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British academic detained in Thailand after exposing official as plagiarist


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General! Where are you? Here's BLATANT corruption and malfeasance and misuse of position. Not to mention the education corruption side of it.

If you want any credibility, arrest this Supachai immediately, release Dr Ellis immediately with profound apologies and compensation, and send a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated.

I predict that this is another thread in which all TVF members will been in agreement and outraged at this travesty.

Well said: If this stands the country is way down the road to just becoming another S.E. Asian banana republic.

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Very spiteful indeed - Obviously they have lost face so a vindictive counter attack despite being blatently in the wrong is to deport the poor guy... Oh dear Thailand, its about time you admitted that - yes a Thai would do these terrible things and much much more just to save face.

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The problem with refusing deportation on the basis of citizenship (because it grants you absolute right of abode and return) is that the alternative is to jail you. You're a citizen, if they can't find you guilty of an offense which nullifies your citizenship, and thus can't deport you, then they can still make your life miserable.

That said, does anyone think that Dr. Ellis won't find that certain parties come up with an excuse to nullify his citizenship and then compelled, physically if necessary, to board a flight? That's not a bet I'd take.

Edited by Caitrin
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Another Thai 'academic' to be taken seriously.

Another reason for overseas organisations to take Thai education, qualifications ans people seriously.

If they can't even get the basics right...

Quick, time to announce another cure for Ebola. And Aids, And Cancer. They're all bound to be taken seriously and visitors bound to flock to the Thailand 'Medical tourism hub'


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I hope this goes big IN THE MEDIA because it is a perfect example of how the Thai Gov officials are not only corrupt, vindictive, spiteful and plagiarizing work due to their lack of ability. How thailand deals with its own people is always to back them up even if they are wrong, murderes, thieves. they will always back them up purely because Thais stick together. Which is just morally bankrupt.

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The problem with refusing deportation on the basis of citizenship (because it grants you absolute right of abode and return) is that the alternative is to jail you. You're a citizen, if they can't find you guilty of an offense which nullifies your citizenship, and thus can't deport you, then they can still make your life miserable.

That said, does anyone think that Dr. Ellis won't find that certain parties come up with an excuse to nullify his citizenship and then compelled, physically if necessary, to board a flight? That's not a bet I'd take.

Hmmm. If he is a UN consultant as reported, I suspect Thailand will find it's on another no-win donkey ride.

Let's all play the look-bloody-stupid game. Again.

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What a shame for this country.

He didn't do anything wrong, he just blamed and exposed the truth.

The UK Embassy should take some real actions.

In all seriousness, what actions do you think they should take?

How about a strong protest to the top man and ask him to explain the logic of it all

Not necessarily.Ordinarily this guy would be left to his fate but matters have moved on now given the international exposure.In my last post I had not realised he has Thai citizenship.My hunch is that he will be properly looked after now.

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"The authorities attempted to deport Dr Ellis, who has lived in Thailand for 30 years, to Norway from where he arrived, but he refused to leave, according to The Telegraph."

what does it mean he refused to leave?! insolent!

this is up to Thai authorities to decide if he deserves a mercy to live in Thailand. if he is not agree - he can argue with Thai government from the country where he belongs to - Norway.

seems like he forgot that he is just a guest in Thailand and nobody cares how many years he managed to live in here.

Edited by TimmyT
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"The authorities attempted to deport Dr Ellis, who has lived in Thailand for 30 years, to Norway from where he arrived, but he refused to leave, according to The Telegraph."

what does it mean he refused to leave?!

this is up to Thai authorities to decide if he deserve a mercy to live in Thailand. if he is not agree - he can argue with Thai government from the country where he belongs to - Norway.

seems like he forgot that he is just a guest in Thailand and that nobody cares how many years he managed to live here.

When you are deported from Thailand, normally you must arrange your own flight within the conditions stipulated and pay for your own deportation.

If you don't this is "refusing to leave".

Once again, a million posts on loss of face. Certainly this is an aspect but I suspect this is more about a faction attached to the Democrat party gaining control of a government agency and the budget for that agency. In short, face is important but money is much much more important.

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"The authorities attempted to deport Dr Ellis, who has lived in Thailand for 30 years, to Norway from where he arrived, but he refused to leave, according to The Telegraph."

what does it mean he refused to leave?!

this is up to Thai authorities to decide if he deserve a mercy to live in Thailand. if he is not agree - he can argue with Thai government from the country where he belongs to - Norway.

seems like he forgot that he is just a guest in Thailand and that nobody cares how many years he managed to live here.

When you are deported from Thailand, normally you must arrange your own flight within the conditions stipulated and pay for your own deportation.

If you don't this is "refusing to leave".

Once again, a million posts on loss of face. Certainly this is an aspect but I suspect this is more about a faction attached to the Democrat party gaining control of a government agency and the budget for that agency. In short, face is important but money is much much more important.

no way. if you are deported, you should be sent back on expense of the airline which delivered you. this is a rule of IATA. this is included in the air ticket price.

That's why airlines often check if passengers have proper visas.

The authorities attempted to deport Dr Ellis, who has lived in Thailand for 30 years, to Norway from where he arrived, but he refused to leave, according to The Telegraph.
Deportation?. He is a Thai Citizen.

no, he isn't

Edited by TimmyT
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Well, if he's a British journalist, he probably stole the report himself by hacking a mobile phone. Ship him back to the UK where he can join his brothers in arms in jail.

Let's see. You don't like the Brits or the Americans. Do you like yourself?

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror, looked yourself in the eye and said; 'I really love you and everything you stand for'.

Have you ever done that? Just curious.

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Can you imagine what would happen when, say, the NCPO would have to, seriously, examine in depth the validity of the degrees from all the officials, MPs, a.s.o. in the land, whose function requires the possession of such a degree? What percentage would in your opinion been found genuine and spotless? When there would, ever, be results which could not be hidden under the country's biggest rock (...?), this would, IMO, indeed form a major treath to the whole 'system' ruling over the regular population. So, excuse me, but the accusation made against Dr. Ellis, is, seen with local glasses, technically, correct: he is a treath to national security, and, being such, on the other hand, is the most evident sign of the poor state of affairs this country has to live in for the sake, and wealth, of fewer than 2% of its nationals...

Bottomline will indeed be: will the present Thai executive power, now, at last, do something this situation, in a positive way I mean, coming up unisono in favour(!) of Dr. Ellis?Alas, I doubt it.

N.B.: this is, by far, not a Thailand-only problem, I remember many cases of plagiarism and usurpation, in many countries over the world, also first-world ones; one of the largest remaining in my memory is about that citizen from a very large Asian country who became one of the top-top UN officials, and remained so many years long, in an autoritarian way, at the helm of one of the UN's most important departments, while, all of, his, several, university degrees, among which an MD one, were total fakes...

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"The authorities attempted to deport Dr Ellis, who has lived in Thailand for 30 years, to Norway from where he arrived, but he refused to leave, according to The Telegraph."

what does it mean he refused to leave?!

this is up to Thai authorities to decide if he deserve a mercy to live in Thailand. if he is not agree - he can argue with Thai government from the country where he belongs to - Norway.

seems like he forgot that he is just a guest in Thailand and that nobody cares how many years he managed to live here.

Deportation?. He is a Thai Citizen.

no, he isn't

melting pot provided a link to a published news article stating that he is a Thai citizen. If you want to contest that, saying "no he isn't" is not adequate. Please provide your contradictory evidence.

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What we intend to forget. Is we have first world standards. Enough said!

1st or 3rd world there is still a big difference between right and wrong. The defamation cases are to try and hide and justify the wrong that they know they have committed.

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After watching the video it just confirms what a sad and pathetic bunch they are.

Can any of them make a worthwhile contribution to their society?

No, but to be fair that was never the reason they took office anyway..coffee1.gif

Head in the trough with the other pigs, a life of dissatisfaction as there is always somebody with more.

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Deportation?. He is a Thai Citizen.

no, he isn't

You are correct..

...investigation of my Thai citizenship...

dosen't necessarily mean he is.

His wife definitely is a Thai Citizen according to:


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This is one of the reasons I'm so skeptical about ANY Thai qualifications - it is prety much accepted that plagiarism is commonplace in many if not most Thai academic establishments and people leave with

doctorates that aren't worth the paper they were copied onto.........

If this is the case it is certain that medical training would be no exception to this practice....yet people continue to have faith in anyone with a white coat......

...it would seem that it is so ingrained in thai culture that any attempt to expose it would as they say in the OP be seen as "threatening Thai society", which appears to be willingly based on this falsehood

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I wonder what penalties the university should face for granted a phd to a plagiarist and then defending it or hiding it? In a way this a golden moment to keep the tide of honesty moving jn the right direction. Keep washing out the corrupt, vindictive, small minded losers who slow down positive change. I hope they will grant Mr. Ellis citizenship by way of apology.


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