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Considering looking for a thai wife.


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@ Lukasisgood , just do it Place your bet if you can afford to lose a little or Win big why not give it try , i,m sure you can handle the truth no matter what happen after , good or bad .

Edited by itsmylife
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But you don't know anything about Thai way of thinking, I never, I do now......BUT, seems you have your head set in the Thai direction and no one will change that for sure...Just go for it........Remember my name here, love to know how you get on..

Indeed. I don't. But that's why I'm going. Ever the student :)

I will. I'll post here how the first trip goes. And continue after that.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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There are a zillion out there like yourself who thought/did the same thing........Many come here (the forum to ask how to sort their woes out. Of course nobody listens in the first place, l was one, but the years taught me stuff and am now trying to help guys out with a problem....

Your head chum, do what you want to do, go for it, you may be one of the lucky ones..smile.png

Hopefully. I'm a risk taker always have been. People told me starting my businesses was going to be hard and a waste of money too. I was taught to go to school, get good grades, then get a good job with a big corporation. I'm dam glad I didn't listen.

I know how to invest with always leaving a quick out. I appreciate your concern. I know it is well given. As this proceeds I do intend to navigate the pitfalls. I'm a smart guy who has been around a bit. I'll never get wrapped up in things I can't handle.

Thanks. I mean that.

A tip from Uncle Trans, never, NEVER tell a bird here your loaded, never, if you do you will have a prob...Trust me on that..Good luck........smile.png
Haha good advice. I used to be an amature kickboxer and talking about it always seemed to get me into fights. I have learned to keep my cards in my pocket and show them one at a time. I where camafloug shorts and a yellowstone cap. My native American blood and instincts keep me under the radar and my first business was a martial arts school. Still running strong. They will never see me comeing and the one that falls for me if one does is in for a nice surprise ;). Edited by Lukasisgood
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So where do I go? Do I ask a lady out at a bank, A resturante in the country, or at a coffee shop? I'm prepared to travel to normal non tourist areas. Obviously the bar scene is a mine feild, but are their places that Thais go to for their own fun? Would I be welcome there? Are there events and festivals that bring the "normal" girls out? Is there something I can participate in that might make me friends and get me into groups of quality people. I will not be trying to pick up anyone, I want to get to know them. Any tips can only help.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky and paste it over the tattoo on your forehead.

Edited by 55Jay
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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

Maybe the problem is you, not them.

Maybe you are losing your nerve as you approach middle age, and there you go, talking about getting yourself one of those "traditional" Asians that, so the rumor goes, don't care about money or looks and make good wives and companions.

Get a grip, man! Snap out of it.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky, paste in on the side of monitor and repeat it every time you catch yourself drifting off into these moronic fantasies about traditional, compliant woman from humid, mosquito infested 3rd world hump hump hell holes.

And if I hear one more guy blubbering on about Thais and bloody buddhism, and wanting to stay in a temple, I'm going to <deleted> HURL! sick.gif

Hurl all you want. I actually have respect for different cultures. People are different from different places. There is nothing wrong in wanting different. I don't view thailand like that at all. I view it's a rich and extremely interesting place and people. There is nothing wrong in wanting a traditional style relationship either. Different strokes different folks there genius. Being bitter about it isn't going to change anything. Edited by Lukasisgood
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QUOTE : Do I sound like a sap?


Haha well. I guess I am one then sad.png

No you are not a sap.

You came seeking advice...and that will be provided. The saps are those that never ask questions or do the research.

My humble advice.

1. Never agree to buy a house/car or sin sod in return for marriage.

2. Date all the women you possibly can. Pick one that suits you, and who is capable of cleaning, cooking, communicating in english, and likes to do what you do.

3. Have her live with you for a while. Do not commit. If you have all the things you say you have...she will enter a relationship without marriage...as long as you are honest. Do not worry about meeting the family right away...go on tour and bring her with you. See if she enjoys your company, or opts out by ignoring you (too much cellphone/computer time). Don't be extravagant in your shopping. Be smart, and kind..but not easy.

4. For every one lady you lose, there are hundreds more. Take your time

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So where do I go? Do I ask a lady out at a bank, A resturante in the country, or at a coffee shop? I'm prepared to travel to normal non tourist areas. Obviously the bar scene is a mine feild, but are their places that Thais go to for their own fun? Would I be welcome there? Are there events and festivals that bring the "normal" girls out? Is there something I can participate in that might make me friends and get me into groups of quality people. I will not be trying to pick up anyone, I want to get to know them. Any tips can only help.

So you speak enough Thai to ask a lady in the bank out?


normal Thai girls don't speak English..... not one of them ...... not even the English teachers.

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QUOTE : Do I sound like a sap?


Haha well. I guess I am one then sad.png

No you are not a sap.

You came seeking advice...and that will be provided. The saps are those that never ask questions or do the research.

My humble advice.

1. Never agree to buy a house/car or sin sod in return for marriage.

2. Date all the women you possibly can. Pick one that suits you, and who is capable of cleaning, cooking, communicating in english, and likes to do what you do.

3. Have her live with you for a while. Do not commit. If you have all the things you say you have...she will enter a relationship without marriage...as long as you are honest. Do not worry about meeting the family right away...go on tour and bring her with you. See if she enjoys your company, or opts out by ignoring you (too much cellphone/computer time). Don't be extravagant in your shopping. Be smart, and kind..but not easy.

4. For every one lady you lose, there are hundreds more. Take your time

Thank you. Never been much of a date lots of girls before, but I used to Tudor statistics so I understand why. Seems like the way to go. Thank you so much.
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So where do I go? Do I ask a lady out at a bank, A resturante in the country, or at a coffee shop? I'm prepared to travel to normal non tourist areas. Obviously the bar scene is a mine feild, but are their places that Thais go to for their own fun? Would I be welcome there? Are there events and festivals that bring the "normal" girls out? Is there something I can participate in that might make me friends and get me into groups of quality people. I will not be trying to pick up anyone, I want to get to know them. Any tips can only help.

Ok - quick advise here...

Put the wife-hunt outta your head. Get here; get fluent; get culturalized... Do not stay in CM, Pattaya, Samui, Phuket... Find a non-tourist burg to settle in and see what turns up. Once you have done the above and invested the time, you will find all the events, social situations, which you are looking for.

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So where do I go? Do I ask a lady out at a bank, A resturante in the country, or at a coffee shop? I'm prepared to travel to normal non tourist areas. Obviously the bar scene is a mine feild, but are their places that Thais go to for their own fun? Would I be welcome there? Are there events and festivals that bring the "normal" girls out? Is there something I can participate in that might make me friends and get me into groups of quality people. I will not be trying to pick up anyone, I want to get to know them. Any tips can only help.

So you speak enough Thai to ask a lady in the bank out?


normal Thai girls don't speak English..... not one of them ...... not even the English teachers.

I can probably ask one out, but not ready yet to have a meaningful conversation in thai , but I'm working hard on the problem. The language will be an issue early on. But I work very hard on things and the practice will make me better.

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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

Maybe the problem is you, not them.

Maybe you are losing your nerve as you approach middle age, and there you go, talking about getting yourself one of those "traditional" Asians that, so the rumor goes, don't care about money or looks and make good wives and companions.

Get a grip, man! Snap out of it.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky, paste in on the side of monitor and repeat it every time you catch yourself drifting off into these moronic fantasies about traditional, compliant woman from humid, mosquito infested 3rd world hump hump hell holes.

And if I hear one more guy blubbering on about Thais and bloody buddhism, and wanting to stay in a temple, I'm going to <deleted> HURL! sick.gif

Hurl all you want. I actually have respect for different cultures. People are different from different places. There is nothing wrong in wanting different. I don't view thailand like that at all. I view it's a rich and extremely interesting place and people. There is nothing wrong in wanting a traditional style relationship either. Different strokes different folks there genius. Being bitter about it isn't going to change anything.

Respect for other cultures. Another myth repeated by dumb Americans and embassy websites.

Finding a wife isn't a task that you decide to do, because you've been putting it off. You aren't ready to be married with an attitude like that.

Seriously, don't shop for a wife. Even having that as an end state goal cheapens the whole process and is as far from "traditional" as you can get.

You don't look for a wife. It just happens and when it does, you'll know it. For all you know, you could meet her on the plane coming over and forget all about this Thailand Fever you got from the internet.

Pro Tip: If she asks why you are flying to Thailand, use that rubbish about kick boxing with monks at the temple. She'll tag you as a Lonely Planet fruitcake, but it's better than saying you're looking for a wife.

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So where do I go? Do I ask a lady out at a bank, A resturante in the country, or at a coffee shop? I'm prepared to travel to normal non tourist areas. Obviously the bar scene is a mine feild, but are their places that Thais go to for their own fun? Would I be welcome there? Are there events and festivals that bring the "normal" girls out? Is there something I can participate in that might make me friends and get me into groups of quality people. I will not be trying to pick up anyone, I want to get to know them. Any tips can only help.

So you speak enough Thai to ask a lady in the bank out?


normal Thai girls don't speak English..... not one of them ...... not even the English teachers.

LOL.....I guess my wife is abnormal, because she speaks very good english.

I met many good ladies that speak english....or know enough to learn.

Are you suggesting that only bad ladies speak english?

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This sounds ridiculous...but lets give this a shot.

Can you show us a photo of what type of thai lady you would be interested in? Try to find a photo online of what you have in mind.

I am just curious. If you are looking for a young pocket rocket, then I will give up. However, If you are looking for a mature lady, of average looks and you can handle her thai kids, then I think you will be successful.

really...post a photo of what you wish your future wife will look like... I would be interested.

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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

Maybe the problem is you, not them.

Maybe you are losing your nerve as you approach middle age, and there you go, talking about getting yourself one of those "traditional" Asians that, so the rumor goes, don't care about money or looks and make good wives and companions.

Get a grip, man! Snap out of it.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky, paste in on the side of monitor and repeat it every time you catch yourself drifting off into these moronic fantasies about traditional, compliant woman from humid, mosquito infested 3rd world hump hump hell holes.

And if I hear one more guy blubbering on about Thais and bloody buddhism, and wanting to stay in a temple, I'm going to <deleted> HURL! sick.gif

Hurl all you want. I actually have respect for different cultures. People are different from different places. There is nothing wrong in wanting different. I don't view thailand like that at all. I view it's a rich and extremely interesting place and people. There is nothing wrong in wanting a traditional style relationship either. Different strokes different folks there genius. Being bitter about it isn't going to change anything.

Respect for other cultures. Another myth repeated by dumb Americans and embassy websites.

Finding a wife isn't a task that you decide to do, because you've been putting it off. You aren't ready to be married with an attitude like that.

Seriously, don't shop for a wife. Even having that as an end state goal cheapens the whole process and is as far from "traditional" as you can get.

You don't look for a wife. It just happens and when it does, you'll know it. For all you know, you could meet her on the plane coming over and forget all about this Thailand Fever you got from the internet.

Pro Tip: If she asks why you are flying to Thailand, use that rubbish about kick boxing with monks at the temple. She'll tag you as a Lonely Planet fruitcake, but it's better than saying you're looking for a wife.

It's not rubbish it's the truth. And I do like other cultures. Why is that so hard for you to understand? There is nothing wrong with deciding you want to settle down. I'm sorry your world is so negative. I'll leave you to it. Us dumb Americans seem to do alright, maybe we are not as dumb as you think.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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In the OP, sounds like you've never even been to Thailand.

So you were thinking about this "for a while" and randomly chose Thailand as the country from which you wanted to go find a wife and take her back to the USA?

Being a sap is the least of your problems.

not randomly Jay. I read a lot and do my homework. I did not get to where I am without being prpared. I'm sorry to say my experience with Southeast Asia is limited. I'm familure with the philapene and Chinese cultures. I can even speak Mandrin to a degree. I have had it on my mind for at least a decade, but for one reason or another I kept putting it off. Not any longer. I will be decent at speaking Thai inside of three years and I will have spent a lot of time there. In fact, this conversation is part of the leaening process. wink.png

Being a sap may very well turn into an asset. Being a sap is not being stupid, but yes my tendency to give does have to be tightened up a bit around people that may be out to con me. I'm aware of this.

This sounds like a potential reality show. Bachelor in Thailand. Thailand's Got Wifey Talent.

You didn't answer the question though. How did you decide on Thailand?

A place you've never been, admittedly know nothing about, but after reading and looking at videos and photos on Da' Internets (wink wink), this is the country you just have to source a wife from! Cause they are traditional cause Da' Internet said so.

Now that's been decided, you will throw yourself into this with the same determination and hard work ethic you do for everything in your life up to now. Immerse in Thai culture on the internet, crash course in their language, gotta study, get prepared to select a wife - and you've never stepped foot in the country before.

So, again, how'd you decide on Thailand? Blindfolded dart throwing at the map?

PS: What's up with the Chinese language skills? Work related or did you have a Chinese fetish before the current Thai one?

Edited by 55Jay
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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

Maybe the problem is you, not them.

Maybe you are losing your nerve as you approach middle age, and there you go, talking about getting yourself one of those "traditional" Asians that, so the rumor goes, don't care about money or looks and make good wives and companions.

Get a grip, man! Snap out of it.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky, paste in on the side of monitor and repeat it every time you catch yourself drifting off into these moronic fantasies about traditional, compliant woman from humid, mosquito infested 3rd world hump hump hell holes.

And if I hear one more guy blubbering on about Thais and bloody buddhism, and wanting to stay in a temple, I'm going to <deleted> HURL! sick.gif

Hurl all you want. I actually have respect for different cultures. People are different from different places. There is nothing wrong in wanting different. I don't view thailand like that at all. I view it's a rich and extremely interesting place and people. There is nothing wrong in wanting a traditional style relationship either. Different strokes different folks there genius. Being bitter about it isn't going to change anything.

Respect for other cultures. Another myth repeated by dumb Americans and embassy websites.

Finding a wife isn't a task that you decide to do, because you've been putting it off. You aren't ready to be married with an attitude like that.

Seriously, don't shop for a wife. Even having that as an end state goal cheapens the whole process and is as far from "traditional" as you can get.

You don't look for a wife. It just happens and when it does, you'll know it. For all you know, you could meet her on the plane coming over and forget all about this Thailand Fever you got from the internet.

Pro Tip: If she asks why you are flying to Thailand, use that rubbish about kick boxing with monks at the temple. She'll tag you as a Lonely Planet fruitcake, but it's better than saying you're looking for a wife.

It's not rubbish it's the truth. And I do like other cultures. Why is that so hard for you to understand? There is nothing wrong with deciding you want to settle down. I'm sorry your world is so negative. I'll leave you to it. Us dumb Americans seem to do alright, maybe we are not as dumb as you think.

I do not think you are dumb. You are just acting dumb. There's a difference.

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the op makes it sound like you are shopping for a new iron, a washing machine, a new televison or something equally inanimate.

and what the heck is a traditional thai wife?

i have never understood why anyone would say "i am looking for a wife" irrespective of racial or cultural specifications.

I have always been more of the "i have met a woman, we get along, share a bond, and perhaps now it is time to consider taking additional steps along the relationship path" frame of mind.

why would anyone even begin their thinking with marriage, when they haven't even had a date?

to put marriage before actually finding a partner, soul mate, what have you, is a recipe for disaster and simply indicates that you are not even strong enough to go it alone.

seems to me you are looking for the wrong thing.

Edited by HooHaa
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Hi everyone.

So it seems that there are some knowledgable people here. I have reached a point in my life where I would like to settle down. I have been interested in finding a traditional Thai wife to settle down with for some time, but I must admit I am overwhelemed. I Never walk blindly into something and I have been doing a lot of research. I will be comeing to Thailand soon and I want to find somone who wants to live with me here in the states. I have money and businesses so we can keep a house in thailand as well. I don't mind spending money but is there a way to find a good girl that is not out to fleece a foreigner. I want a traditional relationship with a loveing wife. I will love and take care of her and it's her job love an look after me. Do I sound like a sap? Is there no place for a good guy in this mess?

gjve me some ideas on how to proceed. Thanks.

Take your time getting to know her! At least a year until you commit. Do NOT disclose all of your assets. Any silly fool can make that enormous error in judgment. Not wise. Time is your ally. Problems and issues will reveal themselves with time. If it is good, it is only going to get better. If she has real issues, you will see them over time. She will always try to step up the pace and you always have to push back. That is called manning up.

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In the OP, sounds like you've never even been to Thailand.

So you were thinking about this "for a while" and randomly chose Thailand as the country from which you wanted to go find a wife and take her back to the USA?

Being a sap is the least of your problems.

not randomly Jay. I read a lot and do my homework. I did not get to where I am without being prpared. I'm sorry to say my experience with Southeast Asia is limited. I'm familure with the philapene and Chinese cultures. I can even speak Mandrin to a degree. I have had it on my mind for at least a decade, but for one reason or another I kept putting it off. Not any longer. I will be decent at speaking Thai inside of three years and I will have spent a lot of time there. In fact, this conversation is part of the leaening process. wink.png

Being a sap may very well turn into an asset. Being a sap is not being stupid, but yes my tendency to give does have to be tightened up a bit around people that may be out to con me. I'm aware of this.

This sounds like a potential reality show. Bachelor in Thailand. Thailand's Got Wifey Talent.

You didn't answer the question though. How did you decide on Thailand?

A place you've never been, admittedly know nothing about, but after reading and looking at videos and photos on Da' Internets (wink wink), this is the country you just have to source a wife from! Cause they are traditional cause Da' Internet said so.

Now that's been decided, you will throw yourself into this with the same determination and hard work ethic you do for everything in your life up to now. Immerse in Thai culture on the internet, crash course in their language, gotta study, get prepared to select a wife - and you've never stepped foot in the country before.

So, again, how'd you decide on Thailand? Blindfolded dart throwing at the map?

PS: What's up with the Chinese language skills? Work related or did you have a Chinese fetish before the current Thai one?

Good question. Why Thailand, or more to the point, why Thai women? Let me guess. Maybe the OP had some friends who vacationed in Pattaya and found paradise on Earth, and thinks that all Thai women just love farangs. It's almost like a lamb being led to slaughter, if that's his attitude.

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In the OP, sounds like you've never even been to Thailand.

So you were thinking about this "for a while" and randomly chose Thailand as the country from which you wanted to go find a wife and take her back to the USA?

Being a sap is the least of your problems.

not randomly Jay. I read a lot and do my homework. I did not get to where I am without being prpared. I'm sorry to say my experience with Southeast Asia is limited. I'm familure with the philapene and Chinese cultures. I can even speak Mandrin to a degree. I have had it on my mind for at least a decade, but for one reason or another I kept putting it off. Not any longer. I will be decent at speaking Thai inside of three years and I will have spent a lot of time there. In fact, this conversation is part of the leaening process. wink.png

Being a sap may very well turn into an asset. Being a sap is not being stupid, but yes my tendency to give does have to be tightened up a bit around people that may be out to con me. I'm aware of this.

This sounds like a potential reality show. Bachelor in Thailand. Thailand's Got Wifey Talent.

You didn't answer the question though. How did you decide on Thailand?

A place you've never been, admittedly know nothing about, but after reading and looking at videos and photos on Da' Internets (wink wink), this is the country you just have to source a wife from! Cause they are traditional cause Da' Internet said so.

Now that's been decided, you will throw yourself into this with the same determination and hard work ethic you do for everything in your life up to now. Immerse in Thai culture on the internet, crash course in their language, gotta study, get prepared to select a wife - and you've never stepped foot in the country before.

So, again, how'd you decide on Thailand? Blindfolded dart throwing at the map?

PS: What's up with the Chinese language skills? Work related or did you have a Chinese fetish before the current Thai one?

While in college I studied international finance and studied mandarin as my forign language. I also grew up studying Kung &lt;deleted&gt; and karate. I have had several Sifu's that barely spoke English. Only Chinese. They were like fathers.

I think my intrest started in my twenties when I was kickboxing. I spent some time studying Thai kickboxing. I fought a thai guy once and we hung out and went for drinks afterward and he talked about where he came from. Its not s fetish. It's practicle. Thiland is simply more acomodating to westerners. Most other places that are dramatic culture shifts are don't have what thailand offers. When it comes to thai women, the deeply spiritual nature of the country offers the potential for deeply spiritual people without the problems of Christianity or Islam. My first intrest in Buhdism came when I was 19 studying eastern spirituality. I have studied and incorperated much of it into my personal philosophy. Finding a woman that shares that in the states is exceedingly difficult. If you do find one they are usually on some new age woo woo trip. Thai women seem to offer somone that might be deeply spiritual without the other junk.

My wing Chun Sifu has been trying to get me to go for years. I have finally taken all the hints and decided there is not time like now. But you are right. Only experience will give me what I need.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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the op makes it sound like you are shopping for a new iron, a washing machine, a new televison or something equally inanimate.

and what the heck is a traditional thai wife?

i have never understood why anyone would say "i am looking for a wife" irrespective of racial or cultural specifications.

I have always been more of the "i have met a woman, we get along, share a bond, and perhaps now it is time to consider taking additional steps along the relationship path" frame of mind.

why would anyone even begin their thinking with marriage, when they haven't even had a date?

to put marriage before actually finding a partner, soul mate, what have you, is a recipe for disaster and simply indicates that you are not even strong enough to go it alone.

seems to me you are looking for the wrong thing.

I disagree. Lots of men make the decision to settle down and want to find the right woman to be with. Edited by Lukasisgood
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Try getting your Forehead ATM tattoo in henna first.

That's the same with all women I'm afraid. Even women with money will not really take you seriously unless you bring something to the table. Girls are different, but im looking for a woman. Girls always turn into them anyway, so even if they think they are in some sort of romantic comedy, that illusion fades quick enough.

You make it sound like American chicks who have something going for themselves, and do not want to support a freeloading bum of a boyfriend/husband, is an unfair expectation for them to have.

Maybe the problem is you, not them.

Maybe you are losing your nerve as you approach middle age, and there you go, talking about getting yourself one of those "traditional" Asians that, so the rumor goes, don't care about money or looks and make good wives and companions.

Get a grip, man! Snap out of it.

The smartest thing you've said all day is that women are (basically) the same.

You should write that on a yellow sticky, paste in on the side of monitor and repeat it every time you catch yourself drifting off into these moronic fantasies about traditional, compliant woman from humid, mosquito infested 3rd world hump hump hell holes.

And if I hear one more guy blubbering on about Thais and bloody buddhism, and wanting to stay in a temple, I'm going to <deleted> HURL! sick.gif

Hurl all you want. I actually have respect for different cultures. People are different from different places. There is nothing wrong in wanting different. I don't view thailand like that at all. I view it's a rich and extremely interesting place and people. There is nothing wrong in wanting a traditional style relationship either. Different strokes different folks there genius. Being bitter about it isn't going to change anything.

Respect for other cultures. Another myth repeated by dumb Americans and embassy websites.

Finding a wife isn't a task that you decide to do, because you've been putting it off. You aren't ready to be married with an attitude like that.

Seriously, don't shop for a wife. Even having that as an end state goal cheapens the whole process and is as far from "traditional" as you can get.

You don't look for a wife. It just happens and when it does, you'll know it. For all you know, you could meet her on the plane coming over and forget all about this Thailand Fever you got from the internet.

Pro Tip: If she asks why you are flying to Thailand, use that rubbish about kick boxing with monks at the temple. She'll tag you as a Lonely Planet fruitcake, but it's better than saying you're looking for a wife.

It's not rubbish it's the truth. And I do like other cultures. Why is that so hard for you to understand? There is nothing wrong with deciding you want to settle down. I'm sorry your world is so negative. I'll leave you to it. Us dumb Americans seem to do alright, maybe we are not as dumb as you think.

I do not think you are dumb. You are just acting dumb. There's a difference.

Knowing what I want and going for it has never been a bad choice for me. How is that acting dumb? if it works out, would you then think I was being dumb or is your attitude motivated by other emotions?

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