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US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015


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Mental problems??

Well lets put it this way......if you have mental problems you shouldn't have a gun......if you WANT a gun you probably have mental problems - ergo there is no reason to be allowed to have a gun.

Don't people in the UK have guns?


Personaly I don't know anyone in the UK with a gun, my mate Derek had a pop rivet gun once but I don't think that counts?

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You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

I ate parts of a defenseless pig for breakfast. A defenseless cow for lunch. I'm going to have a chicken for dinner. My dog just killed a defenseless dove (the dog thinks doves are small chickens and the dog likes to eat chickens).

There are more game animals in the USA now than when the native Indians ran the country because they are now raised and controlled for sport (they don't starve in the winter like they used to).

Did you know plants talk. I'd never eat a poor plant that was screaming, "don't pick the asparagus."

I want some of what he's smoking.

And then a glass of whatever it was you washed down your lunch with. tongue.png

It's made from defenseless sugar cane cut down in it's prime by a crazed Thai wielding a machete and crushed till the juice runs out and then boiled and the steam reconstituted as ........... you get the idea. The poor little sugar cane plants - I'm still crying about it...

That sounds just as funny to me as someone getting upset about shooting a rabbit or duck.

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...so how is this any different from countries with strict gun control laws? (and considerably lower death rates)?

African Americans. They are 13% of the population, but commit 52% of he homicides.

What you have said is Americans need guns because black people are there.

When you have any segment of a population that only comprises 13% of the total but commits 52 of the homicides ... having a way to defend yourself is a prudent idea - and it doesn't matter if they are GREEN with pink ears. Why not try again to derail a comment with a silly false assumption. It has nothing to do with them being BLACK it has to do with committing 52 % of the homicides.

Notice in the riots over cops shooting black people (they shoot white people at a higher rate but that is another subject)... Anyway -- the RIOTERS always burn down, destroy and loot their own Ghettos... Why is that ? Because they know that the people in white parts of town and the suburbs are ARMED TO THE TEETH... And that is one of the reasons the majority of weapons are in the hands of he White Middle Class .... it is called SELF-DEFENSE - Self Preservation - at this one level..

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@ Post # 149 ....

And of course as things are going in England and much of the rest of the U.K. with the immigrant invasion and the building Muslim domination ... London might start to look like Palmira, Syria in a few years. And then the Brits just might want to borrow some of our guns... 555


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@ Post # 149 ....

And of course as things are going in England and much of the rest of the U.K. with the immigrant invasion and the building Muslim domination ... London might start to look like Palmira, Syria in a few years. And then the Brits just might want to borrow some of our guns... 555


Send A Gun To Defend A British Home ... Pistols - Rifles - Revolvers - Shotguns - Binoculars

1940 I believe.

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The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.

Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The real question is..............Why do snoopy nosed busy bodies in other countries (England and France being the worst) care? They have no say in what our laws in America provide for. Stay out of our business and if you don't like it...stay out of our country and our news forums. Sweet Creeping Jesus....stop whining. Most of you buggers don't like us anyways...so why don't you just sit back and have a beer and talk about tea and crumpets?

You people used to have rights to bear weapons ...put you gave it up long ago... we did not.

I know there are a few places (like Finland and Norway) that keep weapons in their homes for civil service duty/militaryreserves and hunting...because I trained there with them.

In America..it is a different ballgame than England or France or Holland. A different history....different liberties.

None of your business.

Actually....tired of the snobbery

You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

Here is the typical guy who thinks meat in the grocery story is not killed for his enjoyment.

Have a carrot.

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This illustrates the issue nicely

We've heard all the reasons for the right to bare arms

We've heard all the excuses for the statistics


I drink in an American bar here in Phuket and, whereas I will probably die from cholesterol rather than gunshot, we do have sensible debates

One guy has several Glocks (from Austria) and Heckler&Kochs (from Germany. He likes guns. But he agrees that the existing laws are not working

Now why do you want to take it out on the British, French and now Dutch? Are we not allowed opinions? It is a debating forum!

I am fortunate enough to have lived in all these places and the USA (3 times). I speak as I find

It depresses me when I hear all these stories of killings where they are single, double or multiple.

The USA is a young country - only about 200 years. Some other countries have learn't (often the hard way) and have changed over time

Australia managed to sort itself out (look it up)

Why can't you?

(And please, don't be so hard on the Dutch. Amsterdam is a wonderful place and the culture? Vermeer anyone? Rembrandt? A pimple compared to the USA? Size maybe, but culturally? Try not to be silly!)

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In the UK we have drugs, we have mentally unstable people, we have blacks, we have hispanics....... we have everything that america has.

except, we dont have stupid gun laws, and we dont have one mass killing per day

can you see the correlation?

Except a vastly different history and geography.

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This illustrates the issue nicely

We've heard all the reasons for the right to bare arms

We've heard all the excuses for the statistics


I drink in an American bar here in Phuket and, whereas I will probably die from cholesterol rather than gunshot, we do have sensible debates

One guy has several Glocks (from Austria) and Heckler&Kochs (from Germany. He likes guns. But he agrees that the existing laws are not working

Now why do you want to take it out on the British, French and now Dutch? Are we not allowed opinions? It is a debating forum!

I am fortunate enough to have lived in all these places and the USA (3 times). I speak as I find

It depresses me when I hear all these stories of killings where they are single, double or multiple.

The USA is a young country - only about 200 years. Some other countries have learn't (often the hard way) and have changed over time

Australia managed to sort itself out (look it up)

Why can't you?

(And please, don't be so hard on the Dutch. Amsterdam is a wonderful place and the culture? Vermeer anyone? Rembrandt? A pimple compared to the USA? Size maybe, but culturally? Try not to be silly!)

Snooty Pap...

He was doing so well, but in the end, just couldn't couldn't restrain himself. LOL.

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This illustrates the issue nicely

We've heard all the reasons for the right to bare arms

We've heard all the excuses for the statistics


I drink in an American bar here in Phuket and, whereas I will probably die from cholesterol rather than gunshot, we do have sensible debates

One guy has several Glocks (from Austria) and Heckler&Kochs (from Germany. He likes guns. But he agrees that the existing laws are not working

Now why do you want to take it out on the British, French and now Dutch? Are we not allowed opinions? It is a debating forum!

I am fortunate enough to have lived in all these places and the USA (3 times). I speak as I find

It depresses me when I hear all these stories of killings where they are single, double or multiple.

The USA is a young country - only about 200 years. Some other countries have learn't (often the hard way) and have changed over time

Australia managed to sort itself out (look it up)

Why can't you?

(And please, don't be so hard on the Dutch. Amsterdam is a wonderful place and the culture? Vermeer anyone? Rembrandt? A pimple compared to the USA? Size maybe, but culturally? Try not to be silly!)

Snooty Pap...

How adolescent! But sadly typical.

I gave you statistics, logic and history but you reply like a teenager. Off to your room please...

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@ Post # 149 ....

And of course as things are going in England and much of the rest of the U.K. with the immigrant invasion and the building Muslim domination ... London might start to look like Palmira, Syria in a few years. And then the Brits just might want to borrow some of our guns... 555


Well, we've had invasions of one sort or another over the last 2000 years ( although the last was in 1066). Romans, Vikings, Saxons to name a few. I doubt the current difficulties will be insurmountable. ? Please remember that the UK was a global super power for 250 years. You have had the privilidge for 70! I hope someone is keeping score!

Yes I know "off topic" but the response is justified IMHO

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@ Post # 149 ....

And of course as things are going in England and much of the rest of the U.K. with the immigrant invasion and the building Muslim domination ... London might start to look like Palmira, Syria in a few years. And then the Brits just might want to borrow some of our guns... 555


Well, we've had invasions of one sort or another over the last 2000 years ( although the last was in 1066). Romans, Vikings, Saxons to name a few. I doubt the current difficulties will be insurmountable. ? Please remember that the UK was a global super power for 250 years. You have had the privilidge for 70! I hope someone is keeping score!

Yes I know "off topic" but the response is justified IMHO

America was known during the last attempted invasion of the UK as the arsenal of democracy I believe.

The problem is the rest of the world does not want the USA to be armed. I don't know why, they don't live there.

I wish the Brits had better weather but I don't go on and on about it.

The Russians don't want the USA armed. The Arab terrorists don't want the USA armed. North Korea does not want the USA armed.

Now think. Who is the first country the UK turns to when they want arms?

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No problem with the USA military being armed to the teeth, but the general population? Did you not understand that bit?

As for the issue for the issue of getting arms from you. Thanks! I believe we paid you every cent even though it took several decades!

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No problem with the USA military being armed to the teeth, but the general population? Did you not understand that bit?

As for the issue for the issue of getting arms from you. Thanks! I believe we paid you every cent even though it took several decades!

You are going off topic but all the supplies you used were free in other words you only paid for the bullets you didn't shoot and wanted to keep after the war.

Why do you care if the American public is armed? Do you think they are going to invade you?

The American public is armed because they fear the black helicopters and army maneuvers to take over Texas towns and have little confidence in the words of politicians to keep them safe from the government of the USA.

You think a coup could happen in the USA? Why not? Do you think another country could occupy the USA? Why not?

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Ok, serious response.

It genuinely grieves me that a former colony ( no wind up intended) and a fellow anglophone country seems to the first world to be going off the rails.

I don't believe that the American citizenry wants to protect itself from invasion. I think your armed forces are well equipped for that. If you like guns have them but shoulder responsibility

As for "lend lease" I will research that but I beleive we paid for everything you sent over. I may be wrong

Please just look rationally at the statistics and take actions to get back to the pinnacle of respect that you used to occupy in decades past

Some contributors and others take the opinion that I am anti-American. Not so. I used to love the place but have become disillusioned .

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Ok, serious response.

It genuinely grieves me that a former colony ( no wind up intended) and a fellow anglophone country seems to the first world to be going off the rails.

I don't believe that the American citizenry wants to protect itself from invasion. I think your armed forces are well equipped for that. If you like guns have them but shoulder responsibility

As for "lend lease" I will research that but I beleive we paid for everything you sent over. I may be wrong

Please just look rationally at the statistics and take actions to get back to the pinnacle of respect that you used to occupy in decades past

Some contributors and others take the opinion that I am anti-American. Not so. I used to love the place but have become disillusioned .

All the bad guys have guns. If you own a store or home close to bad neighborhoods you are at risk.

The government/police are not trustworthy. I have no trust in the police to prevent crime. I have friends who live close to the Mexican border and they are armed to the teeth.

You do know that there is a war going on between the Fed and a local sheriff.

Detroit cops have told citizens you are on your own.

You want to disarm the USA? OK tell the cops they can't carry guns and see what happens.

With that I rest my case. If the cops disarm like the UK then you have a point.

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If the cops disarm, the druggies, thieves and gangs will rule the US.

This old saying is most appropriate..."When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."


What about my earlier questions about changing the mental health industry?

Is anybody up to tackling that or is this really just about disarming the citizens instead of solving the mass shootings.

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The issue of mental health is an important one, but it will be extremely difficult to identify people who are going to be involved in mass shootings -- or any shooting for that matter. The best predictor of future violence is past violence, but that said, many of these people haven't presented themselves as being particularly dangerous.

Mental health wise, it is about people reaching a tipping point and it is nearly impossible to figure out what causes that in an individual.

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If your afraid of something avoid it. Just dont go to the States. Nothing like total gun control will ever be put in place. Im from the States. I have had guns all my life. So have half my friends. I got my first conceal carry permit when I was 20. Never shot anyone and have never been shot at. I collect guns and knives and so did my Dad and Grandad. They never got shot at or shot abyone either. In fact.....I have never even know anyone who has.

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If your afraid of something avoid it. Just dont go to the States. Nothing like total gun control will ever be put in place. Im from the States. I have had guns all my life. So have half my friends. I got my first conceal carry permit when I was 20. Never shot anyone and have never been shot at. I collect guns and knives and so did my Dad and Grandad. They never got shot at or shot abyone either. In fact.....I have never even know anyone who has.

Sorry you don't understand

Some people actually CARE

Sorry you think that equates to fear

Incorrect. If you read my earlier posts you would know I have lived there on several occasions. Doesn't worry me. My British irony and wit will protect me!

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I suspect it would be easier to review gun laws than get all the disturbed people off the streets

The current system is clearly not working satisfactorily. The debate is over on that I think.

It has been my experience and a lot of others that many police are also disturbed. But you ain't seen nothing until you take the guns away from the cops. That is going to be really disturbed.

I think you need to send some British cops to East St. Louis and Detroit and teach the cops and all us American how it's done.

An earlier poster said the UK was the same as America. Oh, you might want to look up the demographics of E. St. Louis and Detroit before believing that statement but nevertheless I'm sure the American police could learn much about the value of unarmed police work.

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This illustrates the issue nicely

We've heard all the reasons for the right to bare arms

We've heard all the excuses for the statistics


I drink in an American bar here in Phuket and, whereas I will probably die from cholesterol rather than gunshot, we do have sensible debates

One guy has several Glocks (from Austria) and Heckler&Kochs (from Germany. He likes guns. But he agrees that the existing laws are not working

Now why do you want to take it out on the British, French and now Dutch? Are we not allowed opinions? It is a debating forum!

I am fortunate enough to have lived in all these places and the USA (3 times). I speak as I find

It depresses me when I hear all these stories of killings where they are single, double or multiple.

The USA is a young country - only about 200 years. Some other countries have learn't (often the hard way) and have changed over time

Australia managed to sort itself out (look it up)

Why can't you?

(And please, don't be so hard on the Dutch. Amsterdam is a wonderful place and the culture? Vermeer anyone? Rembrandt? A pimple compared to the USA? Size maybe, but culturally? Try not to be silly!)

Snooty Pap...

How adolescent! But sadly typical.

I gave you statistics, logic and history but you reply like a teenager. Off to your room please...

You describe some old sot drunks in a bar solving the worlds problems .. Pap.

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I suspect it would be easier to review gun laws than get all the disturbed people off the streets

The current system is clearly not working satisfactorily. The debate is over on that I think.

Well - no the debate is not over ... your assumptions seem to imply that it is an across the board problem of the entire USA ... The problem is a small minority of crazy people and those who live in insular gangland world inside Ghettos ... The vast expanses of America, the land masses, Rural, semi-rural, and suburban and much of the big cities - the majority of America and the population does not have any real problem ... You are looking at America through the wrong end of the telescope.

If you believe what the so call Main Stream Media of the U.S. publishes - you have a warped view of what is really going on... But you wouldn't know that ... because it is not in a bar yammering on with buddies ///

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Ok, serious response.

It genuinely grieves me that a former colony ( no wind up intended) and a fellow anglophone country seems to the first world to be going off the rails.

I don't believe that the American citizenry wants to protect itself from invasion. I think your armed forces are well equipped for that. If you like guns have them but shoulder responsibility

As for "lend lease" I will research that but I beleive we paid for everything you sent over. I may be wrong

Please just look rationally at the statistics and take actions to get back to the pinnacle of respect that you used to occupy in decades past

Some contributors and others take the opinion that I am anti-American. Not so. I used to love the place but have become disillusioned .

Does the "genuine grieving" and "non wind up" line work on the Americans you drink near in Phuket?

I had to translate the last part from mealy mouthed, backhanded insult, into plain language. It actually means, "See! When we left, everything was JUST FINE! And now look, the bloody dolts have run it off the rails without us! Just like we said they would! Ha ha ha ha!"

Come on then Scouse, Americans don't speak speak English. A lot of them speak various dialects of Amurican. Most of them speak Spanish and the rest of them speak African. Because they came from the Country of Africa.

The US is not going off the rails. It only seems like it is when you get your world view through an internet cable plugged up the arse, and pay attention to crowd sourced data from sites called "GunsAreCool". Even if it's not exactly accurate, it's good enough for pretentious wind up merchants to have a go, as they do. It's because USA is AWESOME! USA! USA! USA!

Last, you have it wrong. Again. If America were to go off the rails, it wouldn't be the 1st world to do so. It would be the second. Right behind the UK. Face it, mate. You know you've lost the plot when even the Jinglies toss you out on your ear.

So, sorry to hear you are disillusioned with America. There's always Amsterdam. biggrin.png

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