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Stack of money - 1000 baht bills replaced with 100 baht bills after sleep over


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Had someone stay for the night, next morning woke up and brought him to motorbike taxi, returned to my home and had 12k baht in my wallet, counted my money and turned out that in the middle of the pack 4 bills of 1000 baht were replaced with 4 bills of 100 baht.

Went back to the motorbike taxi stand and asked where he took him, which he told me, so drove there and demanded my money back which I got. Had to threat with police as the guy is from Myanmar without a proper visa I think. Wasn't the first time he slept with me and don't think he ever stole from me before so I kind of trusted him, well guess people change.

So that seems to be the new trick, replacing bills, or maybe it's an old trick, anyhow, best to count your money properly or putting your money in a safe if you have one (I don't have one but will buy one soon). I had money stolen before though never sure as sometimes too drunk and it's easy to mistake when they only take a 1000 baht or so after a long night out, but now it was quite obvious cause of those 4*100 baht bills in the middle of the stack.

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