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Life with an Isaan girl


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Does she have a ''princess'' complex, nothing is good

enough for her? I've seen this situation where a guy

starts a new relationship and starts treating the lady

like yesum mam, i do everything for you, not, our

culture, their culture not same same. Leave.

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What a glutton for punishment !! Give here the 3 Clause test. 1. At the first instance of irrational behaviour ...... Get out and don,t come back ! 2. At the first sign of dishonesty ...... Ditto ! and 3. At the first sign of her talking to you with a complete lack of respect ...... Ditto ! It amazes me how otherwise normally intelligent farangs come over her, shack up with the bottom of the barrel in a 3rd world country, and then proceed to put up with behaviour that they would not even consider taking back in their own country :( Do yourself a favour and get out, because, from everything you say, it is obvious that she does not give a toss about you :(

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These kind of posts are completely beyond me... There are millions of them (like this one) out there, waiting:


Why ask others "What shall I do?" when you know the answer deep inside already? Why is everyone trying to find reasons for not breaking up with a partner that just causes them emotional and/or physical and/or financial harm????

Edited by Shermanator
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Absolutely, positively, without a doubt leave as fast as you possibly can. There are a lot of good women here, that will inspire you on a daily basis. Your relationship sounds like a battle. She sounds unbalanced and immature for her age. Does she make you a better version of yourself? Does not sound like it. Let her visit her folks, and move out late at night. Change your number. Leave her a note. But do not leave a trace. Do it ASAP. Life is a wasting. Find a relationship that is inspiring, not tolerable. You can have that in your home country. Why settle for that here?

Edited by spidermike007
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Sometimes living with a Thai lady is like living with a teenager. Think back to when you were a teenager. You were selfish, didn't think about other people and were concerned about you own comfort.

Think back to when you were a parent and had teenagers. You learned to ignore the small things, but to draw the line on the big ticket issues. Sometimes their selfishness would drive you to distraction, but you still loved them. You tried to keep the lines of communication open, but there were many things you could not share or talk about.

I guess I am saying that a lot of your wife's behaviour is typical, but she sounds borderline pyschotic. This means she is immature and cannot cope emotionally. This can be treated with the right medication, but it is hit and miss. I doubt you would find a suitable doctor or she would stick to the medication.

You're getting on in years and just want to enjoy life with someone you love and respect, and who respects and loves you. I don't think this is going to happen with your current lady. I think you need to start thinking about how to exit the situation and move on. It's going to be hard because, in her way, she loves you. But you're going to have to harden your heart.

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> Im 52, shes 32.

Bingo. There's your problem right there.

Why you blokes chase birds young enough to be your daughter is beyond me.

Ok you tell me you think that is the problem well you are so wrong ok you have no idea if you think like that Thais don't care about age not like in the west so you go get a life and help the man out on not with such a stupid comment.

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Look op it is very hard here when it comes to having a thai lady like you have I have been through something like you and I have walk away it is very hard to walk but I have and I am very sad I did it but my old thai would not change and it is how it is .

I have a new lady and she is very good one I know now how good it can be to get a good one , this new one has shown me not all Thai lady's are the same she a lot younger then me but I not care about it and she dose not care as well .

But I am very smart now then I was year ago with the last one and I not let my gard down now like I did and it has made me feel a lot better with my new thai lady .

I can't tell you what to do but you will work it out one day but if I were you I would stop putting more money in to her and don't put up with shit any more .

Just try and tell her what you feel and ask her to change and if dose not change you will have to make up your mind what to do and I know you will make the right one cheers all the best .

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You need to be honest with yourself, look into your heart and find out what's really true for you.

Imagine she is terrible at sex and ask yourself if she's the woman of your dreams, someone you can rely on, someone who cares and shows it.

If you don't know how to control her, discipline her, calm her, rationalize with her by now, you likely never will.

I don't hear any laughter coming from this relationship, any special moments, any long periods of peace except when you mentioned hormone medication.

Be honest, take sex out of the equation and what do you have. You have a guy tip toeing and being at the receiving end of a barrage of deranged screams and escalated nonsense. She's lazy, rank, uninterested, disrespectful, unreliable, inconsistent, unreasonable, and has you by the balls. Why would you settle for this when there are tens of thousands of appreciative respectful prospects who are at least considerate, participatory, engaged, and functioning. Yours sounds somewhat like a explosive lit fuse that lights up the sack and burns down the house.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

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She may be "bi-polar" and can not help herself...lived with a woman just like that...

If you still love her...go with her to a "qualified" therapist to seek help...

If not and you want to get out...either leave while she is gone to visit relatives...or get someone to be there to help you remove your things while she pitches a fit and screams about the bodily harm she is going to do to you and herself...(hide the knives before you make your move)

It is a tough call...been there and done that...it may be necessary for you to move on for "your" sanity if she will not agree to being helped...

Good luck mate!

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"...She tells me normally a husband and wife don't always sit down and eat together for eg. But eat when they feel like it..."

My wife always gets upset with me if I have already eaten, because she does not like to sit down and eat alone. What your wife said couldn't be further from the truth. Most thais look forward to eating together. It's the best part of the day for many of them. I seriously doubt a husband would be left out unless he wanted to (like me). You know Thais are always and I mean always asking each other if they have eaten, "gin kao, ru young?".

Really, if it were me, I'd demand she get back on that pill that turned her into an angel and if not then leave as fast as you can because your life will be hell.

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So…Kenny, I believe I've got first dibs on the Bully mate.

Get rid of the girl and I'll pay you for the dog.

Sorry guys. I won that battle and the dogs are staying now. I told her that's why I flicked my last wife haha

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