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Hello everyone,

I don't know how long ago this has been going on. When I lived back in Europe I never had any issues with allergies or sore throat, I would get ill maybe 1-2 times a year. Last 2-3 years things are just very annoying. I often get sore throat, it always starts off with itchy throat and phlegm and then slowly progresses to a proper sore throat with fever. I would be put on antibiotics (countless times, some of which like amoxi, doesnt even work for me anymore), after it gets better 1-2 weeks later it goes back to same cycle.

Sometimes I notice I start having phlegm in my throat which Im not sure if it is cause by eating or drinking something, I still cant figure out what exactly. Cold drink can provoke sore throat also I have noticed that and try to stay away from it.

I often end up with stuffy nose specially at night and will feel all the crap going down my throat. A lot of doctors don't want to do any kind of investigations or try to force me to remove my tonsils. A few mentioned allergies but I can't seems to pin point what exactly is it. Dust? I don't have any other symptoms like watery or itchy eyes or sneezing.

A few years ago I did skin allergy test and mold and dust mites were the only 2 reactive. At first I blamed air-conditioning, then I would start using fan, which seems to make it even worse. Some docs blamed it on gerd, but I dont really think that is the cause.

I often take Cetrizerine but it doesn't do much for me. Some advised more exercise, loads of vitamin C (1,500 mg daily). Not sure.

Any advise would be welcomed.

Thank you.


I used to have gastric reflux every night and often had a sore throat in the morning due to the stomach acid burning my oesophagus right up to my tonsils.

I like sleeping on my stomach rather than on my back.

I had a supply of antacid tablets (Gaviscon) which helped a bit to relieve the symptoms if I took them a few times during the night.

Then I did a lot of exercise over a period of months and went on a fat-free diet. This reduced my pot stomach.

Now I sleep better and have no further need for antacid tablets. I no longer get a sore throat.

GORD over a long period can lead to cancer of the throat, so to be sure you could get a specialist to do some tests and possible .

See: http://www.cancervic.org.au/about-cancer/cancer_types/stomach_and_oesophageal_cancer

I would also get the air conditioner checked to make sure it's not harboring dust and bacteria.

I have spent several holidays with severe sinusitis developing soon after arriving at the same accommodation.

I'm sure it was the dirty air conditioner air that was re-infecting my sinuses each time.

I find a fan blowing on me all night will dry out my eyes and nose so I feel dehydrated and have itchy eyes in the morning.


sounds like you've totally zapped your immune system, with all the drugs, possibly if you could find real probiotics in thailand, or yogurt with active cultures, might be a start.

otherwise, you may need someone to carefully work through, the most likely etiologys ........ ; just find a competent allergists and don't be your own doctor, or TV advice


I think my stomach and or immune system got screwed up with antibiotics. I got probiotics and oregano oil now to see if it will help.

I clean my air con every couple of months and filters every 2 weeks.

About GERD I start to believe in a non-traditional treatment of lack of acid causing reflux. After taking apple cider vinegar everyday I feel much better than when I was on antacid pills.


You want to start thinking allergy.....rhinitis.....possible, often hits people from late 40's plenty of nose allergy going around.

I have rhinitis had it for about 6 years and getting steadily worse until I finally worked it out....sore throats all the time, stale air and vapours from paint, floor polish, dust, pollution, pollen you name it, 4 years on I manage it now.

Start gargling with a mouth wash deep into you throat when this starts, mucus build up in your nose gets infected and drops into your throat, get diagnosed I had a history going to my GP he never picked up on it, I had to ask to see a sinus specialist and from there to an allegorist who diagnosed me.

You may need a nasal spray with back up of those eucalyptus sticks you can buy from any chemist/drug store, I could tell you a lot but best you start getting the doctors to take notice of your predicament.

Allergy tests don't take into consideration of your nose, start with getting your sinus exrayed mine came up with clogged mucus...I'd had a blocked nose for years and didn't realise it.


I suggest a thorough evaluation by a good ENT as the first step. You may have chronic sinusitis. Prof. Songklot at St. Louis is very good if you are in bangkok.

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