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Poor health and Thai female relationships.


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As a day / night trip, take yourself down to Nana Hotel,

sit yourself down in the foyer, look around and see who

walks in and who walks out, one guest i know there with

erectile issues has 2 x 19 year olds, 2 x 37ish year olds

and others just for a change, you will leave there thinking

SO there's nothing wrong with me, the problem is with

everyone else. Women are everywhere, some even free.

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As a day / night trip, take yourself down to Nana Hotel,

sit yourself down in the foyer, look around and see who

walks in and who walks out, one guest i know there with

erectile issues has 2 x 19 year olds, 2 x 37ish year olds

and others just for a change, you will leave there thinking

SO there's nothing wrong with me, the problem is with

everyone else. Women are everywhere, some even free.

Nana=Prostitutes.....he may want a real honest woman he can form a partnership.

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Your post really makes me bloody angry....GET OFF YOUR PITY POT.... Firstly, you worry about having a lonely retirement "and rightly so" ...you say. Why do you feel you deserve to be lonely just because you cannot get a hard on?....such utter rubbish I have never heard in my entire life.... and....what in the name of God has a country's culture got to do with whether a lady wishes you and herself to be together when you can no longer make love...isn't that an issue between both of you alone.

Let me tell you something...I have been married to a Thai lady for 8 years and we had a very healthy sexual relationship for the first seven. I noticed last year I was losing the desire to continue having sex and it was not long thereafter before it was fully gone. It left me in a bit of a dilemma because I know my wife enjoys that side of our relationship very much. I myself have no qualms about this development in my life because to me it is a very natural occurrence when you get into your senior years (I'm 66) like losing your hair. I have no B/S qualms about openly discussing it with my friends and you'd be amazed at how many of them had reached that stage long before me and some of them 20 years younger. They had all sorts of ideas for me to investigate like taking the well known brands of tablets to help in that area or one man suggested (which I may well look into further) some testosterone treatment. You see, for me , the tablets wouldn't interest me because I simply don't have the desire to begin with, the Labido. If I had I would have taken them. But what to do about the wife, I did what I have always believed is the best way to handle these things.....I discussed the situation with her. I told her she had all my blessings if she wished to leave me and find a new man. I myself began to enjoy not having the "sex" thing to be thinking about but she was entitled to have a full sex life of her own regardless of me if she desired it.... Would you believe it, she actually hadn't a problem in the world with things the way they were but I suspect that she is even slightly relived and sees it as a great advantage having a husband like me. I was never a "butterfly" and she loved me for that...but now it's like it's written in stone for her and she's totally without worry about other ladies setting their hooks into me.

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh in the beginning but you have got to look beyond "shallowness" when it comes to people in this world. Believe it or not...for some people...sex is not the beginning and end of everything. A loving and caring man is worth more to most ladies than a "stud" in the bed.

Love and sex are intertwined, inseparable. If all you need is companionship, you can talk to your uncle Mortimer or have your best friends over for the night. No need to have a wife. Sex as part of and indeed a pillar of love of your wife or gf is hardly shallow!

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I am 74 and it is now very rare it looks at my hair cut it always looking at my crappy shoes, I enven bought a new pair but still looks at them I have been married 7 years to a wonderful Thai lady I often say to her I am sorry about it she just says it is ok I do not need that I am old lady, 45, but she has a body of a very young lady. She says I love you it not matter.

Do not get a young one get around 45-50 they just want respect and love.

You will be ok, just take it slow till you feel confident with her.

Best of luck.

What a horrible attitude....we are talking about humans here aren't we?

Gee Jim-Bob....makey shure you check them thar teeth too boy! Yee hah

I don't think the poster meant it to come out like that, but it does sound rather like giving advice on buying a car. "Don't buy new. Get one two years old and let someone else suck for the initial depreciation."

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For me, after a few years with the same woman, the sex is just not a big deal at all, anymore. It is about the friendship, the companionship, the things you share, the fun you have, the degree to which you can make each other laugh and smile, and the general feeling of well being that comes from having a really great partner in life. Sex is such a tiny part of that, for me. So, no need to fret over this, as long as you have enough cash to look after her and yourself. There are thousands of women who would be relieved to know sex is either not a part of the equation, or a very minor part. Keep up hope. There are a lot of nice women here in the LOS.

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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

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In an answer to your question.... No! Should not make it an issue. She may ask you to take out a Life Insurance Policy here... Thus making you a more desirable Asset! This way if something did happen... She would be compensated for her support of you. Don't worry this answer will probably get some off-the-wall answers...

But there are lots of "Good Thai Women" who would love to have the chance to meet you. As you meet us Expats here, you can introduce her (Whoever is the lucky lady) to our wives and let them quiz her about her interest in you... If its in your best interest to eventually live together, and she proves to be your new best friend! Do plan on getting Married, this will give her incentive to be your best Partner yet. By doing this and I think the time span is 5 years if any. She can also get Benefits from Social Security if one day she loses you. If you pick and choose wisely and listen to your friends here you will not have to worry about any wrong doing on her part. She will believe Buddha has directed you into her life, thus everyday believe she is blessed!

Only pick one though! Contrary to anything you might have heard. The Ladies here with good upbringing will not tolerate a Mia Noi (2nd wife or Girl Friend) As some have commented she might hand you a Condom and say enjoy... when you return that evening you have a 98% chance of everything you own, being trashed! Locks being changed... you being left out... without a home! Believe me when I say this the most expert Creatures on Gods Green Earth with a Knife... are "Thai Women"... If you have ever the chance to see one... Slice any of the sausage's here.... take this with a grain of salt! Probably the most important thought you can muster here, and continue to enjoy your Retirement... Together!

Good Luck!

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You don't say what your health problems are but if you are a smoker and/or drinker that will affect your sexual performance. Also eating crap food, being overweight or obese and no exercise. Never too late to get fit. At 69 I was overweight, unfit and had a problem getting it up. I am now 73, exercise three to five times a week, no smoking and very moderate drinking, watch my diet, lost 16-18 pounds and wake up with a morning stiffy. Even so, don't worry about it. Find yourself an older lady who will appreciate you for your finer qualities. And I never had a girl who didn't appreciate a bit of oral action both physical and verbal.

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Thats not the only part of your anatomy, you still have fingers, palms, nose and tongue - besides your lady partner will see this as a challenge that she cannot simply pass up. Traditional Thai ladies will bend over backwards, do flip flops, handstands anything to help you thru whatever it is you are going thru. Also, Bumrungrad has a special clinic for guys with ED and other (psych issues) - I went on HGH and Testasterone for about a year - lost 14kgs, and no longer need anything.........Doc met with me weekly and I was surprised to find out that 80% of it was in my head, 20% was physical, poor circulation, and you guessed it FAT!!!....................Go forth & pro-create (but get a vasectomy, the ladies don't have to know that litle tid bit)thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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Being an older guy myself...I can speak from experience...many if not most Thai women are more interested in security for herself and her extended family than they are the size or working condition of your sex tool...

You will become a beloved personal banker and be well taken care of in most cases...she will try to be discreet when addressing her personal sexual needs...which should not affect your relationship with her...

If you are comfortable with that type of relationship...then go for it...she will likely be good at making you comfortable and taking care of your wellbeing...

Age has a way of changing what is important in a mate...

Good Luck!

which should not affect your relationship with her...until he catches an STD, Hepatitus, or worse from her because she is pussy catting around. As for the rsst of your post - spot on.

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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

Yeah, you're a sex addict - not that there is anything wrong with that - unless - you start spending more than you make on sex activity, or start missing work, stop going out with the guys for your weekly Irish Pub drink night..............then my friend, you have a problem. Until then - enjoy the lovelies.

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First ask yourself what you really want from a woman and what attributes are important to u. You can buy anything in Thailand. From an 18 year old drop dead gorgeous doll to a 70 year old monster. If u fancy a fantasy girl then don't worry about the sex. She most likely will be cheating on you anyway.

The bottom line is at your age don't worry about what she wants. With good financial security she'll want what you want. Think about your needs and wishes and the right person will materialize. Personally I'd be a sugar daddy to a uni student who will look after you anyway you like for a fee. U get a young beauty and help with her education and not worry about pleasing her in bed as her uni boyfriend will look after her in that department.

You deserve to be selfish at your age and do what pleases you before thinking about what pleases your partner.

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Thank you gentleman, for your input. Gay? Nah, leave that one thanks. Loads of money when in Thailand? A fair bit. I suppose an older lady would be better. But ED saps all your confidence, the little blue pill even gives up the ghost on you! I suppose you can have intimacy still, but I feel I would be letting the lady down. No way round it really I suppose, so I best 'get over it'!

Tried Cialis? Works for me whereas Viagra doesn't.

Yes and also try the testosterone patch or cream for a few weeks along with daily cialis or chewable cialis. Viagara didn't work but gave me a headache! It also made my face red. Wrong area!

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My thoughts are NO, the difficulty is finding the right one amidst many pretenders.

I have seen plenty of good examples of this (a few bad ones too.....) but at the moment I feel positive after being in a hospital recently as a visitor and seeing some very devoted visitors.

Edited by jacko45k
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I dont have ED but most times I need a bit of stimulation. Young pretty ladys 18-25 eg. I discovered recently that as soon as I wake up I drink at least 1 litre - 1.25 litres of water and that works better than any viagra.I started drinking the large amount of water on waking to get my other organs working, mainly my lungs as I have Emphysema and little jonny was the first one to wake up.I am 68 yrs old and live in the Philippines with a 31yr old lady and the sex lifeis great. Who would have thought water would do the trick.

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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

You might want to look into an herbal product like Bali mojo or horny goat weed. No side effects. No damage to the liver. No headaches. Very effective.

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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

You might want to look into an herbal product like Bali mojo or horny goat weed. No side effects. No damage to the liver. No headaches. Very effective.


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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

You might want to look into an herbal product like Bali mojo or horny goat weed. No side effects. No damage to the liver. No headaches. Very effective.


I guess you are not a believer in herbal medicine? Go ahead, stick with the pharmaceuticals. The companies love you for that. I get great results from the herbal stuff. And love that my liver does not get damaged in the process.

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I'm 54... been with my lovely lady (31 years old) for over 4 years.

Sometimes I'm finding it difficult to get it up... even though my girl is super attractive and very sexy (IMO, of course)

Kammagra (sp?) works but gives me a headache and makes me feel funny

I have always been (and even now love it) totally into sex, a super butterfly, sometimes coined as a helicopter from some girls LOL

Our sex life has tapered off some from several times every day to maybe once a week to maybe even once every 2 weeks occasionally just cuz we're great friends and it seems it isn't as completely important as it used to be

Sometimes I will goto a BJ bar just for relief, sometimes book a girl out of the typical centers for a romp just for some strange, this sometimes works for me, which is confusing to me, I might just be a sex addict :-O

In the end, there are tons of super lovely ladies (of all ages) that just want love... and not necessarily the wham bang boom <deleted> me til it hurts love. You just need to find a real one.

Just steer clear of the hookers and greedy slags, they'll just milk you for everything they can while waiting for their next meal ticket... This is the key no matter where you sit.

Finally, you are not at all less of a man.... All humans have faults; Thai women are quite forgiving and accepting, more than most in my opinion.

You might want to look into an herbal product like Bali mojo or horny goat weed. No side effects. No damage to the liver. No headaches. Very effective.


I guess you are not a believer in herbal medicine? Go ahead, stick with the pharmaceuticals. The companies love you for that. I get great results from the herbal stuff. And love that my liver does not get damaged in the process.

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An update on this. I did suffer erectile dysfunction so sought a specialist doctor advice. He did blood tests and looked at my conditions and medications. Firstly, I had iron deficiency anaemia. This was probably caused by medication started about 6 years ago for a hiatus hernia, and never reviewed properly. I was on Omeprazole 20 mg, and daily took antacid tablets. This would have affected iron intake, now I am down to only 10 mg Omeprazole when needed, and no antacid tablets. There is no problem with my hiatus hernia since the dose change, so I was over prescribed it seems.

Then he looked at my blood pressure medication, not changed in over 12 years. I was on Candesatan 16mg, and Amlodipine 10mg. He said Amlodipine can effect sex drive, so just stop it! So I did. My blood pressure is only up a little so far and I am losing weight to help keep it lower.

Well, within a few weeks I started to get those morning erections when you wake up! I thought they had gone for good. The doctor prescribed Levitra 20mg, so armed with this I found a lovely lady who I have visited. And, hey presto, everything is fine again! This has shocked and really annoyed me. For years I had thought it was my age which was affecting my libido, when it was the drugs all along! So for older gents out there suffering maybe ED problems, check your medication, it could be a change there that may make your life a lot better.

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An update on this. I did suffer erectile dysfunction so sought a specialist doctor advice. He did blood tests and looked at my conditions and medications. Firstly, I had iron deficiency anaemia. This was probably caused by medication started about 6 years ago for a hiatus hernia, and never reviewed properly. I was on Omeprazole 20 mg, and daily took antacid tablets. This would have affected iron intake, now I am down to only 10 mg Omeprazole when needed, and no antacid tablets. There is no problem with my hiatus hernia since the dose change, so I was over prescribed it seems.

Then he looked at my blood pressure medication, not changed in over 12 years. I was on Candesatan 16mg, and Amlodipine 10mg. He said Amlodipine can effect sex drive, so just stop it! So I did. My blood pressure is only up a little so far and I am losing weight to help keep it lower.

Well, within a few weeks I started to get those morning erections when you wake up! I thought they had gone for good. The doctor prescribed Levitra 20mg, so armed with this I found a lovely lady who I have visited. And, hey presto, everything is fine again! This has shocked and really annoyed me. For years I had thought it was my age which was affecting my libido, when it was the drugs all along! So for older gents out there suffering maybe ED problems, check your medication, it could be a change there that may make your life a lot better.

I have made some relatively major changes in my life in the past 6 months as I was determined to improve my health and come off my daily 5mg dose of Amlodipine for high blood pressure. It is the only drug I am taking, as my LDL levels are fine. I had previously checked adverse reactions and nothing seemed too bad at my low dosage, however, I just didn’t like the idea of the medicine controlling my life. So I simply wanted to stop taking it. I have lost 7-8 kgs, quit alcohol entirely, reduced rice intake by 90 percent and started to eat much more healthy foods. I was targeting 12 months before coming off the medicine but with what you have written I would like to speed that up if possible for the below reason.

I was led to understand that Amlodipine had no impact on sex drive nor was a potential cause or aggravator of ED. However, after reading your post I did a bit of research (Google) and found the following on drugs.com:


Psychiatric side effects have included male sexual dysfunction (up to 2%). Abnormal dreams, anxiety, depersonalization, depression, female sexual dysfunction, insomnia, and nervousness have been reported in less than 1% but greater than 0.1% of patients. Agitation, amnesia, and apathy have been reported in less than 0.1% of patients."

While the risk is there it is quite small, difficulties in the ability to have and maintain an erection can have a serious impact on a man’s esteem and morale. This in itself may lead to “performance anxiety”, which exacerbates the problem and creates a vicious circle of performance issues. So just reading the adverse reaction could be a cause for concern. I wish I had never looked it up. sad.png

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Gary, the 2% figure for Amlodipine affecting your sex drive is generally thought to be on the low side. For me in the side affects for Amlodipine, erection problems are in the same sentence as enlargement of the breasts in men. And sadly, as the doctor pointed out, you can see some breast enlargement! Also, I had terrible ankle swelling (oedema), now completely gone. I had back pain, now gone. My sleep is back to normal, the Amlodipine really affects that. There is a problem taking the drug long term so maybe that is why it was especially bad for me.

The two changes I made definitely did make things better. The early morning erection is proof of that. But whether that then gave a confidence surge to cure the problem, I cant say. But there are other dodgy tablets out there which are well known libido killers like water tablets for instance. My point is for men to examine their medication as well as look at other factors if there could be a problem. Getting older is not always the reason for sex drive problems!

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Gary, the 2% figure for Amlodipine affecting your sex drive is generally thought to be on the low side. For me in the side affects for Amlodipine, erection problems are in the same sentence as enlargement of the breasts in men. And sadly, as the doctor pointed out, you can see some breast enlargement! Also, I had terrible ankle swelling (oedema), now completely gone. I had back pain, now gone. My sleep is back to normal, the Amlodipine really affects that. There is a problem taking the drug long term so maybe that is why it was especially bad for me.

The two changes I made definitely did make things better. The early morning erection is proof of that. But whether that then gave a confidence surge to cure the problem, I cant say. But there are other dodgy tablets out there which are well known libido killers like water tablets for instance. My point is for men to examine their medication as well as look at other factors if there could be a problem. Getting older is not always the reason for sex drive problems!

I think I will make an appointment with my doctor this weekend. My blood systolic value varies between 117 to 128 on my current dosage so perhaps I could come off it or use something else. As far as I am aware, I am not suffering side effects. However, from my experience with Pseudo-ephedrine, where I suffered from one of the rarest adverse reactions, and my many other drug allergies, a change may be in order.

However, I have heard it said time and time again "that once on hypertension meds, always on hypertension meds".

Edited by GarryP
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