nothing to do with the crime committed in the op.

Must kill you to know that it happens all over the world. When it happens in the USA does it mean the offenders are the same "business, military and political leaders of tomorrow" ?

The "Thainess" comment is no more ridiculous than your attempt to use the USA in comparison to Thailand...many of the youth of Thailand are prone to violence...schools and universities seem to hotbeds of "Thainess" training...it is a cultural thing...that may escape your USA understanding.

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