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Bomber blame game sees Thailand immigration abruptly change visa rules


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" the affected Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar border crossing received the instructions by telephone late Friday afternoon."

"and all are said to be affected, with local variations as to who can enter and who can not."

Ever heard of email? It makes for clear and explicit instructions.

Do you think they want a hard copy?

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The casino area near aranyaprathet is also known as "No Man's Land because you are neither officially in Thailand nor Cambodia. You never encounter the police in this area. Many fugitives stay this area. Can you get into Cambodia from the casino area illegally? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

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This is a reaction by the Immigration Department being called out by the outgoing police chief and members of the military. Since it was done publicly and the head of immigration publicly named- a huge loss of face. If you understand the Thai word Kaeng pronounced- gang with a soft a)- you will understand what is going on.

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What upsets me is that the Thai current government are making the country look farcical. They are implementing knee jerk reactions without thinking things through. The ill thought move will only have a negative impact on the country when right now it needs a massive boost. I do wonder if they will ever learn.

You're right but every past government has been just as bad.

People love Thailand, warts and all, and I doubt this latest episode will make a jot of difference to tourism or anything else. They will come!

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things are getting quite ludicrous now, the powers that be must get their act together and stop this petty squabbling the world is looking at Thailand and I don't think they like what they see asinine acts like this do not go down very well with the community at large pull yourselves together and stop acting like children .

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Nice work. Shutting the barn door after the horse has already bolted again, I wonder what TV series immigration can watch to help them do a better job......... I'm guessing Faulty towers is how they originally studied for the job.

Fairly silly statement. This will have zero affect on someone who wants to plan a bomb attack in the future.

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Time and again some Nabob comes up with an idea and emerges from his daily ablutions with a smile on his face and a new dictum....no consultation, no research and no-one to tell him that the idea won't work.

yet again a person probably unqualified to do the job has made one great big stinking mess that will further damage the reputation of Thailand in the eyes of the world....

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I still have a hard time feeling sorry for all these poor unfortunate people that did not bother to get a REAL visa when they came here.

I think that many people that are b!tching and crying here are the ones that have issues more than a visa.

Let's face it there are not that many countries that will let you land at the airport and then go into the country.

Try going to Canada, US or most of the socalled western countries without a visa.

This was and is a present for people that want to come here for a couple of weeks and enjoy a nice holiday.


It is like any other privilege if it is abused then it will be cancelled or controlled.

Not unlike ED visas.

If you like it and want to stay then get a real visa and stay.

Quit crying.

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Nice work. Shutting the barn door after the horse has already bolted again, I wonder what TV series immigration can watch to help them do a better job......... I'm guessing Faulty towers is how they originally studied for the job.

Basil was far more organized, calm and considered than anyone in the Police, Military, Government or Immigration.

Hi know nothing! Hi from Barcelona Thailand........blink.png

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I still have a hard time feeling sorry for all these poor unfortunate people that did not bother to get a REAL visa when they came here.

I think that many people that are b!tching and crying here are the ones that have issues more than a visa.

Let's face it there are not that many countries that will let you land at the airport and then go into the country.

Try going to Canada, US or most of the socalled western countries without a visa.

This was and is a present for people that want to come here for a couple of weeks and enjoy a nice holiday.


It is like any other privilege if it is abused then it will be cancelled or controlled.

Not unlike ED visas.

If you like it and want to stay then get a real visa and stay.

Quit crying.

Even worse is someone crying and bitching about people having an issue with the silly crackdown.

The point is that this is nonsense. The hardening of land borders against longstayers doesn't keep (or reduce) bombers from laying bombs.

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This was and is a present for people that want to come here for a couple of weeks and enjoy a nice holiday.

Nonsense, 30 day waivers are granted because there is something in it for the Thai authorities. Present my backside.

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So until this blows over take an airplane instead of a van for a visa run. It is simply the cost of living in Thailand. No amount of whining either from old long time residents or digital nomads will be effective against Thai logic. This to will pass. Predicting the demise of the Thai tourism industry for the millionth time over this is ludicrous.

Yes agreed, can do Singapore with 3-4 hours between flights for 3,200 Baht, 700 more than a bus run and takes no longer to complete. Pain in the arse but if that's what it takes until the situation has been resolved and you want to stay here legally there is no other option.

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Hail Yes! We can change the Visa Rules on a daily basis...and to add to the confusion...we let immigration officials interpret these rules as they see fit...we love foreigners and want to give them every opportunity to contribute to the Thai economy and immigration officials retirement fund...wai2.gif

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is it also not possible with a non-Immigrant O or B visa to do the 90 -day border run ?

If you have a Non B, you only have to report every 90 days if you are still in the country (U don't have to do border runs with a Non B).

If you are out on business / leisure before 90 days occurs, you will never have to report at all.

Not sure on the O visa though.

Edited by Chalard
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is it also not possible with a non-Immigrant O or B visa to do the 90 -day border run ?

If you have a Non B, you only have to report every 90 days if you are still in the country. If you are out before 90 days occurs, you will never have to report at all.

Not sure on the O visa though.

Yes you can exit the country every 90 days instead of doing a 90 day report.

If you entered with an 'O' or 'B' and have an extension of stay you would need a re-entry permit every time you exit/enter.

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Update: This article was updated at 11.25 am on Sept 14, 2015: Thailand Immigration Bureau advises that visa exempt entry into Thailand has recommenced at all previously affected border crossings. People from eligible countries will be provided with 15- or 30-day visa exempt entries (depending on eligibility) enabling a maximum stay of no more than 90-days in one calendar year. Any time spent in Thailand on a tourist visa will not count towards the 90-day limit.

People with multiple entry visas can also once again exit and reenter (out-in/ exit-entrance) Thailand to activate the second or subsequent allowable entries. No explanation was provided for the disruption over the weekend.

Read more: Bomber Blame Game Sees Thailand Immigration Abruptly Change Visa Rules http://aecnewstoday.com/2015/bomber-blame-game-sees-thailand-immigration-abruptly-change-visa-rules/#ixzz3lidlhDcQ
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So <deleted>!

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This was and is a present for people that want to come here for a couple of weeks and enjoy a nice holiday.

Nonsense, 30 day waivers are granted because there is something in it for the Thai authorities. Present my backside.

Such as ? They are issued free, if immigration wanted to screw people financially as everyone seems fixated on calling scam etc, they would do away with visa waiver and make everyone buy a visa ;)

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is it also not possible with a non-Immigrant O or B visa to do the 90 -day border run ?

If you have a Non B, you only have to report every 90 days if you are still in the country. If you are out on business / leisure before 90 days occurs, you will never have to report at all.

Not sure on the O visa though.

No if your on an extension of stay you report every 90 days which is not a B visa someone with only a B visa will be required to visa run every 90 days

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No need to fret folks........Sis months max and it will be back to the same old same, same as before .....because..........are you ready for this????because ..... there is just too much money involved for boarder immigration officials to ignore the Human Cash Flow.

Who would of thought money had any thing to do with the sworn duties of Thailand's immigration police......lol


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