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Another Bangkok bomb suspect arrested in far South


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Every time the Thai police/military make a post, the usual suspects make damning and negative posts. Just what agenda do you have or what intelligence agency are you working for? To the many Thai sceptics, hold your mouth until the apparent truth is revealed. Otherwise, you are just stating anti Thai comments because you have a bowel condition, exacerbated by alcohol.

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where there is smoke, there is fire .

the smoke:

1. Married to a turkish (allegedly)

2. Renting rooms to terrorist (allegedly) and fake passport makers (allegedly) from Turkey

3. Getting calls from random turk guys (allegedly) other than husband .

I'm sure he was just calling to get advice on cooking recipes though, he really wanted to know how make tom yum smile.png

Edited by rainman333
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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

Let’s start with the definition of “suspect shall we?

suspect: have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.
"if you suspect a gas leak, do not turn on an electric light"
synonyms: have a suspicion, have a feeling, feel, (be inclined to) think, fancy, reckon, guess, surmise, conjecture, conclude, have a hunch; More

Yes, seems to fit the criteria..coffee1.gif

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I am glad they are starting to round up what seems like an organized cell of culprits.

One thing surprises me with reports like this though. They are naming all of these suspects, which is a good thing, but when there are cases that involve any Thai's of influence riches or power, then they are never named.

For example in the banking scandal that has hit the news again whereby they are naming Thaksin as defendant #1, all the other defendants were given numbers but no names.

There are countless examples of this, probably because of the ridiculous defamation laws.

I guess as long as you don't have enough money or power to sue someone than these laws don't apply?

Start naming and shaming all criminals!!! Especially the rich and powerful as they are the truly evil ones.

How about the recent case of the 14-year-old girl who died after being "severely assaulted" at school? School was not named, nothing was said about whether any investigation had been initiated. which I took to mean that nothing was being done.

In the case of these "suspects" in the bombing case, I'm skeptical and think the police are naming people they have no evidence against. Unless, of course, they were tapping their phones, which is against Thai law and which they get caught doing from time to time.

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So we have two suspects with false ID who are not Thai in custody.

We have 1 Thai suspect now in custody and another Thai suspect in Turkey not in custody.

And of course theres no link to the southern insurgents even though this last suspect was arrested living in the south.

Seems at least in part so far a joint operation of International and Thai terrorism to me.

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Is there any concrete or even a shred of evidence that the RTP/Army have arrested the the right guys in this bombing?

You mean like phone records, which some people on TV would like blocked from police investigation?

Phone records between whom?

The Bomber or the people police are arresting?

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Oh the humanity! The police said Thais were incapable of being involved.

It wasn't just the police, a few posters on here have claimed the same thing!

That being said, I'm curious to find out if it was more than a phone call to Wanna that put him in the spotlight. Either way, it adds a whole new dimension to the case.

Might have been a intrecepted/ tapped phone call, anyhow good on the police for arresting this guy he might well be involved and he might well know where the Thai lady and her husband are, Im surprised that the Turkish police have not aprehended them by now.

Guilt by association is always investigated by overseas police

The only problem I see here is that Thai police might be trying to set this up as a southern Muslem attack as China and Thailand sure don't want to be blamed for a revenge attack caused by deporting and executing Uighurs and people smuggling/ pathetic border control at Sa Kaew.

The Turkish Security Services, who are a fairly hard nosed bunch of individuals, most probably took one look at the buffoon in brown standing in front of the worlds press, waving a stack of cash and announcing that he was giving the reward money to himself and his lads for a job well done, and thought hmm, not getting involved with this idiot and his so called investigation!

Or maybe they are still incapacitated by hysterical laughter...

Edited by JAG
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Is there any concrete or even a shred of evidence that the RTP/Army have arrested the the right guys in this bombing?

You mean like phone records, which some people on TV would like blocked from police investigation?

Phone records between whom?

The Bomber or the people police are arresting?

Located at the temple by mobile mast. Fingerprints matching those found at the bombmaking apartment. Confession he was at the temple. Probably a lot more. But why let these facts as far as we know get in the way of your agenda.

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

If I remember correctly, this is also the woman who was officially renting the apartment where they found bomb making materials. That's pretty good evidence to call someone a "bomb suspect"
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I am glad they are starting to round up what seems like an organized cell of culprits.

One thing surprises me with reports like this though. They are naming all of these suspects, which is a good thing, but when there are cases that involve any Thai's of influence riches or power, then they are never named.

For example in the banking scandal that has hit the news again whereby they are naming Thaksin as defendant #1, all the other defendants were given numbers but no names.

There are countless examples of this, probably because of the ridiculous defamation laws.

I guess as long as you don't have enough money or power to sue someone than these laws don't apply?

Start naming and shaming all criminals!!! Especially the rich and powerful as they are the truly evil ones.

How about the recent case of the 14-year-old girl who died after being "severely assaulted" at school? School was not named, nothing was said about whether any investigation had been initiated. which I took to mean that nothing was being done.

In the case of these "suspects" in the bombing case, I'm skeptical and think the police are naming people they have no evidence against. Unless, of course, they were tapping their phones, which is against Thai law and which they get caught doing from time to time.

I do believe in certain cases there exists the legal requirement to protect the identity of minors.

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

Absurd as it is, I think on other planets the label would be "a person of interest" that might be related to the bombing and they really would be stupid if they didn't investigate "just because of a phone call".

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I am glad they are starting to round up what seems like an organized cell of culprits.

One thing surprises me with reports like this though. They are naming all of these suspects, which is a good thing, but when there are cases that involve any Thai's of influence riches or power, then they are never named.

For example in the banking scandal that has hit the news again whereby they are naming Thaksin as defendant #1, all the other defendants were given numbers but no names.

There are countless examples of this, probably because of the ridiculous defamation laws.

I guess as long as you don't have enough money or power to sue someone than these laws don't apply?

Start naming and shaming all criminals!!! Especially the rich and powerful as they are the truly evil ones.

How about the recent case of the 14-year-old girl who died after being "severely assaulted" at school? School was not named, nothing was said about whether any investigation had been initiated. which I took to mean that nothing was being done.

In the case of these "suspects" in the bombing case, I'm skeptical and think the police are naming people they have no evidence against. Unless, of course, they were tapping their phones, which is against Thai law and which they get caught doing from time to time.

You think the police are naming people they have no evidence against. Your thoughts based on no evidence whatsoever, other than vague surmise disguised as 'unless, of course'......

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Guilty or not, all of the people arrested are just low level people who are either easily led or short of cash, or both of the above. I am not saying they should not be punished if guilty of a crime. They should. But the bigger question is who is behind this? I have kept an open mind but for me, the focus is becoming clearer.

What is becoming clearer is the smoke screen pointing to Turkey, Turks and the Uighurs. But all these links are apparently fake...at least the passports are.

And is deporting a bunch of illegal Uigghur immigrants enough to warrant such a revenge? I suspect not... they had no real right to be in Thailand anyway, if anything their grudge lies elsewhere surely. That fight is about central asia and china, not thailand.....

Connections to the muslin south are starting to pop up. But again, why would the muslim south suddenly feel the need to change plan? No believable trigger for that. SO I am ruling that out too.

Which finally leaves the closure of the "nice little earner" of illegal immigrants in the south. Muslim connections too, dont forget. Rich enough to fund such an attack, and the timing fits. And given the track record of the affluent, arrogant type of people leading that type of illegal activity, loss of face is the most plausible motivation for the unforgiveable attack in Bangkok.

Edited by JulianLS
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All we know from the report so far is that this individual is only guilty of making a phone call to another suspect and yet the headline reads 'Bangkok bomb suspect' - the lengths the media will go to with a totally unfounded headline is unbelivable but believable because all they

care about is how many readers then 'click' on the story - sad but true

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

It seems the RTP can do no good in the eyes of some.

You don't know how many calls! Are they rounding up every caller? Not if the report is accurate. Just one, so there may be multiple calls, or even texts that have been intercepted.

Police, as part of their operation, publish misinformation, and omit detail for a reason, not always, but frequently. Then, of course there is the issue of reporting in English what was probably said in Thai, or a translation from a text.

I guess you've decided though, so no point in trying, but for your own sake, try to be less negative.

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

I guess you would like to call them 'someone who the police wish to interview in furtherance of their enquiries' or somesuch.

In most countries it would be "Person of interest"

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The only problem I see here is that Thai police might be trying to set this up as a southern Muslem attack as China and Thailand sure don't want to be blamed for a revenge attack caused by deporting and executing Uighurs and people smuggling/ pathetic border control at Sa Kaew.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Evidence is pointing more and more towards retribution for our fawning capitulation to China, so let's find a link, any link, that will allow us to pin this on the deep-south...

they don't want a deep south connection either, cause a panic and is bad for tourism, better make it a business dispute gone wrong

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

I guess you would like to call them 'someone who the police wish to interview in furtherance of their enquiries' or somesuch.

In most countries it would be "Person of interest"

a man is helping the police with their enquiries.

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So just calling someone who is alleged to be somehow involved in something that might be related to bomb, is enough to label you as a"bomb suspect". Her friends and relatives must be happy.

Hey, yeah! That must be what the RTP have done. They just look at your list of calls and if they don't like what they see they tell press that you are very naughty and you are probably a criminal.

I see it all clearly now: boy am I glad you posted that clarification.

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Is there any concrete or even a shred of evidence that the RTP/Army have arrested the the right guys in this bombing?

You mean like phone records, which some people on TV would like blocked from police investigation?

Phone records between whom?

The Bomber or the people police are arresting?

Located at the temple by mobile mast. Fingerprints matching those found at the bombmaking apartment. Confession he was at the temple. Probably a lot more. But why let these facts as far as we know get in the way of your agenda.

Oh really? my agenda?

"Now we don't have any evidence to say that he is the yellow-shirted man ... from the investigation maybe he is not (the yellow-shirted man)," Prawut told reporters. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/853484-police-suspect-in-custody-unlikely-to-be-bangkok-shrine-bomber/

The police are just throwing shiit against the wall (in this case just arresting people indiscriminately) and hope something might just stick.

They are no closer today identifying a (real) suspect than they were a day after the bombing.

Edited by dcutman
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Oh really? my agenda?

"Now we don't have any evidence to say that he is the yellow-shirted man ... from the investigation maybe he is not (the yellow-shirted man)," Prawut told reporters. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/853484-police-suspect-in-custody-unlikely-to-be-bangkok-shrine-bomber/

You conveniently cut off the next sentence:

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

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Oh really? my agenda?

"Now we don't have any evidence to say that he is the yellow-shirted man ... from the investigation maybe he is not (the yellow-shirted man)," Prawut told reporters. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/853484-police-suspect-in-custody-unlikely-to-be-bangkok-shrine-bomber/

You conveniently cut off the next sentence:

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

The police is certain of this because his DNA was found in the two apartments on the outskirts of Bangkok from where bomb making materials were also found, Prawut said.

"He was staying at both places, " Prawut said. "This means that the man is involved in bomb-stocking places."

So what! Because they guy was at two places the police raided means nothing. They have no sound evidence linking anybody they arrested to this attack.

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Oh really? my agenda?

"Now we don't have any evidence to say that he is the yellow-shirted man ... from the investigation maybe he is not (the yellow-shirted man)," Prawut told reporters. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/853484-police-suspect-in-custody-unlikely-to-be-bangkok-shrine-bomber/

You conveniently cut off the next sentence:

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

The police is certain of this because his DNA was found in the two apartments on the outskirts of Bangkok from where bomb making materials were also found, Prawut said.

"He was staying at both places, " Prawut said. "This means that the man is involved in bomb-stocking places."

So what! Because they guy was at two places the police raided means nothing. They have no sound evidence linking anybody they arrested to this attack.

OK, you win! They are totally innocent! Disregard the mobile mast connecting the border guy to the Erawan site at the time of the bomb, disregard the detonators, ball bearing balls of the same size and type as the bomb, disregard the DNA linking the border guy to the apartments. Disregard the fingerprints doing the same, plus the taxi (although that might be questionable). Disregard all the fake passports, trying to flee through Cambodia. They have absolutely nothing on these guys!

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