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Considering looking for a thai wife.


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Well it is always good to do your research, you will find Thai girls are as honest as the western ones, all they crave for is the love of a good man to take care of them, buy them a house and business in their name and be kind and look after the mum and dad and the extended family, not too much to ask surely.

In the 3 short years I have been here I have know expats, with very successful partnerships, some with ex bar girls some with "good " girls it is purely the luck of the draw.

If you take them back to the west with all the temptations that it entails you are asking for trouble when she finds out that she can claim half your assets after 1 year of being a common law wife. Where as having a girl friend and living in Thailand she can only claim what you got together, the only thing in my girlfriends name is the cable tv bill and the internet bill.I pay her mum an allowance and my girl friend an allowance and it still works out cheaper than employing a full time maid and paying for "nookie" a few times a month

Mate get real about "love" you want to love her and you want her to love you what bullshit the only true love is between you and your kids and you and the dog the rest is romantic crap in Mills and Boon books.

Saying all this I may be a bit jaded after being taken to the cleaners by two western wives one after 13 years married ( happily married for 3 years ) and the other 32 years married ( happily married for 20 years)

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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

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Well it is always good to do your research, you will find Thai girls are as honest as the western ones, all they crave for is the love of a good man to take care of them, buy them a house and business in their name and be kind and look after the mum and dad and the extended family, not too much to ask surely.

In the 3 short years I have been here I have know expats, with very successful partnerships, some with ex bar girls some with "good " girls it is purely the luck of the draw.

If you take them back to the west with all the temptations that it entails you are asking for trouble when she finds out that she can claim half your assets after 1 year of being a common law wife. Where as having a girl friend and living in Thailand she can only claim what you got together, the only thing in my girlfriends name is the cable tv bill and the internet bill.I pay her mum an allowance and my girl friend an allowance and it still works out cheaper than employing a full time maid and paying for "nookie" a few times a month

Mate get real about "love" you want to love her and you want her to love you what bullshit the only true love is between you and your kids and you and the dog the rest is romantic crap in Mills and Boon books.

Saying all this I may be a bit jaded after being taken to the cleaners by two western wives one after 13 years married ( happily married for 3 years ) and the other 32 years married ( happily married for 20 years)

This is the most saddest thing. I wish mine won't end up like yours. I wish I will be those couple who grown old together and still hold hand. Love and care is the key of my life goal dream. Sad thing is the more money you have the more you attract those greedy people you never want to engage with. I think people find real true love through hard time

Once I read about guy lose all hope. He had a gf he love very much she is air hostage. And at that time he was building his career try to pay off his family debt. have to borrow money from her sometimes. They were waiting till he is rich enough to marry her lol you know how Thai is those big wedding party and sinsod for mommy. But sad thing is when he is rich she died. And I think last time I check I see he pet a dog yeah!

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Ok, spend as much time in Thailand as possible. You have to be here continuously enought o get rid of that honey-moon period, allow culture shock to sink in, wallow in despair, drown for a while, and them come out the other end.

I only joking. Sort of.

Ok, but seriously.

  • Stay here as long as possible at a stretch (20 years of holidays will not help you learn anything)
  • Don't marry for the first 5 or 6 years (preferably 10 years) at least....just date and whatever.
  • If it seems like your money is the only thing she is interested in, then it probably is. Then you run.
  • Don't move in with her for a year or more.
  • When you do hide sharp objects (only joking)
  • Trust your instincts...none of this.."I could be wrong BS"
  • Realize this: Thailand is not a poor country and Thais are not poor. Drop this standard (first time visitor) attitude at the airport.
  • Try to get involved with something where you can meet people (I studied at university in BKK...met lots of amazing chicks).
  • Important: Don't be tempted you pick a life partner significantly younger than yourself. Up to 10 years is enough. Only do this if you don't mind her screwing around and you fancy screwing around yourself. It probably won't be the traditional thing you are imagining. It'll probably be, very much so, based on money and problems.

There are, however, exceptions.

  • My EX was a decade older than myself and a school teacher. She and her family tried to rob me blind. So it ain't just the young hookers at it.
  • My wife (sort of), I met in a bar in the main tourist area in BKK (not a prostitute kind of bar, but still). She asked me to move in with her the day after we met and I did. She is pretty great, apart from being far too skinny and looking like a boy. Which brings me to another important point: just look for fat girls. Once you get over the petite/skinny Asian girl thing, you are going to want a girl with some curves in the right places (and it usually ain't the skinny girls). Sorry for that. Forgive my resentful humor - I have had a few Leos. Anyway, we have been together 6 years. She has her own business, which she started at her own cost and the inlaws are decent people. I only give her 3K a month (I can't believe some guy on here gives his girl 16k) to buy stuff mostly for our daughter.

Uhh,...what else do I have to say...uhm...yeah, do not take her back to your home country. I know a Thai girl married to an American. She is over there working while she waits for her green card and citizenship. She works in massage, takes her wedding ring off when she goes to work, and boasts how she loves her job cos she, "gets to wash lots of naked guys in the shower". She never worked in massage in Thailand, but seems to enoy it over in the US. She also says that if things don't get better with her husband, she will leave him when she gets citizenship. But to be fair, she was dating all the guys while they were engaged in Thailand anyway so.....

Anyway, good luck mate. Just take it slowly, ok? Though, you may get lucky quickly, it usually doesn't happen.

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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

it was only a matter of time before the punctuation police arrived :-(

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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

Indeed it is especially when you type with your thumbs and have no interest in editing. My businesses are also impecably run, but at least twice a year my cell phone gets shut of because I forget to pay. My facilities are spotless, but my truck looks like a slobby homeless man lives out of it. We all have flaws pichtag even if it's the flaw of pointing out the flaws in others.

By the way, your critique of me starts with what is called an introductory clause. You should have put a comma after "man." Also, "Mr" requires a period after it. Like this.... Mr.

At least you did not put a period after that last sentence because it isn't one, but you are not really supposed to write in incomplete sentences now are you.

Yes my business communications professor would throw a fit over how I have allowed laziness and the IPhone to ruin my writting profile, but it is what it is. What is your excuse? Mr. needlessly critical. ????

If you can't understand something because of my laziness, all you need to do is ask.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

it was only a matter of time before the punctuation police arrived :-(
The punctuation police should use proper punctuation while policeing punctuation don't you think?
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Did you go to soi Nana like I suggested ? you can find a good wife there .

I'm still in the states. I'm not interested in the red light areas though I might take a stroll when I'm there just to say I have been there. I'm not going to be in Bankock for very long. I'm a bit of a country boy an avid backpacker/naturalist. I'll probably head up north for a bit. Then maybe south. I'd like to spend a few nights with my hammock tent alone in the jungle somwhere and swim by some water falls. We will see. The temple retreats may take up a lot of time. I'm wavering on how much time I want to spend in them.
I saw Deliverance recently....you from them thar parts?
No, but I do got a purdy mouth. ?
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Find a good woman to get married in Thailand on a short visit, can happen..with a lot of focus and good luck, because I believe that is not possible to learn about the Thai customs and culture in very short time..specially if your intention is to bring her to the USA. If the woman is very traditional and very religious, and not traveled and open minded, may be difficult to adapt to the western culture..

But....may happens. The happier marriage I know is between a 60 years old American man with a 37 years old Thai woman living in the US and married for more than 12 years. She becomes more American than many natives I know, but fascinating everybody with her Thai beauty and tradition....

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Find a good woman to get married in Thailand on a short visit, can happen..with a lot of focus and good luck, because I believe that is not possible to learn about the Thai customs and culture in very short time..specially if your intention is to bring her to the USA. If the woman is very traditional and very religious, and not traveled and open minded, may be difficult to adapt to the western culture..

But....may happens. The happier marriage I know is between a 60 years old American man with a 37 years old Thai woman living in the US and married for more than 12 years. She becomes more American than many natives I know, but fascinating everybody with her Thai beauty and tradition....

Oh I don't plan to come only once. I have a feeling I will be traveling there quite often. :)
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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

An orfan?!?! Haha, well I'll try. I know its a serious subject, but that did make me laugh.

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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

it was only a matter of time before the punctuation police arrived :-(
The punctuation police should use proper punctuation while policeing punctuation don't you think?

Haha!! Absolutely

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At 36 years old and reasonably educated, why would you ask how to find a wife on a public forum? Just a thought.

For a college educated self employed business man your grammar and spelling is abysmal. Mr Looking for a wife

it was only a matter of time before the punctuation police arrived :-(
The punctuation police should use proper punctuation while policeing punctuation don't you think?

Haha!! Absolutely

If I give him some money, will he leave me alone? ?

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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

No offense but does your wife not love you then? If all Thai girls are only in it for the material gain then surely your wife is too?

I really feel that its harsh to assume that all Thai women are capable of some of the horror stories published on this forum and in general circulation around the world.

I for one certainly don't subscribe to that line of thought. I know doubters will say its only a matter of time but that's just BS from bitter individuals

Edited by atrippick
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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

An orfan?!?! Haha, well I'll try. I know its a serious subject, but that did make me laugh.
Haha joking apart, In the UK it's hard to find a girl who doesn't have kids... and you end up paying for the kids upbringing... but at least at some point they start to fend for themselves...

In Thailand girls are compelled to support their parents. Particularly farm girls. Sons don't send money home but daughters do. So you end up paying for the parents, which gets more as they get older... grandparents too if still alive... if she has a brother you'll end up paying for his wedding too...

So yeah get an orfan!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

No offense but does your wife not love you then? If all Thai girls are only in it for the material gain then surely your wife is too?

I really feel that its harsh to assume that all Thai women are capable of some of the horror stories published on this forum and in general circulation around the world.

I for one certainly don't subscribe to that line of thought. I know doubters will say its only a matter of time but that's just BS from bitter individuals

They're not all gold diggers, just as we are not all looking for a slave girl.

Some want material wealth and status, but some just want security and preferably with someone the are comfortable with. The two are different.

They don't do romance.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Have you ever been to Thailand?

First time I went was with my Thai missus when she was my girlfriend... I felt like I'd taken sand to the beach...

Go and enjoy what is on offer a few times first. Have some fun with some girls.

I got a pre nump and it doesn't protect you for anything after marriage. Or anything you can't prove... she still gets half of everything you gain after getting married and if she takes out loans and stuff you can get the liability of those too...

Don't think it's love, she is with you for what you give her that she can't get without you. Don't look for romance, look for a partnership. And if you can find one, an orfan!

No offense but does your wife not love you then? If all Thai girls are only in it for the material gain then surely your wife is too?

I really feel that its harsh to assume that all Thai women are capable of some of the horror stories published on this forum and in general circulation around the world.

I for one certainly don't subscribe to that line of thought. I know doubters will say its only a matter of time but that's just BS from bitter individuals

They're not all gold diggers, just as we are not all looking for a slave girl.

Some want material wealth and status, but some just want security and preferably with someone the are comfortable with. The two are different.

They don't do romance.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

What????? My wife and I have a better relationship than any other couple I know so that statement is utter nonsense I,m afraid.

Maybe we are an exception but surely you can't believe that Thai women don't do romance????

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I don't know much but I do know that ROMANCE is EVERYTHING to a Thai lady.

Really? Please explain with examples.

What type of examples would satisfy you, Sir?

My wife like flowers, I know because she buys them for her friends and she fondly remembers the time I bought one for her.

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