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Just like the people I came here to avoid..


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You probably have the right ideal, it depends upon where one lives.... And maybe we must see how much Thailand has changed over the years. Do I blame it on the Thai's no. Live like people do and you will have happiness, come and build mansions in the middle of a village? Not so good... Do I like Phuket and the south? Not really. It all really depends where we are in life, and where wants to put their nest eggs. I tend to never put them in one basket..... You see it works both ways in one's mind... What continent do they live on now? Well, seen many Thai's in America, married to the farang, and have enjoyed life. Seen many farangs, that live in Thailand, and are not happy. I have lived in both situations. Seen the best and the worst of them. In the end, most of us just want to be us....

That would be my statement... Thailand has many cultural zones, personally, I like the easier ideal. Just depends I guess how long one has dealt with Thailand over the years... So mine is not to judge, but to remind.... The reality is, that many nations have changed.... I like to live with an inner peace, doesn't matter, but make the most of where one is... Personally I hear so many complaints on both sides of the fence, but mending the fence is the worst, and yes it can be about attitudes. It is all a part of life that we come to understand. Guess it is just what we have all been through.....

Just my thoughts.... smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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If you lived in Egypt instead Thailand ... would you still have the same attitute (meh, not my problem) about mutilation of girls? Lets face it, most things done "the thai way" are way worse than how it "should" be done. For instance thai people have no clue what they are doing behind a steering wheel.

Inefficiency in the thai society is just as rampant as corruption is... why is there a need for 6 waitresses in a small coffee shop with 12 tables? Why does Tesco Lotus (atleast in Ubon) have staff standing beside check out counters where they "direct" people to different counters... surely people have eyes (atleast most) and can themself choose which counter is the least busy? How come you need a calculator to do the math "items cost 47 baht and he gave me a 100 baht bill"?

Blimey, if you think that employing people to do jobs that may or may not be totally necessary is a bad thing then you must really get wound up by other things here.

That side of Thailand is a good thing. Getting people working even if the job isn't really required. I'd rather see more people with jobs than less.

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Well said OP. Very refreshing. I've virtually stopped using this site as it is usually 99.9% Thai bashing.


Yes well said.

I too agree with the OP, I don't understand many of the attitudes shared by certain TVF members.

I can only guess that the majority of the ones being so vocal are just grumpy old men who would complain wherever they are.

In fact from real life experience, whenever I go out with my friends (mixed groups of Farangs and Thais) who are all in their 20's to 40's, I never hear any complaining.... we are all having a great time living in Bangkok.

But when I go to places where there are just old farang blokes propping up a bar, all I hear is moaning and c*ap about Thai women, of course their only frame of reference is bar girls. I will say one thing for them, they complain as much about everything outside of Thailand as they do about inside..... Foods too spicy, drinks are too pricey, bar girl did this.... govt did that... stupid taxi driver.... etc

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You are all forgetting that the members on TV are NOT the majority of farang tourists and expats.

I know plenty of farangs who never heard of TV and others who have, but are not bothered to read and/or post.

Some bash Thai on some points and usually for good reasons, but then I always remind them that they live in Pattaya and Pattaya is NOT the real Thailand.

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Willy, many factors involved.

One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

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I came here to have a nice retired lifestyle with my wife (Thai) & relax instead of stressing all the time. The things that annoy me about here is that Thais do not think. They don't think about the consequenses of their actions whether it be on the roads or finishing a job they are doing which is all common sense to westerners. I see a lack of education & caring about others. It may not change soon but for Thailand to move forward as the Government states they need to change their attitude & then things will get a little less stressful. For everyone.

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No matter the country the moaners would moan, its about the individual.

Everyone should live their life as they want as long as they are happy and do not harm others around them who cares.

At the end of the day if you don't like someone you don't socialize with them, if TV upsets you stop.....................

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You are all forgetting that the members on TV are NOT the majority of farang tourists and expats.

I know plenty of farangs who never heard of TV and others who have, but are not bothered to read and/or post.

Some bash Thai on some points and usually for good reasons, but then I always remind them that they live in Pattaya and Pattaya is NOT the real Thailand.

I know someone who has just moved from C/Mai to Pattaya , was in the tourist police , can't speak a word of Thai ( or at least couldn't when I last saw him ) , his fav. food is KFC and only drank in English pubs. Snacks came from 7-eleven. Should of stayed in England. But Pattaya is pretty close I guess.

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Willy, many factors involved.

One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

For a thai person "anger" can be that you slightly criticize them.

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OP: It's nice to see that you've got a positive outlook, I hope it stays that way.

I'm assuming you're new to Thailand and reality hasn't seeped through the shine just yet. When the penny drops, it will probably become apparent why there's so much stress and negativity. It's you who needs to decide how to deal with the perceptions and realities.

There's a lot to love here, but there's a lot that can drive you mad depending on what/who you're involved with and how you surround yourself.

I've lived in several countries... nowhere's perfect and you can't keep all the people happy all of the time... Sometimes it's difficult for some to keep the positive outlook after seeing all the angst and strife here, but really, in the end, you weigh your options and go from there.

"I'm assuming you're new to Thailand and reality hasn't seeped through the shine just yet"

I guess it depends on your definition of "new to Thailand" MeHere.

I started visiting Thailand 16 years ago.

Almost 14 years ago, I married a wonderful Thai woman.

We moved to America and had a child, but continued to visit Thailand at least once a year.

The three of us moved to Thailand almost 6 years ago and I, except for a holiday jaunt to Laos or Cambodia, haven't left the country since.

Is that "new to Thailand"?

Naturally, there are things about Thailand that drive me up a wall from time to time.

But, there are many more things, including the people who have become my family and friends, that I truly love here.

I do not wnat them to be like people in my home country and would be very disappointed if they ever did.

Your statement " there's a lot that can drive you mad depending on what/who you're involved with and how you surround yourself."

rings very true.

Maybe I have just made some good choices, or been lucky to have the good advice of a good Thai wife, But I am very happy with my decision to live in Thailand and the results of that decision...so far.

But then again, I guess I could still be considered " new to Thailand" by some and am still waiting for that "penny to drop" ( could that be a one baht coin? I have pretty much forgotten about pennies!)cheesy.gif

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So, you are suggesting it's all right to employ Thais, to pay taxes here, to support a family here (possibly an extended one, for some), but one shouldn't criticise anything about the country or the people, not even the driving, the taxi drivers, the RTP, the scams, etc. - themes that are the subject of many comments from foreign visitors and residents? You must be kidding. Carping for its own sake is one thing; valid criticism quite another.

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If you come to Thailand with the right attitude, play the long game financially and don't treat the place /people like you're a plantation owner, then you'll do ok.

I've met some right cocks here though, just using women etc for money/ sex/place to live and do nothing in return.

I noticed all the Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai go around shouting in Chinese to local service personnel. They actually assume Chinese is the world language. You know--Middle Kingdom and all that. The locals just reply in a business-like fashion, "English." Chinese will never be the world language because it's simply too difficult and impractical. By the way, one of the things I love about Chiang Mai is the way the young women in the service sector do business. They do it with a nice smile and are very fast and efficient. I admire them a lot for that. And, of course, their beauty.

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I came here the first time a long time ago....fell in love (yes i really did) and ended up getting married.

We tried living on the road with my job but after many trips away where she could not accompany me we decided to put down some more permanant roots....tried uk ...Naah..... Tried singapore and then she found out she was pregnant.

Then the real dilemma started....after a lot of discussion we decided to settle in her hometown of nakon sawan.....ok i know its not the center of the universe but u know what its home and i for one feel confortable there.

I live here on my terms, and the day i cant do that i will go back to the uk (Still have my house). Thailand has changed, not just the lifestyle but the whole outlook of the Thais. Sure there is corruption...sure they dont exactly like farangs but if you play the game by their rules and try to adapt a little you will get on a lot better.

To sum it all up i am still here after 30 years and have thai friends in all sections of society from the so called elite to the guy who empties the rubbish bins.

They actually dont treat me as a farang (as described by some guys here) and treat me as just another of the member of the community. you still have to be careful how you portray yourself but so far i have had no major problems.

Most of the farangs i know think they are very superior to there neigbours and so called thai bashing is rampant , or their wives (many worked in bars) now feel they are above their lesser neighbours because farang have money .........what do they expect when they are excluded or ignored.

An old chinese thai once told me 3 things when i told him i was going to live here.....

1. Only invest in Thailand what u can afford to lose

2. Most Thais like to think they are right even when they know its wrong so say yes smile...... then think they are ass*oles ...don't say it

3. Most Thais will help you spend your money not help you make it.

Have a good day y'all

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Willy, many factors involved.

One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

For a thai person "anger" can be that you slightly criticize them.

If you criticize them for being Thai and having Thai ways, Thai language or Thai customs, it is sort of like going into KFC and criticizing them for serving chicken…

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I find with Western people, they have less tolerance to other cultures (glass is half full or over flowing).

Thais can be just as bad where I'm sure it's more of a biological thing. I prefer Thai culture any day compare to how broke the west is now due to Feminists.

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A man can say what he feels, and voice opinions, whatever it may be (well, in most countries anyway)...

If you have a problem with it, your welcome to excuse yourself, rather then the other way around!

I'm going to have a t shirt printed saying "I was patronised by willyumiii".

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Off topic I know, but 2 posters mentioned "the cheap booze"??? - and no reactions to that??? In Thailand???

I think the OP (and others) are referring to the type of blokes who drink in bars where a beer is 100 baht or less and where they drink the cheapest local beer on offer.

We are not talking about people for whom a 450 baht imported micro brew is seen as a bargain.

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This is great!

I stated tha tI find it humorous and amusing that some people need to complain so much.

Now the same chronic complainers are complaining that I find them humorous!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was told long ago that when men get old, the testosterone dries up and they basicly turn into old women ful lof complaints and gossip, always whining and, never happy.

I am starting too believe it.giggle.gif

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Off topic I know, but 2 posters mentioned "the cheap booze"??? - and no reactions to that??? In Thailand???

I think the OP (and others) are referring to the type of blokes who drink in bars where a beer is 100 baht or less and where they drink the cheapest local beer on offer.

We are not talking about people for whom a 450 baht imported micro brew is seen as a bargain.


But 100 baht for a low quality beer is not cheep.

Surely that would not be a reason to come to Thailand?

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This is great!

I stated tha tI find it humorous and amusing that some people need to complain so much.

Now the same chronic complainers are complaining that I find them humorous!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was told long ago that when men get old, the testosterone dries up and they basicly turn into old women ful lof complaints and gossip, always whining and, never happy.

I am starting too believe it.giggle.gif

Constantly complaining about chronic complainers - where is the logic or humour?

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So, you are suggesting it's all right to employ Thais, to pay taxes here, to support a family here (possibly an extended one, for some), but one shouldn't criticise anything about the country or the people, not even the driving, the taxi drivers, the RTP, the scams, etc. - themes that are the subject of many comments from foreign visitors and residents? You must be kidding. Carping for its own sake is one thing; valid criticism quite another.

It's the "thainess gang" on TV that sees any and all criticize as "thai bashing" no matter how valid.

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Willy, many factors involved.

One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

For a thai person "anger" can be that you slightly criticize them.

If you criticize them for being Thai and having Thai ways, Thai language or Thai customs, it is sort of like going into KFC and criticizing them for serving chicken…

If "being thai" and "driving like a moron" is the same thing according to you... that's then entirely up to you.

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Simple to answer the OP's question!

In Farangland many things are better than in Thailand, and many things are worse than in Thailand.

So it all depends on what you personally consider to be important in your life.

Nothing wrong about complaining about what you don't like here & there, as long as you also see what is good here & there.

(And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could combine the good of both worlds? - for that, Farangland and Thailand would have to change).

I do realize of course that my opinion does not fit in a bar or in a bar like forum.

Much easier and popular to air extreme opinions.

"(And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could combine the good of both worlds? - for that, Farangland and Thailand would have to change)."

But who decides what the good things are ... A small number of foreigners who assume they have all the answers or the "owners " of the country. If you can't fix what's wrong in your own country, why would you assume you have the expertise to change everything here.

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Well willyum, I think you cannot distinquish betweem whining and constructive criticism

as most commenters :

1). Usually point out problems with Thai Government agencies, not the Thai people and,

2). Many offer reasonable solutions to minimize problems for foreigners/Thais alike.

3). Commenters, yes, even whiners improve rather then disrupt or destroy

4), If humanity waited for people like yourself, the WHEEL, would be a future dream !

Now you see, I am not whining just illuminating !

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