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US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015


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More Americans have been killed by handguns since 1968 than all of the US wars combined.

I know that's ridiculous, but true. It's an atrocity.

American's favor gun control but with these wingnutoshere politicians, that close to impossible. America has lost the war on guns.


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More Americans have been killed by handguns since 1968 than all of the US wars combined.

I know that's ridiculous, but true. It's an atrocity.

American's favor gun control but with these wingnutoshere politicians, that close to impossible. America has lost the war on guns.


So? Gun control would not remove guns from the hands of the crooks and nuts who were responsible for those statistics.

You think sane, honest, law abiding people kill one another? Not many. Gun control will increase the deaths by allowing only the nuts and crooks to have guns.

If you can think of a way to disarm the crooks and nuts first tell someone.

I have a relative who is a rancher. He carries a gun to kill rattlesnakes and varmints and protect his equipment and livestock.

The city of London is covers 10 square miles. The King ranch in Texas covers 1289 square miles.

Somethings are different in America.

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4 or more people to be shot is indeed a more accurate definition of mass shooting. FBI takes it as 3 or more killed by shooting.

I wonder what the figure would be if the FBI used the word "shot" literally, ie, 3 or more people shot, not necessarily killed. Obviously more than one incident per day, on average.

A shocking statistic.

Cue defenders of the right to bear arms. Their irrational arguments actually bear testimony to the demograph's average IQ.

How many people die in cars every day? Yet there is no outcry to remove them from private ownership. Till the criminals are all locked up and there is not a single illegal weapon on the street, if I lived in the US I'd be exceedingly well armed.

You'd be better off asking how many people are DELIBERATELY killed by cars...the answer is considerably less than by guns.

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Yep, we have a bunch of stupid gang bangers shooting themselves. At least it is out if mainstream America and does not impact mainstream America. I do have to ask, where is our POS racist president in the latest shooting of good Americans that was totally racially motivated. He goes nuts over losers like Terry Brown getting shot, but not over actual decent people?

With one mass killing every day, do you really expect him to comment on every one?

He sent 3 people to the thug Michael Brown's funeral and made numerous public statements about that Trevon Martin. He also shows up to funerals in SC which is totally cool, but says nothing about hate crimes involving white victims or killings by illegal aliens.

Again, he only gives a crap when someone killed fits an agenda. He is not a very good person.

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For the most part, it is just a bunch of bad people killing themselves and each other.

If we did not have guns, we would have a lot more loser, violent gang bangers alive and running the streets.

I am not a gun person. Always have argued for stricter gun laws, but gang bangers, drug dealers and losers taking taking each other out certainly saves society a lot of time and money.

We need to reign in the immigration problems, however, who seem to have completely different morals and sets of values.

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More Americans have been killed by handguns since 1968 than all of the US wars combined.

I know that's ridiculous, but true. It's an atrocity.

American's favor gun control but with these wingnutoshere politicians, that close to impossible. America has lost the war on guns.


Very interesting article in full, thanks.

The Tampa paper in the link is merely fact checking the claim which, according to their research, is accurate.

Their process seemed fair and I was reassured when they acknowledged that the larger portion of the statistics cited were suicides, not homicides. Not saying that suicides aren't tragic or violent, but this always centers of violent gun homicides, as does the OP.

The comparison -

The total time frame for war stats spans 240 years.

All the *wars listed total **64.35 years.

The gun violence statistics span only 46 years.

Assuming the data is correct and I have no reason to say it's not, Americans have shot each other and themselves 120,000 times more in just 46 years than were killed in 64 years of war! blink.png

The Tampa paper indicates the CDC reported a 60/30 suicide/homicide ratio in 2013 (10% other).

The figures also bore out a fairly consistent annual number of total gun deaths.

Assuming a similar consistency in ratio, I reduced total gun deaths by 60% (-790,000) which reduced total gun deaths to 607,000.

That's over 50% less than the total war deaths and that feels like a more accurate assessment of violent gun homicides which have, no doubt tracked with domestic and immigrant population growth, drug use, crime and changes in social dynamics since 1968.

(*) only American involvement, not total length of conflict.

(**) Did not research length of "Other" campaigns, but the figures remained part of the total war deaths (1,396,733).

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Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The real question is..............Why do snoopy nosed busy bodies in other countries (England and France being the worst) care? They have no say in what our laws in America provide for. Stay out of our business and if you don't like it...stay out of our country and our news forums. Sweet Creeping Jesus....stop whining. Most of you buggers don't like us anyways...so why don't you just sit back and have a beer and talk about tea and crumpets?

You people used to have rights to bear weapons ...put you gave it up long ago... we did not.

I know there are a few places (like Finland and Norway) that keep weapons in their homes for civil service duty/militaryreserves and hunting...because I trained there with them.

In America..it is a different ballgame than England or France or Holland. A different history....different liberties.

None of your business.

Actually....tired of the snobbery

You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

I ate parts of a defenseless pig for breakfast. A defenseless cow for lunch. I'm going to have a chicken for dinner. My dog just killed a defenseless dove (the dog thinks doves are small chickens and the dog likes to eat chickens).

There are more game animals in the USA now than when the native Indians ran the country because they are now raised and controlled for sport (they don't starve in the winter like they used to).

Did you know plants talk. I'd never eat a poor plant that was screaming, "don't pick the asparagus."

Well the pig, cow and chicken were bred solely for their meat and the fact that you ate without buying a gun and killing it yourself proves that you don't NEED a gun to survive.

AFAIR Native American Indians hunted for food for themselves and their families using I believe bows and arrows and probably spears too. The reason that the animals during that perion died off was the same for hundreds of years. It would have been the older and weaker animals that died off.

Did you know that when the "civilised" white people went hunting for buffalo they only took a few tasty parts to eat and left the rest to rot where they fell. They were also responsible for almost wiping out the whole species and what a surprise, they also used guns.

How does anybody know if plants talk?

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You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

I ate parts of a defenseless pig for breakfast. A defenseless cow for lunch. I'm going to have a chicken for dinner. My dog just killed a defenseless dove (the dog thinks doves are small chickens and the dog likes to eat chickens).

There are more game animals in the USA now than when the native Indians ran the country because they are now raised and controlled for sport (they don't starve in the winter like they used to).

Did you know plants talk. I'd never eat a poor plant that was screaming, "don't pick the asparagus."

Well the pig, cow and chicken were bred solely for their meat and the fact that you ate without buying a gun and killing it yourself proves that you don't NEED a gun to survive.

AFAIR Native American Indians hunted for food for themselves and their families using I believe bows and arrows and probably spears too. The reason that the animals during that perion died off was the same for hundreds of years. It would have been the older and weaker animals that died off.

Did you know that when the "civilised" white people went hunting for buffalo they only took a few tasty parts to eat and left the rest to rot where they fell. They were also responsible for almost wiping out the whole species and what a surprise, they also used guns.

How does anybody know if plants talk?

Game is bred to be hunted in America and there are more deer today than when the Indians were in charge because of effective game conservation.

Without hunting many animals would starve in the winter.

Hunters and anglers account for 76 billion dollars to the American economy.

That's what happens when you conserve the natural resources (game) of your country.clap2.gif

There are 34 million hunters and anglers in America.

A number of studies have shown that plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often eaten while still alive. Animal rights activists are often in the news, but has anyone ever protested for vegetable rights?


For buffalo stories google, " The British toffs who tried to turn the Wild West into a corner of England . .

Edited by lostoday
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Here's some trivia....I fail to see how people can find this acceptable though....

More people killed by guns in US since 1968 than in in ALL of America’s wars put together.......

Here’s a summary of deaths by major conflict:



Revolutionary War


War of 1812


Mexican War


Civil War (Union and Confederate, estimate)


Spanish-American War


World War I


World War II


Korean War


Vietnam War


Persian Gulf War


Afghanistan War


Iraq War


Other wars (includes Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Somalia and Haiti)




And here’s a summary of deaths in USA caused by firearms


Firearm-related deaths

1968 to 1980


1981 to 1998


1999 to 2013



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)


TOTAL, 1968-2015


Edited by cumgranosalum
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...and for those of you so keen on protecting your family and property......

"Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that living in a home where guns are kept increased an individual’s risk of death by homicide by between 40 and 170%. Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology similarly found that “persons with guns in the home were at greater risk of dying from a homicide in the home than those without guns in the home.” This study determined that the presence of guns in the home increased an individual’s risk of death by homicide by 90%.

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Here's some trivia....I fail to see how people can find this acceptable though....

More people killed by guns in US since 1968 than in in ALL of America’s wars put together.......

Here’s a summary of deaths by major conflict:



Revolutionary War


War of 1812


Mexican War


Civil War (Union and Confederate, estimate)


Spanish-American War


World War I


World War II


Korean War


Vietnam War


Persian Gulf War


Afghanistan War


Iraq War


Other wars (includes Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Somalia and Haiti)




And here’s a summary of deaths in USA caused by firearms


Firearm-related deaths

1968 to 1980


1981 to 1998


1999 to 2013



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)


TOTAL, 1968-2015


  • Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is about one in five deaths.
  • Smoking causes more deaths each year than all of these combined:4
    • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
    • Illegal drug use
    • Alcohol use
    • Motor vehicle injuries
    • Firearm-related incidents
  • More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history.

You brought it up. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/

So If you really want to save American lives campaign for the elimination of smoking.

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bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

"For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

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Here's some trivia....I fail to see how people can find this acceptable though....

More people killed by guns in US since 1968 than in in ALL of America’s wars put together.......

Here’s a summary of deaths by major conflict:



Revolutionary War


War of 1812


Mexican War


Civil War (Union and Confederate, estimate)


Spanish-American War


World War I


World War II


Korean War


Vietnam War


Persian Gulf War


Afghanistan War


Iraq War


Other wars (includes Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Somalia and Haiti)




And here’s a summary of deaths in USA caused by firearms


Firearm-related deaths

1968 to 1980


1981 to 1998


1999 to 2013



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)



(estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)


TOTAL, 1968-2015


  • Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is about one in five deaths.
  • Smoking causes more deaths each year than all of these combined:4
    • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
    • Illegal drug use
    • Alcohol use
    • Motor vehicle injuries
    • Firearm-related incidents
  • More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history.

You brought it up. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/

So If you really want to save American lives campaign for the elimination of smoking.

I find it disturbing that you seem to think that quoting yet further horrific statistics in some way mitigates or justifies the ownership of firearms.....

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bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

"For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

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bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

"For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

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bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

"For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

Edited by lostoday
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bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

"For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

so tyou seem to be running round in circles - do you have any other solution apart form gun control? Because it seems the logical answer to me.

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One thing that can't be disputed is this:

If the shooter didn't have a gun, nobody would have been shot.

Now you could say that we can't let one outlier like that affect broader policy. But 30,000 outliers every year like that?

The solution to gun violence can't be tackled any other way except by making it harder to get a gun.


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I shall give you an example of so called American Justice- In Saint Louis County which is a county with a majority of people of color- when tickets for speeding or other minor infractions are given out- the cost of those tickets are very high- between $250- $500. Since the majority of people are low income they cannot come up with this amount of money. The local government then issues a bench warrant for their arrest and cancels their drivers license. The people still have to get to work. They are then stopped or asked for identification and arrested because they could not pay an unfair fine. This is a common practice in America as local governments are using the letter of the law to make their local budgets. Is it any wonder that minorities in America are angry. I am angry just hearing about it. You take away a person's hope and what is left. Many turn to the gun or do something illegal because they can't make it the legal way.It does not make it right- but it makes it understandable.

Or they could just drive sensibly and not get the tickets in the first place.

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I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

so tyou seem to be running round in circles - do you have any other solution apart form gun control? Because it seems the logical answer to me.

10 most dangerous cities in the world for gun crime are not in the USA they are in South America.

Brazil has 19 cities in the top 50.


Drug crime.

It's not like the Japanese Americans and British Americans are running drugs and guns into American cities. Not too hard to figure out where they are going.

Legalize drugs and get the illegal guns off the street then make the cities safe.

Cities with the Highest Rates of Total Gun-Related Deaths

(per 100,000 people) Rank City City Rate Metro Rate City/Metro

Ratio 1 New Orleans Detroit Las Vegas Miami Baltimore St. Louis Richmond Memphis Cleveland Philadelphia.

I wouldn't worry about the criminals moving to suburbia or Wyoming.

The most gun crimes come from South America where does America get most of it's illegal immigrants? Not hard to put 2 and 2 together. I believe Mr. Trump has it figured out.

Edited by lostoday
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Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

so tyou seem to be running round in circles - do you have any other solution apart form gun control? Because it seems the logical answer to me.

10 most dangerous cities in the world for gun crime are not in the USA they are in South America.

Brazil has 19 cities in the top 50.


Drug crime.

It's not like the Japanese Americans and British Americans are running drugs and guns into American cities. Not too hard to figure out where they are going.

Legalize drugs and get the illegal guns off the street then make the cities safe.

Cities with the Highest Rates of Total Gun-Related Deaths

(per 100,000 people) Rank City City Rate Metro Rate City/Metro

Ratio 1 New Orleans Detroit Las Vegas Miami Baltimore St. Louis Richmond Memphis Cleveland Philadelphia.

I wouldn't worry about the criminals moving to suburbia or Wyoming.

The most gun crimes come from South America where does America get most of it's illegal immigrants? Not hard to put 2 and 2 together. I believe Mr. Trump has it figured out.

and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course

So the US need for a right to bear arms, leads to many deaths in other countries too

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