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Reports: Thai-Cambo border check points closed to visa runners with immediate effect

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I am not Thai.

I don't have control of what happens in this country.

I comply with immigration laws, even though they may change suddenly.

When I can't, or won't, or am unable to comply, then I have the option to move on.

"Resistance is futile".

The Borg...

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No more illegal tourists doing back to back border runs.

If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended period you must apply for the correct visa.

What about legal tourists doing border runs. Why should they be punished!

The tourist visa exempt scheme is a valid legal way of entering and staying in Thailand. Offered by Thailand at their choice. It's only abused by the activity by some once in the country, not the granted length of stay. Every visa type is abused by some once in the country so why only pick on visa exemption.


it's just that until now I always wanted to play by the book.

Now I have learned my lesson, I will do like everyone else, pay an agent to get me a visa and criticize everyone on a tourist visa.smile.png

I must be different to everybody else then.

I am 71, retired, and one a year I drive 125 km to Nakhon Sawan and do my own retirement visa extension. No need for an agent to do something that is fairly simple.

I generally start 3 months in advance and contact my pension providers for an update, when they arrive I send them to the UK embassy with the stuff that the embassy requires. When that comes back I collate the whole lot and about 3 weeks before the extension is due I take the whole lot plus me to Immigration at Nakhon Sawan.

The front office staff are all ladies, most speak fair to good English and depending if there are more than 3 people in front of me it is all over painlessly in a about 1 1/2 hours.

I have been doing that for 5 years and prior to that I used to have a marriage visa extension done in Suan Phlu or a visa to visit my Thai family from another country and I have managed to do that for the last 15 to 20 years.


Just one more example of how much Thailand v as lies its visitor industry.

Imagration laws are making foreigners stop investing in Thailand

The laws always change

It makes even visiting Thai l and stressful.

Some how dont see the average visa runner investing anything in Thailand

The laws are not always changing, the enforcement might, but the laws dont

You cant come to Thailand without money so virtually every visitor has money. visa border runners have money and Yes the laws have changed substantially in the past 15 years. No visa was necessary at all 15 years ago you could do as many border runs as you wanted. And many more foreigners lived here permanently and invested freely because they were not afraid of loosing their investment. That is not the same today. And the housing and real estate markets have suffered greatly

No visa nesscessary 15 years ago ? Strange when i arrived 15 years ago to start work i had a non imm B visa

And the laws havent changed substantionally either, they may be enforcing them more, which is what they should have been doing all along


This branch of police. Do not care at all about the visitor industry. I've seen their paws single handedly desimate the economy. The fact that the laws change with the wind. Make foreigners not want to invest in Thailand.

Do you understand the difference between visitors/tourists on visas and foreign investment?

They are totally different.

A tourist is normally in Thailand for a relatively short term holiday and foreign investors are in Thailand for the much longer term.

Tourists spend holiday money and foreign investors bring in large amounts of ..............

I give up on you.


I think the point that is being missed is that the Thai immigration said awhile ago that they were tightening the requirements.

It only makes sense that if you are going to be here for a long time that you get a long time visa.

Too many people abuse the system and teach or have under the table jobs that they can do as long as they can do a border run.

The Thai government is only doing what a lot of other countries either do or are wishing they could do.

What is the number 1 topic in the US right now?

What is everyone talking about in Europe?

Immigration and abuse of it are huge issues.


Thailand just keeps biting itself in the ass. If these visa exempt crossing are legal why stop them? Always blame the foreigner for Thailand problems. If your immigration people weren't so corrupt you wouldn't have the problem you have. Just wait and see tourist numbers will drop and TAT will say that it will not affect tourism. BS

but we still keep coming back. If los were to be efficient like Singapore would you really want that? Thailand would lose its charm(bargirls).


They want revenue borders runners are on a freebie hence they want it stopped.

If they wanted it stopped they would simply cancel the visa exempt scheme that they offer through choice.

If it were about money they could easily start charging everyone entering on visa exemption 2k baht or any other amount they wanted.


By all means allow genuine tourists to make visa runs (one or two) to extend their stays in this beautiful country.

Habitual visa runners are usually not the sort of people that should be allowed to remain here, as they are normally beer swilling procurers of prostitutes, or working illegally.


More chaos and confusion.

Maybe this is the start of the big overhaul of Immigration.

Why don't Immigration ever put out official news or statements?

Thanks Thai Visa, proving to be an invaluable information source again.

Those who do the in/out visa runs could be up sh1t creek because of this.

With or without the paddle.


Questions that may never be answered are :

1. Who made this decision, if reports are accurate ?

2. At what rank / level are they ?

3. Why ? and

4. If this is an arbitrary decision will action be taken against whoever made it ?

Just thinking out loud so no need to watch this space unless we get one of those vague explainations that explain nothing.


Dennis: I have found that when I call someone an "idiot", I am usually describing myself as well.

Dennis: I dont ask what people do with their money, how much they have or any such information. It's none of my business.

Stoker: I try to avoid telling others what they "should" do. I'm not their parent or paying their way in life.

Live and Let Live.

When I am paying someone's way in life, I may have input as to their behaviors.Otherwise, It's up to them.

Wise words :)

@Kitsune, I know you're the one in the invalidity pension, sorry if I misquoted.

@Stoker58, I bet/hope you are filfth poor not long from now. :)


Would be nice of the authorities to let visa runners know before possibly finding themselves in trouble.

What a mess of a country.

Nothing wrong with the country, just get the proper Visa so it can be extended. This is nothing compared to the confusion in Africa.


No more illegal tourists doing back to back border runs.

If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended period you must apply for the correct visa.

From the article:

It is also unclear if only those people staying in Thailand on visa exempt entries are affected or if this also impacts people who have a valid Tourist Visa.

First, I have always thought that it makes it sound somehow illegal to make a 'Visa run' which it of course isn't. There are people who try to obey the law the way they can and that's it. I myself have found it utterly ridiculous that a hosting country likes to bully us in any way they can. Due to my age and not being married per se I can't get any long-term visa so been here on Non-O, tourist visa, educational visa and even WP at some point. I find it a bit too much at times and so we are looking to leave here at some point. This is how I feel about it.

Secondly, it is very counter-productive. The image as welcoming country can be lost at some point and after that tourists and others seek their fun and holidays elsewhere. They should understand that one has to try to make visitors happy every time and every year. Not just say we have this Thai culture and deal with it.

Thirdly, why oh why is it so difficult to apply SAME rules and regulations in every immigration office, consulate, embassy and border checkpoint? Time, money and effort are constantly lost due to their lack of professional conduct. It is so far from the modern ways and methods. It gives anyone staying here a bit longer a very bad taste of everything Thai. I would have invested more and would consider staying if things were different. Just like in my country, do your paperwork, pay your taxes and dues and you can stay. No ridiculous trips to surrounding countries.

Thailand is already struggling with tourism. There might be some new people among those affected that will carry the message to their friends. Thais tend to forget that outside Thailand information and testimonials spread with a speed of the light. But they still like to stuck to their old ways and that will some day come to bite them from the behind.


Thai Immigration, they're clueless. No wonder people are not coming here anymore.

Except for the millions that still come here that is!


If you're over fifty you can get a retirement visa. If you're under fifty you should be at home working, not loitering around in Thailand.

Obviously pi##ed off you are still working or worked too late in life to enjoy your time before getting to 50!

Filthy rich. Haven't done a days work since I was 47.

Ok Filthy ritch, why dont' you open a business in Thailand, employ 4 Thai's and get a one year stay extension every year, in my opinion, better than border runs ( Y / N ? )


Laos nationals have also been told the border is closed for in-out runs unless they have a visa.

Where did you get this information, source please.


If you're over fifty you can get a retirement visa. If you're under fifty you should be at home working, not loitering around in Thailand.

Obviously pi##ed off you are still working or worked too late in life to enjoy your time before getting to 50!
Filthy rich. Haven't done a days work since I was 47.

Ok Filthy ritch, why dont' you open a business in Thailand, employ 4 Thai's and get a one year stay extension every year, in my opinion, better than border runs ( Y / N ? )

No need. I have a retirement visa. Also, my wife runs our businesses in Thailand and she does indeed employ locals.


I just asked the Berliner Bistro who offers Visaruns. The borders would be closed even for proper visas. She told me, it's closed for about 2 weeks. They advise their clients to do the trip by air.

Somehow it's funny. Every time when there is something about visa, visa-runners, visa exempt entries and so on, all the old farts come out from their caves and bubbling some bullshit about; get a proper visa, you are illegal, we don't need you here, below 50 years old you should work in your home country.... <deleted>? We living in the Year 2015. These grumpy guys who worked hard their entire live to retirement in Thailand and now are jealous to younger people who are capable to travel around or just stay on a longer term. Even not the Thai Immigration is that ignorant.

now back to your caves. Old grumpy farts neus.gif


I would think the number of Touriest that do visa runs would be very small to the actual number of tourist that come to Thailand, and the amount of money they spend would minimal to the tourist that don't do visa runs, also the number of people that have a business Thailand and do visa runs would be minuscule, the number of Tourist that would not come to Thailand because of any thing the Thai immigration does would also be minuscule, I came to Thailand for a number of years before I decided to live here and knew nothing of the visas or the Thai immigration, all I knew was I did not need a visa could stay for 30 day then had to leave, I think 99% of tourist would be the same, I also think the number of posters on TV may be many that are affected by immigration rules and laws, but they are really very small in number in real terms , I also think they have very over inflated ideas about their own importance to Thailand and its economy.


I think a lot of people don't understand what the purpose of a visa is. A visa grants you temporary access (upon the final discretion of border control). There are visas for several reasons; tourism, work, retirement, family, etc. a visa is not a means to long term stay. Hence the name NON-immigrant visa. A multi entry visa is for those that intend to make multiple visits over a longer period of time. Visa (multiple or single) and visa exempt are not meant to be used back to back to stay longtime, eg become an immigrant.

The only way to stay long term is to get an extension of stay from an immigration office. This can be for several reasons; tourism, work, marriage, retirement, etc. The requirements to receive the extension are more strict than to get a visa.

Thailand wants people to visit short time, and allows foreigners to stay long term providing they have a good reason and benefit the country.

This was explained to me a few years ago by a consulate in Europe when I applied for a multi entry NON B visa based on working in Thailand, but with very frequent travel for work. For many years they gave me a multiple visa, but can since then only get a single entry visa and should report to immigration for a yearly extension and multiple re entry permit.


Using Tourist visa is as legal as using others visas ! I am waiting your complains once Thailand will suppress without notice the visa you are using legally today...

No more illegal tourists doing back to back border runs.

If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended period you must apply for the correct visa.


Xenophobic paranoia......they only want two week tourists with plenty of money to part with.

They want CHINESE tourists, China just bought them a new railway system.

So this is new China land.

China is not interested by bomb and rape .


Xenophobic paranoia......they only want two week tourists with plenty of money to part with.

They want CHINESE tourists, China just bought them a new railway system.

So this is new China land.

China is not interested by bomb and rape .

China needs new territories.


Sounds to me like a bit of backlash from the Immigration police, deciding that if they can't have things their way, then they will cause maximum aggravation for everybody.

as you can see on the roads daily. Same behavior to do with face and length of........


If if was due to bombing, they would close ALL borders.

A terrorist can easily change his journey to another border.

If I were a terrorist I'd be paying someone to smuggle me through the jungle or mountains. Forget about the borders

what good is that? your then in the next country without a stamp.

better to pay at the border and have a stamp in and than can fly out to somewhere else

More than once i have driven into Cambodian and into Thailand ( accidentally) and out with being stamped, not a big deal

Wait a minute. You are a wanted terrorist but you are going to risk a border crossing in the country you are wanted in, just to get a stamp?

Catch yourself on a bit. You'd be on your way to Phnom Penh to bribe some official there to put the stamps in one of your other passports and perhaps even take another land border crossing into Viet Nam to be on the safe side. These guys obviously didn't do it or are completely stupid


If you're over fifty you can get a retirement visa. If you're under fifty you should be at home working, not loitering around in Thailand.

I am under 50 and unable to work, do you want to kick me out?

No but you are a visitor here like us all. Obtain suitable visa or leave


More chaos and confusion.

Maybe this is the start of the big overhaul of Immigration.

Why don't Immigration ever put out official news or statements?

Thanks Thai Visa, proving to be an invaluable information source again.

Those who do the in/out visa runs could be up sh1t creek because of this.

Many shall suffer because of the misdeeds of a greedy few. Brace yourselves I think there is more in the pipeline. There is much saving of face that must be done here. Its out in the open now for all to see. Some heads will roll in the upcoming charade. An appearance of control must be made.


If you're over fifty you can get a retirement visa. If you're under fifty you should be at home working, not loitering around in Thailand.

I am under 50 and unable to work, do you want to kick me out?

No but you are a visitor here like us all. Obtain suitable visa or leave

Payuth has spoken

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