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Convicted British pedophile is heard on appeal

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The Court of Appeal in Phnom Penh yesterday heard the case of an English national previously sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually assaulting four young girls last year, though a final verdict has been delayed by the judge until September 17.

Michael Glyn Jones, 54, yesterday told the court that while he gave money and food to the four girls, street children aged 6 to 11 years old, he had never touched them in a sexual way.

“I admit that I touched the girls, but I did it in a fatherly way and had no bad intentions,” he said. “I tried to explain to the judge at the lower court, but he did not listen to me.

read more: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/convicted-pedophile-heard-appeal


Maybe because you're a liar. 8-years you're going to be touched and it won't feel Fatherly. You'll probably like it.

Recap, you're in Cambodia from God knows where and you're touching young girls. I thought I was stupid.


8 years for a bit of groping , ridiculous ! Run them over drunk , blame it on alcohol , show some remorse and do no time.

I assume you are not serious or if you are I think we can reasonably assume you are of the same type as this guy.


there may be another side to this story can you imagine if he did not touch the girls in that way and in a foreign country and not speak the langue and they just say your guilty and that's the end of it.


8 years for a bit of groping , ridiculous ! Run them over drunk , blame it on alcohol , show some remorse and do no time.

Are you serious?You should get the same as that rockspider ,,,, getting skinned alive and doused in acid,,,see if you like that kind of groping ,you filth.


8 years for a bit of groping , ridiculous ! Run them over drunk , blame it on alcohol , show some remorse and do no time.

Are you serious?You should get the same as that rockspider ,,,, getting skinned alive and doused in acid,,,see if you like that kind of groping ,you filth.

I don't think you understand my post. It's about punishment. You kill or maim a couple of kids while drunk driving , you get off light. You put your hands in their pants and get 8 years in a Cambodian prison ?


there may be another side to this story can you imagine if he did not touch the girls in that way and in a foreign country and not speak the langue and they just say your guilty and that's the end of it.

He's already been found guilty...this is the appeal.

Can you imagine a normal 54 year old British man travelling half way around the world, to a foreign country, known as a magnet for pedophiles, where he can't speak the language, and by his own admission has touched little children in "a fatherly way"?

Cut his nuts off and shove them down his throat then watch until he either chokes or bleeds to death. Job done.thumbsup.gif

Until you have had experience with this scum you will never know how it affects people for life. In a lot of cases moe than one person for life, and I don't mean only the person molested/raped.


Meanwhile, in Thailand young underage boys and girls are used as sex objects to the benefit of sex traffickers and calloused family members...if they get caught...the children are just moved to a new venue...the pervs, family, and traffickers seldom do jail time...this is Thailand...


He " touched the girls ".....that's not really normal behaviour, I have given many times to people in similar circumstances, touching was never a part of it.....he admits to touching them, guess it all depends on the manner of his " touch"


English national previously sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually assaulting four young girls last year

Hardly just touching in my opinion. Sexual assault is the PC way of saying raped.


8 years for a bit of groping , ridiculous ! Run them over drunk , blame it on alcohol , show some remorse and do no time.

You really think he molested just one child in Cambodia? probably 100's and you try to normalize this by suggesting its just a bit of groping. Your as bad as he is


Here is a question, would any of you want TV readers on a jury in a court case of yours?

Are you kidding ? The PC hang 'em high posse with no sence of perspective ?

Just stating that a sentence is too hash , equates you to being as bad or worse than the perpetrator ?


Meanwhile, in Thailand young underage boys and girls are used as sex objects to the benefit of sex traffickers and calloused family members...if they get caught...the children are just moved to a new venue...the pervs, family, and traffickers seldom do jail time...this is Thailand...

You have evidence of this?

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