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Jealous Thai husband brutally murders wife in Samut Prakan shopping mall

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hey armchair warriors

how many of you would intervene if the guy is stabbing someone to death ?

you gonna risk to get stabbed to death yourself, in front of your wife & kids ?

i thnk not

so what shopping mall was this ? not so many ... cannot be names ? seacon square ? paradise ? mega bagna ?

Well...if a person was thinking......you could always make a fast charge on the man with a swift "boot to the head" or to the mans torso as you go

flying by...... instead of trying to disarm him while in close contact or confronting him face to face.

You see in the CCTV videos that soon enough several Thai men did intervene....but not soon enough unfortunately.



If a wife wants to separate from her Thai husband she should hire security first, or just move away from the city. Not the first time this happened. RIP.

Great idea, How do you do this and feed children on 300baht a day.

Unfortunately she can't escape unless family members will support her. In other countries we have organizations that will help ,but I doubt such assistance exists in Thailand.


If he becomes a monk can he have his punishment reduced? Not trolling, serious question.

Only if by any chance he has VIP relations that can "testify that he is mentally ill, that it's the mentall illness that's to blame for his crazy outbursts"


Terrible and shocking. Despite him having the knife, I feel that people watch these incidents passively and totally non-reactive most of the time. Hope the tide starts to change with minor acts of domestic violence too - people acting to do the right thing as opposed to the traditional thing (avoid loss of face or causing loss of face to others). What an awful tragedy that should* have national

Reform ramifications


Jumping in to break up a fight between two lovers has often Ended in both of them turning on the third party...

I watched the video and they're was not much chance of anyone else stopping it faster imo

He stabbed her in the initial seconds of the fight before everyone had time to disarm and restrain him

I've worked in the security and self defence industry and if you are that close to someone with a knife the victim has not much chance.... Esp as he's a man and she is a woman

After the Thais realised what was happening, they did jump in, credit where credit is due, but unfortunately the mortal wounds were already done by that time and all they could do was give him a few kicks when it was too late to save the girl


Where hes going hes going to end up with a bottom like the British ambassador's boy friend

How would you know, you been there

Been to jail or visited the ambassadors boy friends rear entrance? :)


If a wife wants to separate from her Thai husband she should hire security first, or just move away from the city. Not the first time this happened. RIP.

Great idea, How do you do this and feed children on 300baht a day.

Unfortunately she can't escape unless family members will support her. In other countries we have organizations that will help ,but I doubt such assistance exists in Thailand.

Although the domestic violence situation is dire, there is help available, if people can manage to access it.

Additional links:


http://www.violence.in.th/publicweb/ (This website is in Thai language only)


Hardly unique to Thailand. A close friend of mine at college in the U.K. back in 1992 went home to discover his road sealed off by the police. His father had defied a court order banning him from coming within 200 yards of my friend's mother after they had a messy divorce. That night he stalked his ex-wife on the way home from a game of bingo and smashed her head with a rock multiple times until her features were unrecognizable.

That was in England. This was in Thailand. Same sick world.

Damn these english people. His dad didn't want to lose face and decided to bash in his ex wife's head. What a child like mentality. Your poor friend lost both his parents. British parenting at its best.


It was a fair assumption to make based on the fact that the article made no mention whatsoever of people intervening.

As I say, i'm encouraged by humanity to hear that people did try to help, although obviously saddened that it was ultimately to no avail.

And I still have no need or desire to watch the video. If it means not having a complete and full account of exactly what happened, so be it.

wow look at you trying to save face at any cost.

There were 2 videos. One from the cctv didn't show any violence just a bunch of people on top of someone.

as for you claiming you just read the article what is this that i have quoted from the article?

"The attack only stopped when shoppers apprehended Jaipuk until police and medics arrived a short time late"

This means that people did intervene.

Anyway for you to actually try to imply that the other guy is sick because he watched the video and asked you to watch it too to prove a point which has absolutely nothing to do with the stabbing which is to show that you were wrong in assuming nobody helped is well just low. You actually changed it around to try to imply he's sick for watching the video as it is "horrific" in your words and try to save face. Anyway it seems like you don't really know how to read too apparently because the article itself mentioned bystanders did help as i have already quoted.

Calm down.

Let's start from the beginning. When I read the article there were two sentences that struck me. The first one was:

"The horrific incident took place in broad daylight at Big C in Phra Pradaeng as horrified shoppers looked on."

Killing ​someone with a pretty small knife isn't likely to be a quick business, Broad daylight in a Big C. Horrified shoppers looking on. My thoughts from these facts were simply to lament that nobody had been able to intervene - and by intervene I mean to have prevented her from being killed. I really wasn't judging anyone, as I wasn't there, I don't know how quickly it happened, I don't know how long the horrified shoppers looked on, I don't know a lot of the details. I also have no idea how I would react in this situation. To those who ask whether I would be the first in, that's a good question. I really don't know. I guess we all would like to think we would but until put to the test, do we really know? So I really wasn't judging, just lamenting.

I admit I missed the sentence further down the article that mentioned about some shoppers aiding in the arrest. That's great to hear.

The other sentence from the article that struck me was this one:

The murder was graphically seen on the shopping mall CCTV, and the video has gone viral on social networks within Thailand.

The question I asked myself upon reading this was why exactly do people feel the need or desire to watch a video like this. I read the story and saw the still frame image and that was enough information for me to understand the horror of what this poor woman went through in the final minutes of her life. I just don't understand what makes people want to watch videos like this. Those who took affront on behalf of the people who did step in to help, after my comments lamenting the lack of intervention, need not have told me to watch the video, but rather could have just said in reply, "some people did try to help but it was too late", to which I would have responded with "good on those brave people... shame their help was in vain".

I have a good reply to this.

What's the first reaction of anyone when something unexpected like that happens? They look on in horror. You say oh why didn't they actually prevent him from killing her. Well they didn't know he would stab her would they? The only person who knew would be the husband himself. This occured unexpectedly and out of a sudden.

The problem is if you simply took this sentence by itself and didn't read the rest of the article well yes you can come up with the conclusion that hey nobody helped just by that sentence alone. The problem is you did read the entire article so by simply nitpicking and using that one sentence as an excuse.

Next you ask why didn't they intervene to prevent her from being killed and play the part of the doctor by saying oh a small knife even though it didn't mention what size the knife he carried was. She didn't die while being stabbed she died later in hospital. Sometimes a person can be stabbed only once say in an artery and then die or be stabbed multiple times and not die. The point is you're now trying to add in new ridiculous conditions just to save face because you made the assumption that nobody stepped in to help when it was mentioned in the article and shown in the video in which you refused to view even accusing the person you told you to view it as sick. FYI the video seen from the cctv angle doesn't show any gore at all. Just a bunch of [people surrounding the husband. The passerby video only shows the gory part later. In the first part you see a number of men dragging the husband off the wife in which you could have stopped watching it.

As for your morality issue with it being "graphically seen on cctv who do you think watches cctv videos? Security guards. They watched it as they need to. It's the same all over the world.

The fact that you wrote such an essay when you could have simply posted i made a wrong assumption shows some type of ego issues at play.


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

Nobody is forced to be with anybody. People (including women) are allowed to come and go as they please. Get over this idea that women are personal property.

"Nobody is forced to be with anybody????????"

"People (including women) are allowed to come and go as they please" ???????

How incredibly naive are you actually ??????

I guess you never lived in a Muslim environment.....


The man in question on the Videos was high on Yabba, Or it was still in his system ,

I can speak from Experience, My Now Thai wife, met a Guy at school as most Thai girls do, She was with him 15 years in that time she had two children, One boy and one

girl, He mercilessly beat her many times, after her handing her wages over after a week's work so he could go drinking and get drunk, because the idle bastard would not


After a few stitches and broken ribs, and a couple of chipped teeth over the years, she had had enough, She finally plucked up courage to go to the Police, They told her

that it was a family matter and they would not intervene. He beat her up again for going to the police, undeterred she went back to the Police after getting out of hospital, still

with bandages and bruises on her body face and arms from the attack, They went immediately to arrest him, he spent the night in the monkey house as they call it. They let

him out at midday the next day while My now wife was at work, trying to earn a living to feed her two children, A girl 18 months old and a four year old boy. The Thai man's

response to being arrested, was to give her children away, while she was at work, Again the police did nothing, She spent the next six years trying to find her children, We

finally found them and are now living at My wifes house, that was 8 years ago now. This case is not unique, There are many case like this, there are not many places that

will help a Thai female in distress becasue Thais will not get involved, Even while my wife was being beaten in the streets outside where she lived, nobody would get

involved, their business or not my business was said many times, That's the Thai attitude If you know anyhting about Thailand and its customs.

Hopefuly that is changing, Sexisim as rife Still in Thailand today.


I'm surprised in a nation where 9 out of 10 women tell you they're single that something like this doesn't happen more often. And before I catch Hell for that, have you ever seen any of the karaoke videos? At least half of the songs seem to be about infidelity.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

Certainly NOT the woman's fault!.. jealous unhinged freaks are just jealous unhinged freaks!!!.. relationships end.. shed a few tears maybe, hide away broken-hearted and feeling sorry for yourself a little while, if you must (not forgetting the kiddies!).. but, for sure, as somebody has already said, GET OVER IT!!!.. A real shame somebody didn't take his head off with a serious, well aimed and timely, KICK (or seven!!), instead of trying to 'wrestle' a knife wielding maniac by the shoulders!!! The guy was knelt down on her, back turned and on the floor for God's sake!!!.. Might not seem a smart move, here in Thailand, risking jail.. but what else do you do? Watch a woman (anyone, really!) die like that right in front of you, don't make any proper effort to stop it, and so have to live with THAT KNOWLEDGE the rest of your life??? wai.gif


I have a good reply to this.

What's the first reaction of anyone when something unexpected like that happens? They look on in horror. You say oh why didn't they actually prevent him from killing her. Well they didn't know he would stab her would they? The only person who knew would be the husband himself. This occured unexpectedly and out of a sudden.

The problem is if you simply took this sentence by itself and didn't read the rest of the article well yes you can come up with the conclusion that hey nobody helped just by that sentence alone. The problem is you did read the entire article so by simply nitpicking and using that one sentence as an excuse.

Next you ask why didn't they intervene to prevent her from being killed and play the part of the doctor by saying oh a small knife even though it didn't mention what size the knife he carried was. She didn't die while being stabbed she died later in hospital. Sometimes a person can be stabbed only once say in an artery and then die or be stabbed multiple times and not die. The point is you're now trying to add in new ridiculous conditions just to save face because you made the assumption that nobody stepped in to help when it was mentioned in the article and shown in the video in which you refused to view even accusing the person you told you to view it as sick. FYI the video seen from the cctv angle doesn't show any gore at all. Just a bunch of [people surrounding the husband. The passerby video only shows the gory part later. In the first part you see a number of men dragging the husband off the wife in which you could have stopped watching it.

As for your morality issue with it being "graphically seen on cctv who do you think watches cctv videos? Security guards. They watched it as they need to. It's the same all over the world.

The fact that you wrote such an essay when you could have simply posted i made a wrong assumption shows some type of ego issues at play.

Going round in circles here. I have already explained that i was simply expressing sorrow at how a man was able to stab a woman to death in broad daylight in a shopping mall. I was lamenting that nobody was able, for whatever reason, to intervene and save her life. I find that sad. That's all. If you want to argue about that any further, or misconstrue my words any more, you can do so with yourself.
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