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Considering looking for a thai wife.


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I have to apologize for that arrogant post a few days ago. I came back from a birthday party and was eeeeheeem well dunk. :devil:

I do apreciate everyone who chimes in. All of your cautions are not falling on deaf ears.

Thank you.

Lucky for you, Thai women are quiet and submissive, so coming home drunk and spouting off is no problem. wink.png

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Ok. Update in my research.

So I was messing around thai friendly to meet lady's. Most use an app called line which is basically a communication app that allows video calls and regular calls for free over the Internet. After chatting with somone at thai friendly the conversation usually switches over to line.

There were definantly a lot of girls to choose from, and it was pretty easy to spot the fake ones right away. But there were always a few interesting to talk to ladies that seemed somwhat legit. It really was a great opertunity to put to test a lot of the the things I have been hearing about both in these forums and reading throughout the Internet. It was good practice for talking to thai woman.

A big problem is the obvious time difference, there are only certain times where times sync up so that a video chat can be had. But this is a good tell aswell. The girls that are working during the day in Thailand sync up at different times than girls working at night. Obviously the girls working at night are probably ( but not all) apart of the scene. Which im trying to avoid.

Now. Some girls are just blatantly after you. They are very agressive and want to talk all the time and act like they are already your exclusive girl friend. It's kind of comical actually.

Others act more sophisticated, like they work for a law firm or something. Now I don't judge, but a little poking with questions in that direction usually reveals that its pretty much a lie. The really funny thing is that when you talked to many of them, they seem to go through the same routine. They adopt the same positions when they talk. It might just be a thai thing, but it's almost like they are being coached from the same set of rules. But that's not all of them. It is really strange how many of the conversations seem to have the exact same feel.

There was one girl that was legitamatly nice and made it clear she wasn't really interested in me, but just wanted to help me learn the ropes. Her English was impeccable. Thaifriendly employee perhaps?

Anyway. So I was kinda weeding through all of it learning a lot by chatting with thai women and learning. The video chat is exceptionally helpful because I can come basically face to face with them and at least sort of prepare myself for what I might encounter. Granted the sample set of woman that have a phone to use and enough English to use it are probably not a true representation of Thai woman, but I was hopeful there might be a few dimounds in the rough.

So one girl caught my eye. She seemed very sweet. She was cautious at first which I thought was a good sign. Her thai friendly account indicated she was a new member ( for what ever that is worth). She wasn't great at English, but could speak enough so that we could figure out. Line has a great feature where words can instantly be depicted as pictures sonic there is ambiguity about something there is a picture to help. It's a great resource when talking with people that have language barriers.

Anyway I started to trust her more than the others. She would send pictures of her son, her day, her work at a small resturante. Her day say seemed to be hardworking and fairly typical of a single mom. We chatted pretty much every day. It was nice actually. Just to have somone wishing you good night everynight felt nice. I'm wasn't planning on running off an marrying her, but I thought I might have found somone I could visit. Nope.

She ended up one night drinking a bit and jumped the gun. Every single red flag I have learned about went up. She started talking about needing money for her son's school. She was drinking with a guy at her work that was her "sister's boyfriend" ( whaaaaaa), it turned out she had only been sepperated from her sons dad for a month. She acted like it had been much longer. As soon as she sobered up a bit she started to make all kinds of excuses realizing that she probably pulled that trigger way to fast. She could have at least met me first in Thailand if It went as well as it was going.

Now. Don't get me wrong. I understand that she is trying to better her situation for herself and her son. But this is obviously the very drama im trying to avoid. That's why I'm doing it this way, so I can spot these things and have some experiences.

In the end the whole thing was not disapointing. I acomplished exactly what I set out to do. I wanted some learning opertunities to exsplore all the information and advice I have received. And that is exactly what I got. I still have a warm spot for her though. I have ended the relationship so I don't waste her time in whatever she is searching for, but that still dosnt end the little bit of affection that was growing on me. But I also expected this. The reason I succeed at things is because I emerse myself in the material and do my homework. Now that I have a little bit of a taste of the spider web that you all and many other sources have warned me about I feel a little more prepaired.

I'll be spending a lot of time in Thailand doing some business eventually I will lease or purchase a second home there. I think the best advice is always the slow and easy route which a few intelligent members of this forum have advised.

I'll update my experiences after I get back from Thailand in January. As for now I'm done exsploring Thaifriendly and line. I have gotton what I needed from it.

Edited by Lukasisgood
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i think you talked to my friend Bob......errrrr...i mean Bobbi.

when i do the internet i sleep on a bed of 100's....

i have 11,345 internet girlfriends....

well at least you have some common sense. but i would just use the internet to find the right city. then go out and meet face-to-face......and, of course, become fluent in thai if you are serious

english is my 298374283948732th language, sorry

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i think you talked to my friend Bob......errrrr...i mean Bobbi.

when i do the internet i sleep on a bed of 100's....

i have 11,345 internet girlfriends....

well at least you have some common sense. but i would just use the internet to find the right city. then go out and meet face-to-face......and, of course, become fluent in thai if you are serious

english is my 298374283948732th language, sorry

Yes thank you, I am learning thai as we speak and will be stepping it up. I know casting a wide net with the Internet is possible, but Honestly my mind cannot keep up with that many faces and names. I Already had a hard time keeping up. the remarkable thing is that there are so many. I can see how unprepared Lonely men become lost in this. If I had met her in person and never sought information, I may have just been one of the stories. But yes. I'm a nice guy not stupid. I'm an investor and I always know what I'm getting into. To a fault actually. I have been known to pretend to interview for jobs at a corporation I want to add to my portfolio just to get an understanding of the corporate culture.

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Why does any guy ever get married? What is the fascination with having a ball and chain? Guys actually work at finding someone to tie them down. It's a total mystery to me.

One marriage was enough for me. Why not keep your money and your time and your life under your own control and just sample the goods, as it were? What is better about having a wife than a girlfriend?

A lot of married guys are jealous of me for being single and I'm going to stay that way.

I dunno what's with you guys...


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I am single too and want stay single. got proposition(many ladies are desperate to find a guy) already but I always say that the lady will go see a lawyer in a few years or even in a few months later to get your cash.

if you find a good woman you can stay with her a few years before getting married. why to rush?

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I am single too and want stay single. got proposition(many ladies are desperate to find a guy) already but I always say that the lady will go see a lawyer in a few years or even in a few months later to get your cash.

if you find a good woman you can stay with her a few years before getting married. why to rush?

Sorry to say this but many men lack self confidence . They maybe had some bad experiences in the past so they come to Thailand and know they can get a wife and that she will "take care" of him, which also includes to do all the shopping, do the laundry, they dont try to learn the local language , no need because the wife is there. I see this every day.

I am in control of my own life , I do not need a wife to "take care" of everything, thats not living imho.

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I am single too and want stay single. got proposition(many ladies are desperate to find a guy) already but I always say that the lady will go see a lawyer in a few years or even in a few months later to get your cash.

if you find a good woman you can stay with her a few years before getting married. why to rush?

Sorry to say this but many men lack self confidence . They maybe had some bad experiences in the past so they come to Thailand and know they can get a wife and that she will "take care" of him, which also includes to do all the shopping, do the laundry, they dont try to learn the local language , no need because the wife is there. I see this every day.

I am in control of my own life , I do not need a wife to "take care" of everything, thats not living imho.

Hahahah sure you are ;)
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Oh gese another one pulling my legg. She sent me a picture claiming she is nearly 30 and her picture is acurate but this girl looks a teenager. There is no way this picture is of a 30 or nearly a 30 year old. why do they do this?

My wife is 22 years and she still looks 16. giggle.gif and it works well even so I am 50. clap2.gif

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The best strategy is to be yourself. That is something one should excel at.

No need to prove that you are the latest & greatest?

You just might enjoy life more as will those around you.


But i am Lebron James and my job is to prove i'm the latest and greatest.

And my boss tells me i must ask a certain way, which is not who i am.

and i have pressure from my wife to do this and that

and my kids need all these iphones, so now i must do this and that

and i have an interview where i must be who they want me to be....

if i was simply myself i would just go back to bed

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I would forget Thailand and go visit a country with less tourists and sex trade. Sorry to burst your bubble but there are just too many issues here if you genuinely looking for a true wife.

I would look at China, Laos (illegal to sleep with locals though), Malaysia or Vietnam, Japan etc. Maybe Cambodia.

Forget Thailand and the Phillippines.

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Hi everyone.

So it seems that there are some knowledgable people here. I have reached a point in my life where I would like to settle down. I have been interested in finding a traditional Thai wife to settle down with for some time, but I must admit I am overwhelemed. I Never walk blindly into something and I have been doing a lot of research. I will be comeing to Thailand soon and I want to find somone who wants to live with me here in the states. I have money and businesses so we can keep a house in thailand as well. I don't mind spending money but is there a way to find a good girl that is not out to fleece a foreigner. I want a traditional relationship with a loveing wife. I will love and take care of her and it's her job love an look after me. Do I sound like a sap? Is there no place for a good guy in this mess?

gjve me some ideas on how to proceed. Thanks.

Nah mate the western worlds to hung up on this love arrangement , this first thing i came across in london bac in the late 70's was an

arranged marriage and.to this day its still going strong, admittidally my indian mate wasnt Given much option but a shed load of money or basicaly fuc of singl and skint .

But as long as you get on with the

girl and the women knows.what she's getting into, why not!! treat it as a.business deal and you wont go to far wrong with potential. you look after her and she looks after you. It can work, just use your gut reaction and spend some time with her b4 u commit and sort out a reasonable pre nup ect probably best steer clear.of bar girls basically they are hookers aint had any expirence of them myself but on a whole bad news but out of thailand and the.promise of a decent life, who knows they may work. Good luck you sound a

nice guy.


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Only thing you are expanding is the amount of BS you are slinging around.

No I'm not. I'm completely <deleted> serious. In fact with one of the others I just had a horrible experience. On of the others seemed nice so went to video chat you know "line" maybe you don't. If you don't you don't know shit.

As soon as she started talking to me her command of English never matches her writting. She was just a kid and I was expecting somone close to 30. I spent time with her on the phone so she did not get "in trouble" in fact I played it all the way down until the dumbass behind the the picture got that i wasn't bitting at that worm.

Seriously. Have you not read through the thread. I'm not a dumbass, nor am somone to throw around a person's feelings.

Vetrans of this forum, im not here to <deleted> around. You might think in some hap hazerd expat wanna be. But I have much bigger plans than that. I wouldn't be here picking all of your brains if I were a dumbass. dont worry I read faster than you can imagine and I know your individual problems and how they fit into the bcurve of reality. The best of you contact me In pm. That's awesome, and dont worry I listen very carefully. But what else do you guys have. Cynicism? Please. Get over it. Logic? I'll kill you at it. Arrogance? Well read the last paragraph. I have got you beat there too. I need thoughtfull responses.

Id say you are prettty dumb .....

You may have the business smarts but deciding on a wife in a country youve neeve been to. Based on skin colour or hair colour in a country full of sex tourists and sex trade and thinking its going to work and that you are gods gift to women there is pretty naive in laughable

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Ok. Update in my research.

So I was messing around thai friendly to meet lady's. Most use an app called line which is basically a communication app that allows video calls and regular calls for free over the Internet. After chatting with somone at thai friendly the conversation usually switches over to line.

There were definantly a lot of girls to choose from, and it was pretty easy to spot the fake ones right away. But there were always a few interesting to talk to ladies that seemed somwhat legit. It really was a great opertunity to put to test a lot of the the things I have been hearing about both in these forums and reading throughout the Internet. It was good practice for talking to thai woman.

A big problem is the obvious time difference, there are only certain times where times sync up so that a video chat can be had. But this is a good tell aswell. The girls that are working during the day in Thailand sync up at different times than girls working at night. Obviously the girls working at night are probably ( but not all) apart of the scene. Which im trying to avoid.

Now. Some girls are just blatantly after you. They are very agressive and want to talk all the time and act like they are already your exclusive girl friend. It's kind of comical actually.

Others act more sophisticated, like they work for a law firm or something. Now I don't judge, but a little poking with questions in that direction usually reveals that its pretty much a lie. The really funny thing is that when you talked to many of them, they seem to go through the same routine. They adopt the same positions when they talk. It might just be a thai thing, but it's almost like they are being coached from the same set of rules. But that's not all of them. It is really strange how many of the conversations seem to have the exact same feel.

There was one girl that was legitamatly nice and made it clear she wasn't really interested in me, but just wanted to help me learn the ropes. Her English was impeccable. Thaifriendly employee perhaps?

Anyway. So I was kinda weeding through all of it learning a lot by chatting with thai women and learning. The video chat is exceptionally helpful because I can come basically face to face with them and at least sort of prepare myself for what I might encounter. Granted the sample set of woman that have a phone to use and enough English to use it are probably not a true representation of Thai woman, but I was hopeful there might be a few dimounds in the rough.

So one girl caught my eye. She seemed very sweet. She was cautious at first which I thought was a good sign. Her thai friendly account indicated she was a new member ( for what ever that is worth). She wasn't great at English, but could speak enough so that we could figure out. Line has a great feature where words can instantly be depicted as pictures sonic there is ambiguity about something there is a picture to help. It's a great resource when talking with people that have language barriers.

Anyway I started to trust her more than the others. She would send pictures of her son, her day, her work at a small resturante. Her day say seemed to be hardworking and fairly typical of a single mom. We chatted pretty much every day. It was nice actually. Just to have somone wishing you good night everynight felt nice. I'm wasn't planning on running off an marrying her, but I thought I might have found somone I could visit. Nope.

She ended up one night drinking a bit and jumped the gun. Every single red flag I have learned about went up. She started talking about needing money for her son's school. She was drinking with a guy at her work that was her "sister's boyfriend" ( whaaaaaa), it turned out she had only been sepperated from her sons dad for a month. She acted like it had been much longer. As soon as she sobered up a bit she started to make all kinds of excuses realizing that she probably pulled that trigger way to fast. She could have at least met me first in Thailand if It went as well as it was going.

Now. Don't get me wrong. I understand that she is trying to better her situation for herself and her son. But this is obviously the very drama im trying to avoid. That's why I'm doing it this way, so I can spot these things and have some experiences.

In the end the whole thing was not disapointing. I acomplished exactly what I set out to do. I wanted some learning opertunities to exsplore all the information and advice I have received. And that is exactly what I got. I still have a warm spot for her though. I have ended the relationship so I don't waste her time in whatever she is searching for, but that still dosnt end the little bit of affection that was growing on me. But I also expected this. The reason I succeed at things is because I emerse myself in the material and do my homework. Now that I have a little bit of a taste of the spider web that you all and many other sources have warned me about I feel a little more prepaired.

I'll be spending a lot of time in Thailand doing some business eventually I will lease or purchase a second home there. I think the best advice is always the slow and easy route which a few intelligent members of this forum have advised.

I'll update my experiences after I get back from Thailand in January. As for now I'm done exsploring Thaifriendly and line. I have gotton what I needed from it.

You won't lease or purchase a second home. As an American you cannot own a home or land; only a condo.

"I still have a warm spot for her though. I have ended the relationship so I don't waste her time in whatever she is searching for, but that still dosnt end the little bit of affection that was growing on me"

The personal effects of loneliness, where even a series of red flags is not enough to deter feelings.

This is exactly how so many farang's get hooked by the wrong woman.

What you need to do is stop convincing yourself for your feelings and wise up to the fact that she was out to get you and nothing but a liar from day 1.

There are many, many more savvy than this one.

Be careful with your feelings because you cannot change this type of behavior no matter what you think and sooner or later a Thai girl will outsmart you no matter what you think.

If they are smart enough to use the internet to troll for farangs, watch out.

Edited by bwpage3
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The best strategy is to be yourself. That is something one should excel at.

No need to prove that you are the latest & greatest?

You just might enjoy life more as will those around you.


But I'm a really horrible person, if I were to be myself, I'd be alone forever ........ much better for me to be somebody else!

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Oh gese another one pulling my legg. She sent me a picture claiming she is nearly 30 and her picture is acurate but this girl looks a teenager. There is no way this picture is of a 30 or nearly a 30 year old. why do they do this?

My wife is nearly 40 she looks twenty, Lots of thai women dont look their age, My wife has been asked out by guys as young as her son ,
Ok if you say so. But this one looks like a kid to me. She also claims to be a high school teacher, but she looks like she belongs in high school.

My girl is 19 but she looks like she is 12.

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Actually I didn't want to make a new thread, but I'm in a similar situation. I want to get a wife soon, and I'd rather have a traditional relationship, and I'm looking for a wife from maybe Northern Thailand, Laos, Cambodia or the ethnic border areas of Myanmar.

I'd call myself quite SE Asia friendly as I can read, write and speak Thai, Lao and Khmer and I'm studying Mandarin and Cantonese right now.

What seals the deal is that I am actually a Thai citizen, though I'm only half Thai.

It may seem hard to believe, though what I'm saying is true and I can prove it to those who don't believe.

I'd prefer a traditional wife who cooks and does chores around the house and isn't burdened about things like smart phones and soap operas. I hear Northern Thailand has a lot of tribes, so I'm actually flying there this month to check out the situation.

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