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Life with an Isaan girl


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In your relationship it is she who wears the pants. Here is the problem.

She sought a man more aged who take care, not just financially but for all. You, instead of imposing your will and guide she, you procrastinate endlessly and accept his whims and mood swings.

Yet you're the man, with more culture more strength obviously more experience more wealth. You have to impose friendly your logic without ever raising the voice.

And make she understand that the door stay open, she always will be free to return live in his Isan slums if life with you does not suit.

Then you will have a small chance of picking up the pieces...

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One bloke's saying "you OWN her" and another one's telling the OP to disappear for 5 days like he did . . . right before admitting that it was a moronic strategy because his relationship went belly up as a result

. . . honestly, you just can't make this crap up

Seriously, the ONLY reason for seeking relationship advice from the Thaivisa losers-in-love is so that you know exactly what NOT to do

Anyway, at 52, this OP's still relatively young.

He should be ENJOYING his life; instead he's angst-ridden and being run ragged by a puerile, poorly-educated (and, apparently, pregnant) Isaan bird with zero ambitions beyond her next meal while, elsewhere, asking if Thailand really wants farang retirees?

Are some people are just pre-programmed to screw things up?

Ur comment about my post does Thailand want retirees in what way means I'm an idiot or is relevant to this post? It was meant to be a serious post ie govt policy but was taken as rhetoric. Since you mention it the concensus on that was a definite no. I have to wonder though when driving through Khonkaen, Udon, Surin, Buriram. Those towns are nice now. Is it because of the farang money there? If Thailand wants development, and it does, I'd say they definitely want retirees
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In your relationship it is she who wears the pants. Here is the problem.

She sought a man more aged who take care, not just financially but for all. You, instead of imposing your will and guide she, you procrastinate endlessly and accept his whims and mood swings.

Yet you're the man, with more culture more strength obviously more experience more wealth. You have to impose friendly your logic without ever raising the voice.

And make she understand that the door stay open, she always will be free to return live in his Isan slums if life with you does not suit.

Then you will have a small chance of picking up the pieces...

Logic? That definitely doesn't work. And she never listens anyway only waits for a pause to start her mouth again. This is a special fish. Isaan girls are cunning but not normally too smart and easilly got around by playing their game.
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Don't fret my friend. Many of us have been in this situation. My first issan wife was an uneducated gold digger. But I persevered and found a diamond in the rough. You need to leave and move on, it will get worse, not better. Good luck, be strong.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

Being able to ignore that sort of behaviour at the level you describe is extremely difficult. I had a hiso brat gf long time ago. We'd argue....i would just stop and show her the door, she'd slam it behind her. 30 seconds later knock knock....*why you didn't come after me??!!*.....

I was too nice. It didn't work. She was too much work. I ended up leaving

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One bloke's saying "you OWN her" and another one's telling the OP to disappear for 5 days like he did . . . right before admitting that it was a moronic strategy because his relationship went belly up as a result

. . . honestly, you just can't make this crap up

Seriously, the ONLY reason for seeking relationship advice from the Thaivisa losers-in-love is so that you know exactly what NOT to do

Anyway, at 52, this OP's still relatively young.

He should be ENJOYING his life; instead he's angst-ridden and being run ragged by a puerile, poorly-educated (and, apparently, pregnant) Isaan bird with zero ambitions beyond her next meal while, elsewhere, asking if Thailand really wants farang retirees?

Are some people are just pre-programmed to screw things up?

Ur comment about my post does Thailand want retirees in what way means I'm an idiot or is relevant to this post? ts development, and it does, I'd say they definitely want retirees

It has nothing to do with this thread.

It was just to illustrate how you're stressing out over shit that you don't NEED to be stressing out over.

You can't do shit about immigration rules (you were definitely complaining in that other thread) so why stress about it?

Now you're stressing out over an Isaan woman who, by your own admission, is lazy, childish, jealous and running you ragged when all you have to do is replace her.

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Exactly the same thing happened with mine first time she came to.Australia. last straw she made some fight about nothing... told me she wanted to go back to Thailand. Asked her 5 times If she was sure. Yep..wudnt back down. I explained if I brought her flight forward to today it wud be too late to change again. Yep. I'd had a gut full of it by then, felt I'd done everything I cud and booked the flight. Asked her to pack her stuff quick. Flight leaves 2 hours. She nearly fell over. How cud I? That's how far she pushes things. Off the plane in Thailand she sends me a message....it's all for the best, have a nice life etc. 10 minutes later pleading with me to take her back. It just never stops. Like the mouse that roared

Edited by Kenny202
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Story...got a dog 2 days ago. She's not realy a dog person. I didn't insist....asked her if she was ok with it....10 times to make sure. Told her maybe a week or two settling in with it maybe difficult. She understood she said. We or I had a dog in Australia. Drove 5 hours to pick it up. Back home. Super clean small breed dog. Everything seemed fine. I was delighted. Next day she's in a mood. Dog smell bad make vomit. Sat out the front of the home all day. Complained. As far as I could tell there was no smell. No sht etc. I mopped the back of the home twice. Still no good. I mean maybe she smelt something but this woman is the hypochondriac to end all hypochondriac. What got me most was the fact I don't think I've ever asked her for one thing. I asked her and she cudnt come up with anything. The one time I ask her for something for me she can't even try. I suspect it was jealousy of the dog. (and don't get me started about jealous!). So, that's what triggered this Tiff. I wake up this morning, take a shower and put the dogs in the back of the truck to take back. The messages start. If I take the dog back she'll leave. "I go Surin for try new lady". 100 other crazed messages. After driving an hour I come back thinking she's willing to try with the dog. "Can't live with dog". That is 100% true story. Does anyone want a French bulldog?

You couldn't make it up.cheesy.gif

Haha I let her read the responses. Some home truths. She's after ur ass MaeJoe :-)

Totally has spun her out. She's laying in bed with a migraine

You let her read the responsesfacepalm.gif ....maybe you were made for each other. wub.png

I have only one piece of advice: get a vasectomy ASAP. At your age, it would be a good idea anyway especially since you came to retire, but definately with her being so lazy and crazy. I would strongly advise against you letting her read my post or telling her about any vasectomy plans. Since, you have a minor problem with cause and effect, I will tell you what will happen next: she will stop taking the pill and have a keep-a-kenny baby (if she hasn't done so already...I am actually surprised she hasn't)

Edited by FruitPudding
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15y with Isaan girl, lazy? Yes but not agressive, no shouting, nothing. Of course we fight but this is a 10' thing followed by a few days complete radio silence. I promised myself from the beginning I would not try to change her because my expectations would always be higher compared to what I would get. I agree with many fellow TV comments that your situation is very difficult and stressful. I admire your patience but I also have the feeling this situation will not improve. Good luck.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

The title of your thread is incorrect.

It should read Life with a Girl.

I have lived here full time now for just over 6 years. I am not in to bars or bar girls but took time to learn Thai and dated workaday girls.

The problem is not that your girl is Thai, or from Isaan, it is just that she is <DELETED>

Get rid of her. And find a better partner, which by the way is a snack now that you live full time here in Thailand.

I am a similiar age to you and my previous Thai girl friend was a young (27), smart, pretty and hardworking professional. She had a lot going for her but she could be a <deleted>

I broke up with her to be with my new girl, who by the way is the same age as your girl and from Isaan, and she is a gem. Best thing I ever did.

She wakes up every morning, cleans the house and makes breakfast, and then goes to work. When I cook she works alongside me in the kitchen like a chefs assistant. She washes the dishes and does the laundry.

The sex is truly amazing, in fact if you do a search I created a thread last year called "help I have got a nymphomaniac" or something like that.

And so, to reiterate, the problem is not that she is Thai, it is not that she is from Isaan, the problem is that she is <deleted>

Get rid of her and keep searching. And, with a little luck, and a little patience, you will find joy as I have.

Good luck.

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My experience of Thai women has taught me that on the whole, the women that have emotional or social problems are from dysfunctional families, wherever they're from- , f..up families leads to f...up behaviour.

I have met exceptions, a wild girl from Laksi ,Bangkok, totally out of control but with a loving and concerned mother, but generally I've found that women from caring, extended families naturally radiate the same love and concern for those in their lives, be it husbands, children or parents, they've only known warmth, concern and love,unlike the messed-up who may have well never had a parent or family they could rely on.

The security and warmth of a caring family cannot be overstated ,this is common psychology

imo the op should look for a woman with such a family.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

Kenny 99% of the farangs married to Thai ladies I know say exactly the same things -

  • wife screams and flies off the handle to win an argument
  • minor arguments are turned into shrieking and foot stamping end of the world rants; usually followed by sulks for a few days.
  • wife hates to be challenged on anything, corrected on anything, contradicted on anything. Do that in public and expect an explosion later.
  • Wife cannot be trusted with money. Can't / won't / hates having to explain where it's disappeared to. Definitely can't manage budgets.
  • Wife is 100% focused on what she wants; no thought of what you want or how inconvenient that may be for you; or the consequences for you.
  • Can not rely on your wife - she will change any agreement to suit herself or if she wants to do something and won't even think twice about letting you down.

They have an expectation that they will be treated better by farangs than Thai men, that you'll never speak harshly to them; never argue, always give them their own way; never ask them to do anything, and never ever expect them to put you first.

This is true of all Thai ladies but especially Isaan ones where the emotions seem more exaggerated. They have usually gone from quite poor to relatively wealthy by marrying a farang and expect to treated how they imagine this new social level should be treated - which seems sadly as portrayed in the Thai soaps. This behavior is true of whether they were former sex workers or not. Ones employed in bone fide jobs not connected with the sex trade behave like this just the same as those that were whoring. Education doesn't affect it. I know ladies with Master degrees who behave just the same as farm girls in this respect.

I know several people who married Thai ladies, with 10-15 years age differences and hoping they had a long term partner who would look after them in later life. Once children came along the ladies started the tantrums, became more demanding and less giving or even reasonable. All have ended in divorce. None of these guys were piss heads who went out whoring. They were solid professional family men who wouldn't be treated like some servant by a petulant wife and finally had enough. Not one of their ex's worried about the divorce - just about the money side and making sure they'd provide for the kids.

Thai girlfriends are lovely caring and seem sweet and caring. Once married, and with the kids to hook you in, they change - and rarely for the better.

Sorry if this is negative Kenny but if she's like this after 3 years, then that is how she's always likely to be. Your choice is to accept it and do as some here suggest to try and manage it, or cut your losses and move on. At 52 you've plenty of time.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

Kenny 99% of the farangs married to Thai ladies I know say exactly the same things -

  • wife screams and flies off the handle to win an argument
  • minor arguments are turned into shrieking and foot stamping end of the world rants; usually followed by sulks for a few days.
  • wife hates to be challenged on anything, corrected on anything, contradicted on anything. Do that in public and expect an explosion later.
  • Wife cannot be trusted with money. Can't / won't / hates having to explain where it's disappeared to. Definitely can't manage budgets.
  • Wife is 100% focused on what she wants; no thought of what you want or how inconvenient that may be for you; or the consequences for you.
  • Can not rely on your wife - she will change any agreement to suit herself or if she wants to do something and won't even think twice about letting you down.
They have an expectation that they will be treated better by farangs than Thai men, that you'll never speak harshly to them; never argue, always give them their own way; never ask them to do anything, and never ever expect them to put you first.

This is true of all Thai ladies but especially Isaan ones where the emotions seem more exaggerated. They have usually gone from quite poor to relatively wealthy by marrying a farang and expect to treated how they imagine this new social level should be treated - which seems sadly as portrayed in the Thai soaps. This behavior is true of whether they were former sex workers or not. Ones employed in bone fide jobs not connected with the sex trade behave like this just the same as those that were whoring. Education doesn't affect it. I know ladies with Master degrees who behave just the same as farm girls in this respect.

I know several people who married Thai ladies, with 10-15 years age differences and hoping they had a long term partner who would look after them in later life. Once children came along the ladies started the tantrums, became more demanding and less giving or even reasonable. All have ended in divorce. None of these guys were piss heads who went out whoring. They were solid professional family men who wouldn't be treated like some servant by a petulant wife and finally had enough. Not one of their ex's worried about the divorce - just about the money side and making sure they'd provide for the kids.

Thai girlfriends are lovely caring and seem sweet and caring. Once married, and with the kids to hook you in, they change - and rarely for the better.

Sorry if this is negative Kenny but if she's like this after 3 years, then that is how she's always likely to be. Your choice is to accept it and do as some here suggest to try and manage it, or cut your losses and move on. At 52 you've plenty of time.

Wow ----- Everyone I know must be in your 1%......But 99% of the people I meet/see don't look miserable....Wow

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For the amount of aggro this woman is giving you she better have some crazy skills in bed.

For the amount of aggro this woman is giving you she better have some crazy skills in bed.

u cudnt imagine :-)

^^^ This kind usually does. That's part of the hook. In the West it "might" be found that she has Borderline Personality Disorder. Seriously.

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For the amount of aggro this woman is giving you she better have some crazy skills in bed.

For the amount of aggro this woman is giving you she better have some crazy skills in bed.

u cudnt imagine :-)

^^^ This kind usually does. That's part of the hook. In the West it "might" be found that she has Borderline Personality Disorder. Seriously.

Yeah they are good at labelling people in the west with things like Bipolar and kids having ADHD.

I reckon that's just the easy of way of saying these certain people are a little crazy.

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The problem does not originate from the missus....but from the ones around her, from who she picked up this behaviour....as being the norm.

Better you leave and try to find real happiness.....before she gets pregnant......

From personal experience....its totally not Issaan related.

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You are 52 years old. Life is too short to be with a screwed up partner. Next time you take the trash out just keep going and don't return. It is not the fact that the woman is from Issan (my wife of 22 years is from Issan), it is the fact that she is not a very nice person. My wife and I have fought a handful of times in 22 years and all have been minor.

Start over somewhere else in Thailand far away from her, find someone you like to be around that does not make your life miserable.

I wish you the best of luck.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

Kenny 99% of the farangs married to Thai ladies I know say exactly the same things -

  • wife screams and flies off the handle to win an argument
  • minor arguments are turned into shrieking and foot stamping end of the world rants; usually followed by sulks for a few days.
  • wife hates to be challenged on anything, corrected on anything, contradicted on anything. Do that in public and expect an explosion later.
  • Wife cannot be trusted with money. Can't / won't / hates having to explain where it's disappeared to. Definitely can't manage budgets.
  • Wife is 100% focused on what she wants; no thought of what you want or how inconvenient that may be for you; or the consequences for you.
  • Can not rely on your wife - she will change any agreement to suit herself or if she wants to do something and won't even think twice about letting you down.

They have an expectation that they will be treated better by farangs than Thai men, that you'll never speak harshly to them; never argue, always give them their own way; never ask them to do anything, and never ever expect them to put you first.

This is true of all Thai ladies but especially Isaan ones where the emotions seem more exaggerated. They have usually gone from quite poor to relatively wealthy by marrying a farang and expect to treated how they imagine this new social level should be treated - which seems sadly as portrayed in the Thai soaps. This behavior is true of whether they were former sex workers or not. Ones employed in bone fide jobs not connected with the sex trade behave like this just the same as those that were whoring. Education doesn't affect it. I know ladies with Master degrees who behave just the same as farm girls in this respect.

I know several people who married Thai ladies, with 10-15 years age differences and hoping they had a long term partner who would look after them in later life. Once children came along the ladies started the tantrums, became more demanding and less giving or even reasonable. All have ended in divorce. None of these guys were piss heads who went out whoring. They were solid professional family men who wouldn't be treated like some servant by a petulant wife and finally had enough. Not one of their ex's worried about the divorce - just about the money side and making sure they'd provide for the kids.

Thai girlfriends are lovely caring and seem sweet and caring. Once married, and with the kids to hook you in, they change - and rarely for the better.

Sorry if this is negative Kenny but if she's like this after 3 years, then that is how she's always likely to be. Your choice is to accept it and do as some here suggest to try and manage it, or cut your losses and move on. At 52 you've plenty of time.

Wow,,,,,,,,, I always knew my wife was really special but reading this post just blows me away.....I'm sure there are a few others out there that experience the same reaction

I feel I am a very fortunate man...... long may it continue

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Question for OP, does she buy you anything for your birthday and have a party, cake etc ? Does she give you a kiss in the morning and tell you she loves you. Does she ever leave you any notes with kisses or .... Basically does she truly love you ? That's the first question.

I was with a Thai girl 14 years and for a part of that lived up country. We never really had big fights but we spent very little time together. Her family and friends were her number one concern and I was a bit of an after thought. Towards the end sex was maybe twice a year as I was not interested and she didn't push the issue. During the summer months most farang in area were gone and I found myself alone most of the time or taking trips to Pattaya. After looking into the mirror for a few months in the morning talking to myself and asking why am I here, I left. She was heartbroken but I never felt better. Without going into detail, she held me back for 14 years. The reason I stayed so long was that she loved me but even love is not enough sometimes. She never really contributed to anything, it was her and me not us.

If you are not happy now I can't see it getting any better. I mean can you truly see the path ? If she really loves you I understand you sticking around and trying, as I did same, but even then I think a move or at lease break is needed to regroup. If kids were involved it would be perhaps a little different.

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Thai women need particular handling, weakness is not the way.

52 + 32, so this is a business relationship (same as mine, same age difference)

You own her, you are in control.

Don't show any weakness.

The country is full of women the same age who would like to replace her.

She knows this, but you apparently don't.

How to handle.

Shouting and insanity ....... go out for a few hours, all night if you need, don't answer your phone.

Nagging and demanding ...... sorry I can't understand you (even if you can)

Arguing ...... don't do it, don't explain, don't discuss, don't confront.

giving 90% ..... stop that right now. Whatever she wants, agree to do ....... never get round to actually doing it.

lazy ....... no cure for that and would you want to cure it? .......... if she wasn't lazy, she wouldn't be with you.

Mine was exactly the same (but not Issan), probably her excessive yaba use (10+ years), takes a few years to wear off.

She is much better now so don't lose hope.

problem is if I ignore her or dont play along, just spurs her on to a higher level of insanity. I believe her attempts to win at any cost wud see no limit. She just doesn't behave the way you would expect someone to act in any situation. Well aware I wud only have to walk 100m to find a new lady, and so is she. I treat her with the utmost kindness and consideration. It's never my way or the highway.

Kenny 99% of the farangs married to Thai ladies I know say exactly the same things -

  • wife screams and flies off the handle to win an argument
  • minor arguments are turned into shrieking and foot stamping end of the world rants; usually followed by sulks for a few days.
  • wife hates to be challenged on anything, corrected on anything, contradicted on anything. Do that in public and expect an explosion later.
  • Wife cannot be trusted with money. Can't / won't / hates having to explain where it's disappeared to. Definitely can't manage budgets.
  • Wife is 100% focused on what she wants; no thought of what you want or how inconvenient that may be for you; or the consequences for you.
  • Can not rely on your wife - she will change any agreement to suit herself or if she wants to do something and won't even think twice about letting you down.
They have an expectation that they will be treated better by farangs than Thai men, that you'll never speak harshly to them; never argue, always give them their own way; never ask them to do anything, and never ever expect them to put you first.

This is true of all Thai ladies but especially Isaan ones where the emotions seem more exaggerated. They have usually gone from quite poor to relatively wealthy by marrying a farang and expect to treated how they imagine this new social level should be treated - which seems sadly as portrayed in the Thai soaps. This behavior is true of whether they were former sex workers or not. Ones employed in bone fide jobs not connected with the sex trade behave like this just the same as those that were whoring. Education doesn't affect it. I know ladies with Master degrees who behave just the same as farm girls in this respect.

I know several people who married Thai ladies, with 10-15 years age differences and hoping they had a long term partner who would look after them in later life. Once children came along the ladies started the tantrums, became more demanding and less giving or even reasonable. All have ended in divorce. None of these guys were piss heads who went out whoring. They were solid professional family men who wouldn't be treated like some servant by a petulant wife and finally had enough. Not one of their ex's worried about the divorce - just about the money side and making sure they'd provide for the kids.

Thai girlfriends are lovely caring and seem sweet and caring. Once married, and with the kids to hook you in, they change - and rarely for the better.

Sorry if this is negative Kenny but if she's like this after 3 years, then that is how she's always likely to be. Your choice is to accept it and do as some here suggest to try and manage it, or cut your losses and move on. At 52 you've plenty of time.

Wow,,,,,,,,, I always knew my wife was really special but reading this post just blows me away.....I'm sure there are a few others out there that experience the same reaction

I feel I am a very fortunate man...... long may it continue


Yeah....this sums up BB's logic within 1 percentile.....Luckily the rest of us don't have to live with his perceptions as it's definitly a perception problem over a "woman" problem reality.....Maybe his wife has given him one to many punches/conks to the head.....Even with the OP's dilemma nobodys piling on saying same same at a 99% rate.....Just the opposite....

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