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Kentucky clerk won't accept gay marriage deal, goes to jail


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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

Edited by Jingthing
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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

If they keep her in prison for a few weeks, she'll be forgotten like yesterday's news. She doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone who has lasting appeal to the masses.

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What do we teach our children in school, or immigrants for their citizenship exams?

What is the “rule of law”?

  • Everyone must follow the law.
  • Leaders must obey the law.
  • Government must obey the law.
  • No one is above the law.
Obviously one looney bin didn't get the memo.

Just as obviously, President Obama didn't go to the same school your children do.

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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

If they keep her in prison for a few weeks, she'll be forgotten like yesterday's news. She doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone who has lasting appeal to the masses.

You're wrong. The more right wing republican presidential candidates are comparing her to Rosa Parks.

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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

If they keep her in prison for a few weeks, she'll be forgotten like yesterday's news. She doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone who has lasting appeal to the masses.

Not by Fox News she won't. They're fighting the "War against Christians". I bet Kelly is drooling at the thought of another "exclusive interview".

Everyone's forgotten all the sympathetic puffing up of the Duggar family.

Edited by Chicog
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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

If they keep her in prison for a few weeks, she'll be forgotten like yesterday's news. She doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone who has lasting appeal to the masses.

Not by Fox News she won't. They're fighting the "War against Christians". I bet Kelly is drooling at the thought of another "exclusive interview".

Everyone's forgotten all the sympathetic puffing up of the Duggar family.

To both you and JT, it would be a grave tactical error for GOP presidential candidates to harp on this issue. And you're right, some are doing just that. I just got done watching Ted Cruz on Fox News jumping on this issue. Not very smart...at least not from a general election perspective. As many have said, the Supreme Court basically bailed out these guys so they wouldn't have to talk about it and be on the other side of the majority of Americans who are pro gay marriage/gay rights. But if they want to fight this battle....

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Put her in jail for her religious opinion is criminal.

The right thing would be to fire her as her religion doesn't allow to do her job.

Or are they planning to jail the next Muslim till he is willing to eat the pork?

Really putting her in jail is crazy.....

You can't fire her, she's an elected official.

That being said, she took an oath to upload the constitution and the laws. She has broken that oath numerous times which is grounds for jail. She refuses to resign and as such the office can not operate properly and they can not fire her so the only solution for the office to operate properly is to jail her until she resigns or agrees to hand out the appropriate licenses. I mean, really, how hard is it to resign? She wanted to create a big fuss, she did, congratulations to her. She's still drawing her paycheck which is also what she wanted.

Now, she can be out of jail today if she just resigns but again, she won't because this makes her look like a martyr.

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Put her in jail for her religious opinion is criminal.

The right thing would be to fire her as her religion doesn't allow to do her job.

Or are they planning to jail the next Muslim till he is willing to eat the pork?

Really putting her in jail is crazy.....

I wasnt aware that not eating pork was illegal.

If a muslim was in that role and refused to do the job and was in contempt of court then yes, the muslim should go to jail.

At the army we had kosher and halal food. If I would refuse to eat what they serve me at the army they would put me in jail.....unless my religion tells so, than I get something different served.

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Put her in jail for her religious opinion is criminal.

The right thing would be to fire her as her religion doesn't allow to do her job.

Or are they planning to jail the next Muslim till he is willing to eat the pork?

Really putting her in jail is crazy.....

You can't fire her, she's an elected official.

That being said, she took an oath to upload the constitution and the laws. She has broken that oath numerous times which is grounds for jail. She refuses to resign and as such the office can not operate properly and they can not fire her so the only solution for the office to operate properly is to jail her until she resigns or agrees to hand out the appropriate licenses. I mean, really, how hard is it to resign? She wanted to create a big fuss, she did, congratulations to her. She's still drawing her paycheck which is also what she wanted.

Now, she can be out of jail today if she just resigns but again, she won't because this makes her look like a martyr.

yes I read that later that they can't fire here.

yes the right thing for her would to resign.....Sorry I can't marry them, so I can't do my job, so I have to resign....

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Put her in jail for her religious opinion is criminal.

The right thing would be to fire her as her religion doesn't allow to do her job.

Or are they planning to jail the next Muslim till he is willing to eat the pork?

Really putting her in jail is crazy.....

I wasnt aware that not eating pork was illegal.

If a muslim was in that role and refused to do the job and was in contempt of court then yes, the muslim should go to jail.

At the army we had kosher and halal food. If I would refuse to eat what they serve me at the army they would put me in jail.....unless my religion tells so, than I get something different served.

I didnt know the army jailed people who miss dinner.

Why would you not want to eat halal or kosher food? Unless it tasted like cr*p.

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This is her 15 minutes of fame. She is a hero to the anti-gay bigots. Her motivation is understandable. Being a hero is exciting. It's also highly probable she'll be able to make millions of dollars off this publicity. From her POV, what's not to like?

Perhaps, like OJ Simpson, she is enjoined from any profits relating to her crime. She might be eligible to be sued in civil court now. Maybe cost her house, car, everything else.

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I can't seem to remember a case where we have a Gay rights activist couple DEMANDING to be married by an Imam or to have their marriage held in a Mosque yet they seem pretty keen to DEMAND this and to sue the crap out of Christian B & B owners and officials in office ?

Any reason you can think of for this ?

Is the couple that forced this result happy that a woman has gone to prison for her beliefs ?

Some Christians have a hard time accepting gays due to their religion but I can't recall any of late demanding that they all be stoned to death or actually doing it so why isn't the hate aimed most at those who want to do this type of thing against gays

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God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Oh dear, rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter at your own sad attempt at a 'joke' marks you down as a bit of a sad person i'm afraid.

At least I'm not gay.


I'll leave it at that.

One of the things that strikes me is the supporters of Davis and the other homophobes display a startling lack of wit and wits.

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I can't seem to remember a case where we have a Gay rights activist couple DEMANDING to be married by an Imam or to have their marriage held in a Mosque yet they seem pretty keen to DEMAND this and to sue the crap out of Christian B & B owners and officials in office ?

Any reason you can think of for this ?

Is the couple that forced this result happy that a woman has gone to prison for her beliefs ?

Some Christians have a hard time accepting gays due to their religion but I can't recall any of late demanding that they all be stoned to death or actually doing it so why isn't the hate aimed most at those who want to do this type of thing against gays

Are you saying you can't think of a reason??? Such as, the law of the land, perhaps? Which is what this is all about, not gay rights or other religion's views on homosexuality.

See my previous post...the last sentence.

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She can't be fired because she's elected. Senate

And it is unlikely the legislature would impeach her... The President of the Kentucky filed a brief before the contempt hearing supporting her.... Really the only option is the court system,.... She was barely elected into the office, and I regret that I was one of those that voted for her... Hopefully if she doesn't change her mind, the next election hopefully she'll be voted out....

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Put her in jail for her religious opinion is criminal.

The right thing would be to fire her as her religion doesn't allow to do her job.

Or are they planning to jail the next Muslim till he is willing to eat the pork?

Really putting her in jail is crazy.....

I wasnt aware that not eating pork was illegal.

If a muslim was in that role and refused to do the job and was in contempt of court then yes, the muslim should go to jail.

At the army we had kosher and halal food. If I would refuse to eat what they serve me at the army they would put me in jail.....unless my religion tells so, than I get something different served.

I didnt know the army jailed people who miss dinner.

Why would you not want to eat halal or kosher food? Unless it tasted like cr*p.

They would jail you in my country if you refuse to eat their food, because you weaken the power of the army.

(drafted army)

No they had food from outside for Muslims and from a Hotel for the Jewish and I would have loved to eat it instead of the regular food which tasted like dog food or most probably worse.....

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I can't seem to remember a case where we have a Gay rights activist couple DEMANDING to be married by an Imam or to have their marriage held in a Mosque yet they seem pretty keen to DEMAND this and to sue the crap out of Christian B & B owners and officials in office ?

Any reason you can think of for this ?

Is the couple that forced this result happy that a woman has gone to prison for her beliefs ?

Some Christians have a hard time accepting gays due to their religion but I can't recall any of late demanding that they all be stoned to death or actually doing it so why isn't the hate aimed most at those who want to do this type of thing against gays

That's a false analogy. Imams are religious figures and mosques are religious institutions. They are not being forced to marry anyone. This case is about a government official in a secular country denying marriage licenses based on her religious views, which she is not entitled to do.

Secondly, it was four couples - 2 heterosexual and 2 gay, and they specifically indicated in the filing that they were asking the court to impose significant fines but were not seeking for her to be jailed. The judge noted however that fines would likely not be sufficient because supporters would raise the moneyy and jailed her as that was likely the only way. It should be noted that this particular judge is known to be very conservative.

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God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't stop there, tell us the rest of the story. I heard that Adam and Eve had two sons, one of who killed the other. So where did all the grandchildren come from?

I have no idea, maybe a stork brought them.

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Republican presidential candidate Huckabee as well as many of the usual suspects are freaking out over this jailing. I wonder what the likes of Huckabee or Fox would be saying if the licence she refused to issue for religious reasons was a gun licence.


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Republican presidential candidate Huckabee as well as many of the usual suspects are freaking out over this jailing. I wonder what the likes of Huckabee or Fox would be saying if the licence she refused to issue for religious reasons was a gun licence.


They would go absolutely batty and call her a blood-thirsty communist. Because, they'll say, guns don't kill people, but gays will destroy America. Oh nevermind, God's will.

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