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Poor health and Thai female relationships.


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I have health issues which mean I am not good at all in physical relationships. I feel my future Thai retirement could be a lonely affair, and sadly rightly so, but would Thai culture allow any female at all to still be interested in me as a person?

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Hold on..I assume you mean you have erectile issues. Why should that issue define you as a person. Get on with life, find someone and at the right time tell them of your issues, of which I'm sure Getting a chubby might be one of them. There is definitely someone for everyone so come feeling positive, not negative.

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Question.....do you have loads of money? If you do....do not worry.....u can have lots and lots of female companionship even long term ones....do not worry about the sex part. Also...ever tried being gay? It could work out as you can be on the receiving end of the relationship part. (LOl!). But once again only if you have loads of money. By th way....how old are you and whats your weigh? (I might be interested if you are willing to go on the gay route.....but pending on a few things....lol!)

Lighten up......you can still have long term relationships based on trusts, honesty and love even if there is no physical stuffs involved.....its just a matter of finding the right one (not easy though)

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Question.....do you have loads of money? If you do....do not worry.....u can have lots and lots of female companionship even long term ones....do not worry about the sex part. Also...ever tried being gay? It could work out as you can be on the receiving end of the relationship part. (LOl!). But once again only if you have loads of money. By th way....how old are you and whats your weigh? (I might be interested if you are willing to go on the gay route.....but pending on a few things....lol!)

Lighten up......you can still have long term relationships based on trusts, honesty and love even if there is no physical stuffs involved.....its just a matter of finding the right one (not easy though)


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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

Call it friendship not relationship than the hole problem might be easier?

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

But this would only be true if having sex was important to the lady. It is in fact not to some women, even to some young women, especially in Thailand. And definitely many older women would be OK with it.

Truth is, many older women view the development of Viagra etc as less than a good thing.

The advice to just form relationships -- real ones, starting as friends - and then if and as they get more serious, frankly talk to the woman. If sex is important to her, you can still be friends, but she'll need to keep looking for a romantic partner, as will you (in your case still romantic even if not sexual). But if sex is not important to her then you can let things flourish.

BTW don't assume if the woman makes sexual overtures that this necessarily means sex is important to her. Thai women will sometimes do this as a way of "sealing the deal" when in fact what matters to them is other things: the companionship and status of being married, and yes in many but not all cases, money.

If you want to reduce the odds that a woman is with you just for the money, look for an educated middle or upper-middle class older woman. There are a fair number of them who are unmarried and many of them would like to be.

If all the threads I have seen over the years of TV members bemoaning their Thai wife's lack of interest in sex are anything to go by, there are plenty of women out there who not only would not mind but would consider your physical limitation a blessing.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

a true gentleman is only impotent if he suffers from paralysis of his tongue thumbsup.gif

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

a true gentleman is only impotent if he suffers from paralysis of his tongue thumbsup.gif

Very true Naam. The majority of women much prefer a good oral performance IME. That includes sweet talk too.wub.png

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Are you generally unwell or depressed, these are significant factors in impotence?

If so, then getting as well and as fit as reasonably possible would be useful.

I would certainly think it wise to avoid anyone too young or active.

Yes, it is perfectly possible to find someone who is genuine, and affectionate, some ladies might well welcome a more platonic relationship.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

a true gentleman is only impotent if he suffers from paralysis of his tongue thumbsup.gif

Very true Naam. The majority of women much prefer a good oral performance IME. That includes sweet talk too.wub.png

Sweet talk sick.gif

One of the more disgusting things....gigglem.gif

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If it was me I'd try the injection ED meds but not to worry. Thai women give up on sex earlier than in the West.

Nefib they have moved on from the injection stage (where you can not help but be erect) into a cream........same component--much better than the Viagra as it doesn't have any affect on blood pressure of the rest of the body.

Ask Sheryl for some references to a good ED Doctor or clinic ------keep away from the charlatans.

Good luck

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I am 74 and it is now very rare it looks at my hair cut it always looking at my crappy shoes, I enven bought a new pair but still looks at them I have been married 7 years to a wonderful Thai lady I often say to her I am sorry about it she just says it is ok I do not need that I am old lady, 45, but she has a body of a very young lady. She says I love you it not matter.

Do not get a young one get around 45-50 they just want respect and love.

You will be ok, just take it slow till you feel confident with her.

Best of luck.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

I've been told a prostate massage by a trained courtesan leaves you wobbly at the knees.

there are a couple of shops in pattaya that specialise in this.

could be an idea to explore that passage in life.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

a true gentleman is only impotent if he suffers from paralysis of his tongue thumbsup.gif

Very true Naam. The majority of women much prefer a good oral performance IME. That includes sweet talk too.wub.png

Old chinese proverb with bad spelling, "If pen is (penis) is broken, use finger or tongue to deliver message".wai2.gif

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I am 74 and it is now very rare it looks at my hair cut it always looking at my crappy shoes, I enven bought a new pair but still looks at them I have been married 7 years to a wonderful Thai lady I often say to her I am sorry about it she just says it is ok I do not need that I am old lady, 45, but she has a body of a very young lady. She says I love you it not matter.

Do not get a young one get around 45-50 they just want respect and love.

You will be ok, just take it slow till you feel confident with her.

Best of luck.

What a horrible attitude....we are talking about humans here aren't we?

Gee Jim-Bob....makey shure you check them thar teeth too boy! Yee hah

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

Tried Cialis? Works for me whereas Viagra doesn't.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

You go see a Chaplain with questions of this nature. Not TV.

Real men, real women, don't define by the swinging dick.

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Your post really makes me bloody angry....GET OFF YOUR PITY POT.... Firstly, you worry about having a lonely retirement "and rightly so" ...you say. Why do you feel you deserve to be lonely just because you cannot get a hard on?....such utter rubbish I have never heard in my entire life.... and....what in the name of God has a country's culture got to do with whether a lady wishes you and herself to be together when you can no longer make love...isn't that an issue between both of you alone.

Let me tell you something...I have been married to a Thai lady for 8 years and we had a very healthy sexual relationship for the first seven. I noticed last year I was losing the desire to continue having sex and it was not long thereafter before it was fully gone. It left me in a bit of a dilemma because I know my wife enjoys that side of our relationship very much. I myself have no qualms about this development in my life because to me it is a very natural occurrence when you get into your senior years (I'm 66) like losing your hair. I have no B/S qualms about openly discussing it with my friends and you'd be amazed at how many of them had reached that stage long before me and some of them 20 years younger. They had all sorts of ideas for me to investigate like taking the well known brands of tablets to help in that area or one man suggested (which I may well look into further) some testosterone treatment. You see, for me , the tablets wouldn't interest me because I simply don't have the desire to begin with, the Labido. If I had I would have taken them. But what to do about the wife, I did what I have always believed is the best way to handle these things.....I discussed the situation with her. I told her she had all my blessings if she wished to leave me and find a new man. I myself began to enjoy not having the "sex" thing to be thinking about but she was entitled to have a full sex life of her own regardless of me if she desired it.... Would you believe it, she actually hadn't a problem in the world with things the way they were but I suspect that she is even slightly relived and sees it as a great advantage having a husband like me. I was never a "butterfly" and she loved me for that...but now it's like it's written in stone for her and she's totally without worry about other ladies setting their hooks into me.

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh in the beginning but you have got to look beyond "shallowness" when it comes to people in this world. Believe it or not...for some people...sex is not the beginning and end of everything. A loving and caring man is worth more to most ladies than a "stud" in the bed.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

There are tons of girls in Thailand who want someone to love them and I'm not talking about hookers.

Many Thai girls in the 30+ age range (and even younger) are desperate for a man who isn't out cheating on them, doesn't lie to them and genuinely loves them. These are girls with regular jobs.

Don't just go in looking for a shag, treat them as friends and gradually they will start getting keen on sleeping with you. Then when you do get into an intimate situation spend the whole time with your tongue and fingers until she's crawling across the ceiling..... she won't care that you didn't get hard, just so long as you've made her cum repeatedly.

Just get used to 'Dining at the Y' as we call it :-)

You might find that once the pressure is off for you to perform that you actually can perform....

Best of luck!

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Hold on..I assume you mean you have erectile issues. Why should that issue define you as a person. Get on with life, find someone and at the right time tell them of your issues, of which I'm sure Getting a chubby might be one of them. There is definitely someone for everyone so come feeling positive, not negative.

the only thing that should affect your relationship with a thai "lady" is the size of your wallet!

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I personally believe in destiny....

Possible to meet some one nice, im sure there are still ladies who are nice and will understand you, but as majority of the people here simply may not, as they are away to materialistic by nature

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