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AP sources: GOP seeks pledge to avert Trump third-party run


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AP sources: GOP seeks pledge to avert Trump third-party run

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to avert a 2016 disaster, the Republican National Committee on Wednesday challenged every GOP presidential candidate to sign a pledge not to undertake a third-party bid under any circumstances.

The challenge, confirmed by multiple campaigns, is aimed squarely at Donald Trump. And the timing of the pledge suggests an agreement has been reached.

While he is leading the packed Republican field in early polls, the billionaire businessman last month repeatedly threatened to launch a third-party bid — leaving open the possibility even at the GOP's first presidential debate last month — should he fail to claim the Republican presidential nomination. Such a decision would make it all but impossible for the Republican Party to win the White House in 2016.

RNC officials have been working privately with Trump's campaign for several weeks to avert such a scenario.

While neither side would publicly confirm late Wednesday that an agreement had been reached, Trump has hinted in recent days the GOP lobbying was beginning to work.

The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about the pledge late Wednesday. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is set to meet privately with Trump at his campaign headquarters in New York City shortly before Trump is scheduled to address reporters. The meeting was confirmed by two RNC officials who weren't authorized to discuss the plan publicly and requested anonymity.

In recent days, Trump has suggested he would soon decide whether to rule out a third-party bid.

"I think a lot of people are going to be very happy," he said Saturday in Nashville.

Several candidates contacted late Wednesday confirmed that they would sign the pledge, among them Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, although few doubted the intentions of the vast majority of the GOP's 17 presidential contenders.

The Republican National Committee's pledge asks candidates to promise to "endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is."

Further, it asks them to pledge "that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate, nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party."

An RNC spokesman declined to comment.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-03

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Trump is comparing himself to Saint Ronnie. He has a point...they're both entertainers. Both opportunistic, unprincipled and sociopathic, I'll give him that. I don't think that Trump has Alzheimer's yet, but who knows. Trump has done his market research in order to pander to the right wing base.

Trump has the Republican party very nervous. It's a beautiful thing. Let the primaries begin!

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What value has a signature on a "pledge" ? It's not a legal document and carries all the weight of a hot air balloon. Trump will have no problem with signing it and then running alone. The republicans are terrified, the democrats are a non-event and the world watches and laughs.... :)

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Trump hasn't believed that he will be treated fairly by the entrenched Repubs, as he's an outsider and it's a closed club. He wrote "The Art of The Deal" and he's giving tutorials on it now. He has the Repubs coming to him begging - "Be part of us - pretty please."

It's fun to watch a master negotiator. He has no interest in a third party run because that's a loser - not his style. It's just leverage to make the establishment come to him hat in hand. They know he has the money and a lot of followers but they worry for naught. He needs the Repubs because the winner will need a unified voting block.

Fun stuff.

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Maybe that is what is needed a "Third Party" Something must be wrong when one party is worried their chances of winning could be ruined by an outsider. It shows politics is dead with a two party system. There needs to be a shake up in American politics. It might work better afterwards?

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Trump is taking America for a ride, only they don't realize it yet.

In october next year he will withdraw having had his fun and his ego satisfied.

He does not want to be president, he likes the game.

The ultimate narcist.

Actually all 17 are taking the GOP for a ride. Off course all 16 signed the pledge. If any of them ran as a 3rd party candidate their dope/money would be cut off by the likes of the Koch brothers. It was all a trap to spring on "The Donald" Without outside funding they are all dead/heads in the water. Cancelling Planned Parenthood and abortion is their Waterloo. Then if you look at the fact they will cancel food stamps and bring in workfare cut big business taxes, social security who is left to vote for them? As Bad Boy used to say "Nobody!!!"

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Just shows how much the R-party (doesn't) love their country, but just want the power.. If the party has to get in on Trump, and they go for it, they can hardly be patriotic.

NS, above, could be right that Trump is just having a joy ride....but it's an expensive joy ride, and self-made billionaires aren't known for wasting money needlessly....I think if Trump saw it as a good chance, that he would follow through.

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Politicians are whinny little wimps. Please won't you please sign a pledge Mr. Trump.

Really, asking everyone to do it when they only care about having one do it! Jeb is probably behind this hoping Trumps refusal will alienate some if the GOP votes. What childish game playing little wussies.

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Just shows how much the R-party (doesn't) love their country, but just want the power.. If the party has to get in on Trump, and they go for it, they can hardly be patriotic.

NS, above, could be right that Trump is just having a joy ride....but it's an expensive joy ride, and self-made billionaires aren't known for wasting money needlessly....I think if Trump saw it as a good chance, that he would follow through.

You're right about wasting money and I think Trump is serious about running for POTUS. He had to crack the entrenchment of the Repub establishment and of the news media including taking Fox News to the woodshed - a feat he did masterfully. Fox and the establishment didn't want him at all so he made them some "offers they couldn't refuse".

He threatened to never go on Fox News again when he was pulling more viewers than any one else on the planet. The morning after his first blowup with Fox he went on three different networks via telephone interviews and these were Fox competitors such as CNN. He got Fox worrying about what would happen during the campaign and horrors - if he was POTUS. He was going to cold shoulder Fox when he had all of the cards - viewers.

This guy has put Fox and the Repubs into a box and the only way they can get out of it is through him. I have never seen a more masterful series of moves to intimidate entrenched power. Intimidate.

There's another book I'll bet he read decades ago and everyone in a competitive business should read it just for information and not for a lifestyle. People should read this if only to recognize when such tactics are being used against him!! It's called

"Winning Through Intimidation".

Fun stuff.

Edited by NeverSure
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Trump walks the walk and talks the talk which many of the GOP people running for office are totally scared out of there minds. America loves Trump and it is driving all politicians nuts. Both Republican and Democrat. America is tired of there B.S.. Go Trump!

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Trump hasn't believed that he will be treated fairly by the entrenched Repubs, as he's an outsider and it's a closed club. He wrote "The Art of The Deal" and he's giving tutorials on it now. He has the Repubs coming to him begging - "Be part of us - pretty please."

It's fun to watch a master negotiator. He has no interest in a third party run because that's a loser - not his style. It's just leverage to make the establishment come to him hat in hand. They know he has the money and a lot of followers but they worry for naught. He needs the Repubs because the winner will need a unified voting block.

Fun stuff.

Not really needs the Repub,s or any other party because they will destroy them selves trying to hurt Trump. The people in the USA will vote for him third party if the have to. They are tired of all the B.S. that is going on in America. The working people in America love him and that is why the Repub,s are getting very very nervous. Never before has that party asked for such a pledge!t

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