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For tourists: Potential scams or misunderstandings in Pattaya


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AS we have a site for suggesting good restaurants in the area, it would be helpful if we members could help tourists out on the Pattaya forum about the various misunderstandings they may encounter from purchasing an item or renting. This forum could also improve the safety and enjoyment of the visiting tourist to our wonderful city where most of thelocal people are good folks.

1) Zein clothing outlets found in major shopping centers. They may have signs saying buy two shirts and get one free on a table full of reduced priced shirts or above a rack- A customer assuming where the signs are located it relates to those particular shirts. You find out that the shirts that may be on the table next to advertisement may not all be included in the reduced price. Also, Zein has a habit of jacking up the price (look at the sticker pasted above the original price), then placing a reduced orange florescent sale tag over it.

2) Never believe the 20% off or 30% off sport shoes that you are getting a deal. The well-known chains seem to list the highest price they can then reduce it 20-30% and it is about the same price as if you bought it brand new in Europe or North America.

3) Uncle Jax Popcorn--- delicious but make sure you taste a sample from the plastic container it comes from; for it may not be fresh.


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Always check with the merchant first if you have a buy one get one free voucher. Sometimes they will not honor them, just ask first.

The other one reported was a person buying a burger advertised for 199 baht, clearly displayed on the sign outside. Once ordered they tried to charge him more. He got the manager to come out and look at the sign clearly stating it was 199 baht but the manager still said no. He sent the burger back, saying I will only pay what you say on the sign. Don't put up with the BS, just do not pay and send it back.

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Correction to the first post... it is the men shop called Haas (in every shopping mall) that carries the Zein brand and has misleading signs and will sometimes place a higher price tag over the original price printed tag...then mark it down to make it look like your percent of savings is higher. I do not think you could do this in normal countries without being held accountable and sued. (I sent an email to the main office but never received a reply so they could verify this sales scheme. )

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This thread could be a lot of fun if the moderators don't shit themselves over the libel laws.

Please word you comments carefully and go for it!

Thanks for this Toenail clap2.gif

Edited by Oink
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Not a scam or an misunderstanding but when you go out to eat and order appetizers before the main dish, it is best to ONLY order the appetizers (or salad) then once they are delivered, then order your main dishes. Many restaurants do not pay attention to what should be delivered first. Even a plate of rice may sit on your table 20 minutes before the Thai dishes are delivered.

When ordering from a waiter/waitress and they are not writing it down...start to get nervous. Have the person taking your order repeat it NEVER assume they understand what you said, especially if there is bit of a change such as.... no want onion on my burger (the burger comes without all the dressing) or please, no whip cream on my apple pie...( it comes with the whip cream any way) change from the menu is a challenge for them to understand.

If you do not like raw or barely cooked bacon but want it crisp, be sure to tell the waiter sook-sook mak (means cook a lot) Remember, very few Thais working in the service industry understand English and are not properly trained in how to take care of customers. Do not assume their smile means they understand what you are ordering or requesting.

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If your new girlfriend, however good looking, has an adams apple, big hands, big feet, walks like a bloke, talks like a bloke.

Then don't be surprised if your chick is a ducky

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When your darling insists she's sleeping in the bed with her brother, he's not her brother.

A friend of ours lost his wife of five years. She went back to here husband who was the good friend she went to visit once a week!

Ring any bells anyone?

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Burger shop next to McDonalds outside Royal Garden be careful of your order being increased.

A burger of any description will miraculously become a "double", this increase in price.

Fries will be added too, whether you ask for fries or not.

And change is miscounted frequently.

You really must have your wits and brain in gear here.

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Don't believe the international press. The tourists are the victims, not the girls!

If you come here as a sex tourist, they are exploiting you, not the other way around.

So if you do get laid for B1,000 plus, don't feel too guilty, they do it 365 nights a year.

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A lot of displayed promotions do have a "what if" in Thai.

The only thing we see and understand are the screaming characters "buy 2 - get 1 free" or "70% Summer Sale", but in many cases there is some kind of condition printed in Thai at the bottom of the sign "minimum purchase THB x,xxx" or "Tourists only"

Also Thailand the sun shines for free!!

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Burger shop next to McDonalds outside Royal Garden be careful of your order being increased.

A burger of any description will miraculously become a "double", this increase in price.

Fries will be added too, whether you ask for fries or not.

And change is miscounted frequently.

You really must have your wits and brain in gear here.

I've never, ever had overcharging, doubling or addition of unrequested items when I order at Burger King.

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Some bars have the "buy one, get one free" policy. Trouble is, you are paying not the price of a single drink, but an inflated price and therefore, are being forced to pay for two every time anyway. Albeit, maybe a bit cheaper for two than paying for one drink at a time. Nice practice. It's why I stopped going to these places. Yes, I don't drink that much and being forced to buy two drinks when I only want one more is hardly a deal.

However, the policy does get you two hard liquor drinks but I do not believe the pours are, well, exactly two shots in a mix.

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Here's one that will become frequent as the new 500 THB note (which resembles a 1000 THB note) becomes more common.

You have a dinner with friends, and the bill comes to 1200THB; you put two 1000 baht notes in the bill wallet. He comes back with 300 baht change and when you protest, he goes to the register and comes back with a 1000 baht note and a new 500 baht note and says that is what you gave him.

I had this happen at a fairly well known restaurant a few months back. I had just made a withdrawal from a bank ATM, so it is possible but extremely unlikely that the bills were mixed up before I went to the restaurant.

I now place an initial in the corner of 1000 baht notes before I call for the check bin and give the money to the waiter. If it happens again, we head to the register and call for the manager.

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When the Food Delivery guy come to your place he assumes you will give him a 1000 bill note and has the change already ready subtracted from the 1000 note. Ironically// strangely the change include a few 20 notes and coins which makes it confusing to count...but! BUT! within the rectangular bill booklet will be coins tugged behind the bottom pocket or 40 baht may be missing. (Has happened to me 3 times over a two year period.)

Time consuming but if you buy a few movie DVDs be sure to have the seller not only show the first minute of the beginning but the end is very important because this is where the burning/ copying could have been messed up the quality of the movie.

The fake colognes are not good to buy from a beach vendor because it looses its scent in the hot climate.

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Go Go Clubs:

Be careful of the new trick the girls are up to. They sit in the corner for 15 minutes or longer waiting for their turn to dance, then in the last 5 minutes before they are due up they approach you for a ladies drink. Then after 2 sips they say "me go dance now" and she's gone. It's just cost you 150 baht for no company.

Bars/Go Go Clubs/

Check your tab regularly, places you are unfamiliar with could attempt to pad your bill. By that I mean, slip in an extra ticket or charge you a ridiculous price for a drink. Best advice is, check your first ticket then check every 3 or so drinks you have. If you are going crazy with drinks and ladies drinks and you have clouded judgement CHECK BIN NOW and then once it's been cleared you can resume your drinking and pay as you go.

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If you don't have the correct money to pay your Baht Bus fare and hand over a note, don't be surprised if he drives of without giving you change.

That definitely does happen, more often than not. Just carry the right change, plenty of 10 baht coins, don't give them money for free.

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At least every other day I'll go to any 7/11 to cash in a 1000 baht note.

I usually plan to get 9 x 100's back.

Keep yer eye on the ball here 'cos the cashier may now distract you with their offer of 2 for 1 plus those free stamps.

Whilst oops.....only 8 x 100s

sorry sir wai.gif

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When booking a BKK taxi from Pattaya to Bkk city or the airport (one of those pink, yellow, red, -name to color taxis from BKK that need to return) through one of the booking agents (middle man) beware of the following:

Make sure you pay for the expressway separately yourself or he may not even take the expressway to Bangkok and pocket the extra amount which is around 100 baht (I think). There is a tollway on the way to the airport also.

If you are pressured for time, remember the BKK taxi driver will most likely stop to fill up his propane gas tank..sometimes he may have to cue up in order to get filled up and this can waste over 30 minutes of your time

Remember, when you book a taxi in Pattaya, not a private driver with private car, the booking agent (the one that sits in a fruit crate along a soi selling trips to tourist sites or acting as a bookie for a taxi, has no control over these drivers. They do not know them. The bookie has some dude on a motorbike flagging down an arriving BKK taxi in the city telling him about a customer or the BKK taxi driver may have connections with a couple of these booking agents and call them ahead. The middle man will promise you anything but once you are in the taxi, he has no control over the frustrations you may encounter, such as: the BKK taxi driver with an AC that does not work; loud Isaan music playing loudly in the car; the smell of fish oil inside the interior; stopping somewhere to get gas, stopping along the way and shoveling you into another taxi or into his cousins private junky car... or saying YES to everything you ask then at the end he cannot find the address of your hotel and wants to drop you off at another hotel. Do not bother to book a Pattaya taxi, (the yellow& dark blue ones that sit in front of the hotels or shopping center), they have to charge a lot more since they do not return to Pattaya with customers. In the long run, taking a bus to the city of BKK is less hassles, safer, and cheaper.

Taking a bus from Pattaya north station. Buses leave every 20 minutes from the station. Ticket price: 119baht; reserved seating (better to get an aisle since the window seat can get hot & sometimes they will try to give the farang the seat next to the toilet-beware); buses may be old but the interior has been updated and they are clean; NOTE!!!!! The seat number is behind the seat....BEHIND the seat, not in front. Once the bus takes off, it is an easy nap for over an hour...relax.

Next, once the bus gets on Sukumvit start looking for the skytrain rail above you and look for a skytrain station, you can get off at the skytrain station Udam Suk (tell the bus lady you want to get off there) or Au Nut...just walk up the steps of the station (or look for the one escalator for each station) and you are ready to zip around BKK on the BTS-soooo easy and no unpredictable taxi man.

In order to avoid traffic jams into BKK city, get to the airport via bus or taxi, then hop on the rail system which connects to the BTS---so easy!!

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Buying a VIP seat bus ticket.

Two years ago I bought a VIP bus seat. going from Pattaya to Phuket. Next day I go to the travel shop and am waiting for the mini bus that will take me to where the big bus is parked. While waiting in the travel office, I was browsing again through the brochures and happened to see a seating chart that I did not see before. Something seemed wrong. Checking my ticket, the seat number did not to match the VIP seat numbers. I called the office boss lady over. She looked apprehensive. Just then the minivan driver showed up and I said "wait". The lady started talking with the driver and neither one was sounding happy. After a minute she said sorry sir, there are no VIP seats. I said you sold me a VIP seat and charged me for a VIP seat. I said no way I am making that 14 hour or more trip in a non-vip seat. I had already checked out of my weekly stay discount hotel so staying another night or two would be expensive since this was November and rates were a bit pricey. I did get a refund but nobody was happy. She lost the sale, the bus company lost a seat, and I was put off a bit. I think she was more upset about losing face with the bus company. I asked her who made the mistake and I just did not get a good answer. I know she was on the phone yesterday with the bus company or the agent or whoever she deals with. I was there as I booked and paid.

I ended up staying in Pattaya another week, then flew from Utapao to Phuket and enjoyed Karon beach a lot.

Did she try to scam me?

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Buying a VIP seat bus ticket.

Two years ago I bought a VIP bus seat. going from Pattaya to Phuket. Next day I go to the travel shop and am waiting for the mini bus that will take me to where the big bus is parked. While waiting in the travel office, I was browsing again through the brochures and happened to see a seating chart that I did not see before. Something seemed wrong. Checking my ticket, the seat number did not to match the VIP seat numbers. I called the office boss lady over. She looked apprehensive. Just then the minivan driver showed up and I said "wait". The lady started talking with the driver and neither one was sounding happy. After a minute she said sorry sir, there are no VIP seats. I said you sold me a VIP seat and charged me for a VIP seat. I said no way I am making that 14 hour or more trip in a non-vip seat. I had already checked out of my weekly stay discount hotel so staying another night or two would be expensive since this was November and rates were a bit pricey. I did get a refund but nobody was happy. She lost the sale, the bus company lost a seat, and I was put off a bit. I think she was more upset about losing face with the bus company. I asked her who made the mistake and I just did not get a good answer. I know she was on the phone yesterday with the bus company or the agent or whoever she deals with. I was there as I booked and paid.

I ended up staying in Pattaya another week, then flew from Utapao to Phuket and enjoyed Karon beach a lot.

Did she try to scam me?

More than likely it was the bus company that was doing the scamming. They probably looked at the load and thought arrhhh bus not full we can send smaller one and save money on fuel. Either way, you did the right thing by standing your ground.

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Here is a funny one. Normally in McDonalds, Burger King etc. if you ask for a glass of cock-no-eye (coke no ice), you'll get it no problem. But some eateries want to charge you more, sometimes twice for a "no-eye" drink (mostly juice). Once upon a time I had a sore throat and asked for a tall glass of orange juice without ice in one of numerous Robinson coffee counters. "No-eye 90 Baht" came the reply (normal price in the menu was 45 Baht). So I asked the salesgirl to show in the menu a 90 Baht price for orange juice. Of course there wasn't one. She became very irritated and tried to argue - to no avail. I paid 45 Baht an left. Next day I went there for a rerun - same scenario - 90 baht for "no ice", but had to call for a manager (the salesgirl was unyielding that time), who promptly apologized and charged me 45 baht as in the menu. Next day - you guessed it - I was there again just to see a sign plate which read "Orange Juice with Ice 45 Baht, Orange Juice without Ice 90 Baht." They did it just for me!!! And for orange juice only!!! I took pity on the salesgirl and didn't ask for another juice without ice (there were 10 more in the menu). Then I asked her why the hell she couldn't give me a smaller glass of orange juice without ice (there were no indication of the glass size in the menu) in the first place? A puzzled look, then a smile of understanding... Now we are friends and I teach her some more of weird farang logic.

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