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Life with an Isaan girl


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Story...got a dog 2 days ago. She's not realy a dog person. I didn't insist....asked her if she was ok with it....10 times to make sure. Told her maybe a week or two settling in with it maybe difficult. She understood she said. We or I had a dog in Australia. Drove 5 hours to pick it up. Back home. Super clean small breed dog. Everything seemed fine. I was delighted. Next day she's in a mood. Dog smell bad make vomit. Sat out the front of the home all day. Complained. As far as I could tell there was no smell. No sht etc. I mopped the back of the home twice. Still no good. I mean maybe she smelt something but this woman is the hypochondriac to end all hypochondriac. What got me most was the fact I don't think I've ever asked her for one thing. I asked her and she cudnt come up with anything. The one time I ask her for something for me she can't even try. I suspect it was jealousy of the dog. (and don't get me started about jealous!). So, that's what triggered this Tiff. I wake up this morning, take a shower and put the dogs in the back of the truck to take back. The messages start. If I take the dog back she'll leave. "I go Surin for try new lady". 100 other crazed messages. After driving an hour I come back thinking she's willing to try with the dog. "Can't live with dog". That is 100% true story. Does anyone want a French bulldog?

Kenny, i take the dog...

Where to pick it up ?

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the age gap is nothing! my issan girl is the product of a thai father 23 years older than her laos mother. we have several friends (thai/thai, thai/laos, thai/farang) where the age difference is similar or bigger. it is irrelevant.

issan girls are known for their giving nature, their thankfulness, their good cooking, their selfless caring. don't listen to the posters who tell you different. you just ended up with a bad one.

hard decision to make but better a scary end than an endless scare.

you will find a better one

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Hint to all men:

Women and men are different genetical.

If a man sleeps with 100 women, there can be 100 offsprings.

If a women sleeps with 100 men, there can be 1 offspring.

This is why all women are genetically programmed to "break down the man". This explains everything strange about women.

The women wants to break down the man so he stays and protect her and the cave. This explains all classic tricks they do: One day "I love ice-cream" another day when you bring home a bucket of ice cream "I hate ice-cream". And they don't understand this. This is genetics. They don't see how they flip flop about the same issue. Mentally breaking down us. "I go. I stay" to kill a mans confidence.

When we understand this genetical programming we can adress it. Either making the women confident that we will stay and
protect the cave and she is the only one that we want to mate with or simply cut and go.

Never be taken hostage in a relationship. Life is to short.

Never accept that women tries to break you down. Always put YOUR own happiness first. Only when a person (or country) is strong, the can help and take care about other. To many men who tries to "do the right thing" and take care of others and putting their own happiness on the back burner.

Good luck to all (and we men will never understand women, since its impossible)

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> Im 52, shes 32.

Bingo. There's your problem right there.

Why you blokes chase birds young enough to be your daughter is beyond me.

My lassie is 21 and I am 50 years and we have a 3 year old boy. Works great and we never fight as she has a great attitude of respect for everyone.

I was married to a Singapore woman for 19 years that was 12 years older then me, I when I decided I want a partner for the rest of my life I found that diamond in Sakon Nakhon in a small village where I have been living for over 4 years now. She was under-aged but I had my own room at the parents home and she slept in the room from her parents.

So far so good.

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I think you have answered your own questions. Miserable and unhappiness are not the best words to extract our of any relationship. I know what its like believe me and it was same 90/10 that is how it is over there. Maybe you have to give it a bit more time to be confident she will take care of you when you get old, perhaps setup some long term "Tests" if you like to assess her real interest in your relationship. Failing that, perhaps find someone closer to your age, big age gaps well do they ever really work out?

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Check out if she has either BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder or Anxiety Disorder or some other of the group of mental disorders.

There is a lot on that on Internet and if you are sure she has one than you can make a balanced decision when you understand why she behaves like she does. BPD is not uncommon in Thailand due to the average family circumstances.

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> Im 52, shes 32.

Bingo. There's your problem right there.

Why you blokes chase birds young enough to be your daughter is beyond me.

My lassie is 21 and I am 50 years and we have a 3 year old boy. Works great and we never fight as she has a great attitude of respect for everyone.

I was married to a Singapore woman for 19 years that was 12 years older then me, I when I decided I want a partner for the rest of my life I found that diamond in Sakon Nakhon in a small village where I have been living for over 4 years now. She was under-aged but I had my own room at the parents home and she slept in the room from her parents.

So far so good.

Sounds a bit creepy to me old mate.

But hey ho good luck.

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Be generous. Give her a thosand baht note and tell her to go shopping using the older of the two bikes. Put the other bike in the back of the pickup and haul ass for parts unknown to her. There are hundreds of young women out that that would be appreciatuve of your help. Find one.

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> Im 52, shes 32.

Bingo. There's your problem right there.

Why you blokes chase birds young enough to be your daughter is beyond me.

My lassie is 21 and I am 50 years and we have a 3 year old boy. Works great and we never fight as she has a great attitude of respect for everyone.

I was married to a Singapore woman for 19 years that was 12 years older then me, I when I decided I want a partner for the rest of my life I found that diamond in Sakon Nakhon in a small village where I have been living for over 4 years now. She was under-aged but I had my own room at the parents home and she slept in the room from her parents.

So far so good.

Wow,,,,,I am not amazed at the age difference in your story, but I am really curious how you can live with her family in their house. I have been to Issan many times, and could not find myself able to stay in any of those living arrangements. Please tell how that is manageable?

And, since she is 21 with a 3 yr old from you already,,,,,,,I guess your rooms were not that far apart!

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OP, hormones and education.... get her on the pil again and start educate her...

Both is not her fault.

+ get her into a part time job where she can adjust herself socially with others...

give both off you sufficient space...

Read the thread.

She's pregnant.

The OP has to man up and sort out their lives.

according this thread, she isn't... only someone else said here she might be...

In case she is.... op, i don't say this to often... run for your life...

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Well that past an hour not listening to my young Issan bride throwing a tantrum and all her toys out of the pram.

Nobody has mentioned these ladyboy pills referred to in original post made me laugh even more. Wonder if OP can invite me round to his place so I can corroborate his story!!! Or as I suspect he is tucked up in his house somewhere else in the world or eating too many magic mushrooms

Edited by Sutty
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There is no denying a "village" Isaan lady is from a totally different socio economic background than a city girl. It cant be denied this doesnt have a huge bearing on their outlook and lifestyle. Like polar opposites. Isaan girl is probably wrong as there a lot of well to do and middle class in the cities of Isaan. No offense meant but there is a huge difference. My girl grew up in a shack with no walls, dirt floor. I know, it's next door....abuse from the time she was 3. And there are some amazing village girls here too. Trustworthy, not obsessed with money, hard working. They're in the minority though

Everyone's Thai wife grew up in a shack with no walls .........

That's why we are stuck with them.

If they had choices, they wouldn't be with us.

Speak for yourself.

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Story...got a dog 2 days ago. She's not realy a dog person. I didn't insist....asked her if she was ok with it....10 times to make sure. Told her maybe a week or two settling in with it maybe difficult. She understood she said. We or I had a dog in Australia. Drove 5 hours to pick it up. Back home. Super clean small breed dog. Everything seemed fine. I was delighted. Next day she's in a mood. Dog smell bad make vomit. Sat out the front of the home all day. Complained. As far as I could tell there was no smell. No sht etc. I mopped the back of the home twice. Still no good. I mean maybe she smelt something but this woman is the hypochondriac to end all hypochondriac. What got me most was the fact I don't think I've ever asked her for one thing. I asked her and she cudnt come up with anything. The one time I ask her for something for me she can't even try. I suspect it was jealousy of the dog. (and don't get me started about jealous!). So, that's what triggered this Tiff. I wake up this morning, take a shower and put the dogs in the back of the truck to take back. The messages start. If I take the dog back she'll leave. "I go Surin for try new lady". 100 other crazed messages. After driving an hour I come back thinking she's willing to try with the dog. "Can't live with dog". That is 100% true story. Does anyone want a French bulldog?

I'll take the dog mate. We'd have to get it home to BKK.

Best you drive down here with the doggy and all of your belongings.

Better girls this way bud.

I'm serious about the Bully also Kenny.

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Thai's are emotionally immature as general rule.

They don't learn conflict resolution as children, everyone avoids conflict.

My wife of 39 years still tries it on occasionally if she can't get her way, even though she wasn't spoilt as a child,it's just an inability to deal with the situation, not knowing what to do.

She reverts to childish tantrums.

I have taught her that there is a line that she cannot cross, and we coexist nicely within that space as long as she behaves.

However, she is honest, industrious, kind, open and well liked and I cannot claim to be perfect either.

I have noticed that there is a type of Thai woman as you describe, many here like that.

They are lazy, that's the way they were brought up, they cannot change, but if that is ok with you then fine.

The childish behaviour is another matter and she has to understand the concept of harmony.

Draw a line that she knows she must not cross and stick to the regime.

best of luck.

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I've dated many Isaan girls where only one has acted like this. I packed my bags before the first month and ran.

Work out what you want out of a girl such as being emotional stable and a giver.

It's best to dump someone then be dumped, it's not as painful.

Couples fight all the time but if you are going to live together, I would suggest finding an emotional strong woman that gives and is submissive and feminine.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

I agree 100% being weak is not the answer. Stand firm.

I was married to a crazy Issan woman before . When she started her tantrums , i left home for 4/5 days at a time.

Then returned home as if i had only been out for a beer.

In the end it went tits up, so maybe my strategy was not the correct.

Never be a doormat to her , plenty of other good Thai ladies around.

I never went back. Now i have 1 of the best Thai ladies in Issan.

that "I don't give a shit look" she gets on her face. The moment I'd step out the door she'd be pleading for me to come back. So why does she start this and take it to the brink everytime? I just don't know but I wish I could make her understand before it's too late. Most people learn from their mistakes and avoid getting into bad situations again. I have constantly been amazed at her inabillity to learn and grow. There is just no reason for it. Generally we have an amazing life. I went in and tried to speak reason with her before. I wudve been better talking to the wall

Ok, I have seen this before. She is just trying to push you til you lose it. I saw it with a mate of mine and his Indo GF, she would bait him til he lost it, then she was happy, he even caught her smirking after she caused an argument

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Jesus mate, get out of that relationship. RUN!!!!! This has nothing to do with age difference or her being Issan. She is a psycho bitch full stop! Psycho bitches aren't unique to Issan, they're everywhere.

I had a lazy psycho gold digging bitch GF from down south for 3 years. I nearly jumped off my balcony over it. I ended up doing the Harold Holt after she demanded 3 million baht dowry. She hassled me for years, still does occasionally. But I left and stuck to my guns. It was hard, but after 2 years of drunken debauchery, I sobered up and by accident meet a wonderful Thai woman.

That is not going to happen to you if you stay in a shitty relationship. There are real Thai princesses out there that are so incredibly beautiful of heart and if you treat them right, they will adore and love you to death. My wife kills me with kindness.

Ps My wife would like your dog!

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I love your story and am amazed how you guys can put up with this bul,,,,,it. There are hundreds probably thousands in this type of relationship, dare I call it that? Anyhow it reinforces my decision to live solo in sin city (Pattaya). My average contact with these prima donnas is around one hour, and in the last 15 minutes I'm looking at my watch. :)

I have the best view in the world, my computer & a large TV, and can walk to 100 bars & restaurants. Here is my webcam link, check it out, http://fivestarvagabond.com/pattaya-webcam/

Good luck with your dilemma & try to remember basically we are living in a nation of 11 year olds. :)

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

I agree 100% being weak is not the answer. Stand firm.

I was married to a crazy Issan woman before . When she started her tantrums , i left home for 4/5 days at a time.

Then returned home as if i had only been out for a beer.

In the end it went tits up, so maybe my strategy was not the correct.

Never be a doormat to her , plenty of other good Thai ladies around.

I never went back. Now i have 1 of the best Thai ladies in Issan.

that "I don't give a shit look" she gets on her face. The moment I'd step out the door she'd be pleading for me to come back. So why does she start this and take it to the brink everytime? I just don't know but I wish I could make her understand before it's too late. Most people learn from their mistakes and avoid getting into bad situations again. I have constantly been amazed at her inabillity to learn and grow. There is just no reason for it. Generally we have an amazing life. I went in and tried to speak reason with her before. I wudve been better talking to the wall
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All of you with continious problems in their relationship with women either can not live without problems or are believers in karma and rebirth to get a second chance or many more for an harmonious relationship.

But listen guys, as long as you can't be absolutely sure to come back as an handsome guy and good karma, my advice, run as fast as you can to enjoy and live in harmony during this life.

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Well Kenny, I am a KENNY also from New Zealand. I have been with my Issan lady 8 yrs coming on 9, married for 7 yrs, I am 73 she is 45 with a body like a young lady, 40kg. She is so considerate if I am not well she gets so worried. Our relationship could not be any better.

You need to do what you feel Kenny. If it keeps on, pack a bag and go off some where for a week, do it when she is out, plan it. She will call you as soon as she realis s you have gone. Do not answere the phone for a couple of days.

And tell her straight that you love her, (that's if you do) but you cannot take her screaming and making your life sad, if she says she will not do it again, tell her she say that before but she lied to you.

Then if you decide to go back tell her straight that this is the last time and you will not come back next time and you do not need this type of life. And also tell her you are not Thai. You got nothing to lose. You just want a partner to be happy with.

Best of luck Kenny

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

I agree 100% being weak is not the answer. Stand firm.

I was married to a crazy Issan woman before . When she started her tantrums , i left home for 4/5 days at a time.

Then returned home as if i had only been out for a beer.

In the end it went tits up, so maybe my strategy was not the correct.

Never be a doormat to her , plenty of other good Thai ladies around.

I never went back. Now i have 1 of the best Thai ladies in Issan.

that "I don't give a shit look" she gets on her face. The moment I'd step out the door she'd be pleading for me to come back. So why does she start this and take it to the brink everytime? I just don't know but I wish I could make her understand before it's too late. Most people learn from their mistakes and avoid getting into bad situations again. I have constantly been amazed at her inabillity to learn and grow. There is just no reason for it. Generally we have an amazing life. I went in and tried to speak reason with her before. I wudve been better talking to the wall

Ok, I have seen this before. She is just trying to push you til you lose it. I saw it with a mate of mine and his Indo GF, she would bait him til he lost it, then she was happy, he even caught her smirking after she caused an argument
that is 100% correct, particularly when she has lost it for no good reason and standing all alone the obvious wrongdoer. It's like she is goading me into making myself as bad as her. I've even thought she was trying to goad me into hitting her...starts pushing, getting physical.
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There's approximately 17 million women from Isaan, I believe. The region accounts for almost half of Thailand's population. No two women from Isaan are the same. These problems are to do with the dynamics of your personal relationship, not because she is from Isaan, and issues that have arisen as a result of her life experiences, no doubt. I'd start to look at her as an individual, rather than an 'Isaan girl' and consider the problems she's faced in her life that may be causing her emotional outbursts. Then look at the way you treat her and think about what she may be feeling and thinking and how this may have built resentment and anger. Perhaps she is depressed; perhaps she has hormonal issues, perhaps she hasn't realised any of her childhood dreams and is feeling disappointed in herself, perhaps she is desperately unhappy but feels stuck and confused, perhaps her family are putting her under intense pressure over issues you aren't aware of.

She's an individual who is on her own life path as well as being in a relationship with you. You have 20 years on her. Perhaps start by finding out what she wants out of life.

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Don't look for someone that needs your help. Look for someone that's going to help you

In some way, shape or form, it's usually only Thai women "needing help" that go with farangs.

I've met guys whose "ideal" Thai GF had debts. Try to guess what kind of (financial) help the girl wanted.

I've met guys whose "perfect" Thai GF was a middle-aged spinster approaching menopause. Try to guess what kind of (emotional) help the girl wanted.

I've met guys whose "different" Thai GF had a biological clock very near its expiry date. Try to guess what kind of (sexual) help the girl wanted.

What a disgraceful answer and attitude. I do know of a few Thai women who are with Farang men because they are fond of them, because they want to be together. It is absolutely awful to think about Thai ladies in this way. I really do hope Fabricus is not together with one...

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