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Labour elects far-left leader in British politics shake-up

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Following this historic result he now has a mandate, which I and a huge number of others believe in and voters can now look at Labour and see, unquestionably, that it stands for fairness, justice, peace and strong communities. It is the party of hope, ready to take on a government hell-bent on making life worse for ordinary people. He will stop the UK from continuing to join more false flag wars, ending up bombing civilians and selling arms to countries who bomb, bomb and bomb, in particular Israel, that's why the right wingers are terrified. He will be able to provide new direction which is just and fairer not only for Britain but the world at large. The world is in desperate need for such a leader. Wish Jeremy all the success rather than be negative. I am sure his selection to lead one of the biggest Political parties in Europe means a lot and will have today raised the morale of the poor destitute victims of the War on Terror. Scripted and produced by the power across the Atlantic and their selfish Zionist Israel and Zionist Royal Saudi Allies. These three powers need to be reined in because they have corrupted the world and turned it into a very dangerous place. Jeremy's election has sent out a strong message the people reject the wars and their violent and corrupted version of Capitalism. U.S. is old enough and strong enough to look after its interests without turning the world up side down. It is all becoming too much for the poor of this world to bear the burden of Wars to safeguard some imaginary fears of US, Israelis and Saudis.

You have a lot more trust in government than I do. I'll never trust or turn everything over to any government. Great Britain became great via capitalism and individual incentive. It became a wealthy nation but it's losing it after embracing socialism. Every decade it gets worse until the blind want to go all in for what has weakened it.

Good luck. You'll need it.

Embracing socialism? Hahaha. You are totally clueless. If you really believe this you must be somewhere to the right of Attila The Hun! Which, of course, reading your posts you are! But carry on, you are a source of great amusement to many of us. God help the world if a POTUS with your reactionary, not to say ignorant, views wins the US Presidential election. You do realise that to the vast majority of the civilized world your view of things is a source of great hilarity? Sadly probably not. Never mind, keep it up, someone has to do it!

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24 things that Jeremy Corbyn believes


I would struggle to find fault with any of those proposals.

I thought the bit about every child having a musical instrument available to him/her a bit odd.

I seem to recall something a few years ago about school funding shortages meaning that some local education departments required that parents who wanted their children to play a musical instrument had to pay for the lessons; maybe this is what he was getting at - removal of the barriers to education that some poorer children face?


Thats blown labour chances of ever getting into government with him at the helm.

Yep ! as if Labour hadn't enough problems they went and shot themselves in the foot,actually the similarity with Michael Foot is staggering!

seeing his atitude when a sky news reporter tried to talk to him i dont think he will last till the next election.


In the referendum I really wanted Scotland to remain in the union, but now I'm sick of the whinging from north of the border, the sooner you go the better.

Me too, sick of the whining that is, especially that loud mouthed, cackling old dog. I just want them out and on their own (all of us, quite frankly, screw the UK), we'll soon see who needs who. Scottish oil? lol. Was that 1.5% GDP? They can keep it and the Eng can withhold the massive subsidy. There is oil and gas in English waters too, not to mention the massive onland caches.

I believe that this 'election' result will further splinter the left wing of the party and Corbyn will become an attractive voice for the far left (and perhaps members of the Socialist Workers party).

RIP Labour.

The SWP will view Corbyn as a stalking horse for the Full Monty. Corbyn himself is more Orthodox Trotskyism Lite and comes from a background which saw the USSR as a Workers State to be defended to the end, so those who view him as something 'new' are deluding themselves. His politics are as moth-eaten as the clothes he wears.


In the referendum I really wanted Scotland to remain in the union, but now I'm sick of the whinging from north of the border, the sooner you go the better.

Me too, sick of the whining that is, especially that loud mouthed, cackling old dog. I just want them out and on their own (all of us, quite frankly, screw the UK), we'll soon see who needs who. Scottish oil? lol. Was that 1.5% GDP? They can keep it and the Eng can withhold the massive subsidy. There is oil and gas in English waters too, not to mention the massive onland caches.

Anybody else notice how Yvette Cooper morphed into Nicola Sturgeon during the Labour leadership campaign? That same reedy smile, stumbling along towards the TV cameras in those same excessively high heeled shoes and wearing the same bland two piece outfit. She must have thought it was a winning formula because she definitely raided her wardrobe somewhere along the way.


This is the man who described Hamas and Hezbollah as " my friends " and bemoan Bin laden death as 'a tragedy',,

good luck to you

UK with a such a mutter as a PM if he gets elected..... in any case he's not much worse than the out going Milliband who

himself was a hard lefty...

The most worrying thing about this from a UK perspective is Corbyn has laid down with so many dogs his fleas are visible from miles away, yet his supporters seem not to care, nor presumably see this as a liability.

He will stop the UK from continuing to join more false flag wars

Yes, that may be a laudable aim, but his preferred method for achieving this -- completely disbanding the British Army -- is the most woo-woo military suggestion since Olaf the Hairy, King of all the Vikings, ordered 10,000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.

As Corbyn said publicly in 2012:

"Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every politician around the world, instead of taking pride in the size of their Armed Forces, did what the people of Costa Rica have done and abolished their army and took pride in the fact they don’t have an army? And that their country is near the top of the global peace index. Surely that is the way we should be going forward."

He also wants to roll back Britain's anti-terrorist legislation.

There'll be another mass migration if this man ever gets into power -- British nationals fleeing from the UK.


He will stop the UK from continuing to join more false flag wars

Yes, that may be a laudable aim, but his preferred method for achieving this -- completely disbanding the British Army -- is the most woo-woo military suggestion since Olaf the Hairy, King of all the Vikings, ordered 10,000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.

As Corbyn said publicly in 2012:

"Wouldnt it be wonderful if every politician around the world, instead of taking pride in the size of their Armed Forces, did what the people of Costa Rica have done and abolished their army and took pride in the fact they dont have an army? And that their country is near the top of the global peace index. Surely that is the way we should be going forward."

He also wants to roll back Britain's anti-terrorist legislation.

There'll be another mass migration if this man ever gets into power -- British nationals fleeing from the UK.

He's got as much chance of getting into power as I have winning slimmer of the year award.


In the referendum I really wanted Scotland to remain in the union, but now I'm sick of the whinging from north of the border, the sooner you go the better.

Me too, sick of the whining that is, especially that loud mouthed, cackling old dog. I just want them out and on their own (all of us, quite frankly, screw the UK), we'll soon see who needs who. Scottish oil? lol. Was that 1.5% GDP? They can keep it and the Eng can withhold the massive subsidy. There is oil and gas in English waters too, not to mention the massive onland caches.

Which massive subsidy would that be? The most recent IFS figures I can find, admittedly from 2013, show that Scotland contributes more per head than the other 3 countries.

I am sorry that our elected leader is not meek, mild and willing to know her (our) place in the union, however I do think that your vitriol is a little excessive - if only the English had elected a leader who actually stood up for them, instead of only standing up for his Bullingdon chums, we might not be in this position.

He will stop the UK from continuing to join more false flag wars

Yes, that may be a laudable aim, but his preferred method for achieving this -- completely disbanding the British Army -- is the most woo-woo military suggestion since Olaf the Hairy, King of all the Vikings, ordered 10,000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.

As Corbyn said publicly in 2012:

"Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every politician around the world, instead of taking pride in the size of their Armed Forces, did what the people of Costa Rica have done and abolished their army and took pride in the fact they don’t have an army? And that their country is near the top of the global peace index. Surely that is the way we should be going forward."

He also wants to roll back Britain's anti-terrorist legislation.

There'll be another mass migration if this man ever gets into power -- British nationals fleeing from the UK.

I think he is correct on both points. His second sentiment may be hopelessly unachievable, what with all the war hungry corporations driving our weak, servile politicians to improve their bottom lines by starting needless wars in far away lands, but it is still a very worthy aspiration. Should not all our politicians aspire for world peace?


This is the man who described Hamas and Hezbollah as " my friends " and bemoan Bin laden death as 'a tragedy',,

good luck to you

UK with a such a mutter as a PM if he gets elected..... in any case he's not much worse than the out going Milliband who

himself was a hard lefty...

Either you did not read the article in question about Bin Laden, or you are also guilty, like the right wing press, of taking his quote way out of context.

If you want to realise how disingenous all this attention grabbing claim is, you can read the fuller explanation here. Otherwise, you can keep repeating the same smear and continue to contribute to the death of reasoned debate.

Should not all our politicians aspire for world peace?

Corbyn's is not an aspiration; it is a policy indication.

Sure, feel-good kumbaya fantasies about "world peace" are wonderful, which is why they are the subject matter for so many childrens' cartoons, but in a world with ISIS, Russia/Ukraine, China/Japan/South Korea, China/ASEAN, al-Qaida, Boko Haram, millions of migrants invading Europe, and even the Falkland Islands (over which Corbyn wishes to cede partial sovereignty, as it happens) a policy for unilateral disarmament is utterly demented.

Should not all our politicians aspire for world peace?

Corbyn's is not an aspiration; it is a policy indication.

Sure, feel-good kumbaya fantasies about "world peace" are wonderful, which is why they are the subject matter for so many childrens' cartoons, but in a world with ISIS, Russia/Ukraine, China/Japan/South Korea, China/ASEAN, al-Qaida, Boko Haram, millions of migrants invading Europe, and even the Falkland Islands (over which Corbyn wishes to cede partial sovereignty, as it happens) a policy for unilateral disarmament is utterly demented.

Can you link to where he states that his defence policy is unilateral disarmament? I have tried and failed to find anything of the sort (I understand that substance is not so important when it comes to bashing the left - lies will do) unless you are referring to his desire to scrap NUCLEAR missiles.

That he supports dialogue over sending our young people out to kill other countries' young people is admirable in my book.

I understand that substance is not so important when it comes to bashing the left - lies will do

Thanks for calling me a liar on such slight acquaintance.

I have tried and failed to find anything of the sort

There is a free Internet service called Google (www.google.com) which is what they call a "search engine". Enter the words "corbyn disband army" (don't include the apostrophes) and it will lead you to the source that I quoted.

I understand that substance is not so important when it comes to bashing the left - lies will do

Thanks for calling me a liar on such slight acquaintance.

I have tried and failed to find anything of the sort

There is a free Internet service called Google (www.google.com) which is what they call a "search engine". Enter the words "corbyn disband army" (don't include the apostrophes) and it will lead you to the source that I quoted.

I did not call you a liar, I wrote that there is a general attitude where if facts don't fit narrative, lies will suffice. If you wish to take umbridge at that, so be it.

But you prove my point if, as I presume, you are referring to the Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail, hardly the news source of choice for anyone who seeks fair and balanced reporting, takes a quote from Corbyn where he said something like 'wouldn't it be wonderful if we lived in a world where we didn't need armies' and twists it into 'Corbyn will disband the army'. I presume that you can see the world of difference between these two statements?

The problem is that many people only read the headlines - as the weirdo Barclay brothers know - so it allows despicable scandal rags like the Mail to imprint these lies in the minds of people who don't delve further into the article.


Thats blown labour chances of ever getting into government with him at the helm.

Yep ! as if Labour hadn't enough problems they went and shot themselves in the foot,actually the similarity with Michael Foot is staggering!

seeing his atitude when a sky news reporter tried to talk to him i dont think he will last till the next election.

This Guy will be 71 at the next Election time to start growing leeks!


I believe that this 'election' result will further splinter the left wing of the party and Corbyn will become an attractive voice for the far left (and perhaps members of the Socialist Workers party).

RIP Labour.

If Corbyn is Labours best Candidate,they don't deserve to win anything!


Thats blown labour chances of ever getting into government with him at the helm.

What is it 70 at the nexy election?

Not much chance of the next erection.

Completely understand why so many people voted for Corbyn. A true non-politician. A man with principles and a belief in doing the right thing. Much of which means that he has no chance whatsoever in being elected in Britain. I think this was a massive "we are sick of the snivelling, lying, corrupt politicians who have completely screwed up the country".

Truth is socialism just doesn't work in a capitalist country like England. Blair knew that so dumped all the traditional socialist principles and swept to victory. The rise in Corbynism is a huge protest vote but unfortunately will not end well.

But anyway, Blair was a disgrace to social democracy. He was like an obedient follower of Bush; and thus has plenty of blood in his hands regarding the disintegration of Iraq; and in causing Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism to increase in the Middle East and elsewhere.


A British political observer has suggested that most of the people who voted for Corbyn have very little idea what they're getting:

What has happened to the Labour Party is the direct result of twenty years of pro-Marxist Liberal-Progressive education in our schools and universities. When young people, heads filled wall-to-wall with such relentless doctrine, are finally given the chance to act on their nascent activism they will of course vote for the ‘virtue signalling’ party; the fact that Corbyn comes from a different age, an age most Blairite centrists had hoped was long since dead and buried, is completely lost on these young people.
They can’t understand what Corbyn represents beyond sloganeering in favour of ‘refugees’, ‘anti-austerity’ and ‘smash the rich!’. That’s what they voted him in for.
Corbyn’s victory is what happens when the Law of Unintended Consequences takes full effect – this time in spectacular fashion. It’s a clear sign that filling young people’s heads with vacuous socialist propaganda for the entirety of their lives can actually produce some very unexpected, but strangely logical, outcomes.

A British political observer has suggested that most of the people who voted for Corbyn have very little idea what they're getting:

What has happened to the Labour Party is the direct result of twenty years of pro-Marxist Liberal-Progressive education in our schools and universities. When young people, heads filled wall-to-wall with such relentless doctrine, are finally given the chance to act on their nascent activism they will of course vote for the ‘virtue signalling’ party; the fact that Corbyn comes from a different age, an age most Blairite centrists had hoped was long since dead and buried, is completely lost on these young people.
They can’t understand what Corbyn represents beyond sloganeering in favour of ‘refugees’, ‘anti-austerity’ and ‘smash the rich!’. That’s what they voted him in for.
Corbyn’s victory is what happens when the Law of Unintended Consequences takes full effect – this time in spectacular fashion. It’s a clear sign that filling young people’s heads with vacuous socialist propaganda for the entirety of their lives can actually produce some very unexpected, but strangely logical, outcomes.

I am in my mid 40s - Thatcherism was already entrenched in the country before I had an understanding of politics. In fact, my first experience of Thatcher's policies was the withdrawal of my morning glass of milk in primary school. All through my schooling I felt the impact of a right wing government and what seemed to be an attack on education, and on the working man. Since then we have had Tory-lite then Tories caged, now we have Tory-max - and I honestly believe that our country is more feral, more selfish and more run-down than I can ever remember. The centre right has dominated British politics all my life and they have made a right royal mess of it. Where is the proof that policies of the left cannot work in a modern Britain?

EDIT: Please also credit your commentator, otherwise it has as much validity as my ramblings.

Where is the proof that policies of the left cannot work in a modern Britain?

I'm sure Leftism could succeed in modern Britain.

In fact, if Communism had been nurtured first in the UK rather than in Russia, it would probably have succeeded.

After all, British people don't seem to mind shabby clothes, bad food, rubbish cars, endless queues and shortages, and terrible public transport and services, and they have the happy ability to make jokes about the people in power in a way that does not threaten their authority.

I understand that substance is not so important when it comes to bashing the left - lies will do

Thanks for calling me a liar on such slight acquaintance.

I have tried and failed to find anything of the sort

There is a free Internet service called Google (www.google.com) which is what they call a "search engine". Enter the words "corbyn disband army" (don't include the apostrophes) and it will lead you to the source that I quoted.
He only needs to follow the Swedish blueprint of national suicide to formulate defense policy. Sweden has now but 6% of the army it once had.
Where is the proof that policies of the left cannot work in a modern Britain?

I'm sure Leftism could succeed in modern Britain.

In fact, if Communism had been nurtured first in the UK rather than in Russia, it would probably have succeeded.

After all, British people don't seem to mind shabby clothes, bad food, rubbish cars, endless queues and shortages, and terrible public transport and services, and they have the happy ability to make jokes about the people in power in a way that does not threaten their authority.

And now you are twisting the argument ever further from reality. You have given us disingenuous contortions aimed only at quoting Corbyn out of context, then anonymous, anodyne statements from supposed, but uncredited 'experts', and now you are conflating left wing views with Soviet era communism.

Have you actually anything of substance to add to the debate or do you just intend for every post to mimic that of a Telegraph headline writer?

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