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Let me start by saying I am a novice when it comes to photo enlargement and I would genuinely appreciate advice. I took a picture with a Nikon camera (D3200) and I would like to have it enlarged to about somewhere in the range of 2 feet by 3 feet so I can frame and mount the picture on a wall. The D3200 camera spec says it is 24 "effective" megapixels. My two questions are:

1) Is it practical to enlarge the picture to approx. 2 feet by 3 feet ?

2) can someone recommend a photo shop in Pattaya (I live in Patts) or in Bangkok that could do the enlargement ?

By the way, I tried to use the Thai Visa search engine and when I entered the key words "photo enlargement" I was mainly directed to breast and penis enlargement topics. LOL


I don't think it will be a problem. Unless the camera was setup to take the lowest quality, 2'x3' would be okay.

Thanks. Do you know where I might be able to get the enlargement done /


Just go to any photo/print shop and give them the SD card. Just say that you only want one picture to be printed.

They should have a computer and you will be able to pick which one and tell them the size that you want.


If you have shot RAW or large file size your sensor is 6,016 x 4,000

6,016 /300 (dpi) = 20 (inches)

4,000/300 = 13.3 inches

So 20" x 13" @ 300 DPI

25" x 16" @ 240

33" x 22" @ 180

At the size you want it, how near the observer is getting to the print also comes into play.

However if you have On One Software - Genuine Fractals plugin (now called perfect resize) you can enlarge it a lot more without sacrificing quality.

If you want me to enlarge it for you with 'fractals' @ 300, I will happily do so...just drop me a PM.


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