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Police: Suspect in custody unlikely to be Bangkok shrine bomber


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Police: Suspect in custody unlikely Bangkok shrine bomber
GRANT PECK, Associated Press

BANGKOK (AP) — A foreign suspect arrested at the border near Cambodia is unlikely to be the yell0w-shirted man who planted the bomb at a Bangkok shrine nearly three weeks ago, police said Friday.

The definitive ruling out of the suspect — identified as Mieraili Yusufu or Yusufu Meerailee — implies that the person who bombed the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok on Aug. 17 remains at large despite two arrests and naming of seven other suspects in recent days.

The evening blast at the shrine popular among locals and tourists alike left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured in one of the most devastating acts of violence that the Thai capital had seen in decades.

Thai authorities have suggested that at least two of the suspects are possibly Turkish, boosting a theory that the bombing was to avenge Thailand's forced repatriation of more than 100 ethnic Uighurs to China in July. Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs) are related to Turks, and Turkey is home to a large Uighur community.

National police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri said DNA samples taken from the suspect did not match the DNA found on evidence that the bomber is believed to have left behind in a taxi, a banknote and a motorcycle taxi he took after leaving the pipe bomb under a bench at the open-air the shrine when it was packed with worshippers.

"Now we don't have any evidence to say that he is the yellow-shirted man ... from the investigation maybe he is not (the yellow-shirted man)," Prawut told reporters.

"However, he is definitely involved with the bombing," he said.

The police is certain of this because his DNA was found in the two apartments on the outskirts of Bangkok from where bomb making materials were also found, Prawut said.

"He was staying at both places, " Prawut said. "This means that the man is involved in bomb-stocking places."

Another suspect who was arrested from one of the apartments on Saturday has also been ruled out as being the bomber. They have also identified seven other suspects for whom arrests warrants have been issued.

Also Friday, Thai authorities unveiled the centerpiece of the Erawan Shrine, which was slightly damaged in the blast.

The swiftness with which the shrine has been repaired and reopened to the public was the latest bid to boost confidence among Bangkok's tourism and business communities.

Authorities have also intentionally avoided calling it an act of terrorism for fear of hurting Thailand's image.

"The most important issue for the country's image is to restore confidence about safety," Minister of Culture Vira Rojpojchanarat told reporters at Friday's ceremony. He said it was intended to "create confidence and raise the morale of (Thai) people and tourists."

The ministry's Fine Arts Department repaired 12 areas of the shrine's gleaming golden statue of the Hindu god Brahma that were damaged by the attack, notably on its four-headed face where a chin was blasted out, Vira said.

"Every day the police and national security are making progress on the case," Vira added.

At another raid on Thursday, authorities found "suspicious fluid in a barrel" that was being analyzed by explosives experts, said Prawut. But initial tests showed that the fluid "cannot be used as explosive components," military spokesman Winthai Suvaree said Friday.

On Thursday, the Turkish Embassy in Bangkok issued a statement saying it has not received confirmation from Thai authorities about the suspects' nationalities.

The Erawan Shrine is especially popular with Chinese tourists, feeding the speculation that it could have been targeted by people who believe the Uighurs are oppressed by China's government.

China has alleged that the Uighurs repatriated by Thailand included some who intended to join Islamic State fighters in Syria. Thailand is believed to be a transit stop for Chinese Uighurs attempting to go to Turkey.

In another finding that could support a link to Uighurs, police said that Yusufu, the suspect cleared of being the bomber, was carrying a Chinese passport. The passport indicated he was from the western Chinese region of Xinjiang, but Thai authorities had not yet verified its authenticity, Prawut said. Xinjiang is the home of the Turkish-speaking Uighurs.

The other suspects include a Thai woman identified as Wanna Suansan and said to be married to a Turkish man. Both are being sought by Thai police.

Thai authorities have been careful not to state publicly that the case may be linked to the Uighurs. They have said that such speculation could affect international relations and hurt tourism.

Thai security officials have suggested the suspects are part of a human trafficking ring with a grudge against Thailand. However, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, known for his outspokenness, has stretched the theory to acknowledge it could have been a gang involved in smuggling Uighurs out of China.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-04

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-04

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

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facepalm.gif God's sake....these people are giving me a headache!!! Hub of Buffoons.....meanwhile can someone really tell me as to whether its really safe in Bangko just yet........I fear for myself, my loved ones, people I know and also innicent people with these muslim terrorists out there and the authorities are doing nothing.

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He is unlikely to be Turkish as well, the guy looks more Thai compared to Turkish lol.

For example the famous Turkish billionare Cem uzan, typical Turk.


Head of Grey Wolves, another typical Turk


But according to them, this is Turkish!


Turkish my arse

Edited by Lukecan
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Lol, this affair is absolutely incredible...

Btw Luke, you seem to be overly sensitive about there being some turkish connection, are you trying to prove something?

Get over it

My friend got interrogated for 20 mins yesterday in Suvarbhumi because he carries a Turkish passport sad.png

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He is unlikely to be Turkish as well, the guy looks more Thai compared to Turkish lol.

For example the famous Turkish billionare Cem uzan, typical Turk.


Head of Grey Wolves, another typical Turk


But according to them, this is Turkish!


Turkish my arse

Aye, all them Turks in North London look like these two......

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Does this mean the police have to give back the reward now?


And I hope to Christ your avatar is not a selfie !


All the TV detective squad knew that already biggrin.png

That's right, the case was closed by TVF branch of Sukhumvit Yard days ago. I wish the RTP would keep up. biggrin.png

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"The most important issue for the country's image is to restore confidence about safety," Minister of Culture Vira Rojpojchanarat told reporters at Friday's ceremony. He said it was intended to "create confidence and raise the morale of (Thai) people and tourists."

"Confidence about safety" is great. Don't forget actual safety measures.

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facepalm.gif God's sake....these people are giving me a headache!!! Hub of Buffoons.....meanwhile can someone really tell me as to whether its really safe in Bangko just yet........I fear for myself, my loved ones, people I know and also innicent people with these muslim terrorists out there and the authorities are doing nothing.

SAY WHAT.....Muslim terrorists committed this act of terrorism??? Where did you pull that one from. ...gez pal best you drink in soi 3.

Edited by jacksam
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Lol, this affair is absolutely incredible...

Btw Luke, you seem to be overly sensitive about there being some turkish connection, are you trying to prove something?

Get over it

My friend got interrogated for 20 mins yesterday in Suvarbhumi because he carries a Turkish passport sad.png

I would be surprised if he wasnt.

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

No need to explain it.

This is the Bullsh!t they feed the people and they expect falangs to fall in line.

DNA off a 20B bill & off the seat of a taxi please RTP give me a break.coffee1.gif

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We've gone from Bomber suspect to he was involved , wonder what tomorrow will bring.coffee1.gif

I didn't hear any of the RTP announcements about this is Thai, but I would have difficulty discerning between "he is probably not the Erawan bomber but he is definitely involve in the bombing" and " he is probably not he Erawan bomber but he is definitely involved in a bombing". The latter refers to bomb making for generic targets not yet specified - I believe that this will be tomorrow's clarification.

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

The explanation is that this is a pathetic attempt to convince you that this is not the bomber.

DNA from a motorcycle taxi 20 BHT note that surprisingly the driver stuffed in his pocket and remembered which one it was a few days later.

Then a Taxi that dropped the guy is checked for prints and DNA after it has carried how many othe passengers around BK?

If blame were to be on the Uighurs then the jaunta have to assume some responsibility and loose face big time.

Note! have we heard of any attempt for an ID from the Taxi drivers.

Note! the passport could be verified as legit in five minutes by the Chinese embassy, Thai police were quick to match prints but can't check a passport.

They are covering up for their blunder and saving face for China as well.

No doubt the guy will be silenced or commit suicide in his cell before he can say more.

He will get the death penalty if he does not have a nasty accident but I don't think you will hear much from this guy in the future.

Another point is that they do not know the DNA of the bomber they have no DNA from the bomb site and only poluted if that at all DNA form persons unknown.

A farcical situation getting more like the three stooges every day.

Edited by kiwikeith
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So they now dont believe he was involved in bombing the shrine and instead produces drugs to blow your mind and tomorrow he will have just been making home made wine.

Seems like authorities may have been testing out the produce!

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