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Jealous Thai husband brutally murders wife in Samut Prakan shopping mall

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Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

Take a look at the video before you make statements like that.

Well it looks like a lot of people did get involved but sadly not while he had her in a headlock in the early stages..

I saw one guy not assisting whatsoever, but getting a few kicks in for whatever reason, and then walking off.

The woman had already made the right decision, sad she wasn't able to stay clear of him.

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This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

Are you going to be the first one in?


What a Neanderthal and pre historic thinking.. just because he thinks she's with another man, the irony now is that

HE HIMSELF going to be with another men for the rest of his life....

Ezza,never fails with his thoughts on life in gaol in Thailand.So predictable.


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

I've seen the video on LiveLeak. Bystanders and mall workers were all over him, but too late to stop him delivering the fatal blows with a knife. (The guy looks hopped up on yaba).

Yes he looks like he's either on yabba or speed. Maybe thats why she left him in the first place. High on drugs & violent. Poor lady & her children will now have to live without a mother. I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest way & hope he gets hat he deserves in a nice cell with other men for the rest of his natural life.


It was a fair assumption to make based on the fact that the article made no mention whatsoever of people intervening.

As I say, i'm encouraged by humanity to hear that people did try to help, although obviously saddened that it was ultimately to no avail.

And I still have no need or desire to watch the video. If it means not having a complete and full account of exactly what happened, so be it.

wow look at you trying to save face at any cost.

There were 2 videos. One from the cctv didn't show any violence just a bunch of people on top of someone.

as for you claiming you just read the article what is this that i have quoted from the article?

"The attack only stopped when shoppers apprehended Jaipuk until police and medics arrived a short time late"

This means that people did intervene.

Anyway for you to actually try to imply that the other guy is sick because he watched the video and asked you to watch it too to prove a point which has absolutely nothing to do with the stabbing which is to show that you were wrong in assuming nobody helped is well just low. You actually changed it around to try to imply he's sick for watching the video as it is "horrific" in your words and try to save face. Anyway it seems like you don't really know how to read too apparently because the article itself mentioned bystanders did help as i have already quoted.

Calm down.

Let's start from the beginning. When I read the article there were two sentences that struck me. The first one was:

"The horrific incident took place in broad daylight at Big C in Phra Pradaeng as horrified shoppers looked on."

Killing ​someone with a pretty small knife isn't likely to be a quick business, Broad daylight in a Big C. Horrified shoppers looking on. My thoughts from these facts were simply to lament that nobody had been able to intervene - and by intervene I mean to have prevented her from being killed. I really wasn't judging anyone, as I wasn't there, I don't know how quickly it happened, I don't know how long the horrified shoppers looked on, I don't know a lot of the details. I also have no idea how I would react in this situation. To those who ask whether I would be the first in, that's a good question. I really don't know. I guess we all would like to think we would but until put to the test, do we really know? So I really wasn't judging, just lamenting.

I admit I missed the sentence further down the article that mentioned about some shoppers aiding in the arrest. That's great to hear.

The other sentence from the article that struck me was this one:

The murder was graphically seen on the shopping mall CCTV, and the video has gone viral on social networks within Thailand.

The question I asked myself upon reading this was why exactly do people feel the need or desire to watch a video like this. I read the story and saw the still frame image and that was enough information for me to understand the horror of what this poor woman went through in the final minutes of her life. I just don't understand what makes people want to watch videos like this. Those who took affront on behalf of the people who did step in to help, after my comments lamenting the lack of intervention, need not have told me to watch the video, but rather could have just said in reply, "some people did try to help but it was too late", to which I would have responded with "good on those brave people... shame their help was in vain".


How do girl's get involved with deadbeat looking bums like him??? Now there are 3 young kids who have to be bought up by the grandparents or other family. sad.png


You wonder if the murderous rage was fueled by some alcohol and or some Yaa Baa ...as that is commonly the case.

This sort of event happens more frequently in the so called civilized countries....but still how can society prevent this sort of occurrence from happening again.

What to do??? What to do???



Thai male maturity stops around age 12, and this is the result.

Sadly this is not just a Thai male problem. There are many men around the world who think that when they marry a woman she becomes their property to do with whatever they want.

I can imagine that one of her reasons for leaving him was that he was violent, I would bet every penny I own that this wasn't the first time. Of course this would never cross his mind, couldn't possibly be him, he had to blame it on another man.

Men like this rarely change, he needs to be locked up for life to prevent him doing it to some other lady in the future.

My heart breaks for the victim and their children. What a sad world we live in. sad.png

Definitely not just a Thai problem, front page of the Courier Mail in Brisbane today is all about three women killed in domestic disputes in public in the last four days in Queensland.


hey armchair warriors

how many of you would intervene if the guy is stabbing someone to death ?

you gonna risk to get stabbed to death yourself, in front of your wife & kids ?

i thnk not

so what shopping mall was this ? not so many ... cannot be names ? seacon square ? paradise ? mega bagna ?


It is not the first time I read of such attacks (and probably not the last) but I am still amazed by the sheer viciousness and brutality these attacks are carried out.

When you have been here longer, and understand more about the effect of Thai culture on the individual Thai psychological make up, you will be less amazed.

One can only be thankful that one hasn't been unfortunate enough to have been born a Thai in Thailand.


hey armchair warriors

how many of you would intervene if the guy is stabbing someone to death ?

Difficult to say, but I would like to think that my instinctive reaction, if he was on top of her and the situation presented itself, that I would give him a full-force kick into the face and head, hopefully followed by another couple before he could react and get up.


hey armchair warriors

how many of you would intervene if the guy is stabbing someone to death ?

you gonna risk to get stabbed to death yourself, in front of your wife & kids ?

i thnk not

so what shopping mall was this ? not so many ... cannot be names ? seacon square ? paradise ? mega bagna ?

I am sure you read the initial report and just overlooked this tiny detail.whistling.gif

Big C in Phra Pradaeng


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

I've seen the video on LiveLeak. Bystanders and mall workers were all over him, but too late to stop him delivering the fatal blows with a knife. (The guy looks hopped up on yaba).

I watched three videos on stickboy and you're correct. No one could have saved her. He got the fatal blows in before anyone had time to react. Poor girl didn't have a chance. Hopefully this loser gets what's coming to him.

hey armchair warriors

how many of you would intervene if the guy is stabbing someone to death ?

you gonna risk to get stabbed to death yourself, in front of your wife & kids ?

i thnk not

so what shopping mall was this ? not so many ... cannot be names ? seacon square ? paradise ? mega bagna ?

Happened to quick to react. She was gone in seconds. Unfortunately no one could've saved her.

Will he get more than the Brit who had 200 xtc tablets for sale along the beach (50 year prison sentence) ?

Unfortunately I think not.

Fortuntely, I am sure that real justice will be served in some way. Either by police or inmates paid to.

I'm sure that in such cases the police aren't too slow to turn a blind eye if the family come along with envelopes a few months down the line.


Will he get more than the Brit who had 200 xtc tablets for sale along the beach (50 year prison sentence) ?

Unfortunately I think not.

Fortuntely, I am sure that real justice will be served in some way. Either by police or inmates paid to.

I'm sure that in such cases the police aren't too slow to turn a blind eye if the family come along with envelopes a few months down the line.

Ironically, he could file "mentally ill" and "need for mentally-ill-treatment-mercy-nercy-sorta-patient" as a mega XXXXcuse to let him walk less than a year


If a wife wants to separate from her Thai husband she should hire security first, or just move away from the city. Not the first time this happened. RIP.


The prosecution also should do some research into Jaipuk's own background. If it is found that he maintained two or three "mia nois" or "gigs" during his marriage, his eventual sentence should be doubled. because he "punished" his wife for allegedly doing exactly what he might have been doing all along. Still, the pair had already separated, so she had every right to see another man if she wanted to.

Despite all my years in Thailand I am still frequently shocked about how brutal many of these supposed Buddhists can be. Particularly males - besides being emotionally immature even at advanced age, never having learned to control their feelings - seem to be walking pressure cookers ready to go off at the slightest provocation, imagined or real.

And to the Thai apologists: Yes, we all know that such cases can and do happen in other countries, too. But that still doesn't change the fact that Thailand has one of the highest homicide rates globally.

And to the authorities, including assorted army and police generals: Here is proof again that your nationalistically skewed theory "Thais could never do that" is fundamentally wrong, because "Thais do that" on a daily basis to one another.

You not wrong about Thai behaviour..Particularly males. So many cases about the vicious Thais killing people for even get little angry...their mind must be something wrong. They don't know how to control the feeling and also all about face...and they kill you


A couple of off topic posts and a reply have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.



This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.


sick.gifsick.gif1zgarz5.gifangry.pngangry.png What a grueling sight...


If a wife wants to separate from her Thai husband she should hire security first, or just move away from the city. Not the first time this happened. RIP.

Great idea, How do you do this and feed children on 300baht a day.


Another tragic ending, all because of jealousy. So sad and happens all too often.

And anyone who uses that stupid term "Thainess" has a similar mentality to the moron who killed his ex. thumbsup.gif

ehhh.... who made you the peoples word police . you are a bully for sure calling people names before a word police violation happens ......my my do you smack your other half for what she may think about you in the future ? ehhh..... maybe you should , i do not think she will think anything good about you ..... i give you a double TSK TSK ....


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.


sick.gifsick.gif1zgarz5.gifangry.pngangry.png What a grueling sight...

so sad , at a loss for words ..........

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.


sick.gifsick.gif1zgarz5.gifangry.pngangry.png What a grueling sight...

so sad , at a loss for words ..........

Seven isn't too bad.

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