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Kentucky clerk won't accept gay marriage deal, goes to jail


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"God's moral law conflicts with my job duties," Davis told the judge before a federal marshal escorted her out. "You can't be separated from something that's in your heart and in your soul."

Actually she's missed it. Although her religious beliefs my be in conflict with gay marriages, her church leaders / elders should have told her that obedience to the law is a required behaviour for Christians.

Romans 13: 1-2 " Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. "

Now she may argue that it is a bad law and therefore does not have to obey it [ eg the Nuremberg defence where the Lutheren Nazis claimed that they were just obeying government orders when exterminating people in the concentration camps]. But this argument is invalid too. This gay marriage law is not causing harm to other people. In fact, it is probably the opposite. It is allowing a group of people to live peaceably in the community under the protection of the government.

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She got what she wanted. She'll get rich now. She's a big star now in the gay haters circuit. About as "moral" as a cockroach.

Moral as a cockroach ???

She has her beliefs you have yours, I would not question her morality but perhaps her wisdom.

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She got what she wanted. She'll get rich now. She's a big star now in the gay haters circuit. About as "moral" as a cockroach.

Moral as a cockroach ???

She has her beliefs you have yours, I would not question her morality but perhaps her wisdom.

Sorry, I have no respect for that bigot or the movement she represents. She's part of an organized agenda to fight GLBT civil rights by using "religious rights" as an excuse. It's not sincere. It's a SLEAZY trick.

Should we have had respect for the racist GEORGE WALLACE when he stood at the school door against court ordered against racial integration? Of course not. Learn from history.

Reject the bigots then. Reject the bigots now. This is not a grey area issue. It's black and white. She is totally wrong. post-37101-0-80099900-1441471799_thumb.j

Edited by Jingthing
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It's hard to imagine men wanting to get married to other men would be such a news worthy topic. These people are just gender confused and need help.

If I was feeling generous, I'd say that this was a troll post and that you know better, but want to incite some "discussion".

As it happens, I'm not feeling generous, so i think you're showing a lot of ignorance (to put it mildly, in line with forum rules).

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I usually take any statement that begins with "it's hard to imagine..." as a frank disclosure of the writer's narrow, brittle imagination since they are apparently unable to conceive of something the rest of us have no trouble understanding. More charitable that way and it helps me feel sorry for them.

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