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Merkel sees no legal limit on asylum-seekers

Lite Beer

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The globalist masters {those who are not allowed to be criticised} aren't wasting any time tearing down Europe through their tactic of demographic warfare (i.e., massive immigration into Europe).



COVER STORY ---------> "We need these immigrants to sustain our economy"

50 million poor, largely unskilled Africans will be allowed to immigrate to the EU under the phony guise of "economic necessity" (of course these African immigrants will instantly be eligible for EU welfare benefits thus making them a financial burden to the State). Meanwhile, passive Europeans are largely silent for fear of being called "racists," "xenophobes," "bigots," and "nativists." Europeans' passiveness and fear is the result of decades of politically correct indoctrination.

Article: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/65628/Secret-plot-to-let-50million-African-workers-into-EU

ASIDE: Void of an army, globalist elites simply destroy a country (or an entire continent) by flooding it with tens of millions of poor immigrants, telling them NOT to assimilate, and instilling in them hatred for the White majority. Further, elites encourage such immigrants to demand their "rights." Lastly, elites tell the immigrants they are "victims" and "oppressed" peoples (of course all their "oppression" is caused by so-called "evil" Whites).

That's the formula which globalist elites {those who are not allowed to be criticised} are using to tear down Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA.

Look up Peter Sutherland who is on the committee of Bilderberg. Take a look at his views on migration and also interestingly had a meeting with the Pope this June after which he seemed to be vocal on his push for mass migration.

He says "“the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”

Far right alarmist tripe.

Express story story was originally covered by the BBC in 2008.


Peter Sutherland, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for International Migration and Development – here’s what he really said…


This is the original article.


A rather befuddled reasoning for taking non skilled migrants in big numbers from a man with many many hats and many fingers in pies. If this guy was a Thai you guys would be having a field day.

my country takes many unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants who fill a void in those spaces ITO wages and downtime. We have an unemployment rate which is alarming among citizens, who insist on a higher wage than the system can sustain... with a lot of downtime due to strike action. I guess then that Europe doesn't have the same problem with unemployment. Come to think of it, I should just Google it.
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Just spoke to Lithuanian friend that spent several months in Ireland. Holt cow Myslims sux and we all need to realize what they are doing. Wow, totally floored about what I heard. They have about zero redeeming qualities. If I am wrong, please tell me what redeeming qualities they have other than poor and needing help.

Candidly, you guys need to speak to some people in these areas in which they are migrating. Wow. There goes Europe. Bhopefully we will get Obama out before there goes the US.

Lithuanians really would be ones to talk. Two of them committed the first murder in 30 years in my home town.

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New world order agenda. War, internal tension and race riots to try and hide the economic collapse. When the masses become desperate they will subjigate themselves to the elitist saviours/masters/jailers who will take total control.

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A poster asked 'what are the redeeming factors of having an large influx of immigrants?'

Here's a short answer. Immigrants will create added jobs in these sectors:

>>> natal care workers: many more babies than usual getting born

>>> hospital workers: Added demands for services, albeit getting paid for by taxpayers. True event: a Syrian woman barely got to the border with Germany, and started shouting about how she has cancer. She was taken to German hospital with all services. Guess who pays for all that: certainly not the woman or her family.

>>> police. Where you get desperate people, you get desperate acts.

>>> social service workers. We've heard about the child rapes in UK by a gang of Muslim men raping young white girls. It went on for months. What else haven't we heard of and is going on clandestinely as we speak?

>>> prison workers

>>> security and builders: Some of the children of refugees will grow up to be angry and extremist. When Muslim extremists have a probelm, what do they do? You guessed it: they build bombs and look for things/people to blow up.

>>> Bank workers and bureaucrats will have to either borrow massively to cover added costs (as is happening in Greece) or heavily tax the Christian 80% (who've been residing there for generations) and who will have to support the Muslim 20% (who showed up yesterday) and who don't pay taxes. In 15 years, the ratio will be closer to 60/40.

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As long as they all stay in Germany !!!

Once they get German passports they won't have to.

With a bit of Luck and Common sense the UK public will have stood up and spoken and left this Communist arrangement, the EU is a dictatorship bent on the United States of Europe with Germany In charge of it and everything in it, why do you think the NHS is being run Down along with the british Army. because it all is GOING to be amalgamated into the EU.

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still : super rich muslim countries do not welcome any ... muslim brothers ...

No - they're not as daft as Merkel and the other loony tune politicians.

They know what these people are like, how they will behave and what effects they will have on any country that admits them.

UAE, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait - nope, they won't let them ruin their countries.


How many taken by Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan.

How many taken by US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

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Just spoke to Lithuanian friend that spent several months in Ireland. Holt cow Myslims sux and we all need to realize what they are doing. Wow, totally floored about what I heard. They have about zero redeeming qualities. If I am wrong, please tell me what redeeming qualities they have other than poor and needing help.

Candidly, you guys need to speak to some people in these areas in which they are migrating. Wow. There goes Europe. Bhopefully we will get Obama out before there goes the US.

What muslims are they, from where?

A bit silly to say muslims sux because in some muslim countries it is a very nice life for expats.

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Just spoke to Lithuanian friend that spent several months in Ireland. Holt cow Myslims sux and we all need to realize what they are doing. Wow, totally floored about what I heard. They have about zero redeeming qualities. If I am wrong, please tell me what redeeming qualities they have other than poor and needing help.

Candidly, you guys need to speak to some people in these areas in which they are migrating. Wow. There goes Europe. Bhopefully we will get Obama out before there goes the US.

What muslims are they, from where?

A bit silly to say muslims sux because in some muslim countries it is a very nice life for expats.

Unless you are a women or have any self pride or self worth. List all Muslim countries and then tell me the ones that are great to live in, oh but then it will the the West or US's fault they are terrorist rat holes. No thanks.

Interesting how no one in the US gives two rats butt about whether any countries are taking Americans, but people like you get all offended when we don't want Muslims flooding our countries in droves.

The truth is out there. One just has to open their eyes. Much better to be labeled a bigot than be all PC and watch your countries turn into rat holes like the countries these folks came from.

I live in a place of beauty and peace and we all need to work hard to keep it that way. We will. America is waking up.

Again, why do people like you care so much about our thoughts on immigration? What business is it of yours?

Edited by capcc76
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still : super rich muslim countries do not welcome any ... muslim brothers ...

No - they're not as daft as Merkel and the other loony tune politicians.

They know what these people are like, how they will behave and what effects they will have on any country that admits them.

UAE, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait - nope, they won't let them ruin their countries.

How many taken by Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan.

How many taken by US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

Too may? I dunno, is this a trick question?

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this seemingly random 'immigration' activity is choreographed by the global elitists, whose mission is to enable a world without borders or real sovereignty. If you read Aaron Russo, friend of Nick Rockefeller, you can get a taste of what Brzezinski, the Rockefellers, Kissinger and the other NeoCons and CFR apparatchiks are up to. They openly publish their agenda then spit in your face, saying 'everyone will be chipped'. What started way back in the late 19th century as the Internationale or Communism is either here or coming to a neighborhood near you. NWO tactics are transparent-if you bother to look. So...here are Hokuho's three principles- a simple matrix of analytic reasoning: 1) Observe the Golden Rule; follow the money.How are the monetary institutions involved. 2) Apply the Cui Bono rubric; who benefits? for ex., who made out during the 2008 financial meltdown when some banks and Wall St. orgs were 'too big to fail'? 3) Decide what's in it for you-will you prosper under the coming global fiefdom of Microserfs? Act accordingly.

chok dee

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Just spoke to Lithuanian friend that spent several months in Ireland. Holt cow Myslims sux and we all need to realize what they are doing. Wow, totally floored about what I heard. They have about zero redeeming qualities. If I am wrong, please tell me what redeeming qualities they have other than poor and needing help.

Candidly, you guys need to speak to some people in these areas in which they are migrating. Wow. There goes Europe. Bhopefully we will get Obama out before there goes the US.

What muslims are they, from where?

A bit silly to say muslims sux because in some muslim countries it is a very nice life for expats.

Unless you are a women or have any self pride or self worth. List all Muslim countries and then tell me the ones that are great to live in, oh but then it will the the West or US's fault they are terrorist rat holes. No thanks.

Interesting how no one in the US gives two rats butt about whether any countries are taking Americans, but people like you get all offended when we don't want Muslims flooding our countries in droves.

The truth is out there. One just has to open their eyes. Much better to be labeled a bigot than be all PC and watch your countries turn into rat holes like the countries these folks came from.

I live in a place of beauty and peace and we all need to work hard to keep it that way. We will. America is waking up.

Again, why do people like you care so much about our thoughts on immigration? What business is it of yours?

It would be faster to list the muslim countries that are not nice to live in. Same as it is with christian countries that are not nice to live in.

You live in a country of beauty and peace, but just happens to have an inordinate number of gun deaths and mass shootings.

I live in a country of beauty and peace and it is a muslim country where I can drink and eat pork and go to church any time I want.

To use your own analogy...What business it is of yours to comment on a thread about what is happening in other countries? Pot/kettle

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