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64-year-old Briton arrested for allegedly buying sex from underage boys

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Hmm, the boys were not upset about having sex with a 64 yo Brit, but went to the police when they weren't paid for the service... TiT after all...

hmmm, are you saying it is OK to have sex with children if the child consents?

16 is not a child, and in the UK where I guess a lot of the "hang him high moralists" come from, what they did is legal, whether you like it it or not.

"16 is not a child"

16 is a child in Thailand.

Leave your laws at home, this is Thailand, whether you like it or not.


Different story here. spelt his surname 2 different ways "Briscoe" and "brisco" instead of "briscore"

police said they found 3 teenagers who said they had sex before with Mr Briscore for 500 baht.

The nation also said that Mr. Briscores lover had recorded intercourse for blackmailing purposes.

something very smelly about this story.



Hope he rots in Hell only place for someone so evil to children some arrogant English people think they can buy anything for a few pounds but obviously not silence serve at least 40 years in a dirty Thai prison along with his computer associates.


Wow. The anti English lobby is out in force today. Strange, considering every nation is as guilty of paedophilia as any other.

Few people calling the boys "children", but they are mature enough to cook up this obvious blackmail scam. I'm not saying he didn't do it, but IMO they are definitely not children. I knew plenty of evil little monsters under 16 when I was at school.


Sounds like he was set up. The boys went to their Police mates and got him done for not paying. Did they get done for soliciting? No. Why not? They are Thais that's why. All Farang must pay for sex with Thais even if their was no charge stated at the outset, as I found out in Pattaya once.

The commentors on here going on about pedophilia need to go to take a look in the mirror. Most Western countries have age of consent at 16, Japan is 13. In Philippines and Thai it is very common to see young girls with local males so how do you decided that a foreigner is a pedio but not a local? Isn't that reverse racism. Isn't that why so many if us leave our western countries to get away from dykes and their male lackies?


With all the Beautiful Ladies in Thailand some guys have to molest young boys for sex, pretty sick.

If Thailand and England have an agreement he will serve his time in England, I know the US has such an agreement.

You need your head screwing back on for that statement,What the heck has your homophobia got to do with this thread. Are you suggesting if the young girls at 16 were in this situ it's ok.

This guy Knows the law, BUT did he have access to their IDs and also if he did it is in THAI. No excuses but many boys at 16 could pass for 19.

Sounds like the parents were happy to get the money, as a 16 year old would be at school with no income.

how long had they been on the GAME---yes GAME, shouldn't the boys and their parents be arrested for living off immoral earnings ??

These 2 would be well known in the area as to what they were doing. were they off school at the time --or was it after school. ??

The guy is guilty for sure---BUT questions need to be asked all over Thailand as this is rampant, young guys passing off as older ones, and parents getting off scott free having money----maybe they told the boys to complain to the police---or they could have filed the complaint when not receiving--off--- house fees.

This guy is a fool but with the system as it stands the trap is there in this country.


whats really horrifying is if he can pay his way out with bribes, and they release him and let him stay in Thailand where he will probably do it again, this pattern of behaviour he has obviously had for a long time considering the first time he was caught was in 1990......now that would be a crime, he should be deported back to whence he came from and let the authorities there deal with him.......another gary glitter, he needs to be sorted out properly now. And as for the do gooders saying the boys were16 and legal,

get real, the man is 64 years old, if you people, and it seems there are many of you here on tv, think a 64 year old having sex with 16 year old thai boys is ok because it is ' legal' then you make me as sick as him in trying to defend him........oh, i forgot , he was paying them handsomely at 500 baht a time.......hes as low as a human can go


further more the man is taking advantage of the poverty of the families and the kids, he is a parasite

Change it to

further more the man is taking advantage of the poverty of the families ........., he is a parasite

and that could apply to an awful lot of tourists and expats.


Hope he rots in Hell only place for someone so evil to children some arrogant English people think they can buy anything for a few pounds but obviously not silence serve at least 40 years in a dirty Thai prison along with his computer associates.

I am far from condoning this guy, he is classified by law and thats it, BUT WHAT ARE THE 16 year olds doing out there ?? MONEY TIT. if none were out there --and all over 18 no problem.

the law is the law ok, but it is against the law to allow your kids under age to go out with these people to collect money for moma and popa benefit. If my 16 year old school kid was earning 10 English pond a screw, I WOULD KNOW for certain.


further more the man is taking advantage of the poverty of the families and the kids, he is a parasite

Change it to

further more the man is taking advantage of the poverty of the families ........., he is a parasite

and that could apply to an awful lot of tourists and expats.

there is poverty, but don't make it sound like all are debt riddled. much money earned on the GAME is sent back HOME to be squandered gambled and drunk away. Because it's Thai culture to rob their kids after school to pay them back for the years they cared for them. Kids are taught to do it for love their mother.


What terrifies me is that his photo and real name is now publicly exposed without any process or maybe even an evidence. That would not happen in civilized country right ?

His life in Chiang Mai is finished even if he is not guilty.

He owns several businesses and is easy to have enemies just because of that. He could be simply a victim of some threat.

I wish him all the worst if he is guilty, but I would wait before I throw stones on him.

... wait a minute. Two boys went to the police, admitting that they are providing illegal sexual services, and all of this just for 500 baht ? Something is missing here ...

What terrifies me is that his photo and real name is now publicly exposed without any process or maybe even an evidence. That would not happen in civilized country right ?

Name and shame in Australia and paraded around on the six a clock news for all too see.

There was a really bad Pedophile sent to a Perth prison about 10 years ago, he tampered with the wrong child and as such, he was accidentally released into the exercise yard one day, with the main population and was subsequently stabbed to death within about two minutes of setting foot in the yard

Australia isn't a 3rd world country yet,there is no publication of names until after a conviction.


What terrifies me is that his photo and real name is now publicly exposed without any process or maybe even an evidence. That would not happen in civilized country right ?

His life in Chiang Mai is finished even if he is not guilty.

He owns several businesses and is easy to have enemies just because of that. He could be simply a victim of some threat.

I wish him all the worst if he is guilty, but I would wait before I throw stones on him.

... wait a minute. Two boys went to the police, admitting that they are providing illegal sexual services, and all of this just for 500 baht ? Something is missing here ...

It happens all the time in western countries. What are you talking about?


He is not a pedophile. He is a dirty old man. The boys would be old enough to give consent, if they were not doing it for money. The age of consent in Thailand is higher for prostitution.


Another topic of what/if and buts ( not butts ). He could of been set up by his male lover, the 2 lads , the parents of the 2 lads. Even the BiBs , after all the kids went to them ! This Brit. is not an innocent bloke but then his past does not make him guilty this time. Yep , we are living back in the 17th Century and back to witch hunts. Look at some of the comments as to what should be done with this bloke. Innocent /guilty . I have no idea , but hanging ,drawn and quartering because the BIB have a pic of him covered with a blanket , off to the nearest gibbet ! No ,I am not siding with him but I am not going to stone him either. Need more facts/truth.


Hmm, the boys were not upset about having sex with a 64 yo Brit, but went to the police when they weren't paid for the service... TiT after all...

hmmm, are you saying it is OK to have sex with children if the child consents?

16 is not a child, and in the UK where I guess a lot of the "hang him high moralists" come from, what they did is legal, whether you like it it or not.

This is not UK, whether you like it or not.

So this illegal here in Thailand where the crime was committed.

You do cry innocent too loud...mmmm


Amazing the attacks on "English" undoubtedly coming from low life from parts of the world who think their countrymen have no one who has sex with under 18s . Or maybe its legal in their vile country!


This particular incident...16 yr olds knowing what they were doing and likely acting as part of the blackmail arrangement is not what bothers me so much as what other un-disclosed activities this old man may or not be guilty of indulging in.

Easy fix. Do not put yourself in that situation. If he had left the young boys alone then he would have never been in that predicament. If he engages in sex with other men, is totally off the rails as many beautiful girls about here, then do so with adults. Not with kids. Keep away from kids and no problem. If he is guilty then remove remove his tackle with a blunt knife and pliers. Then ship him straight out of the country. Is no wonder Thais do not think much of us when you have dirty dogs doing this stuff.


He is not a pedophile. He is a dirty old man.

That's all very well, but we prefer the pedophile tag - it allows us to express our latent gay prison gangbang fantasies as retaliation.


While we have this diversion that UK has a bent as it were to child sex offences (though the trend now is more for young cultural marriages, not all consummated) I cast my mind back to the first time I became aware of such issues....and it was a US citz.

!958 Jerry Lee Lewis entered the UK with his wife Myra (his first cousin as I recall), he claimed her to be 15 thinking this was OK, she was 13. His touring manager tried to ease concerns of police and politicians by advising that it was not out of the ordinary for girls of 13 to marry in Mississippi, Jerry was asked to leave...and young Myra because a mother shortly afterwards. Apparently not an issue in the states then. Though in practice there is now an understanding that you can still get married in Mississippi at 15 with parental consent it is worthwhile noting that there is no actual minimum age with parental consent.....and is 12 for girls with consent in Massachusetts.

Pot kettle black .........

So many issues...culture, age, sexuality....no one is clean in this, the offender, the youths, the police...and meanwhile we will still have "party" marriages within 200 km of here with girls barely into high school who do not even know their own birth date for sure, where police, village head men etc will attend and eat and drink to their hearts content.

What this guy did is clearly wrong.....but it is also wrong in Mississippi (but lawful)....and will be wrong this weekend in the mountains north of CM (but apparently culturally acceptable), but hey that's just me.


Ex catholic priest?

No. English simply.

Be careful with sophistry and easy generalizations. You could be also a victim in return.

Would it not be an easy generalisation to suggest that he is English?

Please, do not take my remark in the first degree.
Obviously it is foolish to generalize about English people.
As it is equally ridiculous to generalize about Catholic priests.
My point therefore is to mock the simplistic generalization and not this or that.

Hmm, the boys were not upset about having sex with a 64 yo Brit, but went to the police when they weren't paid for the service... TiT after all...

I agree with these questions. I'm not nearly as sure as most posters are here as to who took advantage of whom. We don't really know what and how things went down. But then again.... I'm (We?) familiar with post first ask q's later... If at all....


Hmm, the boys were not upset about having sex with a 64 yo Brit, but went to the police when they weren't paid for the service... TiT after all...

I agree with these questions. I'm not nearly as sure as most posters are here as to who took advantage of whom. We don't really know what and how things went down. But then again.... I'm (We?) familiar with post first ask q's later... If at all....
I am sure the police had enough reasons or evidence to arrest. They don't have to announce everything.

Hmm, the boys were not upset about having sex with a 64 yo Brit, but went to the police when they weren't paid for the service... TiT after all...

I agree with these questions. I'm not nearly as sure as most posters are here as to who took advantage of whom. We don't really know what and how things went down. But then again.... I'm (We?) familiar with post first ask q's later... If at all....
I am sure the police had enough reasons or evidence to arrest. They don't have to announce everything.

Someone help this guy. He just got off the boat... 555


He just want to teach them speak English :-). There is big bench of farangs all white who are real hazard to kids not only in Thailand but in so many touristic destinations exploiting poor kids and destroying life's as much as terrorist groups. Thai government must pay attention, since there are so many studies available on paedophiles profile.

I must have missed something you Thai bashing bigots don't get.

This is about an arrest. You must be too poor to pay attention.

Good work Police Officers.

Now petchou, back under your rock.


What terrifies me is that his photo and real name is now publicly exposed without any process or maybe even an evidence. That would not happen in civilized country right ?

His life in Chiang Mai is finished even if he is not guilty.

He owns several businesses and is easy to have enemies just because of that. He could be simply a victim of some threat.

I wish him all the worst if he is guilty, but I would wait before I throw stones on him.

... wait a minute. Two boys went to the police, admitting that they are providing illegal sexual services, and all of this just for 500 baht ? Something is missing here ...

The fact that those boys went to the police not because the guy had sex with them but because he refused to pay them kind of says it all, doesn't it ?

What it said to me is: Thailand, like most developing countries, have a list of problems that most developed ones don't really have any more - e.g. adequate education for the poor. I'm guessing these two boys didn't really have proper elementary education, let alone sex ed.

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